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Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116586

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Wave measurements using open source ship mounted ultrasonic altimeter

and motion correction system during the one ocean circumnavigation
Judith Thu Ølberg a,b , Patrik Bohlinger a , Øyvind Breivik a,b , Kai H. Christensen c,d ,
Birgitte R. Furevik a,b , Lars R. Hole a ,∗, Gaute Hope a , Atle Jensen e , Fabian Knoblauch f ,
Ngoc-Thanh Nguyen g , Jean Rabault c
Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Allégt. 70, 5007 Bergen, Norway
Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, Allégt. 70, 5007 Bergen, Norway
Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Henrik Mohns plass 1, 0371 Oslo, Norway
University of Oslo, Department of Geosciences, Postbox 1022, 0315 Oslo, Norway
University of Oslo, Department of Mathematics, Postbox 1053, 0851 Oslo, Norway
f Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Postbox 8900, 7491 Trondheim, Norway
g Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Postbox 7030, 5020 Bergen, Norway


Dataset link: This study reviews the design and signal processing of ship borne ultrasonic altimeter wave measurements.
neOcean_wave_ultrasonic_sensor_system The system combines a downward facing ultrasonic altimeter to capture the sea surface elevation as a time
series, and an inertial measurement unit to compensate for the ship’s motion. The methodology is cost-effective,
Wave measurements
open source, and adaptable to various ships and platforms. The system was installed on the barque Statsraad
1D wave spectrum Lehmkuhl and recorded data continuously during the 20-month One Ocean Expedition. Results from 1-month
Open source instrumentation crossing of the Tropical Atlantic are presented here. The one-dimensional wave spectrum and associated wave
Ultrasonic altimeter parameters are obtained from the sea surface elevation time series. The observed significant wave height agrees
Doppler effect well with satellite altimetry and a spectral wave model. The agreement between observations and the spectral
wave model is better for the mean wave period than the peak period. We perform Doppler shift corrections to
improve wave period estimates by accounting for the speed of the ship relative to the waves. This correction
enhances the accuracy of the mean period, but not the peak period. We suggest that the Doppler correction
could be improved by complementing the data sources with directional wave measurements from a marine
X-band radar.

1. Introduction planning (Cai et al., 2014; Perera and Soares, 2017; Akmaykin and
Grinyak, 2019).
Ocean wave measurements are essential for both scientific and A practical and inexpensive approach for collecting wave measure-
practical purposes. Wave measurements enhance our understanding of ments is to mount instruments on ships. Ship equipped with sensors
the transfer of energy, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other gases be- can cover great distances of the ocean surface and can navigate to
tween the atmosphere and the ocean (Deike, 2021). Measurements also designated study areas, such as the marginal ice zone (Løken et al.,
provide data for calibration and validation to advance satellite remote 2021). Ship mounted instruments can record autonomously and de-
sensing techniques and numerical wave forecasting (Bidlot et al., 2002; ployment or retrieval missions are inexpensive. Data can be broadcast
Yang and Zhang, 2019). Accurate wave predictions are also essential directly during research expeditions or conventional shipping routes.
to ensure safe offshore operations and to design vessels and offshore Instrumentation may include altimeters operating with radar, laser, or
structures (Reistad et al., 2011). In particular, better prediction and sonic technology (Cifuentes-Lorenzen et al., 2013), wave staffs (Dren-
measurement of waves in the ocean is critical for the safety at sea nan et al., 1994), GPS or inertial motion unit recording small scale
of both ships and platforms (Bea et al., 1999; Toffoli et al., 2005; ship motion following the ‘‘ship as a buoy’’ method (Nielsen, 2006;
Rodrigues et al., 2012; Bačkalov et al., 2016; Susaki et al., 2017; Collins et al., 2015; Abankwa et al., 2015; Pennino et al., 2021; Pen-
Szlapczynski and Krata, 2018; Gudmestad, 2020), as well as for route nino and Scamardella, 2023), stereo camera systems (Benetazzo et al.,

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L.R. Hole).
Received 22 September 2023; Received in revised form 29 November 2023; Accepted 15 December 2023
Available online 22 December 2023
0029-8018/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
J.T. Ølberg et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116586

2012; Benetazzo, 2006; Wanek and Wu, 2006), and marine X-band materials are open source, our work can be used as a basis by many
radars (Lund et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2016). users for designing range sensor-based wave measurement systems
The methodology presented here combines a downward facing ul- on ships. Previous works by some of the present authors, that have
trasonic altimeter and a motion correction device (Christensen et al., similarly offered open source designs for wave buoys to the community,
2013). Downward facing altimeters are commonly mounted on offshore have had a large impact by drastically taking down the threshold
platforms to measure the sea surface elevation (Ewans et al., 2014; for performing wave measurements and democratizing fieldwork (for
Bohlinger et al., 2023; Malila et al., 2022). They are easy to deploy, example, the OpenMetBuoy (Rabault et al., 2022) is now in use by over
maintain and recover, as they are not in contact with the water. How- 11 groups around the world, and over 250 OpenMetBuoys have been
ever, measurements from moving platforms, such as a ship, aircraft, or produced in the last 2 years). Moreover, our present ultrasonic gauge
autonomous surface vehicles, are contaminated by vertical and angular and inertial motion unit system has been developed based on the expe-
accelerations and the Doppler effect (Amador et al., 2022; Sun et al., rience that our group has been gathering for many years (Christensen
2005; Pettersson et al., 2003). The motion contamination on the wave et al., 2013; Løken et al., 2021), and has focused on providing a design
measurements is therefore attempted to be compensated. that is both affordable and robust: the present system has survived a
We want to stress that our methodology is fundamentally different circumnavigation of over 1.5 years on the barque Statsraad Lehmkuhl.
from ‘‘ship as a buoy’’ measurements (Degtyarev et al., 2012; Mak Therefore, our system is, to our knowledge, the first low cost, open
and Düz, 2019; Nielsen and Dietz, 2020). Indeed, our methodology source, hardened, validated, and production-ready open source design
consists in performing a direct measurement of the water elevation for performing motion corrected range-based wave measurements from
time series using a range sensor that is mounted on the ship, and ships and moving platforms, and takes such system from the proof-
correcting for the motion of the ship-mounted range sensor by using of-concept stage to the point where these techniques can be deployed
inertial measurement unit data. As a consequence, we obtain a direct easily by other groups by taking inspiration from our work and open
observation of the wave elevation from fusing both sources of data, and source release.
no modeling assumption is involved in obtaining the wave elevation The instrumentation, design and signal processing are described
timeseries. By contrast, ‘‘ship as a buoy’’ measurement techniques rely in Section 2 and made freely available under an open source license
on the use of inertial measurement unit or GPS measurements of the Appendix A. Data acquisition is outlined in Section 3. The results are
motion of the ship, which is a measure of the response of the ship to the presented and discussed in Section 4. Wave parameters are quality
wave field. However, this response is the result of the wave field being controlled in Section 4.1, and compared to satellite altimetry and a
filtered by the Response Amplitude Operator (RAO, Newman (1977) numerical wave model in Section 4.2. Concluding remarks are given
and Bonaschi et al. (2012)) of the ship, which is a complex function in Section 5.
of both the incident wave direction relative to the ship and the shape
and properties of the hull. As a consequence, determining accurately
2. Method
the RAO and inverting it to go from ship motion data to an estimate
of the wave field is a complex task, even for modern data-driven
2.1. Instrumentation
methods (Scholcz and Mak, 2020). Therefore, our method bypasses
these difficulties present with the ship as a buoy measurements, and
The ship mounted system combines altimeter probes to measure the
allows to get a direct measurement of the wave elevation timeseries.
Our methodology also has a number of advantages compared with distance from the ship to the ocean surface and inertial measurement
measurements obtained with marine radar. First, our system is typ- units (IMUs) to compensate for the ship’s motion. Fig. 1 illustrates the
ically costing 𝑂(1000) USD, which is in our experience significantly instruments mounted at the bow of Statsraad Lehmkuhl. Several instru-
less expensive than advanced marine radars with wave measurement ments were installed at different locations on the ship to determine the
processing capability. Second, while marine radars are very well suited configuration that collects the highest quality data. The extra instru-
for recovering the wave direction relative to the heading of the ship ments also serve as a backup in case of individual instrument failure,
and the wave period, the physical processes used by marine radar which was expected due to the harsh weather conditions encountered
make it challenging to recover accurate estimates of the significant during a 20-month-long circumnavigation.
wave height. This calls for using alternative techniques to recover wave The highest accuracy compared to model and satellite data was
height even in cases when a marine radar is present on the ship and can found for the ultrasonic probe mounted on the starboard side of the
estimate the wave direction and wave period information (Thornhill bow (ug2) and the main IMU located with the processing unit below
and Stredulinsky, 2010; Stredulinsky and Thornhill, 2011). deck (Ølberg, 2023). The two extra IMUs were mounted in waterproof
Previous studies employing ship mounted ultrasonic altimeters in casings exposed at the altimeter probe locations. They were destroyed
a similar way to our present work found good agreements for in- in harsh storms after respectively three and eight months. Their record-
tegrated wave parameters, compared to in situ observations, wave ings were subject to more errors than the main IMU (Knoblauch,
model, and satellite altimetry (Løken et al., 2021; Christensen et al., 2022), likely due to vibration contamination at the exposed locations.
2013). A study applying ship mounted laser altimeter reports better This could be remediated by enclosing them in heavier and stronger
accuracy than marine X-band radar for significant wave height but housings giving better protection during storms. The probe operating
lower accuracy for peak periods (Lund et al., 2017). These studies with microwaves (radar) exhibited a low accuracy, anticipated to be
focused on periods when the ship was stationary to avoid Doppler caused by reflections at the ship’s metal hull or errors in the set-up of
contamination. Cifuentes-Lorenzen et al. (2013) Doppler corrected the the instrument since the distance fluctuation was inverted compared
laser altimeter measurements but considered only periods when the to the ultrasonic probes (Ølberg, 2023). The ultrasonic probe mounted
vessel is steaming into waves to avoid ambiguities arising when the at the bowsprit tip (ug1) also contained erroneous measurements due
vessel is steaming with waves. Based on the work of Collins et al. to the extensive motion amplitudes and vibrations encountered at the
(2016), we present a method for Doppler correcting measurements bowsprit of a sailing ship.
when steaming with waves. Therefore, only the colored instruments in Fig. 1 will be considered
Our present study summarizes the work of Knoblauch (2022) and in this study. The ultrasonic probe is mounted in a steel frame with
Ølberg (2023) and presents the wave measurement system mounted a clear path to the ocean surface, as shown in Fig. 2. The main
on the barque Statsraad Lehmkuhl. The system is produced in-house IMU is protected from vibrations and physical harm below deck. The
from open source hardware, firmware, and postprocessing building horizontal and vertical distance between the main IMU and ug2 are
blocks. This is one of the major strengths of the present work: since all about 4.5 and 1 m, respectively.

J.T. Ølberg et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116586

Fig. 1. The system components marked on the sketch of Statsraad Lehmkuhl (Knoblauch, 2022). Only the colored instruments will be presented here. The extra, redundant
instruments not discussed here were installed as a backup in case of individual instruments failure, and as a way to test different configurations to establish how to gather the
highest quality data.

Fig. 2. Pictures of the position of the ug2 sensor (a) on the starboard bow in (b) a steel frame. Photo: Judith Thu Ølberg.

The ultrasonic probe IRU-3433-C601 emits 43 kHz ultrasonic pulses analog signal in amperage (4–20 mA standard industrial current loop
at a 10 Hz sampling rate. It has a distance range of 0.4–15.2 m, and reading).
a beam width of 9◦ , corresponding to a 0.4–4.89 m footprint diameter The IMU VN1002 incorporates an accelerometer, gyroscope, and
at the ocean surface. The distance to the ocean surface is calculated magnetometer with signal processing capabilities. It samples at 800 Hz
internally from the time delay of the echo, compensated for the speed and applies internal Kalman- and low-pass filtering (Rabault et al.,
of sound in air with an internal thermometer. The sensor outputs an 2020), providing a digital signal at 10 Hz. The IMU’s purpose is


J.T. Ølberg et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116586

Fig. 3. The coordinate system defined for the ship as seen from above.

Fig. 4. Diagram of the systems’ data flow and power supply (Knoblauch, 2022).

to measure the ship’s motion. The coordinate system of the ship is

defined with the 𝑥-axis aligned from stern to bow and the 𝑦-axis
to be cost-effective. The ultrasonic probe is much cheaper than the
from starboard to port, illustrated in Fig. 3. Roll represents rotation
radar probe5 and has provided better quality data at the same mounting
around the 𝑥-axis, increasing if the ship tilts from port to starboard.
location as the radar during the circumnavigation (Ølberg, 2023). The
Similarly, pitch represents rotation around the 𝑦-axis, increasing if the
price of the system could be cut by using ISM330DHCX-based IMUs6
bow is moved downward during the rotation. The vertical acceleration
and custom Kalman filtering and signal processing similar to what is
is positive upwards. The IMUs’ coordinate system is defined with the
presented by Rabault et al. (2022). The extra IMUs in the present study
𝑧-axis pointing downwards, mirrored around the 𝑥-axis compared to
were ISM330DHCX-based, but provided more erroneous measurements
Fig. 3. Therefore, the IMUs’ vertical acceleration and pitch sign is
than the VN100 IMU (Knoblauch, 2022). This is likely because the
inverted during postprocessing, while the roll retains its original value.
VN100 IMU is better housed and fixed to the ship, not that the instru-
The processing unit comprises affordable, readily available, and
ment is intrinsically better. The ISM330DHCX-based IMUs have proven
well-documented hardware: an Arduino Due Board3 and a Raspberry
to give the same data quality as the VN100 IMU at a fraction of the cost
Pi computer (RPi).4 Fig. 4 illustrates the systems data flow and power
when properly installed using robust housing (Rabault et al., 2022).
supply. The RPi runs the processing scripts and saves data as com-
pressed lzma files every 30 min. The RPi is protected and fan-cooled
by a housing (Argon ONE M.2 case) fitted with an SSD and a real-time 2.2. Signal synchronization and processing
clock. It receives power via 5.25 V USB-C (to avoid dropping below
5 V even in the present of resistive loss in cables) from a converter To obtain a time series of the surface elevation observed in the mov-
plugged into the ship’s 220 V network. The RPi is also linked to the ing referential of the ship (i.e., including some Doppler shift effects, see
ship’s data network via an ethernet cable which provides access via the dedicated section further down), measurements from the different
SSH connection and broadcasting data to the ship’s internal network sensors, in particular in our case ug2 and the VN100 IMU, are needed
and servers. on the same time base. The requirement ‘‘on the same time base’’ is not,
The Arduino Due board processes the analog signal from the ul- strictly speaking, exact: it is enough for obtaining usable data that the
trasonic probe. It performs digital to analog conversion (DAC) of the typical time lag between the measurement acquisition from different
4–20 mA current loop signal by using calibrated resistors and mea- sensors is (i) predictable, and much smaller than both (ii) the typical
suring their voltage drop. The analog signal is sent as binary data measurements sample rate and (iii) the time scale of the wave dynamics
packages to the Raspberry Pi via an actively powered USB hub. The we aim to measure. All measurements, both from IMUs and range
main IMU gets power from the power output pin of the Arduino Due. sensors, are gathered by the Arduino Due, which runs a bare-metal
The ultrasonic probe receives power from a separate 24 V converter no-OS program that introduces very low and predictable latency. As
plugged into the ship’s 220 V network. An electric circuit shield con- a consequence, logging of all measurements is performed consistently
taining a Maxim Integrated MAX3323EEPE is pinned on the Arduino by a single hard real-time system without the risk of introducing
Due to handle voltage shifting together with the resistors for amperage unexpected delays and time shifts, and the conditions (i)–(iii) above are
to voltage transformation, and power distribution (schematic circuit met. Indeed, the timing of the range sensors reading is determined by
diagram is shown in Appendix B). the scheduling of the ADC reading, which is performed and controlled
The total cost of the system comprising the processing unit, ultra- by the Arduino Due bare metal program and allows near-exact signal
sonic probe, and VN100 IMU is about 2500 USD. The price of each synchronization (the only time shift introduced comes from the need
individual system component is not presented since it depends on the to actually perform ADC conversions one after the other and to change
distributor and individual market situation. However, some general the ADC channel; in the default Arduino Due ADC configuration, this
price comparisons will be made since the ship mounted system aims amounts to around 100 μs). The only possible source of time mismatch

3 5
4 manual.pdf.

J.T. Ølberg et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116586

Fig. 5. Illustration of the calculation of the water surface fluctuation 𝜂 ′ , for a ship (a) lying still in the water and (b) moving due to waves.

Fig. 6. Surface fluctuation over 1-min the 22.10.21 measured solely by IMU, ug2, and the combination of both.

comes from the IMUs, since their measurement timings are determined The surface fluctuation can also be determined from only the ver-
intrinsically by each IMU rather than by the program running on the tical position of the ship by ignoring the ultrasonic distance measure-
Arduino Due. Therefore, to exactly synchronize time between the range ments of Eq. (2) (D = 0):
sensors and the IMUs, a common time base is defined as 30 min with a
𝜂′ = z′ . (4)
time step of 10 Hz, and the ug2 and IMU 30-min data sets are thereby IMU

linearly interpolated over the common time base. The vertical position is obtained by double integrating the IMUs’
The surface fluctuation 𝜂 ′ would be determined solely by the ul- vertical acceleration. Firstly the gravitational acceleration is subtracted
trasonic distance measurement if the ship laid perfectly still in the from the vertical acceleration:
water, as illustrated in Fig. 5(a). The marker ’ refers to a fluctuation,
not a derivative. The surface fluctuation would then be the distance z̈ (𝑡)′ = z̈ (𝑡) − 𝑔. (5)
subtracted from the mean distance of each 30-min file. With this sign The double integration is performed with Fourier transform follow-
convention, a positive fluctuation resembles a crest, and a negative ing:
resembles a trough; [ ]
z(𝑡)′ =  −1  [̈z(𝑡)′ ](𝜔) (𝑡). (6)
𝜂′ = 𝐷pos=0,probe − 𝐷pos=0,probe . (1) 𝜔2

However, the ship moves under the influence of waves, which Here, 𝜔 = 2𝜋𝑓 is the angular frequency (Holthuijsen, 2007a). The
modulates the vertical position and inclination of the ultrasonic probe. transform is performed by fast Fourier transform for each 30-min file.
Pitch is the inclination in the x-z-plane, while roll is the inclination in Only frequencies inside the range 𝑓𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.05 Hz and 𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 0.5 Hz
the y-z-plane. The trigonometric relations of the orthogonal triangle in are retained, corresponding to frequencies relevant to ocean waves.
Fig. 5(b) give the distance compensated for the ship’s motion similar to The first and last three minutes of each data file are excluded due to
Equation 1 in Christensen et al. (2013): potential errors related to the transform.
Fig. 6 illustrates an example of the surface fluctuation measured
𝐷pos=0,probe+IMU = 𝐷pos≠0 cos(pitch) cos(roll) − z′ . (2) solely by IMU (Eq. (4)), ug2 (Eq. (1)), and the combination of both
Only the surface elevation fluctuation is retained: (Eq. (3)). Ølberg (2023) found, as expected, that the combination of
water elevation from ug2 and platform motion correction from the IMU
𝜂′ = 𝐷pos=0,probe+IMU − 𝐷pos=0,probe+IMU . (3) provides the highest accuracy, and is therefore presented in this paper.

J.T. Ølberg et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116586

2.3. Wave spectrum and wave parameters

The processing methodology we use relies on spectral analysis of

the wave elevation time series recorded by the ship. At this point, we
want to point out again that, as soon as the ship is sailing, Doppler
effect affects the signals recorded. However, the consequence of the
Doppler effect is purely to modify the effective frequency of the waves
measured from the ship. As a consequence, the significant wave height,
which is related only to the variance of the wave elevation signal, is not
affected by the ship sailing speed. We can, therefore, apply the usual
spectral signal processing methods to compute the significant wave
height, without the need to worry about the ship sailing speed.
The one-dimensional variance density spectrum E(f) is determined
from the surface fluctuation (Eq. (3)) by fast Fourier transform with the
Welch method (Welch, 1967). Each 30-min file is split into segments of
180 s, corresponding to 1800 sampling points at a 10 Hz sampling rate.
Overlap between segments is set to 90%. Each segment is multiplied by
a Hann window to reduce spectral leakage. The cutoff frequencies are
set to 𝑓𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.05 Hz and 𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 0.5 Hz. Fig. 7. Illustration of the relation between the wave direction, ship heading, and 𝜃.
The wave parameters are calculated from the moments of the vari-
ance density spectrum (Holthuijsen, 2007b):
𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑥 Here, v𝑜 is the observer’s velocity in the wave direction. Fig. 7 illus-
𝑚𝑛 = 𝑓 𝑛 𝐸(𝑓 )𝑑𝑓 . (7) trates that v𝑜 is the ship’s velocity v𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝 scaled by the angle 𝜃 between
the wave direction (coming-from) and the ship heading (going-to):
The integrated significant wave height is determined by the zeroth-
order moment of the variance density spectrum 𝑚0 v𝑜 = vship ⋅ cos(𝜃). (13)
(Holthuijsen, 2007b): The observer’s velocity is largest for wave directions aligned with
√ the ship heading (towards or away) and absent for wave directions
𝐻𝑠 = 4 𝑚 0 . (8)
perpendicular to the ship heading. The velocity is negative in the red-
We can, similarly to what is done with the significant wave height, colored area of Fig. 7 (vessel steaming with waves) and positive in
estimate the peak period of the waves. However, this estimate will be the white space (vessel steaming into waves). The frequencies recorded
affected by the Doppler effect, which we discuss in the next section. while steaming with waves are too low and must be shifted to higher
Ignoring the Doppler frequency shift for now, the first moment mean values. Similarly, frequencies recorded while steaming into waves are
period is calculated from the first-order moment (Holthuijsen, 2007b): too high and must be corrected to lower frequencies.
The velocity of the sender v𝑠 is zero because the traveling waves
𝑚0 are not caused by a distinct sender. The signal propagating velocity 𝑐
𝑇𝑚01 = . (9) is the phase speed of surface gravity waves in deep water (Holthuijsen,
The second moment mean period is calculated to emphasize the 𝑔 𝑔
𝑐= = . (14)
high frequency part of the spectrum (Holthuijsen, 2007b): 𝜔𝑠 2𝜋𝑓𝑠

𝑚0 Inserting Eqs. (14) to (12) gives a second-order equation for the
𝑇𝑚02 = . (10) sender’s frequency:
𝑔 𝑔
𝑓𝑠2 + 𝑓 − 𝑓 = 0. (15)
The peak period is defined as the reciprocal of the peak frequency 2𝜋v𝑜 𝑠 2𝜋v𝑜 𝑜
of the variance density spectrum (Holthuijsen, 2007b), and represents Two solutions can be obtained from Eq. (15):
the period of the dominant sea state: √
−𝑔 ± 𝑔 2 + 8𝜋𝑔v𝑜 𝑓𝑜
1 𝑓𝑠+,𝑠− = . (16)
𝑇𝑝 = . (11) 4𝜋v𝑜
𝑓 (𝑚𝑎𝑥(𝐸(𝑓 )))
When the vessel is steaming into waves, the solution is the negative
2.4. Doppler effect correction root, and 𝑓𝑜 always maps to a lower value of 𝑓𝑠 (Collins et al., 2016):

−𝑔 − 𝑔 2 + 8𝜋𝑔v𝑜 𝑓𝑜
Data recorded while the ship travels contains a Doppler-shifted 𝑓𝑠− = . (17)
frequency since the waves are moving relative to the ship. Note that,
Ambiguities arise when the vessel is steaming with waves because
as stated above, the Doppler shift affects the observed wave frequency,
contributions to the observed frequency 𝑓𝑜 may originate from three
and therefore the peak period (Eq. (11)), but has no effect on the signif- wave components 𝑓𝑠 (Figure 1a Collins et al., 2016). The wave com-
icant wave height, as it does not affect the moment 𝑚0 (Eq. (8)). The ponents are long waves propagating faster than twice the ship’s speed,
derivation of Doppler corrections for wave frequency spectra follows short waves being overtaken by the ship, and intermediate waves in
the work of Collins et al. (2016). Here, the recorded frequency is called between (Collins et al., 2016). To avoid ambiguities, only the fast waves
the observer’s frequency 𝑓𝑜 , while the frequency of the incoming waves are Doppler shifted 𝑐critical > |4v𝑜 | corresponding to low frequencies
is called the sender’s frequency 𝑓𝑠 . The sender’s frequency 𝑓𝑠 will be 𝑔
𝑓critical < | 8𝜋v |. Frequencies higher than the critical frequency are
derived from the Doppler relation: neglected in the Doppler correction. The negative root (Eq. (17)) is ad-
( ) equate for the fast waves because the square root remains positive, and
𝑐 + v𝑜
𝑓𝑜 = 𝑓𝑠 . (12) 𝑓𝑜 always maps to a higher value of 𝑓𝑠 . Since the Statsraad Lehmkuhl is
𝑐 + v𝑠

J.T. Ølberg et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116586

Fig. 8. The critical frequency for the Doppler shifted spectrum displayed (a) dependent on the observers velocity and (b) as a cumulative distribution function.

a sailship that has a moderate top speed, ignoring the slowly propagat- the ship mounted system cannot measure directional properties. The
ing high frequency waves has little effect on the estimate of the peak wave direction is defined as the direction the waves are coming from.
period properties. To complement model data, satellite altimeter measurements are
The Doppler shifted periods (Eqs. (9), (10), (11)) are thereby cal- used to validate the ship borne wave measurements. Significant wave
culated from the Doppler shifted frequency spectrum within the range height from several satellite missions is accessed from Copernicus Ma-
𝑓𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.05 Hz and 𝑓𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 0.5 Hz. rine Environment Monitoring Service.10 The satellite missions: CryoSat
Fig. 8(a) illustrates the dependence of the critical frequency as −2, Sentinel-3A and -3B, HaiYang-2B, CFOSAT, and Sentinel-6A, are
a function of the observers’ velocity. At high velocity, the critical considered here. These are not used for assimilation in ECWAM and
frequency is low, and few frequencies are retained in the Doppler can therefore serve as independent quality control (Abdalla S., personal
shifted spectrum. At low velocity, all frequencies are retained until the communication, January 2023). The satellite data are level-3, which
cutoff at 0.5 Hz. Fig. 8(b) displays the cumulative distribution function is quality-controlled, inter-calibrated, and filtered for noise (Taburet
of the critical frequency. The frequencies below 0.08 Hz are always et al., 2022). The filtered product has a spatial and temporal resolution
retained, but already at 0.15 Hz, 50% of the Doppler shifted spectra of 7 km and 1 Hz, respectively.
are cut. Steaming with waves therefore results in a reduced spectral The model and satellite data are collected along the ship track
range. using the open source software package Wavy.11 The Wavy software
collects data recorded within a defined time window and distance
limit (Bohlinger et al., 2019), chosen as 15 min and 100 km, respec-
3. Data acquisition
tively. For model data, only the nearest grid cell within the distance
limit is extracted. This results in two time series, one for the wave
Data for this study were collected during the One Ocean Expe-
model and one for ship measurements, with an equal number of values.
dition.7 The 98-meter-long Norwegian barque, Statsraad Lehmkuhl,
For satellite data, all values within the distance limit are gathered.
circumnavigated the globe from Arendal in August 2021 to Bergen in
The value along a local satellite track segment closest in distance from
April 2023. The ship was equipped with various scientific equipment,
the ship track is chosen, providing two time series with an equal
which aims to gather knowledge about the ocean (Huse et al., 2023). number of satellite values and ship measurements. The Wavy software
All research data are available open source,8 including the data used in also calculates validation statistics, including the root mean squared
this study regarding wave measurements, wind, ship track, speed, and deviation (RMSD), mean deviation (MD), correlation coefficient (R),
heading. The data presented here were recorded from Las Palmas de and the number of observations collocated (N) (see Appendix C). The
Gran Canaria, 04.10.21 to Wilhelmstad, Curacao, 04.11.21, illustrated Wavy documentation describes an example of collocation with the ship
in Fig. 9. Over this period, the system was recently mounted and track.12
functioning optimally, and it is one of the longest continuous wave
records. 4. Results and discussion
The recorded wave parameters are compared to the third-generation
wave model ECWAM which is operated by the European Centre for In the route studied here (Fig. 9), Statsraad Lehmkuhl was sailing
Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF, 2021). ECWAM has global with an average wind speed of 6.3 m/s and a maximum of 13.6 m/s.
coverage with 14 km spatial- and 1-h temporal resolution. The model The average ship speed was 2.7 m/s, and the maximum speed was
provides a 10-day forecast twice a day. The shortest lead time available 5.3 m/s without using the motor. The wave direction was mainly
(best estimate) is chosen. The wave parameters applied for comparison towards the southwest. Since the ship was sailing west, it was steaming
are the significant wave height of combined wind waves and swell, with the waves. Waves were entering the starboard side of the stern,
mean wave period based on first moment, the second moment wave and since the ug2 sensor is located on the starboard side, shadowing
period, peak wave period and mean wave direction (parameter ID effects by the ship’s hull are assumed to be avoided.
140229, 140220, 140221, 140231, 1402309 ). ECWAM’s mean wave The ultrasonic sensor measured a mean distance of 7.0 m and a
direction is utilized for the Doppler effect calculation because currently 1.2–15.4 m range. This indicates that the ultrasonic sensor was never

7 10
8 NRT_014_001/description.
9 12

J.T. Ølberg et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116586

Fig. 9. The ship track of Statsraad Lehmkuhl from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 04.10.21 to Wilhelmstad, Curacao 04.11.21. Orange markers are satellite track crossings measuring
wave statistics which are used for data comparison.

Fig. 10. Observed significant wave height compared to (a) satellite and (b) ECWAM. The solid red line is the quantile–quantile fit (Q-Q), while the red dotted line is the linear
regression (y). The statistics are described in Appendix C.

submerged in the water. The maximum specified sensor distance of use of anomaly detection. However, they are not suitable for the present
15.2 m was exceeded at 1.5% of the measurements, which is a low study. SalaciaML, a deep learning classification model, requires an
value compared to previous studies (Christensen et al., 2013; Løken extensive amount of quality-controlled data during development. The
et al., 2021). The ultrasonic sensor’s mounting and range suit the sailing route of Statsraad Lehmkuhl is unique so no similar data is
relatively calm sea conditions presented here. readily available not to mention the data must be quality-controlled.
CoTeDe requires several pre-defined thresholds to determine normal-
4.1. Quality control ity or anomaly. In contrast, AdapAD does not need to be trained in
advance. The performance of the AdapAD algorithm was evaluated on
The collected data were automatically quality controlled by our our quality-controlled data. It yields detection precision of at least 87%
anomaly detection algorithm called AdapAD (Nguyen et al., 2023). and higher than 38 state-of-the-art anomaly detection algorithms.
AdapAD is designed to work on oceanographic data and aim to detect The AdapAD algorithm is applied to seven wave properties collected
measurements that are too deviated from the majority of data instances. by the ship mounted system. Table 1 list the data contamination rate
The anomalous measurements are detected by the AdapAD algorithm of the wave properties. The data contamination rate is highest for the
and then manually inspected by ourselves. peak wave period, but makes up less than 1% for all wave parameters.
SalaciaML (Mieruch et al., 2021) and CoTeDe (Castelao, 2020) are As the data contamination rate is low, the data is adequate for other
existing software solutions for automatic data quality which also make data-driven applications (Schmidl et al., 2022; Wu and Keogh, 2021).

J.T. Ølberg et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116586

Fig. 11. Observed (a) original Tm01 period, (b) Doppler shifted Tm01 period, (c) original Tm02 period and (d) Doppler shifted Tm02 period, compared to ECWAM’s respective
periods. The solid red line is the quantile–quantile fit (Q-Q), while the red dotted line is the linear regression (y). The statistics are described in Appendix C.

Table 1 4.2. Data comparison

Data contamination rate of wave properties.
Wave property Data contamination rate On average, the observed significant wave height was 1.8 m, with
Significant wave height (Hs) 1/1440 (0.07%) a maximum value of 3.3 m. The significant wave height observations
Original first moment mean wave period Tm01 3/1440 (0.21%) fit well with the 28 satellite observations available alongside the ship
track (Fig. 10(a)). The root mean squared deviation is 0.20 m and the
Doppler shifted first moment mean wave period 7/1440 (0.49%)
(Tm01_ds) correlation coefficient is 0.96. The observations also agree well with the
Original second moment mean wave period (Tm02) 4/1440 (0.28%) wave model data (Fig. 10(b)) for the 722 hourly values. The root mean
Doppler shifted second moment mean wave period 3/1440 (0.21%) squared deviation is 0.25 m and the correlation coefficient is 0.93.
(Tm02_ds) The observed first moment mean period Tm01 has a mean value
Original peak wave period (Tp) 14/1440 (0.97%)
of 7.3 s and a maximum value of 10.6 s. The second moment mean
Doppler shifted peak wave period (Tp_ds) 2/1440 (0.14%)
period Tm02 has a lower mean value of 6.7 s and a maximum value
of 9.6 s since it emphasizes the high frequencies. Both mean periods
agree well with the wave model (Fig. 11). The RMSD is 1.55 s and 1.86
s, for the mean periods Tm01 and Tm02, respectively. The correlation
The quality-controlled data is accessible in our replication package
coefficient is 0.81 for both mean periods. The Doppler correction lowers
Appendix A. the RMSD with 0.8 s for both mean periods while the correlation

J.T. Ølberg et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116586

Fig. 12. Observed (a) original peak period and (b) Doppler shifted peak period, compared to ECWAM’s peak period. The solid red line is the quantile–quantile fit (Q-Q), while
the red dotted line is the linear regression (y). The statistics are described in Appendix C.

coefficient remains similar (Figs. 11(b) and 11(d)). The original mean However, a number of further improvements can be envisioned
periods had a positive MD, which is compensated with the Doppler on this system, especially regarding the Doppler effect correction. As
corrections, especially for Tm01 (Fig. 11(b)). discussed above, the present system does not have any way to retrieve
The observed peak period has a mean value of 10.2 s and is the wave directional information used for performing the Doppler effect
limited within the range of 2–20 s by the frequency range 0.05–0.5 Hz. correction, which is why we have relied on numerical model data to
Fig. 12(a) displays a spread between the observed peak period and obtain information about the wave direction. This is, naturally, subop-
the model data. The RMSD is 2.77 s and the correlation coefficient timal, as it means that the system is dependent on external data sources
is 0.58. Fig. 12(a) also illustrates that the observed peak period is and numerical models to accurately estimate, e.g., the wave period.
sorted in steps, with larger spacing at higher periods. This is due Several improvements in this regard could be envisioned. First, it would
to the calculation method (Eq. (11)) because the division with small be possible to fuse an additional data source from the marine radar
frequencies has a larger spacing (1/0.1 Hz = 10 s and 1/0.2 Hz = 5 s) present on the ship in order to recover the wave direction and spread
than the division with high frequencies (1/0.4 Hz = 2.5 s and 1/0.5 Hz information. As previously pointed in the literature, e.g. Stredulinsky
= 2 s). and Thornhill (2011), combining wave directional information gath-
The Doppler shifted peak period is not sorted in steps (Fig. 12(b)) ered from a radar system with high quality wave amplitude data allows
because the Doppler shift introduces a disturbance dependent on the to cover the weaknesses of both methods and to obtain robust estimates
frequency (Eq. (17)). The Doppler shifted peak period has a 0.51 s for both the wave height and period. This is an exciting direction,
higher RMSD than the original peak period. The negative MD is 1.66 however, marine radar systems are typically hard to interface with,
s larger in magnitude than the original peak periods which means that as they are usually close source, non open systems, that are locked
the Doppler corrected peak periods are shifted too low compared to the from the point of view of the user. Therefore, while these radar-based
model data.
directional wave information data should be available on many ships,
The Doppler Effect correction did not improve the peak period
they are often, in our experience, technically challenging to recover.
measurements as much as a previous study utilizing ship mounted
Another possible way to obtain better wave direction information
laser (Collins et al., 2016). The study found the statistics to be better
can consist in mounting several gauges around the hull of the ship.
when using the wave directions from a marine X-band radar compared
Indeed, it would then become possible to perform cross-correlation or
to a constant wave direction which is used in the present study. Collins
co-spectrum analysis between the different wave elevation measure-
et al. (2016) also found that a method including varying ship speed
ments at different locations around the ship, in order to recover the
and heading improved the statistics marginally, compared to constant
peak wave direction information at each frequency, as illustrated in
ship speed and heading which is used in the present study. Moreover,
a different context by Marchenko et al. (2017). Moreover, the use of
the present study utilized a sailing vessel as a research vessel, which
several gauges around the ship could allow to quantify and alleviate
mainly sails with the wind and waves from behind. Steaming with
shadowing effects due to the hull of the ship — as discussed previously,
waves results in a reduced Doppler shifted spectral range (Fig. 8), which
may distort the Doppler shifted peak period. this was not an issue in our specific dataset, but this could be an issue
in other situations.
4.3. Possible further developments and improvements on the system
5. Conclusion
The initial goal of the present wave system was to collect informa-
tion about the significant wave height encountered by the Statsraad This study has presented a ship borne wave measurement system’s
Lehmkuhl during its circumnavigation. This objective was well fulfilled, design and signal processing. The system incorporates a downward fac-
as confirmed by the validation of the system presented in Fig. 10. ing ultrasonic altimeter with an inertial measurement unit to estimate
Moreover, we have demonstrated that we are also able to generate the sea surface fluctuation as a time series. The system design and soft-
overall reasonable estimates for the wave period, by adding Doppler ware have been optimized during previous studies (Knoblauch, 2022;
correction to the signal processing analysis, as demonstrated in Fig. 11. Ølberg, 2023). The best configuration was found to be an ultrasonic

J.T. Ølberg et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116586

altimeter probe with a 15.2 m range, secured within a steel frame at work. The scientific work during One Ocean Expedition was sponsored
the ship’s bow which is elevated 7 m above the sea surface. The inertial by the Agenda Vestland / Sparebanken Vest Foundation. Mr. Nguyen
measurement unit should be protected from vibrations and physical was supported by SFI SmartOcean NFR Project 309612/F40.
harm. The 4.5 m horizontal and 1 m vertical distance between the
IMU and altimeter probe is sufficient to resemble the same motion. The
Appendix A. Open source system design and code
sea state in the Tropical Atlantic was relatively calm, with a maximum
significant wave height of 3.3 m. The system has proven robust when
operating over 20 months, even in rough sea conditions (Ølberg, 2023). All the design information, code, and postprocessing scripts needed
The one-dimensional wave spectrum and wave properties have been to build a similar system and to analyze the data are made available on
calculated from the sea surface fluctuation time series. The significant GitHub at:
wave height observations fit well with satellite altimetry and the spec- sensor_system.
tral wave model ECWAM. The observed mean periods also agree well This project has highlighted several hardware and software design
with the spectral wave model, while the observed peak period has a aspects that are worth keeping in mind and using as guidelines for
lower accuracy. The ship mounted approach is therefore suitable to the future development of similar systems. In particular, it has proven
study the air–sea interaction processes that are more sensitive to the critical to implement the following set of guidelines:
short wind sea than the swell. The Doppler correction enhances the
accuracy of the mean periods, but not the peak period. The Doppler • use connectors that are easy and robust to plug/unplug on all
correction is anticipated to perform better by utilizing a marine X-band sensors; using wires that are permanently fixed makes it hard to
radar for accurate wave direction observations (Lund et al., 2017) and
draw cables and install the equipment,
for a ship steaming into waves rather than with waves. The potential for
• protect electronics, in particular the ADC of the microcontroller
measuring directional spectra using multi-sensor setups on ship should
board, against transient high currents when using a 4–20 mA
also be investigated, as already applied on aircraft (Sun et al., 2005;
Pettersson et al., 2003). current loop; failure to do so can result in burning ADC due to
The findings of this study demonstrate that the integrated wave high transients and parasitic capacity/inductance on transmission
parameters from ship mounted ultrasonic altimeter have high accu- lines; this can be avoided either ideally by including schottky
racy. The observations are applicable to real-time broadcasting and diodes to protect the ADC channels, or as a poor mans fix by
validation of satellite observations and wave models. The ship-mounted having strict routines and procedures for plugging/unplugging
system has been optimized during the expedition and previous stud- the instruments, including making sure all instruments are com-
ies (Knoblauch, 2022; Ølberg, 2023), to qualify as a robust and adapt- pletely off and possible capacitors are fully discharged before any
able method. The system is based on open source hardware, firmware, plugging/unplugging sensors,
and postprocessing, allowing replication of the setup presented here. • using a modular design to make it easy to replace components
We believe a culture of sharing off-the-shelf sensors within the scientific independently of each other as they may experience failure in real
community will greatly enhance the volume of in situ observations. world harsh conditions
Further developments of the system can be envisioned in the future, • perform all logging from a single microcontroller board to avoid
in order to improve the gathering of wave directional information.
unreliable timing introduced by non-real-time OS, and clock syn-
CRediT authorship contribution statement chronization issues; i.e., all logging should be performed on the
same microcontroller board, rather than merging the data ac-
Judith Thu Ølberg: Formal analysis, Visualization, Writing – orig- quired by several microcontroller boards, and/or using the Rasp-
inal draft, Writing – review & editing. Patrik Bohlinger: Software, berryPi or similar computer running a non-real-time-operating-
Supervision, Visualization, Writing – original draft. Øyvind Breivik: system to log some of the sensors,
Formal analysis, Supervision. Kai H. Christensen: Conceptualization, • keep IMU and range sensors as close as possible to each other to
Writing – original draft. Birgitte R. Furevik: Supervision, Writing – simplify the position mismatch-induced rigid body correction
original draft. Lars R. Hole: Funding acquisition, Project administra- • use robust waterproof and shockproof enclosures, and protecting
tion, Supervision, Writing – original draft. Gaute Hope: Conceptual- connectors and cables
ization, Formal analysis. Atle Jensen: Formal analysis, Supervision.
• implementing systematic use of hardware watchdog to avoid
Fabian Knoblauch: Formal analysis, Software. Ngoc-Thanh Nguyen:
freeze of the system in case of unexpected failure, and log all
Formal analysis. Jean Rabault: Formal analysis, Methodology, Writing
events to allow easy debugging,
– review & editing.
• for cold regions, include de-icing system on the range sensors to
Declaration of competing interest avoid the UG or radar probe to end up covered in ice,
• regarding the choice of the VN100 vs. ISM330DHCX-based home
I declare that we have no conflicts of interests. assembled IMU: we observe the same intrinsic performance with
both systems, so it is possible to drastically cut cost by using
Data availability
the ISM330DHCX-based IMU logging, and fitting it in a proper
Everything needed to build a similar system and to analyze the
• regarding the choice of the UG vs. radar range measurement
data are made available on GitHub at:
OneOcean_wave_ultrasonic_sensor_system. device: we found out that the UG is both significantly better and
cheaper than the radar, and much better suited for use from ships
Acknowledgments with metal hull,
• it is critical to choose good mounting locations on the ship, in
This work is a part of the One Ocean Expedition, which involves particular for the range sensors: the sensors should be mounted
Stiftelsen Seilskipet Statsraad Lehmkuhl and several scientific insti- so as not to be too exposed to the elements, but at a location
tutions: The Norwegian Institute of Marine Research, The University where waves are not overly disturbed by the ships hull.
of Bergen, The Norwegian Research Center, The Norwegian Mete-
orological Institute, Western Norway University of Applied Science,
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, and The Norwegian Appendix B. Schematic circuit diagram
Institute for Water Research. We would also in particular thank the
crew on Statsraad Lehmkuhl for all their practical support to our field The electrical diagram of the system is presented in Fig. 13.

J.T. Ølberg et al. Ocean Engineering 292 (2024) 116586

Fig. 13. Schematic circuit diagram of the connections between the altimeter probes, the main IMU (VN100), the circuit shield (MAX3323EEPE), and the Arduino Due (Knoblauch,
2022). The altimeter probes are supplied with power from a 24 V converter plugged into the ship’s 220 V network. The IMU gets power from the Arduino Due, which receives
power through its USB connection with the RPI, providing 5 V input (not presented here).

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