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‫فعل القول‬ ‫الرابط‬

said that
told + ‫مفعول‬ that – to – not to
asked (+(‫مفعول‬ ‫ — كلمة استفهام‬if – to – not to
advised+ ‫مفعول‬ to – not to
..‫ يأتي بعدهما المصدر‬to /not to
.‫كلمة االستفهام يأتي بعدهم جملة من فاعل وفعل‬/ that / if

‫جدول التحويالت‬
"‫" مباشر‬ ‫غير مباشر‬ ‫!ماذ نختار ؟‬
‫المضارع البسيط‬ ‫الماضي البسيط‬
‫الماضي البسيط‬ ‫التام‬/‫الماضي البسيط‬
now then = at that time ‫الماضي المستمر‬
tomorrow the following day = the next day would + v1/ ‫الماضي المستمر‬
next week the following week would + v1/ ‫الماضي المستمر‬
yesterday the day before = the previous day had + PP
last week the week before had + PP
ago before = earlier had + PP
today that day ‫الماضي البسيط‬
tonight that night ‫الماضي البسيط‬
this that
these those
here there
must had to
mustn't wasn't to / weren't to
must be must have been
can't be can't have been
needn't didn't have to
can could
will would
shall should
may might
am was
is was
are were/was
was was / had been
were were / had been
has had
have had
"......... Don't" not to
don't didn't
doesn't didn't
didn't+ ‫مصدر‬ didn't+ ‫ مصدر‬hadn't + PP /

Choose :
1-Dr Amr told Talal that he ……………. care of the children the following week.
(will take – would take – had taken – takes)
2-He said that he ……………to Cairo the following day.
(will travel – had travelled – was travelling - travelled)
3-Maher said that he …….. his uncle the day before.
(would visit – had visited – was visiting – has visited)
4-Karima ……………….me that she was ill.
(asked – told – said - advised)
5-The doctor told me …………………the medicine.
(to take – took – taking – taken)
6-Ali asked her where ……..
(had she gone – she had gone – will she go – she would go)
7-"I can't finish this homework now." ……………………Heba.
(asked – told – said - advised)
8-Dalia said that ……………could swim.
(herself – her – she - hers)

:‫يمكن أن يبدأ السؤال غير المباشر بأحد التعبيرات اآلتية‬

I wonder – I don’t know – I’d like to know – Could you tell me
He wanted to know – I have no idea

‫هل هناك حاالت النغير فيها األزمنة؟‬

:‫ال يتحول زمن الفعل فى الجملة الغير مباشرة االستفهامية والخبرية فى الحاالت اآلتية‬
says :‫ إذا كان فعل القول مضارعًا بسيطًا‬-1
has said : ‫ إذا كان فعل القول مضارعًا تامًا‬-2
.‫ إذا كانت الجملة حقيقة ثابتة‬-3
)He said just now( .‫ إذا كان الكالم قيل من فترة وجيزة‬-4
1-The teacher said the earth ….. round. (was – is – had been – will be)

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