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There are various methods for conducting scientific research. The two broad approaches of data
collection include qualitative and quantitative research methods. However, it is not easy to
decide which one to choose while writing a research paper.

If you know the basic difference between both methods, you will produce a well-written and
structured paper.

In recent times, the qualitative research methodology has gained momentum among researchers.
It focuses on understanding a research question by involving people’s beliefs, experiences, and

Similarly, this scientific method also aims to gather, analyze, and interpret non-numerical data.
In this blog, we have explored what is qualitative research, its nature, purpose, and methods of
data collection.

Table of Contents
 Qualitative Research Definition
 Advantages of Qualitative Research
 Qualitative Research Limitations
 Qualitative Research Methods
 Types of Qualitative Research
 Data Analysis in Qualitative Research
 Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research
 Qualitative Research Topics
 Qualitative Research Examples
 Hire Expert Writers For Your Qualitative Research Paper

Qualitative Research Definition

Qualitative research is a type of study that focuses on gathering and analyzing data that is natural
and interpretive in nature. In other words, it looks for an in-depth understanding of the social
aspect within its natural setting.

Moreover, this type of research also focuses on the definition, reasons, and concepts. It not only
talks about “what” but also the “why” of a social aspect.

Similarly, the research process also involves different methods to study a human and social
phenomenon. These methods include interviews, observations, case study, ethnography, and
grounded theory.

The major areas where this type of research takes place is the individuals, cultures and societies,
communication and language.
Purpose of Qualitative Research
Qualitative research has a long history in the social sciences. The primary purpose is to obtain
non-numerical information through open-ended questions.

Similarly, this research also appeals to social scientists as it can identify the relationship between
the variables. Qualitative researchers can also understand the meanings, interpretations, and
processes of social life.

It closely studies human behavior and its interaction with society and with other individuals.
Moreover, it produces detailed and descriptive data by creating new theories that can be used for
further research.

It also involves studying a topic in a way that reveals the entire truth and meaning of the subject
under observation. Moreover, it further suggests the answer to an outcome that is measured and
studied by quantitative research.

Broadly, this research assesses all the symbols, meanings, and the process of social life where a
human element is involved.

Characteristics of Qualitative Research

The following are the main characteristics of qualitative research.

 The real-world setting is the first important characteristic. It involves various qualitative
research methods to study the behavior of participants.
 Researchers play an essential role in choosing a method and making a plan for
conducting research.
 All qualitative methods have their significance and are used for different scenarios.
 Qualitative research questions are beneficial for complex reasoning to get the right
 It is also used to explain the outcome of quantitative research methods.
 The role of participants is essential as it brings meaning to the study.
 Qualitative research is flexible and can be changed at any stage of the research work.
 It also describes the research problem by developing a complex cause and effect
relationship between the variables.
 Data analysis is an on-going process in qualitative research methods.
 Conclusions can be drawn based on the outcomes of the research process.
 Participants are selected from a particular and relevant group.

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Advantages of Qualitative Research

Here are some of the advantages of qualitative research.

 It can identify the changing attitude within a group.

 It records and analyzes the behaviors and feelings of the respondents.
 It is a more flexible approach and can be modified and adapt changes at any stage.
 It is useful in the early stages of the research when the writer is unsure what to study.
 It does not require a strict design that allows the work to unfold naturally.
 It helps to get detailed data in the form of written descriptions and strong evidence.
 It focuses on the real context of the literature.
 It allows people to expand their choices and opinions on a topic.
 It strengthens the idea of teamwork and collaboration among the respondents.
 The pattern of interviews and discussion helps in bringing together the respondents.
 The information can also be taken non verbally by participant observation.

Qualitative Research Limitations

The following discussed are the qualitative research limitations.

 The qualitative research data involve fewer expenses and time.

 It does not have large scale data.
 It requires a lot of time to manage, gather, and analyze data.
 It is not possible to verify the results as it is open-ended research.
 It is difficult to analyze the credibility and validity of data because of the subjective
 Expert knowledge of the area is necessary to understand the collected information.

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Qualitative Research Methods

The detailed description of the major qualitative research methods is given below.

In-depth Interview
Conducting an in-depth interview is the most common type of qualitative research method. It
involves a personal interview or a casual conversation with a single person at a time. This
method is done to gather information about a topic or an issue.

It may sound like an ineffective method of gathering information. But in fact, you can gather a
lot of data that will help you craft a detailed research paper.
In this method, a researcher discusses with the respondent about his motivations and inspirations
about the topic. Similarly, it also allows reading the body language of the participants.

Moreover, interviews can be conducted effortlessly. You can interview a person face to face, in
email, or via phone. It makes this method easier than others.

Focus Groups
The focus group includes a fixed number of respondents from the target market. Moreover, it
involves a group discussion between 5 to 15 people on a specific topic.

This research method is used in answering ‘what,’ ‘why,’ and ‘how’ questions about society and
the environment. While using this method, you are not just bound to have a face to face
discussion. Instead, you can collect data through an online survey.

Social scientists usually use this method to examine an event that occurs within a specific

Direct Observation
Direct observation is a research method that includes subjective methodologies to gather relevant
data. It is based on the five sensory organs of a human being, i.e., sight, smell, hear, touch, and

Here, a researcher studies people without participating or interfering in their lives. This research
type is often unknown to those under qualitative study. Thus, it is conducted in public settings
where people do not have any privacy issues.

Lastly, it does not include measurements or numbers but is based on characteristics.

Open-Ended Surveys
Open-ended surveys with structured or unstructured questions are designed to gather
information. The answers will help in knowing the opinions and beliefs of the respondents.

Participant Observation
This method is similar to the observation. However, here the researcher will also participate in
the events. This technique helps in observing people by also getting first-hand experience in
natural settings.

Literature Review
The literature review method analyzes social life by interpreting the words and images from
published work. The researcher analyzed how the words are used in the context and draw
possible inferences and meanings.

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Types of Qualitative Research

The following is a comprehensive overview of the types of qualitative research methods.

Case Study
The case study research method has now become the most valuable method of conducting
research. It has evolved in recent years and is used to explain an entity in detail.

Moreover, it also involves a thorough understanding of different types of data sources. These
include interviews, documents, reports, and observations.

Mainly this research type is used in different areas like education, social sciences, etc.

Ethnographic Research
The ethnographic research method is the most familiar and in-depth observational method. It
focuses on people and their behaviors in the natural environment.

Here, a researcher needs to adapt to the environment and society of the target audience to
conduct better research. It helps to get the first-hand experience of the natural setting, including
the customs, traditions, and culture of the subjects.

This type of research is a challenging and time-taking process as it can last from days to years.
However, geographical constraints can be an issue while collecting data.

Grounded Theory
While other methods discuss and focus on an event or activity. The grounded theory method
deeply looks into the explanation and the main theory behind the event.

It requires the researcher to observe the interviews and documents to build a theory. Moreover, it
usually starts with a question or collection of data.

However, the sample sizes in this method are usually larger than other methods.

Phenomenological Method
This type is used in the description of an event, phenomenon, and an activity. Here, methods like
interviews, reading documents, visiting places, and watching videos are used.

This will help to add new insights to the existing data analysis by checking its reliability and

Narrative Method
The narrative method is used to gather data from subjects through interviews or documents.
Later the gathered information is used to derive answers and suggestions for future research.
Historical Method
The historical method involves the examination of past events to draw conclusions and
predictions about the future. The steps included in the method are formulating a plan, gathering
data, and analyzing the sources.

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Data Analysis in Qualitative Research

Qualitative data can be in the form of interviews, transcripts, surveys, videos, audios, etc. The
steps involved in qualitative data analysis are given below.

 Organize the Data: This can be done by transcribing interviews or making detailed
 Review the Data: Examine the data, ideas, and patterns.
 Establish a Data Coding System: Generate a set of codes that you can apply to classify
your data.
 Assign Codes to the Data: For qualitative survey analysis, create codes, and add to your
 Identify Themes: Link the codes together into cohesive themes.

Similarly, the following are different approaches to analyze qualitative data.

 Content Analysis – It is used to categorize common words and ideas.

 Thematic Analysis – It is used to identify and interpret different themes and patterns.
 Textual Analysis – This type of analysis is used to examine the structure, content, and
design of text.
 Discourse Analysis – It is used to study how a language is used to achieve specific

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Qualitative vs Quantitative Research

A researcher should know the difference between quantitative and qualitative research.
Similarly, he should also be aware of how to use a combination of both methods for conducting
ideal research.

In many cases, a researcher is asked to use any one of the research methods specifically.
Depending on the topic, it can be a qualitative method that is an interpretative or quantitative
method that is concrete.

In simple words, quantitative studies are all about numbers and measurements. In contrast,
qualitative approaches talk about the understanding of words.
Similarly, qualitative research allows the researcher to take into consideration a selected issue. In
contrast, quantitative methods require the use of measurements to understand different ideas and
experiences of people.

Moreover, qualitative data is holistic in nature, while quantitative data is particularistic. Lastly,
quantitative research suggests a final course of action, while qualitative develops the initial

Here are the main differences between qualitative vs. quantitative research.

Qualitative Quantitative

Nature Holistic Particularistic

Approach Subjective Objective

Hypothesis General Tested

Data Verbal Measurable

Sampling Purposive Random

Research Type Explanatory Conclusive

Suggests a
Result Creates initial understanding course of

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Qualitative Research Topics

To write an amazing qualitative research paper, here are some interesting topics for you.

 Why have the goals of feminists changed over the decades?

 Which factors have contributed to the rising rate of unemployment?
 How has China become an economic power?
 What are the ways to reduce human trafficking?
 How can depression affect our bodies?
 What are the impacts of climate change?
 How have smartphones increased workplace productivity?
 How are minorities in social media portrayed?
 Why is it necessary to abolish child abuse?
 How can gender discrimination be avoided?

We have also compiled a list of research paper topics in case you need more unique ideas.

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The design of qualitative research is a general way of thinking about writing a

qualitative research paper. It also helps to describe the purpose, stages, types, and methods of
qualitative research.

Mainly, there are six types of qualitative research. They are considered as the most flexible
research techniques that provide learners with the appropriate knowledge. Similarly, it also helps
you to understand the behavior, beliefs, and opinions of individuals.

Nevertheless, these types use similar data collection methods but have different purposes of the

If you are new to the concept, we recommend you to go through this blog until the end. You will
also find examples to get an in-depth understanding of the approaches.

Table of Contents
 What is Qualitative Research?
 Types of Qualitative Research Methods
o Ethnography Method
o Narrative Method
o Phenomenological Method
o Grounded Theory Method
o Case Study
o Historical Method
 Types of Qualitative Research Examples

What is Qualitative Research?

As per the qualitative research definition, it is exploratory research that is used to understand the
reasons and opinions of individuals. Moreover, it is an important market-based research study
that focuses on obtaining qualitative data through open-ended conversations.

The purpose is to comprehend the main problem and develop ideas and methods for future
quantitative research.

People typically use qualitative study in opposition to quantitative research. However,

sometimes, they are not completely aware of the differences between qualitative vs. quantitative
research. Many think that both serve the same purpose, which is not true.

Moreover, the methods of qualitative research have a long history in the field of social science. It
is used to obtain and use qualitative data to understand the social life of the targeted population.
Here, the primary focal point is the micro-level interaction.

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Types of Qualitative Research Methods

Researchers collect data of the targeted population, place, or event by using different types of
qualitative research analysis.

Related: Qualitative Research - Methods, Types, and Examples

Below are the most commonly used qualitative research types for writing a research paper.

The following is a detailed description of these research types.

Ethnography Method
The table shows the basic elements of the ethnography method.

Ethnography Method

 Describe cultural characteristics


Method  Identify the cultural aspects and

variables by reviewing the literature
 Getting involved in the environment,
live with the target audience, and
collect data through observing and
interacting with subjects

Analysis Describe the main parameters of culture

Outcomes A detailed description of the social morals

Ethnography is a branch of anthropology that provides the scientific explanation of human

societies and cultures. It is one of the most popular and widely used techniques of qualitative

The fieldwork requires the researcher to get involved in the environment and live with the focus
group. Such an interaction is done to understand the goals, motivations, challenges, and cultures
of the individuals.

Similarly, it also helps to illustrate the cultural characteristics such as:

 Location
 Religion
 Tribal systems
 Shared experience
 Life style

Rather than conducting surveys and interviews, researchers experience the environment and act
as an observer. Thus, the primary data collection method is observation over an extended period.

However, it would also be appropriate to interview those who have studied the same cultures.

Ethnographic research becomes difficult if the researcher is not familiar with the social morals
and language of the group. Furthermore, interpretations by outsiders may also lead to confusion.

Thus, it requires the researcher to validate the data before presenting the findings.

For Example:

A good approach to understand the needs of the customers is by observing their daily activities.
Notice how they interact with the product.

For this, you don’t have to come up with any hypotheses to test. However, you only need it in the
social life of the subjects.

Narrative Method
Have a look at the table given below.
Narrative Method

Purpose Collect data in the form of a cohesive story

Review the sequence of events, and conduct

Method interviews to describe the largest influences
that affected an individual.

Analyze different life situations and


Present a short story with themes, conflicts,

and challenges

The narrative research method occurs over a long period for compiling the data. It takes a
sequence of events to form a cohesive story. However, similar to a story narrative, it takes a
subject from a starting point and reviews different situations of life.

Here, the researcher conducts in-depth interviews and reads various documents. Moreover, it
also reviews the events that largely impact the personality of an individual.

Sometimes, interviews are conducted even after weeks, months, or years. Nevertheless, this
method requires the outcomes to be presented in a short story with themes.
It may also include the conflicts, tensions, and challenges that have become a great opportunity
for innovation.

For Example:

The narrative method can be used in a business to understand the different challenges faced by
the target audience. Moreover, it can be utilized for further innovation and development of

Phenomenological Method
The following are the essential aspects of this research method.
Phenomenological Method

Describe the experiences, events, or situations

from different angles

 Sampling and data collection by

conducting interviews, observation,
surveys, and reading documents
 Describe and write the experience of
the phenomena

Classify the data and examine the experiences

Data Analysis
beyond human awareness

A database is formed to describe the findings

from a subject’s viewpoint

The word phenomenological means the study of a phenomenon such as events, situations, or
experiences. It is the best approach to describe something from different angles and add to the
existing knowledge. Similarly, it focuses on subjective experiences.

Here, a researcher uses different methods to gather data and understand the phenomenon. These
methods include interviews, visiting places, observation, surveys, and reading documents.

Lastly, this technique takes into account how participants feel about things during an event or
activity. Thus, a database with themes is formed to validate the findings.

For Example:

You can use this method to understand why students prefer to take online courses. Moreover, it
will also identify the reason behind the rise in the number of students from the last few years.

Grounded Theory Method

Check out the table below to understand the elements of a grounded theory method.

Grounded Theory Method

 Used to develop theory, identify
social development and ways to deal
 Involves the formulation and testing
of data until the theory is developed

Data collection methods such as interviews,

Method observation, literature review, and document

Theory formation and development by a

sampling of literature

Theory supported by relevant examples from


A phenomenological study describes an event. Whereas, a grounded theory approach provides an

explanation, reasons, or theory behind that event. It aims to develop new theories by collecting
and analyzing data about a phenomenon.

Here, a researcher makes use of various data collection techniques. It includes observation,
interview, literature review, and relevant document analysis. Moreover, the unit of content
analysis is a specific phenomenon or incident and not individual behaviors.

Usually, different coding techniques and large sample sizes are used to identify themes and
develop a better theory.

For Example:
This method can be used in businesses to conduct surveys. It also helps to demonstrate why the
consumer uses the company’s product or services.

The data collected through these surveys help companies to improve and maintain their
customer’s satisfaction and loyalty.

Case Study
Here are the main characteristics of a case study method.

Case Study
Describe an experience, person, event, or
place in detail

Direct observation and interaction with the


Analysis Analyze the experiences

Outcomes An in-depth description of the subjects

The case study approach occurs over extended periods of time to compile information. It
involves an in-depth understanding of a subject such as an event, person, business, or place.

Similarly, the data is collected from various sources, including interviews, direct observation,
and historical documentation.

Case studies are carried out in different disciplines like law, education, medicine, and sciences.
Therefore, they can be descriptive or explanatory in nature.

Furthermore, this method is used when the researcher wants to focus on:

 ‘How’ and ‘why’ research questions

 The behaviors under observation
 Understand the phenomenon
 The context of the phenomena

For Example:

Businesses can use case studies to show their business solutions effectively. Similarly, it also
helps them to identify how they can solve a particular problem for the subject.

Let suppose a company AB introduces new UX designs into an agile environment. It would be
considered as enlightening to many companies.

Historical Method
Have a look at the below table to understand the historical method.
Historical Method

Describe and examines past events to

Purpose understand present patterns and predicting
future scenarios

 Develop your idea after reading the

relevant literature
 Develop the types of qualitative
research questions
 Identify the sources - archives,
libraries, papers
 Clarify the reliability and validity of
data sources
 Create a research outline to organize
the process
 Collect data

 Analyze the data by accepting or

rejecting it
 Identify the conflicting evidence

Present the findings in the form of biography or


The historical method describes past events to understand present scenarios and predict future
choices. It answers the research questions based on a hypothetical idea. Later this technique used
multiple resources to test the idea for any potential challenges.

It also requires the development of the research outline to organize the whole process. Lastly, the
historical method presents the findings in the form of a biography.

For Example:

For creating new ads, businesses can use historical data of previous ad campaigns and the
targeted demographics.

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