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1. Which of the following statements about CRM reports is true?

A) Reports can only be generated for historical data.

B) Reports can be customized to show real-time data.

C) Reports are limited to textual data only.

D) Reports cannot be exported to other formats.

Answer: B) Reports can be customized to show real-time data.

2. Which of the following is a common feature of CRM dashboards?

A) Ability to schedule automated reports.

B) Real-time data synchronization with external databases.

C) Customizable layout and design options.

D) Integration with social media platforms.

Answer: C) Customizable layout and design options.

3. How can dashboards in CRM help in improving sales performance?

A) By providing real-time visibility into sales pipeline and forecasts.

B) By automating lead generation processes.

C) By offering discounts and promotions to customers.

D) By tracking customer satisfaction scores.

Answer: A) By providing real-time visibility into sales pipeline and forecasts.

4. Which CRM module focuses on managing customer interactions and improving customer

A) Sales

B) Marketing

C) Customer Service
D) Integration

Answer: C) Customer Service

5. Which CRM module involves identifying, attracting, and retaining customers through various
campaigns and strategies?

A) Sales

B) Marketing

C) Customer Service

D) Customer 360 View

Answer: B) Marketing

6. Which CRM module provides a complete view of customer interactions, history, preferences, and

A) Sales

B) Marketing

C) Customer Service

D) Customer 360 View

Answer: D) Customer 360 View

7. Which CRM module focuses on managing customer inquiries, complaints, and support requests?

A) Sales

B) Marketing

C) Customer Service

D) Customer 360 View

Answer: C) Customer Service

8. What distinguishes a dynamic marketing list from a static marketing list in CRM?

A) Dynamic lists can only include contacts, while static lists can include contacts, leads, and accounts.

B) Dynamic lists are manually updated, while static lists are automatically updated based on
predefined criteria.

C) Dynamic lists are based on specific criteria that automatically include or exclude members, while
static lists are manually curated.
D) Dynamic lists can be shared with other users, while static lists are private to the creator.

Answer: C) Dynamic lists are based on specific criteria that automatically include or exclude
members, while static lists are manually curated.

9. Which statement best describes the process of creating a static marketing list?

A) Static lists are automatically generated based on predefined criteria.

B) Static lists are manually curated by adding individual contacts or accounts.

C) Static lists are dynamic, and change based on real-time data.

D) Static lists can only be created by CRM administrators.

Answer: B) Static lists are manually curated by adding individual contacts or accounts.

10. In what scenario would a static marketing list be more suitable than a dynamic list?

A) When the list needs to be regularly updated with new contacts.

B) When the list needs to include contacts based on specific, predefined criteria.

C) When the list needs to be automatically generated based on changing conditions.

D) When the list needs to be shared with other users for collaboration.

Answer: B) When the list needs to include contacts based on specific, predefined criteria

11. How does CRM use campaign management to improve lead generation and conversion?

A) By automatically assigning leads to campaigns based on predefined criteria.

B) By tracking the effectiveness of different campaigns in generating leads and converting them into

C) By limiting the number of campaigns to focus on quality leads.

D) By automating the entire lead generation process, eliminating the need for campaigns.

Answer: B) By tracking the effectiveness of different campaigns in generating leads and converting
them into customers.

12. Which statement best describes the relationship between campaigns and leads in CRM?
A) Campaigns are created after leads are generated to nurture them through the sales funnel.

B) Campaigns are used to generate leads, which are then managed and nurtured through the CRM

C) Leads are generated independently of campaigns and are added to campaigns later.

D) Leads are automatically converted into campaigns based on predefined criteria.

Answer: B) Campaigns are used to generate leads, which are then managed and nurtured through
the CRM system.

13. Leads can be manually added to CRM campaigns.

Ans True

14. CRM campaigns are limited to email marketing and cannot include other channels such as social
media or online advertising.

Ans- False

15. CRM campaigns are only effective for acquiring new leads and do not play a role in customer


16. What is the primary purpose of capturing leads in a CRM system?

A) To track customer interactions after a sale is made.

B) To identify potential customers and track their interactions.

C) To manage customer service requests and complaints.

D) To analyse competitor strategies and market trends.

Answer: B) To identify potential customers and track their interactions.

17. What is the difference between a lead and an opportunity in CRM?

A) A lead is a potential customer who has shown interest, while an opportunity is a qualified lead
with a higher chance of conversion.

B) A lead is a confirmed customer, while an opportunity is a potential customer.

C) A lead is managed by marketing, while an opportunity is managed by sales.

D) A lead is a one-time interaction, while an opportunity is a long-term relationship.

Answer: A) A lead is a potential customer who has shown interest, while an opportunity is a qualified
lead with a higher chance of conversion.

18. Leads and opportunities in CRM are always managed separately, with no overlap between the
two stages.


19. Leads and opportunities can both be assigned a monetary value based on the potential revenue
they represent.


20. Alert functionality is available for customer and CRM user only.

Ans- True

21. Which of the following statements about SLA is true?

A) SLA is a legally binding contract between a service provider and a customer.

B) SLA specifies the penalties that the service provider must pay if they fail to meet the agreed-upon
service levels.

C) SLA is a one-size-fits-all agreement that applies the same standards to all customers.

D) SLA is not necessary for service providers who consistently meet customer expectations.

Ans-A) SLA is a legally binding contract between a service provider and a customer.

22. How can TAT management and SLA help in improving customer satisfaction?

A) By increasing the cost-of-service delivery to meet SLA requirements.

B) By ensuring that service requests are completed in a timely manner as per customer expectations.

C) By reducing the number of service requests processed per day.

D) By prioritizing service requests based on the service provider's convenience.

Ans- B) By ensuring that service requests are completed in a timely manner as per customer
23. How does policy integration benefit CRM systems?

A) By increasing manual data entry for policy data.

B) By reducing the risk of errors in policy data.

C) By eliminating the need for CRM systems.

D) By slowing down the synchronization process.

Ans- B) By reducing the risk of errors in policy data.

24. What is the primary purpose of synchronizing data with a CRM system through integration?

A) To increase manual data entry.

B) To reduce the risk of errors.

C) To eliminate the need for a CRM system.

D) To slow down the synchronization process.

Ans- B) To reduce the risk of errors.

25. What does CRM stand for?

a) Customer Review Management

b) Customer Relationship Management

c) Customer Retention Management

d) Customer Response Management

Ans- b) Customer Relationship Management

26. Which of the following is not a key component of customer service in CRM?

a) Managing customer inquiries and complaints

b) Building customer loyalty and satisfaction

c) Facilitating service requests and tracking their status

d) Increasing sales and profits

Ans- d) Increasing sales and profits.

27. What is a service request in CRM?

a) A formal complaint made by a customer

b) A request for a product refund

c) A request for technical support or assistance

d) A request to cancel a subscription or membership

Ans- c) A request for technical support or assistance

28. How can a CRM system help in managing service requests?

a) By automatically generating responses to customer inquiries

b) By providing real-time visibility into the status of service requests

c) By automatically resolving customer complaints

d) By offering discounts and promotions to dissatisfied customers

Ans- d) By offering discounts and promotions to dissatisfied customers

29. True or False: Customer service in CRM is only applicable to businesses in the retail industry.

a) True

b) False

Ans- False

30.What is auto endorsement in CRM?

A. The process of manually updating customer information.

B. Automatically updating customer records based on predefined rules.

C. Deleting customer records from the CRM system.

D. None of the above

Ans- B. Automatically updating customer records based on predefined rules.

31.Manual endorsement in CRM involves:

A. Automatically updating customer records.

B. Updating customer records manually without predefined rules.

C. Deleting customer records without authorization.

D. None of the above

Ans-B. Updating customer records manually without predefined rules.

32.What does Auto endorsement flow in CRM primarily refer to?

A. Manual updates to customer records

b Automatic updates to customer records

C. Enhancement of CRM user interface

D. Customer relationship management analysis

Answer: C. Enhancement of CRM user interface

33.In CRM, what happens after the endorsement process updates customer records?

A. Data is deleted.

B. Data is ignored.

C. Data is updated automatically.

D. Data requires manual approval.

Answer: C. Data is updated automatically

34.True False

In CRM, if the endorsement process updates the date of birth in the motor policy, System will
proceed with the case.


35.True False

In CRM, if the endorsement process updates the date of birth in the health policy, System will
proceed with the case.

Ans- False

36.What is the primary purpose of deduplication functionality in CRM systems?

A. To create duplicate records for backup purposes.

B. To merge duplicate records into a single, accurate record.

C. To increase the number of duplicate records.

D. To delete all records from the CRM system.

Answer: B. To merge duplicate records into a single, accurate record

37.Which stakeholders benefit from the effective use of deduplication functionality in CRM?

A. Only system administrators

B. Only marketing teams

C. All users and departments that interact with CRM data.

D. None of the above

Answer: C. All users and departments that interact with CRM data.

38.What does the Round Robin manner in CRM primarily refer to?

A. A method for randomly assigning tasks to users.

B. A systematic approach for prioritizing customer inquiries

C. A sequential distribution of leads or tasks among team members

D. An automated process for deleting outdated records.

Answer: C. A sequential distribution of leads or tasks among team members

39. Which CRM module involves managing and tracking sales performance and targets?

A) Sales

B) Marketing List

C) Campaign

D) Integration

Ans-A) Sales

40. Case Creation Through Bulk Upload in CRM is a feature that allows for the creation of multiple
cases at once by manually entering data into the CRM system.

Descriptive Questions
1. What are different sources of case creation? Describe in detail the different source of Case
2. Difference between the TAT management and the SLA.
3. What is round robin functionality and dedupe with Example?
4. Difference between lead and opportunities with Example
5. What are activities and timeline?
6. Explain Reports and Dashboard
7. What are the Main modules in CRM? Explain in detail.
8. Write your overall understanding about CRM.
9. What are type of case explain with example?

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