The Developing Artist Piano Literature Book 1

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Nancy & Randall Faber f i a ae eo » Artist cots PIANO LITERATURE BOOK 1 - Revise Epivion ORIGINAL KEYBOARD CLASSICS EVISED EDITION Late Elementary Compiled and edited by Nancy and Randall Faber Production Coordinator: Jon Ophotf Cover: Terpstra Design, San Francisco Engraving: Dovetree Productions, Ine. ISBN 978.1.61677-030-3 Printed Edition Copyright © MCMNCI, MCMNCIX by Dovetree Productions, Ine. (ASCAP) ‘This Edition Copyright © MMIX by Dovetee Productions, In. (ASCAP) clo FABER PIANO ADVENTURES, 3042 Creek Dr, Ano Arbor, MI-48108 Invermational Copyright Secures. All Rights Reserved, Printed in US.A, WARNING: The masic, tex, design, and graphics in this publication. unless otherwise indicated. are copyrighted by Dovetre Prodoetions, Ine. and are protected by copyright Ia Any daplication isan infringement of U.S. copyright law ey CONTENTS EOL ‘The Periods of Music History BAROQUE (1600-1750) Von der Hofe, Joachim Praetorius, Michael ‘Telemann, George Philipp Mouret, Jean-Joseph CLASSICAL (1750-circa 1830) Hook, James Hook. James Tirk, Daniel Gottlob Diabelli, Anton Haydn, Franz Joseph Attwood, Thomas. Bach, J.C. (and Ricci, FP). ROMANTIC (circa 1830-1910) Schytte, Ludwig, Schytte, Ludwig Spindler, Fritz Woblfahrt, Heinrich Gurlitt, Comelius Lynes, Frank Canario Procession in G Gavotte in C ‘The Highlander (La Montagnarde). Bagatelle Minuet Little Dance Morning Quadrille Sonatina in G ‘Adagio and Allegro Little Prelude Melody for Left Hand ‘Two Preludes ‘Waltz for Four Hands The Hunt Tarantella. CONTEMPORARY (circa 1900-present) Alt, Hansi Dubliansky, V. Salutrinskaya, Tatiana Faber, Nancy Dictionary of Musical Terms Alphabetical Index of Titles On the Ocean Floor The Busy Machine Shepherd Pipes Pantomime » aEBS &2 FFI020 FFIO0 BAROQUE Dates: 1600-1750. atime of glittering royal cours in Europe, wigs on men, and the colonization of America. Style: The word “Baroque” describes a very decorative style of art and architecture ‘Composers: Bach, Handel, and Telemann are famous Baroque composers. A gavotte by Telemann is included in this collection. Telemann lived in Hambusg, Germany, where he was the town music director, ‘The Keyboard: The harpsichord, clavichord, and organ were the keyboard instruments used during the Baroque period. The piano was not invented until the eafty 1700s. (The student may wish to explore playing the Baroque pieces on the harpsichord setting of a digital keyboard ) CLASSICAL Dates: Approximately 1750-1830, the time of the French and American Revolutions, Thomas Jefferson, and the rise and fall of Napoleon, Men still wore wigs and Ince, bowed politely, and danced the minut Style: The music of the Classical period is generally elegant and melodic. Composers and artists preferred simplicity to the grandeur of the Baroque ‘Composers: Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven were the major composers of the Classical period. This book includes pieces by Haydn (who worked at the splendid palace of Prince Estethazy) and Diabelh (a friend of Beethoven) ‘The Keyboard: The carly piano was known as the fortepiano. It became popular because the performer could play the keys with a loud (forte) or soft (piano) touch. ROMANTIC Dates: Approximately 1830-1910, a time of industrial growth, the Civil War in the United States, and Queen Victoria's reign over the British Empire Style: The music of the Romantic period became more emotional and personal. Pieces often expressed an event ‘ story, such as “The Hunt” and * Tarantella” in this collection ‘Composers: Featured in this collection are Guelitt, who taught at the Hamburg Conservatory; Schytte, » Danish, pianist who settled in Germany; and Lynes, a prominent composer in Boston who studied at the Leipzig Conservatory. ‘The Keyboard: The pianoforte (now shortened to piano) gained power and size with the use of steel and brass CONTEMPORARY Dates: 1900 to the present, the time of the automobile, the phonograph, sending man to the moon, and the invention of the computer. Style: Modem music is wide and varied. Characteristics include dissonant harmonies, exciting rhythms, and a ‘wide range of dynamics." The Busy Machine” and "On the Ocean Floor” are examples ofthe varied sounds of 20th century music ‘Composers: During the 20th century. women composers anxd American composers began to achieve recognition, Itis an exciting time for musicians as today’s composers draw from the wealth of the past and set new trends for the future ‘The Keyboard: Today's piano is similar to that of the Romantic period. The invention of synthesizers and digital keyboards has given new sounds for consposers to explore. Barogus 1600 - 1750 Canario Joachim Von der Hofe (17th century, dates unknown) Allegretto 3 a = Sf , 5 — = ode ger 8 « G 6 = wt —_— 2 2 ae eee —™. 4 2 is i L = . ~~ _—— FF10%0 FFI030 Procession in G Michael Praetorius (0371-1621) Stately Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) FFI030 under’ FFI020 The Highlander (La Montagnarde) Jean-Joseph Mouret (1682-1738) 5 The student may wish to initially learn this picce without the L.H. grace note, FFI030 FFI030 CLASSICAL 1750 - circa 1830 Bagatelle James Hook (1746-1827) GB) 4 ed. s [SS ——— fs _ - i i ——— Re 2 2 fe 2 3 —_ 7 ———— SS P a aoe * — ———— FF1020 —-— = = FFI020 Minuet James Hook (1745-1827) F100 Daniel Gottlob Turk (1750-1813) Allegretto ce aad cross under + FFI020 Morning Anton Diabetli (1781-1858) Moderato FFIOI0 Quadrille Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) FF1030 Sonatina in G (1st movement) ‘Thomas Attwood (1765-1838) Allegretto — oe = == oo *The slur notation indicates that the D (downbeat of measure 5) both ends the preceding phrase and begins the new phrase. FF10%0 FFI020 Adagio and Allegro 4.C. Bach and FP. Ricei (1735-1782) and (1732-1817) e ote —=— SS pte oa) ge FT FS | = St = 9: ‘ 5 = . a SS eee] = ==? a The ‘The allegro section may be played freely, as in a cadenza. (A cadenza is an elaborate, showy section, often without bar lines.) FFI030 6 a= y : | 7 cet ToL oe == ¥ : SS =t y= piste: eee 7] Adagio, * eas Dt ft — FFIO20 pena Te cuca 1690 -7$70 Little Prelude FIO FFI020 Melsdy for Left end (Opus 108, No. 1 Pee segeees gags t oS pee Two Preludes Fritz Spindles (1817-1905) Andante Waltz for Four Hands from The Children’s Musical Friend (Opus 87, No. 35) Secondo Heinrich Wobifahet Allegretto (1797-1883) awn Fine « DC. al Fine FFI030 Student Part Waltz for Four Hands from The Children’s Musical Friend (Opus 87, No. 35) Primo Heinrich Woblfabet Play BOTH HANDS | octave HIGHER throughout. Ee) Allegretto 3 FFI030 The Hunt (Opus 117, No. 15) Cornelius Gurlitt (1820-1901) FFIO0 FFI020 Tarantella (Opus 14, No. 8) Frank Lynes (1858-1913) FFI0%0 FFIO20 Contemporary circa 1900—present On the Ocean Floor from The Ocean (Deep Sea Explorations on the Piano) Hansi Alt (20th century, dates unknown) Andante {© MCMLXVI Oxford Universiy Press, Ine. FFIO30 Licensed by Oxford University Press. Ail Rights Reserved. 31 FFIO30 The Busy Machine \V. Dubliansky (20th century, dates unknown) fl i Meno mosso wo z : ss 4 j _ O-ts ee . qe oe = = x a - a : A FFI030 33 FFIO0 Shepherd Pipes Tat'iana Salutrinskaya (Dates unknown) FFI0%0 35 Pantomime ‘Nancy Faber (1955- ) Quickly, playfully to 4 4 a: i , 2 2 ee Segoe tt Copyright © MCMXCIX Dovetrve Productions. Ine. (ASCAP),c/o FABER PIANO ADVENTURES. International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved. FFI030 FFI00 jy —- FFI020 38 FFIOI cere DYNAMIC MARKS. PP ’ wf f Sf pianissimo piano mezzo forte forte fortissimo very sof soft moderately soft moderately loud loud very loud erescendo (erese,) diminuendo (dim, or decrescendo (deerese) Play gradually louder. Play gradually softer. TEMPO MARKS Adagio Andante Moderato AMlegretto Allegro Vivace slowly “walking speed” moderate tempo rather fast fast and lively very fast (slower than Moderaro) TERM DEFINITION atempo Return to the beginning tempo (speed), accel ‘acceloranda Gradually play faster. d accent Play this note louder. Alberti bass ‘A left-hand accompaniment that outlines the notes of a chord using the pattern: bottom-top-middle-top. bagatelle ‘A short musical piece, usually written for the piano. Bagatelle literally means “a trifle.” canario ‘An old dance that originated in the Canary Islands. The eanario ‘Was popular in Europe during the Baroque period. e common time {time The 4 gets one beat. Four beats per measure ¢ cut time (alla breve) time. The o gets one beat, Two half-note beats per measure a fermata Hold this note longer than usual. gavotte ‘An old French dance in { time, beginning with two upbeats, The gavotte is more lively than the minuet. race note ‘An omamental note that is played quickly into the note that follows. legato Smoothly; connected, meno mosso Less motion: a litle slower.

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