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UNIT 11: TRAVELLING IN THE FUTURE A-TRONG TAM KIEN THUC 1. Tir vung ‘Transport | Kinds of vehicle People ‘Associated words road car, bus, coach, tram, ; petrol station, bus service, taxi lorry, motorbike, shiver, motorist, rank, monowheel ‘mechanic, chauffeur breakdown service rail ticket collector, platform, high-speed train, conductor seat reservation, express, metro, subway time saving air aircraft, jumbo jet, ground staff terminal, helicopter, flying car cabin crew, runway, air taffie conuoller security sea ship, ferry, yacht ‘captain, steward ‘cabin, cnuise Traffic Problems 7 time-consuming = pollution - inconvenient ~ ethaust fames - gridlocked ~ accident Future Transport ~ high speed = driverless - electric - eco-friendly - solariwind powered - suppersonic Pomenern 1 + Chite ning cita tir trong cau: Tinh tir vi trang tir “Tinh tir mo 13, 63 nghia cho danh tir. ‘Trang tir md ta, bo nghia cho dng tir. = The man had a quiet voice. = The man spoke quietly. - Claire wears expensive clothes. - Claire dresses expensively. = The runners made a slow start, - They started the race slowly. ‘Ching ta c6 thé sir dung trang tir theo mot vai cach Khde bur sau: ~ Trang tir nhur very cé thé két hop vai mét tinh tir hoc mot trang tir khac. Eg. It was very hot in the sun. Andrew checked his work very carefully. ~ Trang tir nhu fortunately hoac perhaps m6 ta toan 6 tinh huéng. Ex. Fortunately, nothing was stolen. Perhaps Sarah is working late. TL. Nga am Mét sé quy tic trong Am can lu ¥ * Cac hau t6 khi thém vao tir thurang khéng mang trong Am, trong am eta tir van nim 6 géc tir. E.g. driver /‘draivor! > driverless /'drarvorlas/ beauty /"bju:ti/> beautiful /*bju:ufl/ * Tien to thuong khong lam thay doi am tiét c6 trong am ctia tir. E.g. friendly /'frendli/ > unfriendly /an’frendli/ function /'fankjn/ > malfunction / mal fankfn/ * Ngoai lé: Trong am ciia tir rai vao tién to micro- Eg. microbeads /’matkravbi:dz/ microblog /markraoblog/ micromanage /‘maikravmenids/ TIL. Ngit phép 1. DOng tir khuyét thiéu will (will for future prediction) a. Céu trite Thé khing dink ‘$+ will + Vigyennia O) Thé pha diah ‘S¥ will not + Vaguea nia O) The nghi vin Will + S¥ Vesa niu ( OF? > Yes, S + will > No, S + won't. }. Cach sit dung * Dong tir khuyét thigu will duge sir dung dé dua ra phong dodn dua trén quan diém hoic kinh nghiém ca nhan, * Dé dua ra phéng dodn, ta cé thé ding thém cae cum tit nhu/ think, I bet, I expect, I hope, | imagine, reckon, I wonder hoac I'm sure. Vi du: Why don’t you join our party this weekend? I'll be great fun, When do you think you will finish your assignment? ¢. So sinh will vit be going to Cich sir dung Will Be going to Phong doin Dua trén quan diém, kinh nghiém ca | Dua wen bing ching, dau higu 6 hign nhin, tai. E.g. J think it will rain so you should | E.g. The sky has gone really dark. It's bring the raincoat. going to rain. Hanh dong | Duoe quyét dinh ngey tai thoi diém | Duc lén KE hoach hoic cd quyét dinh trong trong lai | ndi true dé. E.g. Peter, come in. You look cold. I'll bring you a cup of tea E.g. When I have saved enough money, Lam going to spend a week in a five- star hotel. 2. Dai tir so hitu (Possessive Pronouns) * Dai tir nhin xung 1a mot tir ding 48 chi ngudi trong cudc hoi thoai (E.g. /hode you) hoi ai dé durge nhac dén trong cude héi thoai dé (E.g. he, she, hoi him). © Dai tir sé hitu chi su sé hitu cua ngudi hoac vat v6i nguisi hodc mét su vat khac. Dai tr Cha agi Tan agit Tinh i séhiu | Dgitrséhiu | Daitirphan thin T me my mine myself you you your yours yourseliiyourselves| we us our ours ourselves they them their theirs themselves he him his his himself she her her hers herself it it its (aot used) iisel? + Dai tir sé hitu durve sir dung: - thay thé cho tinh tir sé hau va danh tir theo sau dé trinh lip lai: Dai tir so hiru = Tinh tir so hiru + Danh tir Eg. Your bicyle is green and my bicycle is blue. Your bicycle is green and mine is blue. = trong dang so hitu kép: Eg. Peter isa friend of mine. It was not a mistake of yours. B-BAI TAP VAN DUNG 1. Tir vung Exercise 1: Do the crossword. ‘Across Down 3. (of a vehicle) that has the technology to drive itself without a person in control 5. a person whose job is repairing machines, especially the engines of vehicles T, smoke, gas, or something similar that smells strongly or is dangerous to breathe in 2. an aircraft without wings that has large blades ( long flat parts) on top that go round 7. faster than the speed of sound 8. a building or set of buildings at an airport where passengers arrive and leave 10. an occasion when a vehicle or machine stops working 4 an unpleasant event, especially in a vehicle, that happens unexpectedly and causes injury or damage 6. the person in charge of a ship or commercial aircraft 9. the raised flat area next to the track at a train. station where you get on or off the train Exercise 2: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word given. 1, Do you think it is more time-(CONSUME) motorbike? 2. Many people find it quite (CONVENIENCE) prefer private vehicles. 3. [hope that future transportation will be more (ENVIRONMENT) to travel by bus than travel by private to travel by public transport and friendly. 4. Trapped in the gridlock, many road users are getting more and more (FRUSTRATE) 5. am (FURY) 6. (ACCIDENT) 7. Many people believe that airway will be (EXTREME) their private flying car in the future. 8. The root cause of road rage is the (DIFFICULTY) long period of time that drivers encounter. 9. It is (ESSENCE) environment. 10. Will driverless plane be a (REALITY) at the way many people honk their car horn unnecessarily. ; James broke his favorite toy as he turned around. dangerous if people own driving conditions lasting for a for scientists to develop eco-friendly vehicles to preserve the possibility in the near future? Exercise 3: Complete each of the following sentences with the given words. ‘monowheel ‘supersonic conductor reservation solar-powered exhaust fumes high-speed ‘possible convenient pollution T. Until now, airline companies have not been capable of commercial Aight. 2 are the undesirable effect of the unprecedented development of transportation. 3. Private cars and motorbikes are preferred because they are more individuals to use. 4, What should be done to reduce air and flexible for caused by the increasing use of private vehicles? 5. is a unique type of vehicle which has only one wheel and the drive sits inside it. 6. think itis that we will travel by flying cars in the future. 7. Once boarding the train, passengers are supposed to follow the who ensures the train’s operation runs smoothly. 8. It is recommended that seat is made in advance so that you will not face the inconvenience of tickeis being sold out when at the station. 9. vehicles should be manufactured more to lessen the harmful impacts of fuel ‘buming on the environment. 10. Thanks to the prevalence of train, commuters can save more time when travelling back and forth between home and work, II. Ngit am Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from others. 1. A. vehicle B. cheetah . annihilate D. helicopter 2.A.conductor —_B. unique C. product D. culture 3. A. yacht B. chemical C. chord D. anchor 4. A. cruise B. cause C. increase D. raise, 5.A. motorbike _B. collaborate C. cooperate D. modem 6. A. service B. serene C. prefer D. deter 7. A. reserve B. resume C. conserve D. reside 8. A. express B. explain C. exist D. exceed 9. A. ticket B. budget C. buffet D. crotchet 10.A. collector —_B. selection C. protection D. excellence Exercise 2: Put the given words in the suitable group according to their stress pattern. disagree musical employment unhappy underpay civilize possible construction fanctional consumption extrovert interesting breakable unhelpful cultural gridlocked conductor malfunction microblog disable ‘O00 000 000) Exercise 3: Choose the word whose stress is different from the others. 1. A. chaotic B. proposal C. occupy D. production 2. A. original B. policeman C. muscum D. souvenir 3. A. guarantee B. recommend C. represent D. illustrate 4. A. agency B. memory C. encounter D. influence 5. A.well-being _B. reality C. mechanic D. demanding 6. A.encourage _B. determine C. emphasize D. maintain 7. A.understand —B. guardian C. warranty D. optimist 8. A. essential B. furniture C. recognize D. fortunate 9. A. reckon B. corridor C. enormous D. northerly 10. A. habitat B. pollution C. construction: D. extinction IIL. Ngit phap Exercise 1: Complete the text using the verbs given. Choose will or be going to with each verb. 1. P'm afraid that I can’t meet you tonight. -I (see) you tomorrow, then. 2. This exercise is quite simple, and I’m sure you (do) it with ease. 3. Have you sent the invitation card to Judy? - I almost forgot that. I (send) the card to her now. 4. Look at those dark clouds. I think the rain (pour) down. 5. Josh hopes he (become) a policeman in the future. 6. My cousin has bought a new pair of tennis rackets. He (play) this sport with his sibling at the weekend. 7. A: Are you busy this weekend? Would you like to join our party? B: Sorry. I (go) to the neighboring city. My business trip is scheduled this Saturday. 8. wonder when they (commercialize) solar-powered vehicles. 9. “Tomorow (be) a foggy day with occasional rain in London.” - said the weatherman. 10. May is the most disciplined student I have ever known. She (not/ play) truant today or any other day. Exercise 2: Complete the following prediction with the given words and will. 1, Probably/ people/ future roam/ streets/ monowheels.. 2. What/ happen’ if/ people/ not/try/ cut down/ amount/ CO2/ from/ daily activities? 3. I think/ convenience! modem” public transportation’ be! improve/ future. 4. Next/ 50 years/ solar power! hamess/ more/ operate/ machines and vehicles. 5. If imagine/ traffic/ be/ full/ flying cars/ hover over conventional vehicles. 6. What/ you think/ be/ most/ commonly used/ means/ transport/ 50 years? 7. I hope/ more and more/ people! better/ aware/ harmful impact! carbon footprint. 8. Once solution/ traffic congestion/ find/ number! harmful emissions! reduce. Exercise 3: the blank with the correct possessive adjective or possessive pronoun. 0. My family has finished their lunch but I haven ‘i finished mine. 1, We got the same model of smartphone but her phone is red but is blue. . Students are required to complete the assignment on own. . This can’t be your teacher’s handwriting. is quite different from this. Everyone has their passion to pursue and I have ; too. . July claims this painting to be artwork. . They are going to spend holidays in the countryside. . Jane, a very close friend of , always supports me when | need encouragement. All the sheep got back to bam before it got dark. eer aAnewn . The cat eventually managed to make way home. 10. dream of buying a seaside villa turned sour when they went bankrupt. Exercise 4: Choose the best answer. 1. Have you made up (you/your/ yours) mind about what to do in this summer? p . My friends and (I/me/ mine) are going to join a campaign to protect the environment. . My teacher saw Smith and (I/me/mine) at the movie last night after class. . Your friends and (her/ hers/ them) can attend my party. The more the merrier. . My brothers play ina band. You can watch (they/ them/ their) playing at the festival. . What did the teacher say about the deadline? Have you already talked to (her/ hers/ she)? away 7. Because (my/ its/ their) car is very old and a little unreliable, I usually take the train travelling long distances. 8. Lofien have my car maintained every three months. Do you do the same with (vow/ your/ yours)? 9. Although Peter had told Jane to reduce (his! her/ their) fat intake, she didn’t take the advice. 10. Do you think people in the future will have (them/ their/ they) own flying car to travel around? Exercise 5: Put a tick (¥) at the beginning of the correct sentence. Put a cross (#) if the sentence contains a mistake and correct it. 1 When our society reaches a certain stage of civilization, there isn't going to be such crime as theft or robbery. Prof. Steven left a message for you and I. He needs to see us. He will go to the transport museum with you and me if you don't mind. It is expected that Oliver will complete his English course this year. Robinson is an excellent football player. I can’t keep my eyes off his during the match. au een Itis our prediction that cars running on fossil fuels are replaced by those operated on more eco-friendly sources of energy. 7. For tomorrow trip, we have bought some foods and drinks and will go camping in the nearby forest. 8. Mr. Payne doubts the feasibility of flying cars, believing that it will be used widely in the future. C-BAL TAP LUYEN TAP Exercise 1; Complete the text using the verbs given. Choose will or be going to 1. A. supersonic B. conductor C. economic D. geography 2. A. rank B. mechanic C. train D. convenient 3. A. metropolitan B. pressurize C. credible D. precede 4. A. congestion _B. detention C. determination —_D. methodology 5. A.gridlocked _B. congested C. polluted D. decided Exercise 2: Choose the word whose stress is different from the others. 1. A. impractical _B. probability C. feasibility D. conservation 2. A. modern B. speedy C. maintain D. toxic 3. A. enable B. allowance C. opportune D. enhance 4A. productive B. active C. effective D. preventive 5. A. academy B. analytical C. oceanic D. education Exercise 3: Fill the blank with the correct form of the verbs given, using will or be going to. crash Float Fuel ‘flop take carry speed recover 1. This new model of smartwatch is fashionably designed but fails to serve the most basic functions. I think it 2. They have made up their mind about the plan and schedule of the new project. They it out in the following month, 3. In your opinion, who the responsibility of reducing environmental issues? 4. It is predicted that future vehicles (not) by oil or non-renewable sources of energy any more. 5. Do you think that the air from pollution caused by vehicles? 6. These cars are running at breakneck speed. They 7. [believe that new developments in technology up the construction process. 8. Whenever the dry season comes, the water level of this lake will be so low and (not) any rowing boats. Exercise 4: Choose the correct word to complete the following sentences. Ithas always been an ambition of (me/ my/ mine) to travel around the world. Liam borrowed one of (his friend his friend''s/ his) books but forgot to return. (My sibling’'s/My siblings /My) names are Robert and Michael. Everyone except (he/him/his) joined the conference about climate change yesterday. 1 2. 3. A 5. This calculator wasn’t (she/her/ hers) but she took it home and told no one about that. 6. Are you sure this wallet belongs to that man? Yes, it’s (him/ his/ he). 7. It is about (two hour/ two hours/ two hour’s) drive from my house to the train station. 8. Young people need to learn to work independently and support (hemselves/ their own theirs). Exercise 5: Provide the correct form of the word given at the end of each sentence. 1. My friend finds the future of green energy very (PROMISE) 2. Such was a/an (RELY) car that we decided to abandon it and buy a new one. 3. Ihope they will improve the (PUNCTUAL) of the bus system. 4. My parents (APPROVE) of my career choice and tried to talk me out of it. 5. The more eager we were for the introduction of the electric motorbike, the more (DISAPPOINTMENT) wwe felt about its appearance. 6. Many people are highly (CRITIC) of the idea of flying cars for safety reasons. 7. (SONIC) flights will be time-saving and therefore very convenient if they are put into use. 8. Some people express their doubts about the (POSSIBLE) of driverless cars for daily use. Exercise 6: Choose the best answer. 1. My family a ferry across the river, which was such an amazing experience. A. caught B. went C. travelled D. sailed 2. When you get off the train, | for you by the ticket machine. A. wait B. am waiting C. is going to wait D. will be waiting 3. When we go ona bus, we always want to sit upstairs. A. normal B. double-decker C. double-ground _D. regular 4, We put the laptop between so that both of us can watch the film. Avus B. our C. ours D. ourselves 5. Let’s hope future transportation more convenient and cause less pollution. A.isgoingtobe —_B. willl be Cis D. being 6. Are these new bats ‘7 Are you going to take up baseball? A. your B. you C. yours D. mine 7. [came across an old friend of. when we both travelled plane to Chicago. A. mine —by B. ours on. C. my —by D. our—on 8. [can’t lend you my car this weekend. I downtown for a business meeting. A. will go B. am going C. go D. shall go Exercise 7: Choose the best answer to complete the following passage. Human beings are heading towards a more sustainable development, which means developing the nation (1) causing harm to the environment. Therefore, scientists are making every (2) to research altemative energy to lessen the harmful impacts of (3) sources such as fossil fuel and gas. Amongst the potential renewable energy, solar power has been researched and (4) () cars by solar energy has some great benefits, but there are some problems as well. People can only get solar power during the day and there is (6) on cloudy or rainy days. Moreover, cars which run on solar power need expensive batteries to store energy, and large solar panels to collect the sunlight, The collector areas of these panels are (7) large for consumer cars. Therefore, solar-powered vehicles can be both unreliable and inconvenient for people to use on a daily (8) . Scientists are working on these problems and hopefully people will be able to use solar power more efficiently in the near future. 1A. with B. without C. for Dbeyond 2. A. trial B. attempt C. solution D. way 3. A. conventional B. old-fashioned —_C. renewable D. alternative 4. A. explained B. exchanged C. exploited D. extracted 5. A. Power B. Powered C. Powers D. Powering 6. A. more B. less C. fewer D. much 7. A. enough B. so C. too D. such 8. A. routine B. habit C. basis D. basement Exercise 8: Reading the following passage and answer the questions. ‘The costs of transportation and motivation for change The human population of Earth is growing and moving into urban areas exponentially. Travel ‘on roadways designed 20, 50 or even over 100 years ago cannot sustain the demand for modem mobility needs. The result is traffic congestion on our roadways. Traffic inefficiencies cost the global economy hundreds of billions of dollars annually. Road, air, rail and marine transportation do not always operate as a seamless integrated network, contributing to further cost and delay. Coupled with the current reliance on fossil fuels, transportation is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, comprising 28.9% of total U.S. greenhouse ges emissions in 2017, according to the EPA. Greenhouse gases are a cause of climate change and pose a risk to human health and safety. The World Health Organization (WHO) has found that ambient air pollution resulting from vehicles, in addition to other sources, causes millions of premature deaths and disease around the world. Geotab GmbH is collaborating with Center Smart Services on the RWTH Aachen Campus in Germany to investigate air quality in Aachen. The Mobile Air Quality Measurement project aims to gather hyper-local air quality to support the optimization of traffic planning and management. ‘What will happen to today’s transportation? It is widely believed that the individual ownership of cars globally will decrease significantly over the coming decades. Currently, the U.S. has the highest concentration of cars per capita worldwide, with just over 800 cars per 1,000 people in 2014, higher than Canada, Europe and the PacifiC. The European Union figure as of 2017 is 602 per 1,000 inhabitants. In Canada, a 2019 study by automotive data company Canadian Black Book reveals that 35% of Canadians aged 18-34 plan to reduce their household fleet over the next two years, and 41% of that same age group plan to do so in the next 10 years. (Source: htips:/ 1, Why can’t road designs from decades ago meet the demand for modem mobility needs? 2. What are the major causes of greenhouse gas emissions according to the passage? 3. What docs the Mobile Air Quality Measurement project aim for? 4. In research of WHO, what does air pollution lead to? 5. Which country has the highest cars concentration? Exercise 9: Identify the mistake in each of the following sentence and correct it. 1. Do you know when will the company introduce its new product? 2. Don’t tell anyone else about our plan for the Christmas. It’s between you and mine! 3. Train tickets have been booked and we will travel to a beautiful place this summer. 4, Don’t mistake your brother’s lunch box with your. His contains hamburger which you don’t like. 5. [hope that the authority is going to find solutions to traffic congestion Exercise 10: Rewrite the follo ig Sentences so that the meat 1g does not change. 1. We plan to spend our summer holiday in Hokkaido. GOING >We 2. Iwill arrive at the airport, and I will call you right after that. SOON > As 3. Jane is one of my close friends. She is a very talented artist. MINE > Jane, who 4. Both my friend and her friend didn’t have time to have dinner with us. HERS > Neither my friend 5. Itis difficult to make accurate predictions about future transportation. HARD > Accurate 6. [think people can use water to power vehicles in the future. ABLE > | think people will 7. People expect that anew model of car will be on display this weekend, EXPECTED > Anew model of car 8. People once relied a lot on horse-drawn vehicles to travel around. USED > People

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