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Women's Social Practices in Rural

Economic Development
(Studies in the District Melirang village
Emha BUMDesa Bungah Gresik)
Ahmad Sirojuddin, S.Sos
Student Master On Departement Of Sosiology
Faculty of Social Science and Political Science Airlangga University
Surabaya, Indonesia

This article would like to explore thoroughly about the struggle of women in developing the economy of Village
Melirang, and want to change the existing patriarchal system in the Village Melirang which has been running for
decades with the theory of social practice pierre Bourdieu. This study uses descriptive qualitative research method,
where data collection using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis is done
by data reduction, data presentation and verification. And done triangulation technique data used during validation.
In addition to the analysis of women's participation in rural development with the theory of pierre Bourdieu social
practice, through Habitus, capital and the realm of social practices in Bourdieu's view. The results in this article
indicate that the habitus, sphere and capital that generate female social practices in the implementation of eMHa
(2015-2018), Village Own Revenue significantly increases and economic problems are resolved with successful
completion of non-performing loans reaching 85 percent until this year . Women mobilizing BUMDesa who have
strong capital and habitus in the realm of social struggle within the village of Melirang to change male domination in
development in Melirang Village proved successful, which with participation of woman in BUMDesa eMHa bring
BUMDesa Desa Melirang become the best at level District and Province in 2016-2017 in terms of management and
development of capital and benefits for rural communities. besides one of the pioneers of the establishment of eMHa
BUMDesa Eka Wahyunidatul H became the best district level as a pioneer youth in the socio-economic field in 2018.

Keywords: Patriarchy, Social Practice, BUMDesa

I. INTRODUCTION women, who managed to change the economy of Melirang

The fundamental problems that are still experienced by Village by identifying the problems and establishing the
women all over the world, especially in Indonesia, in terms BUMDesa, as a solution for the existing economy.
of social and economic development are the low Based on this it can be said that if women are given
participation of women in development, in addition to the opportunity in public shutter, then woman can give positive
existence of various forms of discrimination against women, contribution in all area of development. The role of women
and the strong patriarchal system that causes low women in development is the rights and obligations undertaken by
participation in development in all areas. In this article the women in certain social status in development, be it
social practices of women in development in Melirang economic development, politics, social as well as in family
Village, can be seen from the struggle of women in and society.This article will discuss about women's social
developing the village economy that had collapsed, and the practices in economic development in rural studies on
struggle in changing the structure for decades in the field of BUMDesa eMHa, so that it can make a significant change in
development in the Melirang Village dominated by men. the development of Melirang Village's economy.
The condition of Melirang Village's economic downturn
can be seen from the inactivity of the Financial Management II. LITERATUR REVIEW
Unit or UPKU which left the legacy of non-performing A. previous research
loans of approximately 85 million in the period 2011-2015. Talking about women's social practices in rural
In addition, the struggle of women in development in economic development is closely related to women's
Melirang Village is also in the background because of participation in all aspects of development and public
dissatisfaction over the patriarchal system which is still shuttering. Where in essence women and men have the same
strong in Melirang Village. This is what makes the women status in a society, which distinguishes the functions and
furious in the Melirang Village, so they make a roles that are carried out to overcome various problems of
breakthrough that is by establishing BUMDesa human life [1].The reality that exists in society is still many
eMHa.Basically the economic problems in Melirang forms of injustice and inequality between men and women,
Village, since 2015 began to be resolved little by little and which is a lowering of the status of women, the inability of
this happened thanks to the role and participation of some the role of women in the public sphere, the biases of men
and so on. Wherever women are given the opportunity to participation is very important in this case but their
play a role in the public, for example in village institutions. participation not as subject but as an object
it will lead to policies that care about the fulfillment of Where, if associated with the perspective of Pierre
women's needs [2]. Bourdieu, then basically if women want to change the
B. Pierre Bourdieu's Social Practices structure and culture of patriarchy, especially in the Village
Practical theory is a theory developed by Bourdieu government Melirang that until now there has been no
pierre, in which Bourdieu himself was a french sociologist participation and the role of women, then in need of women
born in the Atlantic Denguin Pyrenia on August 1, 1930 and to escape from male domination both in the economic,
died of lung cancer on January 23, 2002 in Paris [3]. social, political and health and cultural fields will be
Bourdieu basically wanted understand the changes and determined by the existing habitus within the woman and
development of social structures that exist in social life, the capital owned by the woman, as Bourdieu says are
which according to Bourdieu social analysis always aims to economic, social, cultural and symbolic capital. Then the
explore the structures that have dominance (economic and woman will have a force that will fight in the social sphere
symbolic) that exist in society. Bourdieu also explains that and each domain demands the woman to have special
essentially the theory of social practice is derived from a capital in order to achieve the emancipation of women and
mixture of Habitus multiplied by Capital plus the Rana it no more oppression of women as the ideals of women
will become a Practice [4]. The success of women in activists.
development and escape from male dominance in the
B. Women's Social Practices in BUMDes
economic, social, political, and health and cultural fields
Changes that occur in the existing economic institutions
will be determined by the existing habitus within women
in the Village Melirang, can not be separated by the role and
and the capital owned by the woman, as Bourdieu says that
participation of women through social practices it
capital economic, social, cultural and symbolic capital. Then
BUMDesa Where the success of women in the realm of
the woman will have a force that will fight in the social
BUMDesa that can solve the problems of the village
sphere and each domain demands the woman to have special
economy such as not having Rural Original Income, the
capital in order to achieve the emancipation of women and
inadequacy of the Village Management and Finance Unit of
no more oppression of women as the ideals of women
Melirang Village where there are unresolved issues from
2011 to 2015 ie bad debts of approximately 85 million and
uncontrolled village assets such as shop houses , village
land and guano fertilizer.
A. Women's Practice in Rural Development The above problems can not be separated from the
The reality, when talking about women's practices in habitus and capital of women's participation in BUMDesa
rural development, where the majority of rural development eMHa by 60 percent. Where habitus is a historical product
does not involve women in it. The reality is that women are of an internalization of the social world structure [5].
basically not represented proportionally, in which many Habitus is a historical product that is formed when humans
development projects are intended for women, but in fact, have interacted with society in a certain space and time,
this makes women more marginalized. Things like this can where the habitus at a certain time has been created
happen, because most of the development projects in throughout the course of social life of the community.
Indonesia only make women as objects, not as agents of Habitus is not innate or natural but is a learning in their
development. social life. Where the learning process of the formation of
Whereas women's participation in development can only the habitus is very subtle and will not be realized by
be realized if women are positioned as the perpetrator or humans. Meanwhile, in the process of interaction with the
subject in development.This kind of thing happens in environment, form a domain, which is a network of
various government structures and systems in Indonesia. relationships objective positions, where between the habitus
Where the existing development system in Indonesia places and the shutter are closely related to each other [6].
more women on objects in development, not least in the Where the success of the women in changing the
scope of the countryside. Where the position of women is structure and economy of Melirang Village, so that now
marginalized in rural development, this is because there is there is initially congestion funds in the community and
still a patriarchal culture in the community. As still collected 9.5 million beginning 2016 which is used for
prevalent in some institutions in Melirang village the initial capital BUMDesa eMHa, so that the asset
position and role of women in rural areas is still minimal, in development reaches 100 million by the end of 2016 and to
which the capacity of women in development should be date reaches approximately 800 million, as well as the
placed as a participant of development rather than as an increase in PAD (Rural Original Income) and the inclusion
object as it has been so far. This reality shows that women's of village assets which initially fall apart, this success can
position is still the object of development, for example in not be separated from the factors that exist in the women
human resource development program in Melirang village who move the BUMDesa eMHa.
such as giving assistance and business training to society, If attributed in Bourdieu's thoughts these factors are the
and giving of PFK program of Jalin Matra which is women habitus possessed by eka, titin, iim and beautiful which is
the driving force of BUMDesa and employees of accumulated with economic and symbolic capital. Where
BUMDesa. where the habitus is a product of history that is now with the running BUMDesa eMHa that has almost 2
formed when humans have interacted with society in space years of social capital and cultural capital had been
and time and also includes the knowledge and accumulated with economic and symbolic capital in the
understanding of a person about the world, which provides social sphere.
its own benefits to the reality of that world. Where the So this is the key to success of women in Desa Melirang
habitus that existed in the agent of the BUMDesa can be who are fighting for their rights in public space that leads to
seen from the background of the family and the background the role and participation of women and policies that take
or experience of the agent in their social realm and this is sides for women and break the domination of men in
very influential in the success of BUMDesa today. development in Melirang Village. Habitus, the four capital
The success of BUMDesa eMHa today is not only controlled by the women's agents in eMHa BUMDesa make
determined by the habitus owned by agents but also them win the battle in the social realm in Melirang Village
determined by the capital owned by the agents. Where, if in fighting women's rights in direct role in the public sphere
linked in Bourdieu thought capital and habitus are closely in building the assets of the Village which slumped to
related, this is because some of the habitus acts as a become the current already hundreds of millions.
symbolic addition to symbolic capital. Capital in Bourdieu's Where this is in accordance with what is said by
view is vast, in that there are essentially various types of Bourdieu which if an agent managed to control four large
capital, namely economic capital, social capital, cultural capital will gain great power as well. Thus, capital must
capital and symbolic capital. exist in a realm (arena) in order that the realm has a power
Capital is seen by Bourdieu as the basis of dominance that gives meaning. The characteristics of capital are linked
and legitimacy, in which capital is exchangable and carries a to the habitus scheme as a guide for action and classification
position that can bring power, namely the power to and the domain as the place of capital operation. Bourdieu
represent the legitimate social world or power [7]. Where also believes that power is not simple, and systemic or not a
the agents who participate and contribute to the success of personal matter [8].
BUMDDES in the social realm (Melirang Village) basically
already have the habitus of a good background. Coupled REFERENCES
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