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pledge, and mortgage. (it can stand on ● Interest i.

Valide, rescissible,
Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business its own) ● Penalty voidable, enforceable, or
Transcribed by: Kaye Cuenca ● Time of place of payment void.
LAW ON SALES ● PURPOSE: of the delivery is to transfer 1. PREPARATION. When negotiation is on CONTRACTS
Nature and Form of the Contract ownership progress SALE CONTRACT TO
● PERFECTION: as a rule, is by mere 2. PERFECTION. Meeting of minds, birth SELL
ARTICLE 1458. By the contract of sale, one of consent; of a contract
the contracting parties obligates himself to Transfer Title passes to the Where it is
● SUBJECT MATTER: is determinate 3. PERFORMANCE. When the object is of title buyer upon stipulated that
transfer the ownership of and to deliver a thing; delivered. delivery of the ownership in the
determinate thing, and the other to pay ● CAUSE: is onerous, since the cause or
thing sold thing shall not pass
to the purchaser
therefore a price certain in money or its consideration of the parties is the KINDS OF CONTRACT OF SALE until he has fully
equivalent. prestation or promise of the other. 1. As to presence of absence of paid the price,
ownership is
conditions - a sale may be either: reserved in the
The contract of sale is an agreement whereby SALE (COC) sale is not subject to any pass until the full
one of the parties (the seller or vendor) payment of the
● CONSENT or meeting of the minds - condition whatsoever and where purchase price.
obligates himself to deliver something to the the consent on the part of the seller to title passes to the buyer upon
other (the buyer or purchaser or vendee) who, Risk of The risk of loss or The risk is borne
transfer and deliver and on the part of delivery of the thing sold. loss damage to the by the seller based
on his part, binds himself to pay therefore a the buyer to pay. The parties must have b. CONDITIONAL SALE - where good upon on the same
sum of money or its equivalent (the price). legal capacity to give consent and to the sale contemplates a delivery is on principle that the
thebuyer (res perit thing perishes with
obligate themselves. contingency. domino, the thing the owner
CHARACTERISTICS OF A CONTRACT OF ● OBJECT or subject matter - the GENERAL: where the contract is perishes with the
SALE (CBOCNP cebu-cnp) determinate thing which is the object of subject to certain conditions,
● CONSENSUAL. Because it is perfected the contract The thing must be usually, in the case of the vendee, Payment Non-payment of Full payment is a
by mere consent without any further act; determinate or at least capable of being the full payment of the agreed of price the price is a positive suspensive
● BILATERAL. Because both the negative condition
made determinate. purchase price, and in the case of resolutory
contracting parties are bound to fulfill ● CAUSE or consideration - the “price the vendor, the fulfillment of condition
correlative obligations towards each certain is money or its equivalent” certain warranties.
2. Other kinds SELL
● ONEROUS. Because the thing sold is NATURAL ELEMENTS OF A CONTRACT OF a. As to the nature of the subject
conveyed in consideration of the price Ownerhs Passes to the Retained by the
SALE matter ip buyer principal
and vice versa; Those which are deemed to exist in certain i. Real (immovable) or
● COMMUTATIVE. Because the thing sold contracts, in the absence of any contrary personal (movable) Payment The buyer pays The buyer pays the
is considered the equivalent of the price the seller agent and the latter
stipulations: ii. Tangible (corporeal) or transmits the
paid and vice versa. However, the ● Warranty against eviction intangible money to the
contract may be aleatory as in the case ● Warranty against hidden defects iii. Licit (lawful) or illicit
of the sale of hope, (sweepstakes ticket) b. As to manner of payment of the Delivery The goods are The agent delivers
● NOMINATE. Because it is given a ACCIDENTAL ELEMENTS OF A CONTRACT price of goods delivered by the the goods to the
special name of designation in the Civil seller to the buyer buyer
OF SALE i. Cash or installment or
Code, namely, “Sale” Those which may be present or absent straight term
● PRINCIPAL. Because it does not depending on the stipulations of the parties ii. Wholesale or retail SALE BARTER
depend for its existence and validity like: c. As to its validity or defect Consider Money Another thing
upon another contract, unlike guaranty, ● Conditions ation
If the monetary If the value of the good customs, public order, or contract by reason of the contract is the hope itself.
consideration is thing given as part public policy: and should SALE OF THINGS HAVING POTENTIAL absence of an essential
more than or of the c. Not be impossible. The thing EXISTENCE element
equal to the value consideration
of the thing given exceeds the must be within the commerce of Object with potential existence are objects of
as part of the monetary men sale, which though not yet actually in existence, SALE OF AN UNDIVIDED SHARE OF A
consideration consideration
2. All rights which are not intransmissible or are reasonably certain to come into existence SPECIFIC MASS
personal may also be the object of sale. as the natural increment or usual incident of
something in existence already belongs to the FUNGIBLE GOODS. It means goods of which
THINGS REQUISITES OF THE OBJECT IN A seller shall pass title to the buyer the moment any unit is, from its nature or by mercantile
CONTRACT OF SALE the thing comes into existence. usage, treated as the equivalent of any other
The seller One of the parties unit, such as grain, oil, wine, gasoline, etc.
transfers binds himself to
1. The thing must be licit and the vendor
ownership of the give to another the must have a right to transfer the Examples:
thing sold enjoyment or use ownership thereof at the time it is ● Goodwill of trade or business Effect of sale. The owner of a mass of goods
of a thing for a
price certain and delivered. (Art. 1459) ● Sale of wine that a vineyard is expected may sell only an undivided share thereof,
for a period which to produce provided the mass is specific or capable of
may be definite or Nemo dat quod non habet ● Milk the cow may yield during the being made determinate.
coming year
SALE DACION EN 2. The object must be determinate. A thing ● Next catch of a fisherman’s net. a. By such sale, the buyer becomes a
PAGO (dation in
is determinate of at the time the contract co-owner with the seller of the whole
is entered into, the thing is capable of SALE OF THING EXPECTED vs SALE OF mass in the proportion in which the
There is no There is being made determinate or ascertained HOPE ITSELF definite share bought bears to the mass.
pre-existing credit pre-existing credit
without the necessity of a new or further b. Rules when quantity sold is different
Obligation is Obligation is agreement between the parties. (Art. EMPTIO REI SPERATAE (sale of thin from the quantity of the mass:
created extinguished ● If the mass of fungible goods
1460) expected) - is the sale of thing not yet in
The cause or The cause is the existence subject to the condition that the thing contains less than what was sold,
consideration is extinguishment of RULES AS TO SUBJECT MATTER will exist and on failure of the condition, the the buyer becomes the owner of
the price the debtor’s
obligation 3. Goods may be existing or future goods. contract becomes ineffective and hence, the the whole mass and the seller
buyer has no obligation to pay the price. shall supply whatever is lacking
SALE CONTRACT FOR from goods of the same kinds and
Future goods are those still to be
WORK ● Manufactured or printed EMPTIO SPEI is the sale of the hope or quality
● Raised, or future agricultural expectancy that the thing will come into ● If the quantity of the mass is more
A contract for the The goods are to
delivery at a be manufactured products existence, where it is agreed that the buyer will than the quantity sold, the parties
certain price of an specially for the ● Acquired by the seller after pay the price even if the thing does not shall become co-owners of the
article which the customer and upon perfection of contract, or eventually exists. A sale of a “hopeless case” mass.
vendor in the his special order
ordinary course of after-acquired property
business ● Things whose acquisition ERS ES
manufactures or It must be certain or capable of being
procured for the
depends upon a contingency that
may or may not happen (Art. Sale of future thing Sale of a present thing ascertained in money or its equivalent; and
general market
1462) The future thing is certain It is not certain that the money is to be understood as currency, and its
OBJECT IN A CONTRACT OF SALE 4. An undivided interest in a thing may be as to itself but uncertain thing itself will exist equivalent means promissory notes, checks
as to its quantity and
1. The thing, aside from being sold by the sole owner which results in a quality
and other mercantile instruments generally
a. Determinate, the law requires co-ownership. (Art.1463) accepted as representing money.
5. Things subject to a resolutory condition The sale is subject to the Produces effect even
that the subject matter must be condition that the thing though the thing does not
b. Elicit or lawful, that is, it should may be the object of the contract of sale. should exist, so that if it come into existence The price is certain when:
not be contrary to law, morals, (Art.1465) does not, there will be no because the object of the 1. It is stipulated
2. It is with reference to another thing delivered to and appropriated by the a. Sale of real property or of any 2. When sale by auction is perfected -
which is certain buyer he must pay a reasonable price interest therein (regardless of the when the auctioneer announces its
3. It is fixed by a third person thereof. price); perfection
4. It is fixed by the court or b. Sale of goods, chattels or things a. By the fall of the hammer or
5. It can be determined on a definite day or WHEN A CONTRACT OF SALE IS in action the price of which is b. In any other manner.
in a particular exchange or market. PERFECTED Php500 or more. (Art.1403)
Sale if perfected at the moment there is a Things in action include credit, TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF THE THING
RULES ON PRICE meeting of minds coupons the thing which is shares of stock and other SOLD
1. Generally, price must not be inferior to the object of the contract and upon the price. incorporeal properties. Ownership of the thing sold is transferred (not
the value of the thing. From that moment, the parties may reciprocally by perfection of the contract but) by the delivery
If the consideration of the contract demand performance subject to the law 3. Sale of a piece of land through an agent of the thing sold.
consists partly in money, and partly in governing the form of contracts. The authority of the agent to sell a piece
another thing, the transaction shall be of land must be in writing; otherwise, the Payment of the purchase price is not essential
characterized by the manifest intention REQUIREMENTS FOR PERFECTION sale is void. (Art. 1874) to the transfer of ownership unless otherwise
of the parties. 1. When the parties are face to face, the a. If the authority of the agent to sell stipulated.
offer must be accepted without a piece of land is not in writing -
If such intention does not clearly appear, qualification the sale is void whatever may DELIVERY OF THE THING SOLD
it shall be considered a barter if the have been the form it was entered The thing is considered to be delivered when it
value of the thing exceeds the amount of 2. When the contract is through into, i.e oral, private instrument or is placed in the hands and possession of the
the money or its equivalent; otherwise, it correspondence, there is perfection public instrument. vendee.
is a sale. (Art. 1468) when the offeror receives the
acceptance or has knowledge of the b. If the authority of the agent is in a KINDS OF DELIVERY
2. Adequacy of price is not necessary for acceptance of the offeree. private instrument and the sale 1. Actual or real delivery
the validity for the contract of sale. Gross was: 2. Constructive delivery
inadequacy of price does not affect a 3. When a sale is subject to a suspensive i. Entered into orally - the 3. In any other manner as stipulated
contract of sale, except as it may condition, the perfection is from the sale is enforceable. (Art.
indicate a defect in the consent, or that moment the condition is fulfilled. 1403) EARNEST MONEY (Art. 1482)
the parties really intended a donation or ii. In a private instrument - Earnest Money given by the buyer shall be
some other act or contract. (Art. 1470) FORMS OF A CONTRACT OF SALE valid considered as part of the price and as proof of
1. Subject to the provisions of of the iii. In a public instrument - the perfection of the contract. It constitutes as
3. If the price is simulated, the sale is void, Statute of Frauds and of any other valid. advance payment to be deducted from the total
but the act may be shown to have been applicable statue, a contract of sale may price. Also known as “arras” or something of
in reality a donation, or some other act be in any of the following forms: SALE BY AUCTION value to show that the buyer was really in
or contract. (Art. 1471) a. In writing or Owner’s terms and conditions for the sale of earnest and given to the seller to bind the
b. By word of mouth, or property under auction are binding on all bargain.
4. The fixing of the price can never be left c. Partly in writing and partly by bidders, whether or not they knew of them.
to the discretion of one of the contracting word of mouth, or OPTION MONEY. Is the consideration paid for
parties. However, if the price fixed by d. May be inferred from the conduct An auction sale is perfected by the fall of the the purpose of holding one to his promise to
one of the parties is accepted by the of the parties (Art. 1483) hammer or in other customary manner and it buy or sell a determinate thing for a certain
other, the sale is perfected. (Art. 1473) does not matter that another was allowed to period of time, which consideration is separate
2. Under the statute of frauds, the sale match the bid of the highest bidder. and distinct from the purchase price.
5. The price must be real, not fictitious. involving the following must be in writing
Where the price cannot be determined, to be enforceable: RULES IN CASE OF SALE BY AUCTION EM OP
the contract is inefficacious. However, if 1. Sale by auction in lots - each lot is the
the thing or any part thereof has been subject of a separate contract of sale. Part of the purchase price Separate and distinct
from the purchase price 1. When a separation of property was
agreed upon in the marriage settlement; 4) The prohibition with respect to public officials There being no contract, there is no
paid upon the perfection Paid for a sale that is yet or and employees refers only to properties: necessity to bring an action for
of a contract of sale to be perfected.
2. When there has been a judicial a. Belonging to the State, or of any annulment.
separation of property. subdivision thereof, or of any GOCC or
Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business institution 2. Thing only partially lost - if the subject
Transcribed by: Kaye Cuenca
Spouses are also prohibited from making b. The administration of which has been matter is only partially lost, the vendee
donations to each other during the marriage entrusted to the public officials or may elect between withdrawing from the

LAW ON SALES employees. contract (rescission) and demanding the

Chapter 2: Capacity to Buy or Sell except for moderate gifts on the occasion of remaining part, paying its proportionate
any family rejoicing. 5) The prohibition with respect to judges, and price (specific performance)
Who may enter into a contract of sale? lawyers etc., applies only to the sale or
GENERAL RULE: All persons, whether Under Art. 124 of family code, sale by husband assignment of property which is the subject of LOSS AFTER PERFECTION BUT BEFORE
natural or juridical, who can bin themselves of a conjugal property without the wife’s litigation to the persons disqualified therein. For DELIVERY
have also the legal capacity to buy and sell. consent is void, not merely voidable, since the the prohibition to operate, the sale or Loss after perfection but before delivery - seller
resulting contract lacks one of the essential assignment must take place during the bears the risk of loss (Art. 1504) i.e., the buyer
KINDS OF INCAPACITY elements of “full consent” pendency of the litigation involving the property. is not obligated to pay the price.
● Absolute Inpacaity. In the case of
persons who cannot bind themselves INCAPACITY BY REASON OF RELATION TO 6) Other persons especially disqualified: After perfection, the goods remain at the
● Relative Incapacity. Where it exists PROPERTY a. Aliens who are disqualified to purchase seller’s risk until the ownership of the goods is
only with reference to certain persons or Person who, by reason of the relation of trust private agricultural lands transferred to the buyer by actual or
a certain class of property. with the persons under their charge or their b. An unpaid seller having a right of lien or constructive delivery. However, notwithstanding
peculiar control over the property, are having stopped the goods in transit that the ownership is not transferred to the
SALE BY MINORS prohibited from acquiring said property either c. The officer conducting the execution buyer, the goods are at the buyer’s risk:
General Rule: The contract entered into by a directly or indirectly and whether in private or sale or his deputies at an execution sale. a. If there is an agreement to that effect;
minor is voidable. (Art. 1327) public sale: Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business b. If the ownership of the goods is retained
a. Guardians Transcribed by: Kaye Cuenca by the seller merely to secure the
However, where necessaries are sold and b. Agents DFSDFSFS performance by the buyer of his
delivered to him (without the intervention of the c. Executors and administrators obligation under the contract;
d. Public officers and employees LAW ON SALES c. When actual delivery has been delayed
parent or guardian), he must pay a reasonable Chapter 3: Effects of the contract when the
price therefore. (Art. 1489, par. 2.) The contract e. Judicial officers, employees and lawyers; through the fault of the buyer.
and thing sold has been lost
is, therefore, valid but the minor has the right to
recover any excess above a reasonable value f. Others especially disqualified by law LOSS OF SPECIFIC GOODS (Art. 1494)
WHEN CAN A THING CONSIDERED LOST? When parties purport a sale of specific goods,
paid by him. The thing is lost when it perishes or goes out
1) The incapacity of the guardian is only and the goods without the knowledge of the
against buying the property he is required to of commerce or disappears in such a way seller have perished in part or have wholly or in
SALES BY AND BETWEEN SPOUSES that its existence is unknown or it cannot be
General Rule: The husband and the wife are sell during the existence of the relationship. a material part so deteriorated in quality as to
recovered. be substantially changed in character, the
prohibited by Art. 1490 from selling property to
each other. A sale between husband and wife 2) The agent’s incapacity to buy his principal’s buyer may at his option treat the sale:
property rests on the fact that the agent and the EFFECTS OF LOSS OF THING AT THE TIME 1. As avoided; or
in violation of this provision is inexistent and OF SALE (ART. 1493)
void from the beginning because such contract principal form one juridical person. 2. As valid in all the existing goods or in so
3) The prohibition with respect to executors and 1. Thing entirely lost - where the thing is much thereof as have not deteriorated,
is expressly prohibited by law. entirely lost at the time of perfection, the
administrators refers only to properties under and as binding the buyer to pay the
the administration of the executor or contract is inexistent and void because agreed price for the goods in which the
Exception: there is no object.
administrator at the time of the acquisition.
ownership will pass if the sale was the part of the vendor, and the assumption of e. Traditio constitutum possessorium - There is a sale by sample
divisible. the same by the vendee. possession as owner changed to 1. When a small quantity is exhibited by the
possession as a lessee, for example seller as a fair specimen of the bulk;
LOSS OF SPECIFIC GOODS Tradition is a derivative mode of acquiring f. Quasi-tradition - delivery of rights, 2. Which is not present and there is no
a. Sale divisible - the second option is ownership by virtue of which one who has the credits, or incorporeal property, made opportunity to inspect or examine the
available only if the sale is divisible. (Art. right and intention to alienate a corporeal thing, by: same; and
1494, par. 2.) a contract is divisible when transmits it by virtue of a just title to one who ● The execution of a public 3. The parties treated the samples as the
its consideration is made up of several accepts the same. instrument standard of quality and;
parts. ● Placing of the titles of ownership 4. That they contracted with references to
b. Sale indivisible - the buyer should be MODE OF DELIVERY in the repossession of the vendee the sample
made to pay only the proportionate price 1. By actual or real delivery (Art. 1497) or 5. With the understanding that that the
of the remaining goods as provided for in 2. By constructive or legal delivery (Art. ● The use by the vendee of his product to be delivered would
par.2 of Art. 1493 1498-1501); or rights, with the vendor’s consent. correspond with the sample.
3. By delivery in any other manner
Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business signifying an agreement that the SPECIAL RULE ON COMPLETENESS OF 2. Transfer of ownership where goods sold
Transcribed by: Kaye Cuenca possession is transferred to the vendee. DELIVERY delivered to carrier
DFSDFSFS (Art. 1496-1499) 1. In case of movables (Art. 1522 and Delivery to the carrier is deemed to be a
1537, 1480) delivery to the buyer.
Chapter 4: Obligations of the Vendor DELIVERY Satisfaction (Art. 1502) SECTION 3 - CONDITIONS AND
a. By the execution of a public instrument WARRANTIES
SECTION 1 - GENERAL PROVISION b. By symbolical tradition or traditio SALE OR RETURN. Goods are delivered to CONDITION. Means an uncertain event or
a. To transfer ownership; symbolica the buyer but the buyer has an option to return contingency on the happening of which the
b. To deliver with fruits and accessories c. By traditio longa manu the goods instead of paying the price; the obligation (or right) of the contract depends.
c. To warrant against eviction and against d. By traditio brevi manu ownership passes to the buyer but he may
hidden defects; e. By traditio constitutum possessorium; or revert the ownership in the seller by returning WARRANTY. Is a statement or representation
d. To preserve the thing from perfection to by quasi-delivery or quasi-traditio or tendering the goods within the time fixed in made by the seller goods, contemporaneously
delivery; the contract or when no time is fixed, within a and as a part of the contract of sale, having
e. To pay for the expenses of the deed of a. Legal Formalities - execution ogf reasonable time. reference to the character, quality, or title of the
sale. public instrument is deemed delivery. goods, and by which he promises or
(Art. 1498, par 1) SALE ON APPROVAL. (also called “sale on undertakes to ensure that certain facts are or
OBLIGATION TO TRANSFER OWNERSHIP b. Tradition Simbolica - delivery of the acceptance, “Sale on Trial” or “Sale on shall be as he then represents them.
AND DELIVER keys of the place or depositgory where Satisfaction), the delivery of the object does not
The vendor should have “a right to transfer the movable property is stored or kept. (Art. transfer ownership to the buyer since the EFFECT ON NON-FULFILLMENT OF
ownership thereof at the time it is delivered. 1498) delivery was not for the purposes of transferring CONDITION
c. Traditio Longa manu - by themere ownership. 1. If the obligation of either party is subject
SECTION 2 - DELIVERY OF THE THING consent or agreement of the contracting to any condition and such condition is
SOLD parties, if the thing sold cannot be 2. Sale by Description and/or Sample (Art. not fulfilled, such party may either:
The thing sold shall be understood as delivered transferred to the possession of the 1481) a. Refuse to proceed with the
when it is placed in the control and possession vendee at the time of the sale (Art. 1499) contract
of the vendee. (Art. 1497) d. Traditio brevi manu - if the buyer Sale by description occurs where a seller sells b. Proceed with the contract, waving
already had the possession of the object things as being of a particular kind, the buyer the performance of the condition;
Delivery contemplates the absolute giving up even before the purchase. (Art. 1499) not knowing whether the seller’s representation or
of the control and custody of the property on are true or false, but relying on them as true.
c. Treat the non-performance as a WHEN IMPLIED WARRANTY NOT person who has acquired title thereto by suit against him for the income or fruits
breach of warranty and ask for APPLICABLE prescription. received only if so decreed by the court.
damages 1. “As is and where is” sale.
2. If the condition is in the nature of a 2. Sale of second-hand articles. - there is 2. Completed after sale - even if (3) Costs of the suit. - The vendee is
promise that it should happen, the no implied warranty as to the condition, prescription has started before the sale also entitled to recover the expense of
non-performance of such condition may adaption, fitness or suitability for the but has reached the limit prescribed by litigation resulting in eviction, including
be treated by the other party as a breach purpose for which made, or the quality law after the sale, the vendor is not liable the costs of the action brought against
of warranty. of an article sold as and for a for eviction. However, land registered the vendor to enforce his warranty.
second-hand article. under the Torrens system, is not subject
KINDS OF WARRANTY 3. Sale by virtue of authority in fact or law - to prescription. (4) Expenses of the contract. - In the
Express warranty. Is any affirmation of fact or no warranty if title is implied in a sale by absence of any stipulation to the
any promise by the seller relating to the thing, one not professing to be the owner. KINDS OF WAIVER OF EVICTION contrary, the expenses in the execution
the natural tendency of which is induce the Any stipulation exempting the vendor from the and registration of the sale are borne by
buyer to purchase the thing and the buyer thus, SUBSECTION 1 - WARRANTY IN CASE OF obligation to answer for eviction shall be void, if the vendor.
induced, does purchase the same. EVICTION he acted in bad faith.(Art. 1553)
Eviction. May be defined as the juridical 1. Consciente, that is, the waiver is (5) Damages and interests. - The right
Implied Warranty. Is that which the law derives process, whereby the vendee is deprived of the voluntarily made by the vendee without of the windee to demand "damages and
by implication or inference from the nature of whole or part of the thing purchased by virtue of the knowledge and assumption of the interests and ornamental expenses" is
the transaction or the relative situation or a final judgment based on a right prior to the risks of eviction; and qualified by the condition that the sale
circumstances of the parties irrespective of any sale or an act imputable to the vendor. 2. Intencionada, that is the waiver is made was made in bad faith.
intention of the seller to create it. by the vendee with knowledge of the
ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF WARRANTY risks of eviction and assumption of its SUBSECTION 2. - Warranty Against Hidden
EFFECTS OF EXPRESS WARRANTY AGAINST EVICTION consequences. Defects of, or Encumbrances Upon, the
A warranty being a part of the contract of sale, 1. The vendee is deprived in whole or in Thing Sold
it is immaterial whether the seller did not know part of the thing purchased; EFFECT OF WAIVER BY VENDEE
whether it was true or false. No intent is 2. He is so deprived by virtue of a final 1. If the waiver was only conscious, the ● Redhibition - is the avoidance of a sale
necessary to make the seller liable for his judgment (Art. 1557) vendor shall pay only the value which on account of some vice or defect in the
warranty. 3. The judgement is based on a right prior the thing sold had at the time of eviction. thing sold, which renders its use
to the sale or an act imputable to the This is a case of solutio indebiti. impossible, or so inconvenient and
EFFECTS OF EXPRESSION OF OPINION vendor 2. In the secon dkind of waiver, the vendor imperfect that it must be supposed that
A mere expression of opinion, no matter how 4. The vendor was summoned in the suit is exempted from the obligation to the buyer would not have purchased it
positively asserted, does not import a warranty for eviction at the instance of the vendee answer for eviction, provided he did not had he known of the vice.
unless the seller is an expert and his opinion is (Art. 1558) act in bad faith.
relied upon by the buyer. 5. There is no waiver on the part of the ● Redhibitory action- is an action
vendee. Rights and liabilities in case eviction occurs instituted to avoid a sale on account of
IMPLIED WARRANTIES IN SALE (1) Return of value of thing. If at the some vice or defect in the thing sold
The term implied warranty is reserved for cases EFFECT OF PRESCRIPTION time of the eviction the value of the which renders its use impossible, or so
where the law attaches an obligation to the By prescription, one acquires ownership and property is really more or less than its inconvenient and imperfect that it must
seller which is not expressed in any words. other real rights through the lapse of time in the value at the time of the sale, by reason be supposed that the buyer would not
a. Implied warranty as to seller’s title manner and under the conditions prescribed by of improvements or deterioration. it is but have purchased it had he known of the
b. Implied warranty against hidden defects law. In the same way, rights and actions are just that the vendor should pay the vice.
or unknown encumbrance lost by prescription. (Art. 1106) excess or not suffer the damage.
c. Implied warranty as to fitness or 1. Completed before sale - the vendee may ● Redhibitory vice or defect is a defect in
merchantability. lose the thing purchased to a third (2) Income or fruits of thing. - The the article sold against which defect the
vendee is liable to the party who won the seller is bound to warrant.
is based on the principle that a sound price Prescription of actions in case of
Requisites for warranty agains hidden (2) Implied warrant of merchantability. - warrants a sound article. implied/express warranty
defects Where goods are bought by description, the
(1) The defect must be important or serious; seller impliedly warrants that the goods are of Redhibitory Defects in animals 6 months from the date of delivery of the thing
(2) It must be hidden; merchantable quality. sold for action for rescission of the contract or
(3) It must exist at the time of the sale; Redhibitory defect - is the hidden defect in reduction of the purchase price
(4) The vendee must give notice of the defect A warranty of merchantability is a warranty animals that, even in case a professional (Art. 1567)
to the vendor within a reasonable time (Art. that goods are reasonably fit for the general inspection has been made, should be of such
1586.); purpose for which they are sold. nature that expert knowledge is not sufficient to 4 years with respect to an express warranty
(5) The action for rescission or reduction of the discover it.
price must be brought minio dh cAProps7 Perin Responsibility of vendor fo hidden defects
within no diays from the delive of the delivery in (1) Effect of ignorance of vendor. - There is no warranty against hidden defects of
case of animals (Art. 1577, par. 1.); and The ignorance of the Vendor does not animals sold at fairs or at public auctions or of
(6) There must be no waiver of warranty on the relieve him from liability to the vendee livestock sold as condemned.
part of the vendee. for any faults or defects in the thing sold.
(2) Exception - The parties, however, Warranty Against Non-Apparent
General Rule: may provide otherwise in their contract Encumbrances
Vendor is not Liable in case: (Art. 1581, par. 3.) provided the vendor
(a) the defects are patent or those which acted in good faith, that is he was Warranty against non-apparent
may be visible; or unaware of the existence of the hidden encumbrances - an encumbrance (or
(b) even is not visible, the vendee who is fault or defect. an easement or servitude) is a burden
an expert, by reason of his trade or , imposed upon an immovable for the
profession, should have known. (3) Where vendee, aware of the benefit of another immovable belonging
defect. - If the vendee is aware of the to a different owner. It is non-appraent,
No warranty against hidden defects in: defect in the thing he buys or lack of title When there are no external indications
● Sale of secondhand items or pre-owned in the vendor, he cannot later complain of their existence.
items thereof. He is deemed to have wilfully The warranty against non-apparent
● Sale by junkshop operators and voluntarily assumed the risk encumbrances arises when the same iS:
● Sale in auction attendant to the sale. A. Not mentioned in the
agreement; or
Implied warranties of quality Doctrines of "caveat venditor" and "caveat B. Not recorded in the Registry of
(1) Implied warranty of fitness. - There is no emptor" Property (now Registry of deeds)
implied warranty as to the quality or fitness for The doctrine of caveat emptor (let the buyer
any particular purpose of goods under a beware) has a basic premise that there be no The buyer has the following remedies:
contract of sale, except where: misreprésentation by the seller. The seller's a. Ask for the rescission of the contract -
(a) the buyer, expressly or by liability for defects of the goods sold was then within 1 year from execution of the deed;
implication, manifests to the seller the confined to cases of express promise to b. Ask for damages - within 1 year from
particular purpose for which the goods warrant the quality of such goods and to those discovery.
are required, and in which the seller had knowledge of
(b) the buyer relies upon the seller's skill The implied warranties are not applicable to a
or judgment. The doctrine of caveat venditor (let the seller sheriff, auctioneer, mortgagee, pledgee or other
A warranty of fitness is a warranty that the beware) was adopted in accordance with which person professing to sell by virtue of authority
goods are suitable for the special purpose of "the vendor is liable to the vendee for any in fact or law, for the sale of a thing in which a
the buyer which will not be satisfied by mere hidden faults or defects in the thing sold, even third person has a legal or equitable interest.
fitness for general purposes. though he was not aware thereof." The doctrine

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