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Meeting starts 14:52

Vuyelwa thanked RCL for their hard work during orientation.

Vuyelwa introduced grades project.

This year everyone should be able to exercise their responsibility, not a matric-only controlled

Time given to speak with your grade and get on the same page. Mr Anker to check with each group.

15 minutes allocated per grade to present their plans/ideas.

Then we assess time frames..

Grade 8 RCL will be responsible for assisting the other grades with their projects. Grade 8’s are extra
hands for the other projects.

Grade 9 Proposal:

Responsible for: making a better environment for social/emotional aspects of NSA.

Posters in restrooms spreading body positivity as well as posters in teacher’s classes and staffroom (with

Teachers need the advice as much as students

Morning announcements. Positive message once every 2 days on intercom for teachers, learners and
ground staff

Bathrooms need toilet paper and soap,

And pads in girls bathrooms

Gabe asks about how soap will be provided as bars get stolen.

Repaint stalls and revamp bathrooms.

Cover graffiti and paint positive messages

Love messages (like interactive club valentine’s day)

EG: You’re a star.

Mass produce and put in baskets at various entrances.

Provides encouragement/pick me up.

Mental health posters around school; to remind learners that teachers, learners, Mr Snelling are all


Grade 10 Proposal.

Eco friendly project.

Teach learners what it means to be eco-friendly.

Posters put around school but short and to the point.


Straws are plastic: replace with paper straws! Also offer plastic straws but cost extra. Styrofoam
replaced with cardboard or paper sleeves like Chip n Dip. (also in hostel).

Bins: Teach learners how to use bins. Get new bins. Need 3 bins per dept (paper, plastic, rubbish)

Fairy garden, make it look like one. Each RCL brings a plant seed we like and grow it

Grade 11 Proposal.

In charge of fundraising.

Fundraising for benches and matric yearbook.

We need R10 000 for just yearbook.

Aim for R2000 for benches.

And repair/revamp current benches.

They know people who are able and willing to help.

Trying to save as much money as possible.

Family day amongst RCL: Instead of camp, we invite RCL family and we build and paint/decorate

Civvies day. Pay R5/R6 rand. We do themes (EG Winter Wonderland)

And we have a market day on that day

Movie night, most hostel kids will attend.

Themed civvies before, sell goods at break. 2 sessions for movies after school

Pajama day with movie day

Boerewors day as well to raise funds (was successful before)

Improv night (headed by Drama dept)

Students pay to watch

Music concerts (by grade 11’s)

Concerts to raise funds

Art exhibition at enterance before show.

Talent show: come showcase talent. Pay to enter R10. Prize is R200 we bring in outside judges and

RCL parent can also get involved (like dance parents do).

Vuyelwa says reduce ideas. Which are attainable in 2 terms.

Also raffle.

Vuyelwa idea: popup performances. Matrics will introduce. Random flash mobs in ADDM. Can do
busking with tip box available. Promoting giving to artist

Vuyelwa says focus on events happening WITHIN school hours.

Grade 12 Proposal.

2 events in mind:

Expressions night

Art and poetry night,

Expressions night

It is a night where you come on stage and come to express yourself with no shame. If you have
something important and sensible to say. Term 2 event in hall or drama dept. (drama dept provides
intimate setting).

Art and Poetry night!

Artists/art dept and poets. Poet will say poem while someone draws something to represent that poem.

Elevated importance for us to support the event. Possibly let it happen over 2 days for more audience
etc.. Make sure we contact alumni and invite them. Make the event prestigious so alumni who are in
industry want to be there.

It will happen in al with all doors open except foyer doors. Put performers on floor and put semicircle
seating around them. Poet and artist share centre. Dancer can also improv while the poem is being
performed. Option for musical accompaniment. Poet gets to discuss creative vision with those
accompanying the artist. Provides exposure and opportunities to express. Foyer get made into artworks
for sale. Little art works for low prices.

Aim is to provide artists the opportunity to sell artworks and/or perform!

Different execs responsible for various micro tasks within events.

Meeting ends

Nokhukanya asked about capital to start fundraising. Vuyelwa said no. Start with civvies to generate

Broken into grades for planning/strategy.

Meeting ends 16:04

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