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1. There is complete lack/absence of trust between| complete mistrust/ distrust between my two brothers.
2. By a stoke of fortune, I found a jon in London.
By a stroke of fortune: by chance.
3. It should be borne in my mind (the fact) that customer is always right.
Bear in mind: ghi nhớ.
4. There is no telling how much time it will take to do this.
5. When I make my complaint, I hope you will back me up.
Back sb up: ủng hộ, hỗ trợ
6. What_____________________________________________
What Miss Hayes is doing is acquainting herself with the day-to-day running of the office to her.
Câu này chúng ta sẽ sử dụng cleft sentence dạng: Wh-clause + a from of “be” + emphasized words or phrase:
thì động từ trong Wh-clause đang ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn “is doing” nên động từ “acquaint” phải chuyển
thành” acquainting”. Ngoài ra thì: acquaint sb/ yourself with sth = be familiar with: quen với việc gì….
7. Little did I know how to make amends to you for spoiling your plans.
Câu này ta dùng đảo ngữ với “Little” loại đảo ngữ mang” restrictive/ negative meaning”: mang ý phủ định…
từ key: make amends to sb for doing sth = to make up for sb
8. What he told me whetted my appetite to hear the rest of the story.
Ở đây ta lại gặp “Wh-clause” nhưng câu này thuộc loại noun clause: mệnh đề danh ngữ thì trong câu “ What
he told me”( noun phrase): đóng vai trò là Subject, còn “Whetted” là động từ còn”appetite to…..”: object đủ
cấu trúc: S V O. Từ key: whet my appetite: khao khát, thèm muốn.
9. Should I have good company, I wouldn’t be averse to stay/staying in on a Saturday.
Câu này chúng ta dùng loại câu điều kiện đi với “Should” và đảo “Should” ra trước câu. Về key: averse: mang
nghĩa không thích, chống lại, vậy mình dùng “not averse” mang nghĩa ý ngược lại. “Not averse to do sth/ to
doing sth”
10. You are working against the clock, so don’t waste time/ so don’t let time go down drain.
11. She had no cause to ask for a higher salary
12. It is open to doubt whether Jones will get the job
13. Under the circumstances, we won't press charges
14. Their problems are of their own making
16. You will not be held in esteem by your colleagues unless you become more co-operative
17. My cousin's unexpedted visit provides me with the perfect excuse for not doing my homework
18. His arrogance gets up my nose
19. Having fallen into a state of disrepair, this property is in need of renovation
20. It's not a pleasant feeling to discover you've been taken for a ride by someone you trust
21. I have high hopes of my son being a hugely successful businessman
22. There is no saying what the real consequences of global warming will be
23. I bought it on a whim and now I really regret it
24. I left my last job because i didn't really see eye to eye with my manager
25. Further information can be obtained by sending ....
26. No reply from the secretary was sent to me for ten days
27. Students are under no obligation to attend the lecture
28. It has been brought to my attention that you have been late for work everyday
29. There was a lack of clarity in what the lecture said at times
30. The care which was taken in the preparatuon for the event ensured it was a memorable day for everyone
31. Behind his fake arrogance lay a hidden insecurity
32. We don't hold out much hope for the missing climbers
33. Pauline hasn't been let in on the secret
34. You must take his inexperience into account
35. There was no way of getting back home because of snow
36. Some people are mystified by alternative medicine
37. Your only chance of success depends on your working hard
38. Whatever Jean does is all right with Peter
39. he dismissed the whole ideas as being ridiculous
40. what you didn’t phone me to say you'd be late made me annoyed

41.I tried to have a word with Jack about the problem but he was too busy
42. I have searched high and low for my purse
43. The prisoner seemed to show no remorse about the suffering he had caused
44. He gave me his assurance that he would look into my case
45. But for his command of local dialect, we would have been kept in prison
46. Don't put words into my mouth. I never...
47. The sheer expense of the idea was what put me off it
48. It is just the matter of waiting long enough to get what we want
49. Everything was planned with the utmost case by the organizer
50. As a young musician, Tim modelled himself on one of his heroes

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