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2 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

Pushing boundaries
IN TERMS of global real estate
developers, Malaysian develop-
ers are surpassing the real
estate industry standards,

on international scale
FIABCI Malaysia president
Datuk Firdaus Musa said.
The International Real Estate
Federation (FIABCI) Malaysia
observed the commemoration
of the Malaysia Property

Constant evolution behind the Malaysia Property AwardTM

AwardTM 2023 winners at One
World Hotel last night, with the
Malaysia Property AwardTM
acting as a benchmark for the
standards of Malaysia’s real
estate against the international
The award gathered real
estate giants at the gala dinner
with 22 project winners and
two individual winners for the
categories of Property Woman
and Property Chief Executive
Officer (CEO).
“The winners are way above
the industrial standards, and
they are continuing to innovate
themselves. Giving more, using
all these new technologies...
slowly gaining acceptance of
the Industrialised Building
System (IBS) type of construc-
tion, only that the developers
require more assistance from
the government in terms of
using IBS to lower their costs in
terms of construction,” Firdaus
Properties are consistently
evolving and changing, he said.
According to publications (From left)
such as Knight Frank and Firdaus and
Rahim & Co, the property mar- Yu presenting
ket is seeing active movement, the Malaysia
with an anticipated good first Property
half of 2024. AwardTM trophy.
Throughout the nation, he
pointed to new types of devel-
opment coming in, especially
Due to the Singapore factor,
Johor Baru, Iskandar Puteri
and its surrounding areas will
likely be due for an increase
in growth. ty owners and again, will chan- Malaysia Property AwardTM tor presentations online, jury
Developers were also active- nel back to the economy. The followed exactly what FIABCI members online and the inde-
ly continuing their earlier per capita income part has to be World Prix d’Excellence Awards pendent judges were physical.
projects, Firdaus said. on track because we need that was doing,” said Dr Yu Kee Su, So we will take this year’s for-
“We may feel a little bit of purchasing power,” he added. the organising chairman of mat to continue for the coming
catching up on the price part. The 2023 awards received a Malaysia Property AwardTM. years,” Yu said.
The developers will have to high number of submissions for The categories had been simi- In 2023, FIABCI Malaysia had
have a more innovative kind its affordable housing category. larly limited, but the Malaysian the pleasure of receiving an
of package for the prospective However, Firdaus noted chapter has its own, such as the international jury member and
purchasers,” he added. that to the public, affordable Property CEO and Property an independent judge from
Developers would likely homes on the market remained Woman. Singapore, as well as an addi-
look at product differentiation unaffordable. As the Malaysia Property tional independent judge hail-
to maximize their presence in With a higher per capita AwardTM continues into the next ing from the Philippines.
the market. income, affordable homes year, the criteria for the award “Jury members are the real
They participate in afforda- would become affordable. will continue to improve. estate association presidents,
ble developments, signature “I would like to see more Yu cited new technology and for example, Malaysia Institute
projects, as well as high net proper planning now. I think safety concerns. For example, in of Estate Agents (MIEA),
worth purchases to attract for- the DBKL is taking the first step the previous awards, all partici- Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia
eign investors and take advan- in actually making sure that pating projects must have been (PAM) – most of them are our
tage of the upcoming Malaysia planning proposals are within completed for at least a year, FIABCI Malaysia principal mem-
My Second Home (MM2H) and the zoning and planning guide- prior to the registration dead- bers, with this year inclusive of
visa-holder policies, he said. lines. You don’t want to see line of the award, but it has the Malaysia My Second Home
“Our market is also depend- capitalising on public spaces,” been changed to nine months. Consultants Association
ent on foreign purchase and Firdaus added. The requirement of occupan- (MM2HCA) president,” Yu said.
foreign direct investors even Development should be cy rate has also been reduced “The independent judges are
though MM2H has not been placed in proper development from 50% to 35%. not related to any developers or
approved yet in the cabinet. areas, with planning for facili- He added that the committee real estate association or the
“Once the visa is imple- ties and amenities, rather than would review the criteria again industry. It can be anybody.
mented, you can hopefully see changed to maximise profit, from time to time and fine-tune “This year, we have a former
more foreigner participation he said. according to the market. director general of the fire and
in purchasing the properties,” These changes encompassed rescue department, lawyers,
Firdaus said.
On the development side,
New considerations not only criteria but also the
push to streamline every level
entrepreneurs, traffic consult-
ants, and estate agents,” he
he pointed out that costs Just as the market was in of the judging process. added.
remained the main concern. constant evolution, so were During the Movement Control Drawing from a broad scope
Compliance costs especially the criteria that measured its Order, the nomination, site of expertise, this method
affected the viability of pro- developers. visit, judging and evaluations encourages the inclusion of
jects, and developers are look- capital gains and good returns, Since its first rendition, the were online. external perspectives to create
ing for more initiatives to assist but to achieve this we need gov- award has grown to receive an Last year, the award followed a holistic judging process.
in terms of cost reduction. ernment assistance as the econ- overwhelming reception, with a hybrid format; the evaluators’ Next year, Yu pointed out
The property market this year omy enabler, with investor and the online judging and final presentation was held online, that they would continue to
is gradually improving, Firdaus business-friendly [policies]. judging process running over while the site visit, jury mem- refine the awards according
said. “As you know, the state is one three days instead of the usual ber and independent judges’ to the feedback received from
“In my personal opinion, I of the economic determinants. one-day period. session were held physically. jury members and judges, in
want to see a more dynamic “So, because of this, it actual- “It has evolved. When the “This year’s site visit acknowledgement of the
market, especially with good ly can create wealth for proper- first one was held in 1992, remained physical, the evalua- evolution of the industry.
THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 MPA 2023 3

Celebrating real estate excellence

THE Malaysia Property AwardTM it. It can also determine the
(MPA) is the gold standard for asset’s potential for appreciation.
developers in the real estate Compared to previous years, I
industry and a platform for them saw increased emphasis on sus-
to showcase their best creations. tainability and the environment.
As the premier awards of the This is a good sign as it shows
sector, it has become a brand by that developers in the country
itself and attracts new and estab- are not just out to make money
lished players alike. but are also conscious of their
Organised by FIABCI Malaysia, impact on the environment.
the MPA started off with only six Overall standards have improved
categories in 1992 but has since very much and I hope that posi-
grown to 18 categories. This tive trend continues in the
reflects its commitment to not future.”
only recognise projects of distinc-
tion, but also the latest global Datuk Dr Soh Chai Hock
development trends. (Member of the Ministry
Now, the categories include of Local Government
Affordable Housing, This year’s judging panel includes (from L to R) Robert Marie Co Sy, Rita Sabrina Wong Kee Ling, Gillian Tay, Development’s appointed Panel
Environmental, Heritage, Hotel, Datuk Low Keng Kok, Datuk Dr Soh Chai Hock, Datuk Pretam Singh Darshan Singh, Datuk Donald Lim Siang of Experts)
Industrial, Master-Plan, Mixed- Chai, Datuk Khirudin Drahman@Hussaini and Goh Bok Yen. “The MPA drives excellence
Use Development, Office, among developers, whose out-
Public Sector, Purpose-Built, tional media and FIABCI’s net- call for entry submission. No winner will be awarded if standing creations embrace the
Residential High-Rise, Residential work spanning over 50 countries. They then study the nominated none of the projects in the cate- location and fulfil the needs of
Mid-Rise, Residential Low-Rise, It also comes with the right to projects for preliminary eligibili- gory score at least 75% and people. A particular area of note
Resort, Retail and Sustainable use the official FIABCI World ty confirmation. Any queries above. FIABCI Malaysia’s is low-cost housing which used to
Development. Prix d’Excellence Awards logo for would be communicated with National Committee members be negatively associated with
Completing the accolades are official correspondences. the participating companies for are not allowed to be appointed low-class. But not anymore.
the two individual awards of Many MPA winners have gone answers or corrections. among the independent judges, Affordable is the new term
Property Man/Woman and on to win the international acco- Non-compliant submissions and that includes its president. because it brings good living
Property CEO – which recognise lade over the years, which is tes- are either rejected or reserved The entire nominations and spaces and facilities to an accessi-
top real estate leaders with sig- tament to the high standards, for the following year. Qualified judging process will take seven to ble price point. These projects
nificant contributions or vision- innovative designs and unique nominations would then be for- eight months to complete. can be as good as higher-end
ary ideas. value propositions offered by warded for physical site visits Evaluators, Jury members and developments.”
The MPA is held in such high these benchmark Malaysian pro- and verification by evaluators Independent Judges all work vol-
regard because the award proce- jects, as well as the developers who are divided into groups of untarily and independently. Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai
dures, rules and regulations are who built them. four to six, each led by a group With the judging process and (Former Deputy Minister of
strictly adhered to, enforced and leader. Each group works inde- criteria getting stricter by the Finance)
executed without fear and favour
– right from the nomination
FIABCI Malaysia pendently to evaluate their
assigned projects.
years, FIABCI Malaysia continues
to uphold the standard and integ-
“There is definitely demand for
better properties with sophisti-
stage to the presentation of The FIABCI Malaysian chapter Evaluators are made up of rity of the award, cementing its cated features and the country
awards. was established in 1975, as a net- those holding senior manage- impregnable reputation. has lots of good architects, engi-
The rigorous, four-tiered judg- working arm of the Housing ment positions in the real estate Here is what some of the judg- neers and planners to make it a
ing process includes physical site Developers Association (now industry or relevant companies. ing panel had to say about the reality. I’m happy to see how far
visits, verifications and judging known as REHDA), with the late They will conduct site visits to submissions, judging process and the country’s housing industry
by a panel of esteemed and expe- Datuk Yaakob Hitam as its first each project for physical inspec- overall state of the real estate has come. But there are still
rienced industry captains. president. tion, information verification sector: some challenges we have to over-
Such high standards towards It fostered goodwill and under- and assessment to see if the come, such as standardising
transparency, reputation, profes-
sionalism, integrity and impar-
standing with international
organisations, allowing develop-
development meets the award’s
criteria and requirements.
Independent judges and development guidelines between
states, and solving the issue of
tiality is what sets the MPA apart ers to generate business opportu- Although evaluators contribute auditors financing for both developers
as the true benchmark of excel- nities and exchange ideas on voluntarily, they are bound by a Datuk Khirudin Drahman@ and buyers alike. The real estate
lence not just within Malaysia, property development, market- written code of ethics. Upon Hussaini (Director of Fire and industry is key to Malaysia’s
but also on the global scene. ing, new products and services. returning, each member pre- Rescue Dept, Sarawak) economy because it brings bene-
As a non-governmental organi- pares their respective project “Judging the awards was a ficial knock-on effects to dozens
The trophy sation, its members are made up
of those from the real estate and
analysis reports to be presented
online to the organising commit-
great opportunity for me, as a
fire chief, to emphasize that safe-
of other industries.”

The present MPA trophy related industries such as prop- tee with presentations held sepa- ty has to be the most important Goh Bok Yen (Director of
evolved from the earlier FIABCI erty developers, architects, sur- rately for each group. consideration in everything we MAG Technical & Development
Property Award of Distinction. veyors, valuers, contractors, con- This level would clearly outline do. It must take priority over cost Consultants Sdn Bhd)
Its design includes five pillars sultants, engineers, lawyers, pro- each project’s merits and deter- calculations. When it comes to “Our property market is very
that symbolically enumerate the fessional estate agents and prop- mine 30% of the overall final buildings, life safety and means dynamic and you’ll find new
five continents in which FIABCI erty managers. score. Qualified projects are then of escape are key elements to any approaches in design or process-
holds esteemed membership In the span of 49 years, FIABCI forwarded to the next stage with design. Through such engage- es every year. I’m impressed by
from the real estate fraternity. Its Malaysia has expanded its hori- both the evaluators and organis- ments, we’re able to provide how developers, architects and
upward-pointing, chevron-like zons tremendously and now leads ing committee’s consensus. proper and positive input to real designers are able to adapt their
top also represents the strong the Malaysian real estate industry Next comes the Panel of Jury estate players so we can ensure building elements to our current
force of maturity and striving for by instilling exceptional stand- stage whereby the developers of that the community remains safe modernised world and create
excellence, within the industry. ards, fostering national building the participating projects will in the premises they create.” comfortable living spaces, while
The other key element is a but- through development and giving present to the Panel of Jury being increasingly sensitive to
terfly radiantly emerging from a more Malaysians access to quality members. The objective is to Datuk Pretam Singh Darshan environmental and social obliga-
pupa. A harmonious process of living environments. short-list the best projects. Jury Singh (former legal advisor to tions in their developments. I
nature, it reflects the best of the The MPA has been one of its members work independently the Ministry of Housing and hope they continue to stay
real estate industry, emerging greatest legacies. The awards and are also industry profession- Local Government) abreast of all the changes in the
into the limelight. manual for evaluation and selec- als, experts or those involved in “The standards of projects tend global property sector so it helps
This also extols the virtues of tion criteria has been so well-re- real estate and related industries. to be very close to each other so advance the industry locally.”
nature, a key consideration in garded that it was requested and A brief on the short-listed pro- we as judges have to look for the
modern real estate development. used as the blueprint for similar jects would then be forwarded to finer details which may give one Rita Sabrina Wong Kee Ling
Hence the FIABCI world, on awards in other countries. a panel of independent judges an edge over the others. It is also (Malaysian Bar member and
the one Earth we have. A place of It continues to expand its formed by respected members of important for us to ensure that legal advisor for World
beauty and peace, from which membership to enable more net- society, who are experienced in the developments are above Federation of Fuzhou
the Malaysia Property AwardTM working opportunities for real their own fields. board and comply with all the Associations Ltd)
draws inspiration from. It is an estate industry players, advance They are not related to FIABCI legal and financial require- “Any new development should
award for the holistic habitat. important agendas like sustaina- Malaysia and are required to ments.” bring positive impacts to the
bility, and promote healthy com- give marks based on merit and community. We also looked at
International spotlight petition among industry players
by celebrating the efforts and
quality of the projects according
to each category’s judging crite-
Datuk Low Keng Kok
(Member of Universiti
whether developers innovatively
incorporated any new technolo-
All MPA winners may successes of its members. ria. Comparisons are made Teknologi Malaysia board of gies into their developments. The
advance to the FIABCI World Prix between projects of the same cat- directors) MPA is a good driver for the
d’Excellence Awards to compete
with the best of the best, in the
Stringent judging egory to identify strengths and
“Design and construction are
the most important criteria to a
Malaysian real estate industry as
it creates positive competition
international real estate arena. Each year, the awards organis- All marks by different stages good property, as that dictates that spurs industry players to
This gives winners tremendous ing process begins with the are in turn forwarded to an inde- how people use it and whether come up with new ideas and
publicity through both interna- organising committee issuing a pendent public auditor. they derive any enjoyment from offerings.”
4 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

19Trees in
Kuala Lumpur
is designed
for those
who cherish
an active
yet serene
Envisioned as a ‘bungalow in the sky’ that promised its residents a lifestyle lifestyle.
beyond comparison, Park Seven is SDB’s maiden development.

SDB: Soaring to new heights

SHE single-handedly trans- our destiny, and I am grateful for
formed the company business every twist and turn that led me
from tin mining into one of to where I am today,” she said.
Malaysia’s leading boutique Teh has also been bestowed
property developer renowned with numerous other prestigious
for its niche award-winning awards including Ernst & Young
developments, here in the coun- Entrepreneurship of The Year
try and across the Causeway in Award, Brand Laureate Brand
Singapore. Icon Leadership Award and Asia
She took over the helm during Pacific Entrepreneurship Award.
the height of the Asian Financial
Crisis in 1998 and through sheer
determination and ingenuity,
Dedication to innovation
successfully rode through the SDB had moved strategically
storm to emerge triumphant into property development with
with the company on much aspirations and a fierce determi-
stronger fundamentals and foun- nation to make its mark. Starting
dations. from what felt like ground zero,
She is none other than Teh Lip it had embarked on a journey
Kim, the Group managing direc- fuelled by a relentless pursuit of
tor of Selangor Dredging Berhad excellence, aesthetics and practi-
(SDB) and the recipient of the cal functionality.
distinguished Malaysia Property “And it was in the midst of this
AwardTM (MPA) 2023’s Property Teh single-handedly transformed journey that we crafted our first
Woman of the Year by FIABCI her company business from tin high-rise masterpiece, Park
Malaysia. mining into one of Malaysia’s lead- Seven. This achievement mani-
Teh was recognised for her ing boutique property developer. fests our statement of commit-
exceptional contributions and ment to pushing boundaries and
expertise to the real estate sector, And when it comes to leader- redefining quality living,” said
of which SDB’s innovative con- ship, she added that it is about Teh.
cepts and designs have been inspiring greatness in others, Park Seven is envisioned as a
widely acknowledged. especially the people around us. “bungalow in the sky” that
The youngest daughter of the As the Group’s managing direc- promised its residents a lifestyle
late Teh Kien Toh, who founded tor, she believes in the power of beyond comparison. It is the first
SDB in 1962, she had joined the collaboration and synergy and to earthquake-resistant residential
company in 1996 and was subse- tap on positive energies for the building in the country.
quently promoted to Group man- greater good of all concerned. “For us at SDB, it has always
aging director two years later. “I surround myself with a team been about daring to dream,
Teh graduated in Accounting of passionate individuals, with daring to innovate and daring to
and Economics in the United each of them bringing their defy the status quo. What sets us
Kingdom. She also completed her unique talents to the table. I apart is our unwavering dedica-
Masters in Shipping, Trade and empower them by consistently tion to innovation and individu-
Finance before returning to listening, coaching and asking ality.
Malaysia. the right questions because I “Every one of our develop-
know that true leadership is ments bear the imprint of our
The right synergy about igniting the spark of bril-
liance in others.
creativity, a testament to our
refusal to settle for the ordinary.
What truly sets SDB apart is its “Together, we at SDB are all One Draycott in Singapore, a stone’s throw away from Orchard Road, No two SDB projects are alike.
unwavering commitment to about building a trusted brand. was built by appreciating the beauty and originality of the site, resulting Each one is a symphony of
crafting living spaces for memo- This is what makes us tick; the in a tower block that is shaped like a gem. uniqueness, meticulously crafted
rable lifelong experiences. The relentless pursuit of excellence, to deliver extraordinary living
journey is not just about building the unwavering dedication to our the leaders we never knew we “It is this perspective shift experiences,” explained Teh.
houses but fulfilling discerning customers, and the steadfast could be. I learned the ropes the that has been my guiding light She added that SDB does not
homebuyers’ high expectations belief that every brick we lay is a hard way, navigating through the through the darkest of storms. believe in cookie-cutter homes
to deliver products that they can step closer towards helping our rough seas of business manage- Every challenge became an but creating havens that reflect
be proud of and which they can homebuyers realise their home- ment, especially in those early opportunity for learning, every the diverse tapestry of homebuy-
deeply feel as ‘homes’. ownership aspirations.” years when every decision felt setback a stepping stone to resil- ers’ aspirations.
“The essence of it all stems When the going gets tough, the like walking on a tightrope.” ience. “Our journey thus far has been
from our design DNA – a unique tough get going. Teh admitted Yet, amidst the chaos and “And slowly but surely, I found a series of leaps of faiths, each
blend of innovation, functionality that she was not exactly born uncertainty, she always held onto my footing as a leader, not by one propelling us closer to our
and a deep understanding and with a natural knack for leader- one steadfast companion – a birthright, but by sheer determi- vision of redefining the land-
appreciation of what truly makes ship. In fact, stepping into the positive mindset. nation and gratitude, coupled scape of property development
a house a home. shoes of running the family busi- She firmly believes that every with a ‘sense of duty’ for pur- as we continue to push bounda-
“We do not just envision struc- ness, particularly in the wake of struggle, every setback, is simply chasers, our employees and ries and defy conventions.”
tures; we envision the lives that the Asian financial crisis, felt a disguised gift waiting to be stakeholders. To date, SDB has 24 residential
will be lived within them. As a more like a sink-or-swim situa- unwrapped. Instead of asking “I may not have been the natu- developments across Malaysia
property developer, empathy is tion rather than a graceful ascen- “Why is this happening to me?”, ral leader in my family, and tin and Singapore, many of which
at the heart of everything we do. sion to leadership. she has trained herself to ask mining or property development had clinched FIABCI World Prix
We step into the shoes of our “But you know what they say “How can this situation help me may not have been my initial d’Excellence Awards and other
customers, understanding their about tough times, they have a and the Group to grow and real- calling. But sometimes, life has a recognitions in both countries
needs and aspirations,” said Teh. peculiar way of shaping us into ise our fullest potential?”. funny way of nudging us towards and throughout the world.
THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 5
6 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

The man behind Merdeka 118

SOARING into the sky as a testa-
ment to Malaysia’s rich heritage
and diversity, the global icon
Merdeka 118 Tower at 678.9m is
the tallest in South-East Asia and
second tallest in the world.
And the person who had made
this possible is none other than Tengku Ab.
Tengku Datuk Ab. Aziz Tengku Aziz (far left)
Mahmud, the chief executive at the Council
officer (CEO) of PNB Merdeka on Tall
Ventures Sdn Bhd (PNBMV), Buildings
owner and builder of the super- and Urban
structure. Habitat
His hands-on approach and (CTBUH)
attention to details at every Closing
phase have been instrumental in Networking
seeing the development to frui- Reception
tion, after almost 15 years in the 2023.
making, culminating in the offi-
cial inauguration on Jan 10, 2024.
He had spearheaded the pro-
ject planning, concept and sche-
matic design, procurement, con- Superstructure in the making
struction and the overall imple-
mentation of the project compo- Tengku Ab. Aziz’s vast experi-
nents within Merdeka 118 The iconic Merdeka 118 ence and expertise in property
precinct. Tower at 678.9m is the development had provided him
The road to success was second tallest in the world. with a strong foundation to take
paved with many challenges, on this mammoth project.
notwithstanding those brought He believes that communica-
on by the COVID-19 pandemic, tion is key among his diverse
which Tengku Ab. Aziz and his team of professionals, both local
team overcame with resilience and international, of which he
and determination. has the utmost faith in.
Thus, no one is more deserv- “The whole journey was a
ing to be bestowed with the never-ending quest of learning
prestigious Malaysia Property and sharing in overcoming the
AwardTM (MPA) 2023’s Property many challenges and demands
CEO of the Year by FIABCI towards the completion of the
Malaysia than Tengku Ab. Aziz. development,” he said.
“I am incredibly grateful and He said to fulfil the objective
truly honoured for this recogni- of building a megastructure
tion. This award symbolises not required a diverse design princi-
only a personal achievement ple and analysis evolving
but also acknowledges the hard through frontiers of engineering.
work and dedication of our “Several technical challenges
entire team at PNBMV. were imminent which prompted
“The accolade further reaf- the need for strategic planning,
firms our commitment to excel- execution, monitoring and
lence in leadership and innova- refinement. One key challenge is
tion within the property sector, the foundation and structural
and serves as motivation to con- Tengku Ab. Aziz is instrumental in system of the 678.9m-tall tower.
tinue driving positive change in the success of Merdeka 118 and “The immense weight of the
the industry.” has been rightfully recognised with tower is supported by a founda-
MPA 2023’s prestigious Property tion system consisting of bore
Complementing the city skyline CEO of the Year. piles which are 60m in depth and
surrounded by sensitive heritage
PNBMV, a wholly-owned sub- (Merdeka Textile Museum), gift buildings, rail tunnels and educa-
sidiary of Permodalan National shop, cafe and a dedicated look- tional complexes.
Berhad (PNB), was established as out point on the roof top for “To minimise the risks of
a Special Purpose Vehicle for the Instagram-worthy shots of the ground movement, a 78m diame-
Merdeka 118 development. Merdeka 118 tower. ter cofferdam was introduced for
The company acquired the Tengku Ab. Aziz said develop- localised deep excavation and
40-acre Stadia land comprising ing a mega project in the midst of installation of 2.2m bore piles
Stadium Merdeka and Stadium the historical part of Kuala into the ground.”
Negara and the adjoining areas Lumpur brought its own set of He added that the well-thought
from Danaharta Sdn Bhd in 2000. challenges, especially building out construction methodology
In 2010, Tengku Ab. Aziz was next to two heritage stadiums had also assisted the superstruc-
appointed as the CEO to lead the definitely required a more ture’s core to advance earlier
project that was initially named careful approach. than the rest of the adjoining
Warisan Merdeka and subse- The tower overlooks Stadium structures.
quently re-named to Merdeka Merdeka, adjacent to Stadium The next challenge is the
118. Negara, of which both were superstructure which needed to
The integrated mixed develop- gazetted as national heritage declaration of Independence in tank in the basement. achieve a balance between har-
ment comprises the 118-storey sites in 2005 under the National 1957. Whilst noting the physical mony and safety, architecture,
Merdeka 118 tower, a retail mall Heritage Act 2005. “Additionally, the facade of the completion of the Merdeka 118 sustainability, human comfort,
(118 Mall), 252-room luxury hotel PNBMV, the sole custodians of tower is multi-faceted like the tower is a milestone in itself, the accessibility, maintainability and
(Park Hyatt Kuala Lumpur), both the stadiums, has since then different facets of a diamond to surrounding communities have various mechanical and electri-
observation deck (The View at carried out a thorough conserva- represent the diversity of the also benefitted through various cal system integrations.
118), one tower of serviced resi- tion plan, earning Stadium people of Malaysia in unity.” community-related programmes. “We have a team of experts
dences (Oakwood Premier Kuala Merdeka the UNESCO Excellence As part of the strategy for “The project is not an ‘island’ assembled at the start of the
Lumpur) and two premium resi- Award for Cultural Heritage Merdeka 118 to be a world-class but an iconic landmark provid- design process to incorporate the
dential towers with associated Conservation Programme (Asia benchmarked development, the ing economic and social benefits best practices and make use of
facilities. Pacific) in 2008. tower is targeting triple Green to the surrounding communities, sustainable technologies to cater
These include a 4-acre beauti- Tengku Ab. Aziz said the archi- Platinum ratings (LEED, GreenRE the city and the nation,” noted to the different needs of the
fully landscaped linear park tectural design of Merdeka 118 and GBI) as well as WELL Tengku Ab. Aziz. tower.
(Merdeka Boulevard at 118), a Tower drew inspiration from sig- Certification. The Council on Tall Buildings “The mixed usage of the tower
two-storey ‘Look at 118’ building nificant elements of Malaysia’s Green design innovations and Urban Habitat has recog- as well as duration of construc-
and West Podium with a 1000- history and culture. incorporated consist of under nised the Merdeka 118 Tower as tion had also posed challenges to
pax auditorium and 1500-pax “The tower’s spire resembles floor air conditioning system for the first Mega-Tall Building in ensure the end product is up-to-
ballroom. the outstretched hand of all the 84 office floors and 100% Malaysia and the Second Tallest date, meets market trend and
Look at 118 is an experience Malaysia’s first Prime Minister rainwater harvesting from roof Building in the World on Oct 20, adopts to changing consumer
centre with a textile museum Tunku Abdul Rahman during the areas to the rainwater collection 2023. behaviour,” he concluded.
THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 7
8 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

The main lobby is inspired by the gardens of Pandora from Avatar, elevating an ordinary waiting experience into a Parc3 hosts the Highest Hanging Sculpture in a Residential
memorable one. Building, certified by the Malaysia Book of Records.

Nature-inspired urban landmark

THE award-winning Parc3 @ KL lifestyle features and design Food, shopping, medical facili-
South is a home designed by innovations combine to make ties, schools and public transpor-
nature in every sense and aspect. Parc3 a truly unique home,” said tation are within walking dis-
Nestled in the bustling neigh- Group managing director Datuk tance or a short drive away.
bourhood of Cheras, Kuala Beh Huck Lee. Eupe has also built a covered
Lumpur, this iconic residence He said a core principle in all walkway to the Maluri LRT sta-
offers a whole new realm of of Eupe’s projects is to create tion and installed solar-powered
curated living experience. homes where residents can con- lights with a battery backup
Developed by Eupe nect seamlessly with nature, as power of three days, a first in
Corporation Berhad, the build- well as with each other, towards Malaysia!
ing’s wave-like structure mimics a distinctive ‘green community.’
the fluidity of nature, creating an
inspiring place-making identity
“This is important because of
the many benefits for the long-
Placemaking public art
for residents while setting new term health and wellbeing of Parc3 also hosts the Highest
directions in urban sustainabili- people living in large cities. We Hanging Sculpture in a
ty. have deployed environmental Residential Building, certified by
Towering upward into 46 and social sustainability frame- the Malaysia Book of Records. It’s
floors of sleek glass and steel, the works into Parc3 in multiple the centrepiece of a number of
2.67-acre development merges ways. public art works that adorn the
urban living with nature using “These include the passive development to inspire and con-
holistic architectural and lifestyle cooling design which brings in nect residents.
design. natural air to ventilate and cool The Meranti sculpture hangs
Comprising 793 units of ser- the building. It is designed as a down the central atrium, span-
viced residences, Parc3 weaves ‘Building That Breathes’ to facili- ning Levels 8-46, greeting resi-
three innovative parks into its tate the intake of natural air dents when they open the door,
form and function to integrate through the grand central atrium providing a different vista from
the building with its parkland and a single-loaded corridor to every floor.
surroundings. harness proper cross ventilation The entire sculpture weighs
The extensive landscaping for the homes. about 2,000kg with 21 Shorea
focuses on plant functionality, “Three parks are designed into seeds which “fall” in the sculpture
education and green immersion the heart of the development, and “sprout” on the ground. This
while interior spaces are crafted which gives Parc3 its name, com- is to remind people the impor-
to re-establish connections and plimenting the 64-acre Taman tance of “rising from every fall”.
encourage togetherness. Pudu Ulu Park directly across The Meranti is the world’s
Golden “fins” encircle the from the building. tallest tropical tree, symbolising
building while doubling as “Parc3’s Home Gardens, an The iconic Parc3 offers a whole new realm of curated living experience. the achievement of great
shades to deflect and reduce innovative communal herb gar- heights.
tropical heat on the building. den brings community, personal farms where all plants are identi- 50m lap pool and wading pool, “Everything we have designed
Parc3 also has a passive cooling health and natural ecosystems fied via QR codes and a herb five levels of landscaped facilities in Parc3 aims to elevate daily liv-
system designed into the build- together.” garden that is harvested by resi- and observation deck for ing experiences into memorable
ing. dents for edible, health-giving 360-degree city views, open-air moments.
This nature-inspired landmark
has been rightfully recognised
Back to nature plants.
This communal gardening
picnics and celestial gazing.
Glass-encased lattice struc-
“Buying a home is the biggest
investment that we make. So,
with the Residential High-Rise Two key garden concepts are space provides natural eco- tures, inspired by foliage and creating lasting lifestyle value
Category at the prestigious intertwined; the first is the systems for birds and butterflies treehouses, are integrated into through innovative design and
Malaysia Property AwardTM Cascading Gardens featuring while fostering community con- the architecture. facilities is central to our
(MPA) 2023 by FIABCI Malaysia. multiple levels of parks and land- nections and social interactions. Suspended over the terraces approach,” Beh enthused.
scape that flow into each other Holding a greenRE gold score are cantilevered glass pods – the He said property development,
Sustainable urban living culminating in the Central Park,
Sky Park and Moonlight Deck.
of 89.63%, Parc3’s total green
spaces cover 35% of its overall
Glass Play Treehouse and Glass
Dining Treehouse which house
be it building a complex high-rise
unit or a more straightforward
Parc3 has been conceptualised The highlight is the Cascades land area, more than three times the gym, function hall, business landed home, has always been a
not only to redefine the architec- and Forest Trail, a four-storey the area required by planning centres and the Celebrity Kitchen steep learning curve but a very
tural and visual character of the trail within trees and waterfall regulations. – aimed to recreate the childhood rewarding one.
emerging KL South precinct, but intended to soothe the senses joys of playing in treehouses. “Our motivation is to create a
to elevate the mental and physi-
cal wellbeing of its residents.
and provide visual connection to
the park outside.
Connecting life and lifestyle All spaces have been curated
for relaxation and contemplation
home of lasting quality and value
for our buyers.
“We think we have achieved The second is the My Home Residents get to indulge in to connect and uplift, elevating “This is what inspires us to
the above, which along and Garden concept. This comprises more than 40-strong premium daily living activities into memo- continually improve and meet
together with a number of community gardens and urban lifestyle facilities consisting of a rable experiences. new challenges,” he concluded.
THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 9
10 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

(Clockwise from left) Summit Park’s play area has three different zones; Summit Park’s leafy trails for one to enjoy leisurely strolls or rejuvenating workouts; the dining and living areas of
M Sinar’s show unit; aerial view of Southville City.

Green heart
of thriving
WHEN greenery flourishes, so
does happiness and well-being.
That is why parks and land-
scaped features are essential ele-
ments in Mah Sing’s meticulously
planned townships across the
It includes the landmark
Southville City in Bangi, Selangor,
which was designed as a subur-
ban, tropical residential haven
with benchmark-setting features
in holistic modern living. add nitrogen to the soil when they Suites, Cerrado Suites and high-rise residence with
Sprawled over 428 acres, it is degrade or decompose. This Sensory Residence). estimated prices of RM270,000
the group’s largest integrated ensures the soil is properly treat- Phases 1 and 2 of Sensory onwards. It is now open for
township development in the ed and keeps it fertile for future Residence have recorded an registration.
Klang Valley and provides a sus- plants. amazing 100% take-up and are all Situated on a 5.77-acre plot, the
tainable and safe environment Summit Park’s natural land- sold out, just like the preceding project offers two distinct layout
for multi-generational families to form was also a challenge. It was Avens, Savanna and Cerrado. options - Type A with indicative
thrive and grow. originally a very steep, engi- There are also an opulent array built-up area of 550 sq ft and Type
A key feature is its 9.62-acre Ong: Landscaping has always neered slope. Planting the pea- of over 100 retail shops (Savanna B measuring 868 sq ft - both com-
central park - better known as been part of our design DNA. nuts helped stabilise the soil. Lifestyle Shops, Savanna ing with three bedrooms and two
Summit Park - which has an An interlocking block wall was Boulevard Shops and Cerrado bathrooms.
abundance of plants native to blue for flooring and orange for then put in place about 1.5m in Retail Shops) which were quickly They are ideal for modern
Malaysia as well as dynamic play equipment to help users with front of the slope area. Topsoil filled up by well-known retail urbanites, small families, students
activity spaces for all in the vision limitations and sensory dis- then went in, followed by the brands. and academics alike, as their
community. abilities easily navigate the area. trees. All of this ensures long-term They include Mercearia Grocer, modern and functional designs
It has just been crowned “Unveiled in March 2020, stability and negates risk of ero- Mr. DIY, 99 Speedmart, 7-Eleven, can fit various lifestyle and
winner of the Environmental Summit Park is well-connected to sion. MyNews, FamilyMart, Watson’s, interior design choices.
Category in the Malaysia Property the entire township and stands as Careful consideration was also to name a few. The development would also
AwardTM 2023 by FIABCI Malaysia. its centrepiece. The lush natural paid to the selection of plants and Joining them are popular F&B have a plethora of recreation
Summit Park has a 1.8km of flora and fauna add to its charm trees. Native species which thrive names such as KFC, Subway, amenities - such as a swimming
walkways, jogging tracks and and underscore the beauty of in tropical weather were chosen, Coffee Bean, MIXUE and many pool, gym and playground.
bicycle paths, offering fitness Southville City. as they make upkeep more sus- more. There are also clinics and There is 24-hour security. In
buffs of varying levels ample “Landscaping has always been tainable in the long-term. education centres such as the close proximity to the develop-
options for a good workout part of our design DNA and this This also results in a dense can- Greenview Islamic International ment are Universiti Kebangsaan
against a backdrop of verdant award from FIABCI means a lot to opy, which helps lower ambient School and Q-dees. Malaysia (UKM), the German-
greenery. us. It is testament to the ingenuity temperature and improves air All of these bring convenience Malaysian Institute (GMI),
Be it a leisurely stroll with fami- and commitment of the team in quality - both of which enhances to the community’s doorstep, with Hospital Pakar An-Nur Hasanah
ly members, a training session for overcoming natural and technical the area’s livability for residents. most daily necessities within and KPJ Kajang Specialist
the next race or simply to burn challenges to create a space that The playground equipment would walking distance from home. Hospital.
off recent indulgences, the safe the community will enjoy for gen- also be replaced or improved Another plus point is the town- Being in Southville City, M
and secure environment means erations to come,” said Mah Sing’s over time. ship’s easy accessibility. For those Sinar’s future inhabitants would
one can do it with peace of mind. chief executive officer of property “We are committed to building that need to commute for work or also get to enjoy Summit Park and
There are plenty of concrete subsidiaries Benjamin Ong. better parks for the community daily errands, there is direct various outdoor activities from
benches scattered about the sce- and there will be several more to access to and from the North- hiking to birdwatching.
nic park for users and their fami-
lies to sit and rest on. Perhaps
Rehabilitating the land be developed within this town-
ship,” Ong said of future addi-
South Highway via the Southville
City Interchange - putting the
If that sounds like a desirable
lifestyle, make an appointment
even enjoying a relaxing picnic or The site for Summit Park was tions, which are provisionally development just 19km away to visit M Sinar’s new show unit
two. originally barren land with poor named Riverfront Park, Hill Park from the Kuala Lumpur City for a private preview, and
And one can do so while watch- soil quality. and Linear Park. Centre. comprehensive glimpse into the
ing the little ones have the time of Following thorough assess- Besides the FIABCI award, For public transport, there is property’s stylish aesthetics and
their lives at the playground - ments and soil tests, the team Summit Park had earlier also won the Bangi KTM Station, MRT1 features.
where a 9.3m-high Rocket Tower came up with two main solutions a Silver Award under The Edge Kajang Station and MRT2 This is located at Mah Sing’s
stands as a landmark. - cluster planting and nitrogen- Malaysia - ILAM Sustainable Putrajaya Sentral Station. Southville City Sales Gallery at
This is actually a multi-level fixing plants. Landscape Awards 2023’s When fully complete, the town- Savanna Boulevard Retail, Jalan
slide and also designed with safe- The former involved planting Landscape Design Category. ship is anticipated to be home to a Southville 2, Southville City, 43800
ty in mind. The playground and trees in a wide area, after which cosmopolitan population of Dengkil, Selangor.
all its equipment are certified by
the Playground Safety Association
the top soil is replaced. This tech-
nique encourages healthy compe-
A thriving community around 69,000. Opening hours are 10am to
8pm daily.
of Malaysia and can be used by
children of various ages and
tition among trees and promotes
natural growth.
Southville City is fast taking
shape with residential properties
Shining proposition For more information, call
03-92120199 or visit M Sinar’s
abilities. The latter saw the use of plants both landed (Avens Residences) The next launch in Southville website at www.southville-city.
It uses contrasting colours of and shrubs like peanuts, which and high-rise (Savanna Executive City will be M Sinar, a freehold com/m-sinar/.
THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 11
12 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

The Estate
is equipped
with five
A Triple volume Grand Lobby to welcome you home.

A timeless all-inclusive home

A LIVING piece of art by bou- allows dwellers to personalise
tique developer Bon Estates, their environments, fostering a
The Estate @ South Bangsar sense of ownership and individu-
embraces you with the promise ality.
of an unparalleled perspective Nature is seamlessly integrated
on how luxury living should be. into this show stopping develop-
Prestige knows no bound at ment, with the neighbouring
this landmark address where an Bukit Gasing forest serving as a
A-list lifestyle is yours to com- constant source of inspiration.
mand. Merging opulence with The intricately designed green-
functionality, every detail is ery permeates throughout the
meticulously designed to offer a project, creating a harmonious
bespoke experience. blend of urban sophistication
This pinnacle of modern holis- and natural beauty.
tic living sprawls 3.68 acres with The terraced vegetation
two soaring 45-storey towers fea- around the 300m Lake Walk pro-
turing 328 stunning residences. vides an authentic natural eco-
With only four corner units per system. From the leafy main pool
floor, the ‘bungalows in the sky’ area to the beautifully land-
are sized from 2,346sq ft to scaped gardens, residents are
7,197sq ft. enveloped in a tranquil oasis
True to its tagline a “100-Years amidst the hustle and bustle of
Home”, The Estate was conceived city life.
to deliver timeless value and Capturing the pleasures of a
appeal for generations of families convenient and connected life-
to come together. style, The Estate offers a multi-
The development unites the tude of resort-styled recreational
use of natural elements with cur- facilities and shared spaces
rent technology and amenities to promoting community
create living spaces that radiate interaction.
balance, longevity and warmth. These include five swimming
Built upon the philosophies of pools; two sky pools for each
harmoniously intelligent design, tower, lap pool, family pool and
the cleverly crafted homes fea- kids’ pool, a 3,000sq ft gym, Sky
ture energy-effective design and Dining, sauna, Tea Garden,
sustainable materials. The Estate embraces residents with boutique luxurious living. games room and a cafe.
Wake up to panoramas of the The Estate is well accessible
Bukit Gasing Forest Reserve, typical duplex penthouses and via a good network of roads
experience comfort and conveni- four distinct Skyhouse designed and public transportation,
ence with four side-by-side car on a single floor plate, making and is within close proximity
parks per unit and a host of The Estate the first of its kind in to essential amenities and
impeccable facilities. South Bangsar. infrastructures.
An exclusive and indulgent Each floor has only four units,
lifestyle begins now at The
Estate, which has been bestowed
each designed as corner lots with
majestic city or forest views,
About Bon Estates
with the prestigious Malaysia magnificent high ceilings, an Inspired by the Tibetan culture
Property AwardTM (MPA) 2023 by open plan layout, a generous of BON, which celebrates the
FIABCI Malaysia (Residential balcony, cleverly efficient use of Connect unity of the five elements, this
High-Rise Category). space, and premium finishings. with Mother dynamic Malaysian property
The residences are installed Nature developer is driven by a passion
at your
Eco-modernity at its finest with low emission windows fac-
ing east and west, along with very own
for design innovation and a
strong desire to elevate lifestyles.
The freehold The Estate boasts shades that feature deep over- outdoor The company approaches
immaculate luxury, unrivalled hangs and concrete shear walls sanctuary. property development from the
amenities and superior services on sides facing the sun to keep perspective of craftsmen, shaping
for the discerning. The commit- your home cool and save electric- as of Jan 2024, it is transacting at the vision to create a serene living concepts into reality with
ment to excellence permeates ity consumption. RM1,100 psf with no sign of slow- green sanctuary within the bus- quality, beauty and detail as
every aspect in delivering the Serviced by five lift cars, every ing down. tling urban landscape of Kuala priorities.
lifestyle you deserve. spacious unit with four to five Lumpur. Dedicated towards the creation
“We did an in-depth market
study which showed an oversup-
bedrooms has its own dedicated
lift lobby and keyless entry for
Boutique luxury living “Recognising the scarcity of
large family-sized homes in this
of exceptionally well-balanced
homes and lifestyles, the devel-
ply of smaller units when we utmost privacy and security. The Estate offers a level of sought-after community, The oper invests equal focus on the
planned for The Estate. Residents also have the option exclusivity and privacy that is Estate which goes beyond mere purpose of space, carefully curat-
“There wasn’t many fami- of dual-key homes for multi-gen- unparalleled in the South square footage, was designed to ing environments that connect
ly-sized condos above 2,000sq ft erational living as well as a limit- Bangsar market. fit nicely into this niche,” said with dwellers in meaningful
apart from The Park Residence ed number of capacious pent- “This sense of luxury and dis- Chan. ways.
which was leasehold, thus mak- houses. Typical duplex unit rang- tinction appealed to our targeted He added that each unit is This philosophy is exemplified
ing our product a truly unique es in size from 2,346sq ft to demographics of buyers who meticulously crafted to offer ver- in its flagship project, The Estate,
offering in the area,” elaborated 3,474sq ft. value premium living experienc- satile living spaces that adapt to which was successfully complet-
Bon Estates CEO Chan Jin-Wy. Chan enthused that The Estate es. the diverse needs and aspirations ed and delivered to buyers in
He said there are eight units of was launched at RM630 psf, and “The concept was inspired by of its residents. This flexibility 2021.
THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 13
14 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

The greater Seremban 2 township includes commercial The award-winning Saujana Duta is an ambassador of luxury Saujana Duta’s clubhouse, The Hilltop Recreational Villa,
amenities and two recreational parks, Hill Park and City Park living in Seremban. boasts facilities like a well-equipped gym.
which allow residents to be inspired and rejuvenated by nature.

An ambassador of luxury living

LIFE is always a breeze when you
live in an elite hilltop neighbour-
hood like Saujana Duta in
Seremban 2, Negri Sembilan.
Perched 400ft (122m) above sea
level, this eco-luxe sanctuary by
IJM Land brings plush comfort,
refreshing perspectives, smart
Aerial view of
convenience and sense of wonder
Saujana Duta,
to every day.
illustrating how
Each of its 199 units of two and
units are
three-storey bungalows and
arranged in
semi-detached homes were metic-
ulously crafted to offer the best
elements of luxury living expect-
ed by discerning home-owners.
the incline.
Coupled with a plethora of
modern amenities, wide open
parks and comprehensive infra-
structure, it was a place that
everyone dreamed of calling
It now stands as one of the
most desirable addresses in
Seremban 2 and indeed, all of
Negri Sembilan. A lasting and
lofty testament to a vision that bungalows was launched in other sites in Seremban 2. This Seremban tolls, old Seremban city healthcare facilities and more.
was truly ahead of its time. September 2014 and completed green lung also keeps the ambient and beyond. Together, both master-planned
Which makes it a worthy win- exactly two years later in temperature in the area cooler townships are set to be the driv-
ner in the Residential Low-Rise
Category of the Malaysia Property
September 2016.
Built-ups of the homes range
and the air fresher.
– Safe and secure: Built on nat-
The sky’s the limit ing force behind the rapid growth
of the Greater Klang Valley for
AwardTM 2023 by FIABCI from 4,038sq ft to 7,060sq ft. They urally elevated ground, the Following on the success of decades to come.
Malaysia. have been well received and only enclave is innately private and Saujana Duta, IJM Land launched Datuk Wong Tuck Wai added -
“Saujana Duta has truly lived limited units are still available. has 24/7 security with CCTV sur- ViO Banj’ran - in nearby “IJM Land is proud to be a part of
up to its name as the ambassador Beyond units’ stylish modern veillance. The surrounding Hill Seremban 2 Heights - in January the Seremban 2 community, as
of luxury living in Seremban, ele- designs, Saujana Duta has many Park adds an extra layer of natu- 2024. our aim has always been to devel-
vating quality of life for many. factors going for it: ral security. Offering similarly breathtaking op a close knit family where rela-
“It is a shining example of our – High profile, low density: – Unmatched perspectives: mountain views, it sprawls over tionships not only blossom but
commitment to build what really With only 199 units spread across From its vantage point, Saujana 13 acres of prime low-density real last too.
matters to homebuyers of today 38 acres, it has a very low density Duta overlooks all of Seremban 2, estate positioned approximately “Many existing and satisfied
and tomorrow, and create new of only five units per acre. To with clear sightlines of the 480ft (146m) above sea level. customers choose to continue
value in every project we embark date, it is still one of the lowest Seremban city skyline as well as There will be 40 bungalows, their relationship with us as the
on through innovation. density communities in the Titiwangsa Range’s hilly each designed as a contemporary preferred and trusted property
“We’re especially proud to win Seremban 2. greens to the east. masterpiece for multi-generation- developer when they seek more
this prestigious accolade and look – One step ahead: Beyond its – Distinctive forms: To maxim- al living. They blend sophistica- sizeable properties, upgrade to
forward to competing with the premium finishings and fixtures, ise the scenic views from each tion with functionality, and fea- higher-end products or look
very best globally in the FIABCI Saujana Duta’s homes are also home, Saujana Duta’s units are ture premium luxury living to expand their investment
World Prix d’Excellence Awards future-ready and sustainable. arranged in a series of platforms amenities, advanced security, and portfolios.
2024 later,” said Datuk Wong Every unit has smart home eco- ascending the incline. These ter- easy access to various daily con- “This speaks highly of the
Tuck Wai, CEO of IJM Land systems for automated control of races are intersected by tree-lined veniences. unique lifestyle, well-crafted envi-
Berhad. lights, temperature and security, avenues to create an iconic cas- The RM183mil development ronment and sense of community
as well as green features that cading profile. has attained provisional GreenRE that we’ve created.
Elevated premises include solar power and rainwa-
ter harvesting systems. They are
– All-inclusive community:
Perched dramatically on the hill’s
gold rating in the residential cate-
“Having played a big hand in
nurturing this township for
When IJM Land launched the also internet-ready and were the edge is Saujana Duta’s clubhouse, After the new benchmarks pio- almost 30 years now, Seremban 2
RM486mil Saujana Duta in May first in the township to be The Hilltop Recreational Villa. A neered by Saujana Duta in the is nothing short of a place called
2013, its flagship 3,800-acre equipped with optical fibre infra- convenient 10-minute walk from area, ViO Banj’ran is set to elevate home. It’s a powerful indication
Seremban 2 was already a thriv- structure which can be up to 20 every home, this residents-only things further with its quiet luxu- that we have built it right.
ing, multi-award winning town- times faster than regular cables. facility boasts resort-style facili- ry and sustainable development “We’re proud of the positive
ship 18 years in the making. – At one with nature: The sur- ties that include a 50m infinity practices. impact achieved by Saujana Duta
The greenfield project would be rounding 30-acre Hill Park gives pool, gym, 1.7km cycling and jog- The self-contained Seremban 2 in raising benchmarks for the
the township’s very first luxury residents plenty of chances to be ging track, resident’s lounge, func- is currently about 70% complete built environment, which has
hilltop phase - and also the one inspired and rejuvenated by tion rooms, themed gardens and and has a population of around been a distinctively IJM ethos for
and only luxury hilltop low-rise nature with like minded neigh- lookout points. 62,000 residents. the past, present and future.
development taking place in all of bours. Facilities here include – Well-connected: Saujana Duta Seremban 2 Heights, which “Our success has always been
Seremban at the time. viewing gazebos, a children’s is just a 45-minute drive from sprawls a further 1,500 acres built on a strong belief in creating
It started with Phase 1, com- playground, jogging track, adven- Kuala Lumpur City Centre and alongside it, provides residents sustainable communities and
prising 116 semi-detached homes ture zone, picnic pavilion and both KLIA 1 & 2. It is also highly with similarly easy and conven- delivering quality, innovative
and 8 bungalows. These were kite-flying lawn. accessible via Seremban 2’s main ient access to all essential ameni- products that meet the aspira-
completed and handed over to There is also a Dinosaur Park, arterial road and enjoys direct ties such as schools, business tions of homeowners and
their happy new owners in May populated with over 700 trees access to the area’s commercial parks, shopping and entertain- investors.”
2015. preserved from the original site centres and amenities including ment centres, food and beverage For more information, visit
Phase 2 with the remaining 75 and those transplanted from Bandar Ainsdale, as well as the outlets, financial institutions,
THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 15
16 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

Championing sustainability
and urban biodiversity
THE key to progressing sustaina-
bly is for new developments to
adopt landscape strategies that
prioritise biodiversity conserva-
tion and restoration.
That was what Sime Darby
Property (SDP) had in mind
when setting up the Elmina
Rainforest Knowledge Centre
(ERKC) at its City of Elmina
(COE) development in Shah
Alam, Selangor.
Positioned as the “Gateway to
Malaysia’s Natural Heritage”, it
is a one-stop facility that pro-
motes environmental education,
conservation, research and
development, eco-tourism and
other green activities - with the
ultimate aim of increasing pub-
lic environmental literacy and
making nature accessible to all.
ERKC was established in part-
nership with the Tropical Azmir: Building sustainable townships while nurturing healthy
Rainforest Conservation and communities and ecosystems should be the way forward for
Research Centre (TRCRC), a property developments because it would in turn inspire residents
Malaysian non-profit organisa- The award-winning Elmina Rainforest Knowledge Centre (ERKC) in City of Elmina, and the public to care about and protect the environments they
tion, and commenced operations Shah Alam, Selangor. are living in, for a better future.
in October 2020. and mental wellness - to create a
Occupying approximately 3.5 haven where individuals and
acres within the 300-acre Elmina families alike can embrace the
Central Park - the main building wholesomeness of life.
of ERKC features an open exhibi- Strategically set 20km west of
tion/gathering area which can Kuala Lumpur along the Guthrie
host everything from workshops Corridor Expressway (GCE), COE
to hands-on interactive classes is expected to have a total popu-
for the community, while the lation of 150,000 when fully
adjacent Elmina Living completed.
Collection Nursery (ELCN), cur- The centrepiece of the devel-
rently holds 36 seed beds and opment is the 300-acre Elmina
has the capacity to germinate up Central Park, which comprises
to 100,000 trees. six sub-themed parks namely,
Both the ERKC and ELCN play the already-completed
a pivotal role in SDP’s efforts to Community Park and Wildlife
create an urban biodiversity cor- Park, the Urban Park, Forest
ridor in COE to promote nature Park and Sports Park which are
conservation among urban com- currently under construction, as
munities and enhance human well as the Arts and Cultural
well-being. Park that is set to kick off in the
“The core philosophy for COE near term.
was the integration of nature “The demand for green spaces
and wellness into every aspect in cities has never been greater.
of residents’ lives. In line with After the pandemic, the desire to
our Purpose to be a Value live in well-planned environ-
Multiplier for People, ments with easy access to nature
Businesses, Economies, and the Students learning about biodiversity and why it matters, at ERKC. has increased tremendously, in
Planet, this environmental initi- some way, it redefines true
ative is fundamental in the way This was what made ERKC a tainable and continuous supply versity education programmes luxury,” said Azmir.
we plan our parks and green standout winner in the of native and ERT plant species and activities. “Urbanites are also becoming
spaces, emphasising community Environmental Category of the for SDP’s reforestation efforts This includes tree planting increasingly aware of the global
involvement and awareness of Malaysia Property AwardTM 2023 within COE and its many other sessions, bird watches and environmental crisis and are
working with NGOs to restore by FIABCI Malaysia. townships across the country. botanical walks, all of which more conscious of the brand
green spaces and promote Many of the seedlings and sap- increase public knowledge on choices that they make.
healthy soil,” said Sime Darby
Property’s group managing
Reforesting and connecting lings grown at ERKC have also
been taken to other areas of
environmental issues and pro-
vide individuals with guidance
“We hope this collaborative
approach to address environ-
director Datuk Azmir Merican. our parks Selangor for conservation on how to make meaningful mental concerns would inspire
Azmir highlighted that with To date, ERKC has managed to efforts. Over a thousand have contributions to conservation other property and real estate
urban communities globally get- nurture a total of 187 species of already been planted near the efforts. players to think conscientiously
ting increasingly disconnected plants, comprising 35,000 seed- Klang Gates Dam along the Friends of ERKC also serves to about environmental conserva-
from nature in recent years, it lings and 10,000 tree saplings. Klang River so far. educate communities about ERT tion,” said Azmir.
was imperative that developers These are grown and stored at This has put SDP well on track species cultivated on-site, spark “Building sustainable town-
play a role in reversing that the Elmina Living Collection to achieve its objective of plant- interest in all things nature, and ships while nurturing healthy
trend. Nursery (ELCN), a specialist tree ing 50,000 IUCN red-listed trees celebrate the unique plant and communities and ecosystems
“Facilities like ERKC provide nursery and genetic storage site by the year 2030. bird species found in COE. should be the way forward for
invaluable spaces for the com- catered to the production and To date, it has planted over The community programmes property developments because
munity to engage in impactful conservation of up to 100,000 59,630 trees within COE, with run by TRCRC at ERKC has bene- it would in turn inspire resi-
nature conservation activities, native trees - including species some 10,265 of them being from fitted over 10,000 members dents and the public to care
educate younger generations categorised as ERT under the ERT species. which includes students, educa- about and protect the environ-
about the importance of nature International Union for “TRCRC’s expertise in rainfor- tors and various corporate and ments they are living in, for a
and also serve as a hub for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) est conservation and research authority bodies. better future.”
research and co-working among Red List. complements our mission to
forestry NGOs and related bod-
ies,” he said.
TRCRC’s team would survey
various forest reserves and pri-
enhance community awareness
on the benefits of co-existing
Nurturing well-being
“This allows the public to bet- vate lands to look for parent with nature. COE is the first themed devel- Learn more about the
ter comprehend urban biodiver- trees and signs of flowering or “Such collaborations can aid opment in Malaysia to embrace Elmina Rainforest Knowledge Centre
sity and why it matters. fruiting, before organising expe- the plight of the Malaysian rain- the concepts of “wellness and
Especially in a country like ditions to bring seeds back to the forest and hopefully make its liveable city” in a holistic man-
Malaysia which is blessed with nursery. conservation more accessible ner.
abundant natural heritage. They are then germinated and for people to participate in,” The sprawling, 6,500-acre mas-
Creating such connections kept as seedlings at ELCN until Azmir said. ter-planned design takes into
between communities and they are ready to be replanted To further that goal, the devel- account community wellness,
nature can ultimately enhance back in the wild to support new oper also established the environmental wellness, intel-
people’s lives and well-being, as ecosystems and restore existing “Friends of ERKC” community lectual wellness, family wellness,
well as the overall health of habitats. interest group which partners occupational wellness, physical
the planet.” The process provides a sus- with TRCRC to run various biodi- wellness, emotional wellness
THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 17
18 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

Sunway GEOLake Residences offers multigenerational The stunning conservatory for communal use at Sunway The majestic 7km Pendas River that winds across Sunway
residences for seamless living. GEOLake Residences. City Iskandar Puteri.

HOLDING steadfast to its vision

as a Master Community
Developer, Sunway Property is
renowned for its integrated sus-
Building towards and Sunway City Ipoh. A medi-
cal-educational hub featuring
Sunway Medical Centre and
Sunway University will comple-

tainable communities, with its ment the existing offerings, solid-
flagship township Sunway City ifying SCIP’s vision of a complete
Kuala Lumpur being one of Asia’s “live, learn, work, and play”
top smart sustainable cities. destination.
The company’s unique Build-

and holistic living

Own-Operate (BOO) business Sunway GEOLake Residences
model powers its ability to con-
tinue being part of the communi- Sunway GeoLake Residences is
ty where it operates, delivering a sustainability-focused, integrat-
lifelong and sustainable growth ed development built and man-
so future generations can thrive. aged sustainably on rehabilitated
For Sunway Group, which is mining land.
celebrating its 50th anniversary, The multigenerational resi-
sustainability is a key corner- dence is seamlessly connected
stone, having embraced the 17 within Sunway City Kuala
United Nations Sustainable Lumpur via dedicated walkways
Development Goals. and EV buses (BRT) to world-class
The first in the nation to imple- education, healthcare, retail and
ment internal carbon pricing leisure facilities, all within a
framework and introduce a Artist impression 15-minute city.
Green Lease Partnership of Sunway City Enriched with sophisticated
Programme, the company had Iskandar Puteri, living spaces, rich greenery and
pledged to achieve net zero car- which is lavish resort facilities, this
bon emissions by 2050. Sunway’s largest low-density project offers 420
Sunway Property also fulfils township in condominium units in a single
UNSDG 11-making cities and Johor. tower and 44 townhouse homes
human settlements inclusive, across 6.49 acres of prime land.
safe, resilient and sustainable. Tailor-made for modern fami-
“Our guiding blueprint is the lies, the residences range in size
Sunway Design and Development Property AwardTM (MPA) 2023 by SCIP draws inspiration from the Sunway Aviana (landed property) from 883 sq ft to 3,035 sq ft, with
Architecture (SDDA) which FIABCI Malaysia where it won success stories of its predecessor, achieving more than 95% take-up each unit featuring layouts that
ensures unrivalled Sustainability, in both the Masterplan and Sunway City Kuala Lumpur. It rate for its Phase 1 and Phase 2 – maximise functionality and spa-
Innovation, Health & Wellness, Residential High-Rise Category embodies the seven hallmarks of a testament to Sunway’s ability to cious living to ensure residents
and Lifestyle & New Experiences for Sunway City Iskandar Puteri Sunway, incorporating commer- cater to market demands. enjoy the optimal comfort of
in each of our projects, particu- and Sunway GEOLake Residences cial, residential, retail, hospitality, The recently opened Wisma their homes.
larly our Signature Homes. respectively. education, medical, and enter- Sunway Big Box smart office With stunning views of
“As innovators in the real “We are thrilled to celebrate tainment components. tower has already secured nota- Sunway City Kuala Lumpur and
estate industry, Sunway employs this incredible double win, which Blessed by the natural beauty ble tenants like NEC Malaysia a 28-acre lake, Sunway GEOLake
a continuous process that incor- marks our 8th and 9th FIABCI of the natural site, SCIP’s master and the Iskandar Regional Residences is GreenRE Gold certi-
porates six key inputs into our awards. These wins come at a plan draws inspiration from the Development Authority, achiev- fied, emphasising energy and
SDDA approach. special time as we celebrate majestic 7km Pendas River, ing more than 60% occupancy water efficiency, environmental
“The process includes listening Sunway Group’s 50th anniversa- mangrove reserve, Sunway within a short span. protection and indoor air quality.
to our buyers, our DNA, co-crea- ry, when we look back at how far Emerald Lake, the lush hilly For recreation, X Park Sunway The facilities floor at Level 1
tion, notes from past projects, we have come this past half-cen- terrains within and around the Iskandar is the go-to place for includes indoor recreational
feasibility studies and consider- tury, and look forward to build- development and the breezy fun-filled outdoor activities, spaces, an indoor play area, com-
ing what’s relevant,” elaborated ing an even brighter future in the coastal shorelines. including Go-Kart, flying fox, and munity hall and fitness centre
managing director Sarena Cheah. decades to come. With mother nature surround- many more. Adding on the enter- while at Level 44, the facilities
With a focus on meeting the “We attribute these achieve- ing the township, sustainability is tainment value, the township will deck with its floor-to-ceiling win-
needs and desires of consumers, ments to our communities that ingrained in SCIP’s DNA. The also introduce a multipurpose dows provide natural daylight for
she said their developments com- continually inspire us and drive township champions green initia- circuit that will establish itself as yoga as well as a sky deck for
bine the elements of SDDA to our ongoing commitment to tives like recycling centres, a motoring tourism hub in the social gatherings.
deliver an unparalleled living invest in the development of sus- monthly Pendas River water region. The inspiring outdoor land-
experience that is healthier, tainable and forward-thinking monitoring, and fish release pro- Retail and hospitality options scapes are dotted with a dragon
sustainable and holistic. communities,” enthused Cheah. grams. Taking a step further, abound with Sunway Boulevard walk playground, maze running
She explained that the SDDA is SCIP designs its built environ- 88, Sunway Citrine Hub, Sunway park and lifestyle pools, among
a collective effort that extends Sunway City Iskandar Puteri ment as green buildings. Sunway Big Box Retail Park, and Sunway others.
beyond products and involves Big Box itself is equipped with Hotel Big Box. The hotel’s prox- There is also an urban farming
every member of the company (SCIP) 3.5MW solar panels that’s equiva- imity to Legoland and its recent community garden to encourage
regardless of their job scope. Nestled in the heart of lent to 17,000 trips around “Excellent” rating on TripAdvisor farm-to-table practices and pro-
“Sunway also listens to and Iskandar Puteri, Johor, SCIP has Peninsular Malaysia via an solidify SCIP’s appeal to both mote eco-conscious and healthy
‘co-creates’ with our buyers, blossomed into a thriving urban EV car. long-term residents and tourists. living, earning Sunway GEOLake
aligning to our identity as a living haven. This “Nature’s Capital On the livability aspect of the For security, SCIP provides a Residences the distinction of
community serving another City” seamlessly integrates nature township, Sunway City Iskandar 24/7 auxiliary police force and being the first-ever development
living community. with the convenience of a mod- Puteri caters to people from all CCTV systems installed within the in Malaysia with its very own
“It is through this collaborative ern city. As Sunway Group cele- walks of life. township. Additionally, a central- urban farming community.
approach that we ensure the brates its 50th anniversary in The first development in SCIP ized command center is being To top it off, the development
holistic implementation of SDDA 2024, SCIP marks a significant is Sunway International School - built, further strengthening is equipped with elderly-friendly
principles across our organisa- milestone - its 10th anniversary. as education is close to Sunway’s security measures. facilities providing easy access
tion,” she said, adding that the “Sunway City Iskandar Puteri heart. The township then Recently, the township has for wheelchairs and strollers,
company also has three guiding stays ahead of the curve, antici- expanded to a Chinese govern- taken its first step into the indus- making it the ideal home for all
values as a Master Community pating future needs and aspira- ment school SJK (C) Cheah Fah trial sector with the announce- generations.
Developer. tions. This forward-thinking that’s fitted with international ment of Equalbase Sunway 103° Sunway GEOLake Residences
•We Care, We Stay With You approach ensures a city that school level facilities. Soon to join Free Commercial Zone. An RM8 has also added to its cap other
For Generations caters to even the unspoken this lineup are 42 Iskandar Puteri billion GDV development, 103° is prestigious accolades such as The
•We Build And Deliver More desires, creating a vibrant envi- (free coding school) and Sunway set to bring at least 13,000 job StarProperty Long Life Award
Than Just Homes ronment where residents can TES JB (accounting school). opportunities to those residing and a commendation at the
•We Co-create For The Future truly live and thrive.” said chief Its residential component in Johor. Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia
Sunway Property was recog- executive officer of SCIP, Gerard boasts a diverse range of homes, Looking ahead, SCIP plans to (PAM) Awards 2022 in the
nised for its winning formula Soosay. ranging from landed properties introduce beloved components Multiple Residential High-Rise
once again at the Malaysia Spanning over 2,000 acres, to high-rises, with the recent from Sunway City Kuala Lumpur Category.
THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 19
20 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

Master bath with a view. Every window frames a view. Reading lounge bathed in natural lighting.

Charming escape
AROUND the world, hills have each one. We curated a calming
long been regarded as places to palette of hues to avoid overpow-
escape the hustle and bustle of ering the elegance and architec-
life. tural character of the original

in nature’s embrace
Whether it is the crisper air, spaces.
majestic vistas or untouched nat- “Vistas in every room were
ural beauty, the lofty locales can framed and celebrated as focal
bring one a sense of rejuvenation points, as they were part of what
and upliftment. drew so many to Penang Hill
Penang Hill is a great example over the centuries,” Mark
- having been used by colonial continued.
gentry seeking refuge from the Little design choices, such as
heat of the tropical lowlands placing beds to face the best
from the early 19th century views or ensuring that every
onwards. window had a desk, daybed or
They initially built rudimenta- lounger alongside it, contributes
ry bungalows made of wood and to the overall experience.
bamboo, with water drawn from As Penang Hill is a UNESCO
natural springs and only oil Biosphere Reserve, guests wake
lamps or candles for lighting. Eythrope Bungalow enjoys up each morning to the sounds
Reaching the top was no easy an uninterrupted panoramic of nature - from the songs of
task either, with journeys on views to the city. birds to the clicks of insects and
horseback or coolie-manned car- whirr of wind rushing through
riages taking up to two hours trees.
each way. Sunrises are also spectacular
Yet fascination with “the great when weather permits.
hill” as it was popularly known, Temperatures on the hill average
steadily grew. This led to the con- between 20 to 27 degrees, so it is
struction of the funicular railway comfortable year round. It can
in 1923. With that, came a new also be a treat to walk through
wave of modern residences. Eythrope’s hallways which are
Among the earlier was framed with curved timber
Eythrope, built by Edward arches.
Bulford and completed in 1929. “Faithful respect was observed
Nestled on the hill’s east- on all existing arches. They were
ward-facing slope at a high ele- not only restored but also accen-
vation, it overlooked the island’s tuated and highlighted as key
eastern seaboard. Theng’s grandson. granduncle, they went back to spaces feel heavy and sombre. features of the interior design.
During the Second World War, The new Eythrope retained Dorset and gave the same name So the core transformation “Overall, our approach was
the bungalow and many others most of its original features and to their house there,” Mark came from sanding down all the deliberately refrained. We want-
along the Summit Road were character - but added plush mod- shared. darker wooden varnish, and let- ed to be humble and honest in
commandeered by Japanese forc- ern comforts for present-day visi- A name alone would not mean ting the lighter original timber celebrating the original ambi-
es and used as getaways for tors. And those who have spent a much had the building been tones shine through with matte- ence of the bungalow, and pay
high-ranking officers and VIP night, have waxed lyrical about stripped of its original character. clear varnish. homage to its original architec-
guests. After the end of the con- the unique experiences they Which is why the Saw family This made the ambience feel tural design as well as the natu-
flict in 1945, the property was enjoyed and the memories they sought out an architect known brighter and more welcoming, ral heritage that surrounds it,”
swiftly reclaimed by Allied created. for her work in the field of adap- which tied into the vast sweeping Mark said.
authorities and returned to its The bungalow now stands as a tive reuse of heritage buildings vistas of George Town, the Eythrope also has an airy din-
original owner. testament to how an empathetic in her native Penang and Penang Channel and ing room that seats up to 12 per-
Bulford’s wife, Ida Margaret touch can breathe a second life beyond. Butterworth that greeted visitors sons which is ideal for intimate
May Bulford, eventually sold it to to an aging heritage building. Award-winning architect Tan when they threw open the win- gatherings. This is linked by a
Datuk Saw Choo Theng and Tan This was recognised with a Bee Eu, founder of BEu Tan dows or stepped out onto hallway to a cosy lounge, and
Sri Saw Seng Kew for the sum of win in the Heritage Category of Architect BETA, was struck by Eythrope’s beautiful outdoor tim- also opens up to the outdoor
$70,000 Straits Dollars in 1951. the Malaysia Property AwardTM the homely vibes and strong ber deck. deck where one can watch the
The art deco-inspired property 2023 by FIABCI Malaysia. sense of place upon her first visit The property now offers five entire cityscape come alive with
has been with the Saw family to the bungalow. accommodation types for visitors lights at night while enjoying
ever since. They used it as a
treasured retreat for decades.
A special house on the hill She realised then, the best
approach was to adopt an honest
- two family suites and three bed-
rooms. Each was curated to offer
delicious meals prepared by
But they only spent about a In his book The Bungalows of design expression, by allowing a unique experience. “The family is humbled by
month each year in Eythrope. Penang Hill, author Mike Gibby the bungalow to be herself and The suites are named after the this Malaysia Property AwardTM
And with the property getting posits that the property was echo the happy memories it Punchinello and Lacewing but- and see the recognition as an
rundown over time, a decision named after a village called brought to its two owners’ fami- terflies and measure 843sq ft endorsement of our decision to
was made to renovate and mod- Eythrope in Buckinghamshire, lies over the years. (78.4sqm) and 792sq ft (74sqm) restore the bungalow.
ernise the house. southern England. “Renovation was carried out respectively. The bedrooms are “We now look forward to posi-
Being a Category 2 Heritage The word “eyt” likely came consistent with heritage building named after orchids, specifically tioning Eythrope in readiness to
Building that possessed signifi- from the Old English word “eyot” guidelines to restore and rein- Purple Rain, Wispy Umbrella and celebrate her 100th Anniversary
cant architectural qualities in its which meant a small island in a state the original characteristics Tiger, and measure between in 2029,” Mark added.
exterior and interior, the renova- river. And there certainly is a of the bungalow. 267sq ft to 312sq ft (25sqm to Since January this year, the
tion and interior design had to small island in the River Thame “Existing roof tiles, external 29sqm). property has worked in conjunc-
be sensitive and measured. near where the village is located. wall finishes, wooden windows As there was no structural tion with Small Luxury Hotels of
Work started in 2021 and was Meanwhile, “thorpe” is Old and the wooden staircase were hacking and no removal of col- the World (SLH), a global collec-
completed two years later. It reo- English for a small hamlet or vil- painstakingly restored to umns during the renovation, the tion of independently spirited
pened in late 2023 as a luxury lage, which over time was cor- their original designs,” Mark accommodations’ stylish interior hotels. It currently comprises
boutique hotel. rupted to “thrope”. pointed out. design today also spoke volumes over 560 properties in 90
“We wanted to share what the “So, a logical explanation of But the masterstroke was in about the ingenious space plan- countries.
family had enjoyed over the the name could be - a small ham- the flooring. The existing timber ning. For more on Eythrope or to
years with more people from not let near the islet in the river. floor had layers of dark wal- “We had to get creative in enjoy an unforgettable experi-
only Penang, but also around the “After Ida Bulford sold the nut-coloured varnish painted carving out the rooms and suites ence on Penang Hill, visit https://
world,” said Mark Saw, Choo bungalow to my grandfather and on over the years which made to curate unique experiences in
THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 21
22 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

Aerial view of the award-winning Tropicana Gardens. Relax by the pool overlooking the tranquility of vast greenery at Edelweiss.

TROPICANA Gardens, the signa-

ture development of Tropicana
Corporation Berhad, is named Winning designs with
seamless connectivity
Mixed-Use Development by
FIABCI Malaysia at the Malaysia
Property AwardTM 2023.
Hailed as one of the best
Transit-Oriented Development
(TOD) in Malaysia, the develop-
ment has bagged many other
awards over the years, including Village Grocer, GSC Cinemas,
the 5-Star Asia Pacific Property Kindyland, Daiso, MR DIY, MST
Awards, iProperty Award and Golf, the largest Mykart go-kart
Asia Property Award. and Starbucks Reserve, to name
“With all the valuable contribu- a few.
tions and commitments from the With a 80% take-up rate and
Tropicana team, it is very gratify- home to local and international
ing to win the prestigious FIABCI brands, the mall offers free WiFi
award, marking an excellent service from 10am to 10pm daily
accolade and milestone for to all customers as well as a
Tropicana Group,” shared pet-friendly zone for pet owners.
Tropicana deputy chief executive Tropicana Gardens is strategi-
officer Khoo Thian Shyang. cally located with easy access to a
“Building townships since 1979, network of roads and highways
Tropicana has broadened its posi- including New Klang Valley
tion from a resort-style developer Expressway (NKVE), Damansara-
to a sustainable community plan- Puchong Expressway (LDP),
ner anchored on its eight devel- SPRINT Highway and Penchala
opment DNAs and three ESG Link.
“Our approach focuses on cre-
ating a well-connected develop-
Last chance to own a slice
ment offering timeless designs of paradise
backed by many facilities and Elevate your business and life-
amenities. Our goal is to future- style with seamless connectivity
proof our businesses through our and unparalleled conveniences at
constant engagement with our Edelweiss Serviced Residences,
stakeholders, understand market SoFo & Shoppes, the final tower
demand as well as roll out mar- of Tropicana Gardens.
keting and sales application strat- Soaring 52 stories with 630
egy through various online and units of serviced residences and
offline initiatives,” he added. 397 units of SoFo (Small office,
Listed on the Main Market of Flexible office), Edelweiss comes
Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad with an innovative smart home
since 1992, the Group is one of system that allows easy control of
Malaysia’s leading conglomerates every aspect of your living space.
with diversified business inter- Edelweiss will soon unveil the shoppes offering the perfect business address within this vicinity. With refreshing views of the
ests in property development & lake and Seri Selangor Golf Club,
property management, property five Green Building Index (GBI)- Tropicana Office Tower in 2020, water consumption. the serviced residences range in
investment, recreation & resort, certified residential towers, which recorded good occupancy Tropicana Gardens has rein- size from 556 sq ft to 1,111 sq ft
and investment holding. a one million sq ft retail mall of up to 87%. vented the standard residen- and the SoFo from 452 sq ft to
(Tropicana Gardens Mall) and an “Our last gem for this integrat- tial-retail-office concept by rede- 858 sq ft.
One location, multiple elegant office tower.
Directly linked to the Surian
ed development, Edelweiss
Serviced Residences, SoFo &
fining it as a hybrid with great
connectivity, a majestic view of
Edelweiss will soon unveil the
shoppes offering the perfect busi-
offerings MRT Station, this master-planned Shoppes is currently under con- the Seri Selangor golf course, ness address within this vicinity.
Tropicana Gardens is an inte- township has become the pulse struction with a targeted comple- vibrant social spaces and green With direct connectivity to
grated project spanning 17.6-acre of Tropicana Indah, creating tion by 2025,” he said. parks, all packaged in a contem- Surian MRT Station and all con-
of premium land in the promi- value for its property investors He added that Tropicana porary, pedestrian-friendly devel- veniences just a short drive away,
nent address of Tropicana Indah, with positive rental yield and Gardens was designed and con- opment inspired by Namba Park this development is truly the best
fronting the main intersection of serving the affluent neighbour- structed in adherence to GBI and in Osaka, Japan. choice for property owners and
Kota Damansara. hood with convenient amenities GreenRe Certification standards, The development has a robust investors.
“A sustainable 405-acre and facilities. taking into consideration energy ecosystem, where one can live, Register with us now to secure
township that began its journey Khoo said the first residential and water efficiency, environ- work, play, shop, learn and hop your own piece of paradise and
in 1996, Tropicana Indah has tower of Arnica was launched in mental protection, indoor envi- from one township to another become part of this exclusive
become one of the most 2012 and sold out in just two ronmental quality, carbon emis- with the direct Surian MRT just a community. For more informa-
sought-after addresses in Petaling days! sion and other green features. walk away. tion, kindly visit www.edelweiss.
Jaya, accomplishing our grand “Bayberry, Cyperus and All residential units are The walkability factor also
vision for a sustainable, liveable Dianthus Serviced Residences equipped with innovative details, encourages healthy living and To discover the world
and prosperous township with were rolled out in 2013, 2014 and fibre optics infrastructure for helps to lower carbon footprint. of Tropicana, log on to
seamless connectivity,” said 2016 respectively with a 100% convenient high-speed internet A pedestrian bridge connects
Khoo. take-up rate too, followed by access and energy-saving residents to Tropicana Gardens or follow us on Facebook
Tropicana Gardens consists of Tropicana Gardens Mall and features to reduce electric and Mall which is home to Uniqlo, @tropicanacorp
THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 23
24 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

The entrance to the lush, Resort Homes enclave. The serene recreational lake with viewing deck provides a Outdoor landscaping seen among the Resort Homes units.
rejuvenating outdoor space.

MANY dream of a resort lifestyle

where carefree days are framed
by breezy living spaces, pamper- Living the good life in
resort-style neighbourhood
ing amenities and lush greenery.
For the privileged and discern-
ing few who call the luxurious
Hijayu 2 Resort Homes in Bandar
Sri Sendayan home, this dream is
now a blissful reality.
The 91-acre enclave was ear-
marked from the start to be the lifestyle ecosystem where people
landmark precinct of the 6,272- can work, play, dine, shop, learn
acre mega township located in and more.
Seremban West, Negri Sembilan, Aerial view of Resort Homes The township’s location in
which is part of the Greater Klang in Bandar Sri Sendayan. Seremban West puts it within the
Valley Conurbation. Malaysia Vision Valley (MVV) 2.0
Which is why the developers new economic growth area and
Matrix Concepts designed the promoted development zone
freehold double-storey semi-de- driven by a public-private
tached and superlink homes, to partnership.
be among the best in the market. The group is also the developer
Generous, tropical resort-like of the similarly successful, 900-
living spaces and high-end finish- acre Bandar Seri Impian in
ings brought character to interior Kluang, Johor and the 33-storey
spaces, while sleek modern Chambers Kuala Lumpur, condo-
facades gave it a timeless appeal minium project which is fully
on the outside. completed.
Its well-crafted layouts were An upcoming condominium
appealing to a wide spectrum of project is Levia Residence in
buyers with varying tastes and Cheras which is expected to be
requirements. The 662 units came completed by the third quarter of
in 12 different configurations 2027. Further developments in
with built ups between 2,500sq ft Puchong, Damansara Perdana are
to 6,400sq ft - making them on the horizon. Success has also
among the biggest in their respec- come on the global stage.
tive categories. In Australia, it is known as a
The development was complet- developer of premium residenc-
ed over six phases - called es. The latest, launched in May
Elymus, Allysum I and II, Allysum 2022, is M333 St Kilda in
III, Lunaria, Lunaria II and The drive in will bring the sight living experience. Sendayan’s vibrant lifestyle cen- Melbourne. This follows in the
Crisantha - between 2016 and of lush landscapes, until a round- This also brought in ample nat- tre, the Sendayan Merchant footsteps of previous, highly
2021. about that offers a second layer of ural light and ventilation, result- Square – which is just 1km away. successful projects such as
Also part of its charm are the security. Semi-detached phases ing in light and uplifting living Among its notable components M. Carnegie in 2016 and
abundance of green outdoor are located to the left and right of spaces that enhanced one’s are the 380,000sq ft d’Tempat M. Greenvale in 2019.
spaces such as community linear this roundabout, while the super- well-being. Country Club; the education cam- The group also ventured into
parks for relaxation and outdoor link home phases are accessed The connection with the out- pus of Matrix Global Schools; and Indonesia in 2019 with the 29-
activities, as well as a clubhouse further up the road. doors and nature is further cham- an entertainment park with excit- storey Menara Syariah. Located
with top-notch facilities. This clear distinction ensures pioned by the prevalence of parks ing facilities such as a go-kart in the international waterfront
Today, Hijayu 2 Resort Homes privacy for each low-density and landscaped areas all around track, futsal and badminton township of Pantai Kapuk Indah
stand as a prominent and cher- neighbourhood. Pulling into one’s the enclave. This included a courts, flying fox activity area, 2 in Jakarta, it was completed
ished landmark that not only driveway, residents will find the retention pond that was turned paintball arena, all-terrain vehicle under a joint venture with
evoke a sense of pride among res- statement-making homes a wel- into a serene, recreational lake (ATV) rides and a golf driving reputable local developers.
idents, but also admiration come sight. complete with a viewing deck. range. A slew of industry awards over
among surrounding communi- Matrix Concepts went for a Besides being conducive spaces For residents’ daily conveni- the years has cemented Matrix
ties. timeless design that was elegant for families to relax, spend quali- ence, there are also Merchants Concepts’ reputation as a develop-
A win in the Malaysia Property and contemporary, yet highly ty time together and be rejuvenat- Squares such as commercial cen- er of choice.
AwardTM 2023 by FIABCI Malaysia functional and relevant to mod- ed, such features have also tres with a variety of businesses, Its core ethos in building sus-
under the Residential Low-Rise ern families’ living arrangements. sparked a more profound appre- a petrol station, a boutique busi- tainable and healthy communi-
category, is further testament to Everyone has different interior ciation for the natural environ- ness hotel and an upcoming shop- ties while actively contributing to
its outstanding qualities and pre- design and style choices, and ment. ping mall. CSR initiatives has been lauded.
mium lifestyle experience. units’ flexible layouts cater to all This created a ripple effect The group has also been on
manner of possibilities. that inspired individuals, families Building sustainable Bursa Malaysia’s FTSE4Good
Premium homes This came after an exhaustive
market study to determine what
and the wider community
alike to adopt more greener communities
Index since 2018, underscoring its
commitment to Environmental,
Hijayu 2 Resort Homes was were the more desirable features lifestyles and be more environ- Award-winning Matrix Social and Governance (ESG)
envisioned as something extraor- among high-income home buy- mentally-conscious. Concepts Holdings Bhd was estab- frameworks.
dinary for the discerning high- ers. Valuable input was also pro- All of which go hand-in-hand lished in 1996 and has been listed Reflecting its tagline of
end market who appreciated the vided by top-notch architects and with Bandar Sri Sendayan’s ethos on the Main Market of Bursa “Nurturing Environments,
finer things in life. consultants, culminating in the to foster eco-awareness and sus- Malaysia since 2013. Enriching Lives”, Matrix Concepts
Specifically those who sought to homes’ naturally desirable tainable living. Its integrated spectrum of busi- aspires to continue to deliver sus-
be part of an exclusive and pres- attributes. A meticulously designed show ness activities span property tainable community living envi-
tigious community, and wanted to Key features include large unit, which faithfully replicates development, construction, edu- ronments that meet modern buy-
enjoy each day as if it was a tropi- openings and sliding glass doors the luxurious living environment cation, hospitality and healthcare. ers’ lifestyle aspirations, create
cal getaway. which blur the boundaries and experience that Hijayu 2 Besides Malaysia, the group also lasting value and provide oppor-
It makes an impression from between the outdoors and Resort Homes have to offer, is has a presence in Melbourne, tunities for elevated lifestyle
the start. Upon arrival, residents indoors. This allows occupants to available for viewing. Australia and Jakarta, Indonesia. experiences.
are greeted by a grand entrance easily access the units’ alfresco Hijayu 2 Resort Homes was Bandar Sri Sendayan is its flag- For more information on
with a guardhouse manned by a terraces and balconies for designed as the landmark enclave ship development, which embod- Bandar Sri Sendayan, visit
friendly team of security staff. a more fluid and seamless due to its proximity to Bandar Sri ies its vision to create a complete
THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 25
26 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

Luxury and
made affordable
THINK affordable housing and what attractive, RM180,000 price point. All 146
immediately comes to mind are were sold out within one and a half
densely-packed, utilitarian dwellings. months - which was further testament to
Due to a lack of profitability, these box- its unique premise.
like homes are often an afterthought and The Villament will also make its debut
are built simply to comply with local in Banting, Selangor in the next few
housing mandates. months. It is priced below RM250k and
Not when it comes to Melaka-based Sri has received an overwhelming number
Pengkalan Binaan Sdn Bhd (SPB Property) of registrations to date.
who sees it as an opportunity to pioneer
a new product type in a vital housing
Creating legacy
Testament to that are the “Villaments” This thoughtful consideration for family
Taman Nuri Sentosa - the hybrid of a villa stems from the very make-up of SPB itself,
and an apartment. which is a family business.
It is the first of such development in Founded in 1981 by Datuk Yap Pit Kian
Malaysia and it has won the Affordable and Datin Loh Ngook Chan, it is currently
Housing category of the Malaysia Property under the stewardship of their three chil-
AwardTM 2023 by FIABCI Malaysia. dren – Datuk Jacky Yap, Datuk Sean Yap
SPB Property CEO Datuk Jacky Yap said and Yap Lih Shyan, who are professionally
that the company’s vision is to become a trained and accomplished leaders.
top developer in building quality, innova- Innovation is ingrained into SPB
tive, affordable homes and sustainable Property’s DNA. Its innovative projects
communities. have won 17 awards in the past 4 years
“The fundamental concept was to make from StarProperty and The Edge. Its
luxury affordable and ensure that every emphasis on built quality is also evident
segment of the community would get to in its 80% Zero Defect track record and its
enjoy an elevated sense of living not just achievement of the highest QLASSIC score Taman Nuri, a multi-award-winning township.
today but also tomorrow,” he continued. in Melaka in 2023. With innovative and
high-quality products, SPB Property has
The Villament – 1st hybrid home in doubled its earnings in 3 years and was
chosen as the Top Developer (non-listed)
Malaysia in 2022 by StarProperty.
Taman Nuri Sentosa is nestled within Winning the FIABCI Malaysia
the 162 acres Taman Nuri township in Affordable Housing Project is another
Durian Tunggal, Melaka, and is a gated significant achievement. SPB Property is
and guarded, hilltop residential enclave. grateful for the recognition from FIABCI
The 146 freehold units of Villament Malaysia and the jury’s acknowledgment
occupy a 5.11-acre parcel. They were built of the project and company. SPB Property
in similar style to 2 and 3-storey town- takes this opportunity to express gratitude
houses, with each villament occupying for the contributions of all staff, advisory
one floor of each structure. teams, and the continuous support and
What sets this development apart is the trust of customers.
20ft green back lanes between rows of Moving forward, SPB Property aims to
units which offer 27% of green space and expand its current landbank and projects
nearly double of local council require- (~1,400 acres in Malaysia) and contribute
ment on green space provision. to solving Malaysia’s affordable housing
Built-ups of the units are 1,000 sq.ft. to shortage with its innovative and
1,300 sq.ft. All units come in 3-bedroom high-quality products.
and 2-bathroom layouts, and each of the For more information on SPB Property,
bedrooms is able to fit in queen-size bed. kindly visit their website at
The units went on the market at an or call 017-7015003.

SPB Property founder

Datuk Yap Pit Kian (left)
and chief executive
officer Datuk Jacky Yap.

Map of SPB Property’s footprint across Malaysia.

THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 27
28 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

The versatile 4-in-1 Open Plan concept and spacious column-free layout optimises
space for different purposes such as corporate offices, showrooms, warehouses and
factories. The cutting-edge design easily caters to future expansion.

Inspiring horizons of innovation

NOUVELLE Industrial Park @ accomplishments and is ready to
Kota Puteri by acclaimed EXSIM surge ahead in charting new
is anything but your run-of-the- frontiers.
mill industrial park. It is envi- “Truly, the future is primed for
sioned as the home to a vibrant, boundless possibilities!,” she
dynamic and premier innovation enthused.
led industrial community, and
the location of choice for indus-
trial investments in northern
Stellar achievements
Selangor. EXSIM was immensely hon-
Rising beyond a conventional oured to be bestowed with a
park, this well-planned industrial world recognition when The
hub genuinely caters to the Rainz @ Bukit Jalil won the
SMEs’ requirements with its stra- Residential High-Rise Category at
tegic location, high accessibility the FIABCI World Prix d’Excel-
and cutting-edge designs that are lence Awards 2023.
easily upgraded and expanded. “Achieving yet another mile-
The development comprises stone, our deepest gratitude for
102 units of three-storey semi- the unwavering support and loy-
detached factories spread across alty of everyone involved and we
approximately 51 acres of land are truly humbled to continue
divided into three phases. raising the bar of excellence!.
Thoughtfully designed for flex- “We are of one mind that
ibility and practicality, Nouvelle behind every achievement is the
Industrial Park @ Kota Puteri accumulated efforts of a deter-
features a primary double-vol- mined, unified and visionary
ume space to accommodate most EXSIM team in making dreams
light industrial manufacturing doable,” said Siew.
needs, alongside office space on She said as a strong believer in
the upper floors. continuous innovation, EXSIM
The versatile 4-in-1 Open Plan aims to grow its foothold as a
concept and spacious column- game-changer in the industry
free layout optimises space for and spread its brand beyond
different purposes such as corpo- Malaysia.
rate offices, showrooms, ware- “Spurred by the success and
houses and factories. Each unit positive responses to our pro-
comes with a 39ft high ceiling for The three-storey semi-detached factories are designed for flexibility and practicality. jects, let us look forward to a
maximum space utilisation, a greater horizon together while
40ft front loading bay, and the design standards, a 35,000sq ft humble beginnings, the company tions to come. constantly employing New Age
flexibility to upgrade floor load- lush landscape named Central has made significant growth in “EXSIM also prioritises the Ingenuity to pioneer a better
ing and electricity capacity. Park enhances the distinct green the past years to showcase its dis- integration of arts and culture tomorrow for all.
Ultimately, every element is to ambience that also features a jog- tinguishable works. into its developments and collab- “We take great pride in com-
house multiple type of tenants by ging track and badminton court. Corporate Affairs and orations, viewing them as essen- bining form and landscape to
catering to the owners’ preferred This verdant landscaping Branding director Michelle Siew tial elements in revitalising the glorify the wonders of modern
specifications, as well as meet offers the joy of working within a said the growth of EXSIM has local community and urban land- architecture. We also believe in
highest industrial expectations. park environment as well as always been a concerted effort scape.” functionality, for when beauty
This breakthrough design not encourage a strong sense of com- since Day One. “With the vast Siew added that at EXSIM, meets practicality, the results will
only set Nouvelle Industrial Park munity within companies. expertise and experience of the employee is the most valuable always be extraordinary!.
@ Kota Puteri above the rest but Location wise, the develop- founding Lim brothers, EXSIM asset where we genuinely care “We will honour this mandate
also clinched EXSIM the prestig- ment is strategically located in draws its strength from a dynam- for their wellbeing and is com- by delivering more sustainable
ious Malaysia Property AwardTM Kota Puteri which is served by an ic multi-faceted team driven by a mitted to their development and developments for the community
(MPA) 2023 (Industrial Category) excellent network of link roads shared vision of excellence. growth. EXSIM employees hold nationwide. This marks an
by FIABCI Malaysia. and highways including “It all begins with understand- the company’s philosophy close important milestone and serves
This is the second MPA acco- KL-Kuala Selangor Expressway ing people’s needs and expecta- to their hearts at all times and as an inspiration for us to contin-
lade for the Nouvelle Industrial (LATAR), Guthrie Corridor tions on a basic level, and then sincerely believe that whatever ue striving towards being better.”
Park series with the first won by Expressway (GCE), West Coast incorporating New Age Ingenuity promises made must be deliv- Elaborating on its ‘recipe’ in
Nouvelle Industrial Park Lot 10 Expressway (WCE), North-South to fulfil them the best we can. ered honestly. crafting world-class develop-
@ Kota Damansara (Industrial Expressway (NKVE) and “At EXSIM, innovation lies at EXSIM relocated its corporate ments, she concluded that nature
Category) in 2015. Damansara-Shah Alam the core of everything we do. For office to the new EXSIM Tower in has always taken centre stage in
Expressway (DASH). every new venture we embark Millerz Square @ Old Klang every EXSIM project by respect-
Innovation and sustainability Playing a significant role as
an emerging industrial hub,
upon, we are constantly asking
how we can push the envelope to
Road, EXSIM’s inaugural mixed
development in 2023.
ing, revitalising and giving credit
to Mother Nature.
Nouvelle Industrial Park @ Nouvelle Industrial Park @ Kota make things even better,” she As the team is rapidly growing, Established in 2008, EXSIM has
Kota Puteri is adorned with Puteri is poised to pave the way elaborated. the company is determined to gone on to redefine industry
green features which includes for the ultimate economic growth She said the vision and mission create a work space that inspires standards with its premium
rainwater harvesting and trans- of the community. set for the team are to inspire collaboration and continuous developments.
lucent roofing to embody a holis- ingenuity and motivate them to growth. Managing director Lim Aik
tic, new-age approach to the
industrial industry in promoting
We deliver what we promise strive towards building lifestyles
with environmental, social and
“Backed by a pioneering vision,
spirit of advancement and solid
Hoe was named the esteemed
FIABCI Property Man 2017,
a healthy work-life balance. The success story of EXSIM is governance elements to cement a reputation, the company will not further signifying the company’s
With EXSIM’s sustainable truly a remarkable one. From legacy of excellence for genera- rest on the laurels of its past advancement in its field.
THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 29
30 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

ONGOING development is inte-

gral to progress especially for
emerging economies such as
Malaysia, but it is not tenable if
the environment takes a back-
With increased globalisation
heightening awareness on press-
ing environmental issues and
the resulting threats of climate
change, there is now stronger
emphasis for individuals and
businesses alike to embrace
guidelines and best practices that
advance sustainability.
Because when environmental
preservation and conservation
becomes a truly concerted effort,
its positive impacts get multi-
plied. Menara KWSP’s central garden and courtyard brings a touch of green The grand lobby area.
Kwasa Damansara – a 2,259- and calm to the modern office building.
acre mixed development in the

Embracing sustainability for

heart of the Klang Valley by
Kwasa Land Sdn Bhd – is one
project that embodies this ethos.
Its development credo of
“Green, Connected and Inclusive”

forward-thinking townships
underscores a vision to create a
balanced and innovative town-
ship unlike any other in the
country. A place where the com-
munity will find enriching expe-
riences and thrive in the
embrace of nature.
Sustainability is the key driver
behind its design and planning
principles, as well as overall
implementation. Its extensive 15
to 20-year master plan carefully
considers the relationship
between the development and its
surroundings, and includes initi-
atives that help conserve, pre-
serve and enhance the area’s bio-
This is because the developers
know that a green and safe envi- The
ronment supports long-term sustainable
growth and enhances overall Menara
quality of life and well-being for KWSP
inhabitants. features
At the same time, it also helps a glazed
businesses reduce their carbon facade and
footprint while achieving relaxing
cost-savings through responsible central
management of wastes, efficient garden and
use of energy and water, and an courtyard.
onus to maintain pristine air
The Menara KWSP is a stellar testament to modern, green office spaces.
Sustainability is inherently
integrated into the very fabric of beacon for thoughtful and sus- building’s interior spaces. and retail. sents the Klang Valley’s last
Kwasa Damansara with 250 tainable, green master-planning Cutting-edge air handling units With KDCC designed as a walk- prime land, the focus on sustain-
acres allocated for green and and design. (AHU) and fan coil units (FCU) able, neo urban city with pedes- ability will increase the value
open spaces, giving its future Menara KWSP was designed also contribute significantly to trian and bicycle pathways on and potential of the township to
population access to nine lush and built according to Green energy savings, with the AHU top of easy connectivity via MRT serve the needs of the communi-
parks. Building specifications and achieving a remarkable 54% and KTM stations, as well as ty and offer more opportunities
These will complement and received a GreenRE Platinum rat- reduction and the FCU 65%. proximity to major highways, for growth both economically
support the modern movement ing not long after its completion Other astute equipment choic- Menara KWSP will indeed be the and environmentally.
towards greener, healthier life- in June 2022. es – such as lifts with ACVVVF “Workplace of the Future” Together with other reputable
styles. The future workforce It also embraces modern val- (AC Variable Voltage Variable Currently occupied by over developers and distinguished
would also be able to look for- ues of sustainability, transparen- Frequency) and sleep mode func- 2,200 members of the EPF head partners, Kwasa Land is commit-
ward to offices with green devel- cy and work-life balance, and tions, energy efficient escalators office staff, it truly embodies ted to providing a better quality
opment components, as buildings cleverly translates them into a and light fixtures with motion EPF’s new corporate culture of life, creating sustainable envi-
and infrastructure here will truly conducive space. sensors – further optimise energy which places emphasis on the ronments and building urban
incorporate ecologically-benefi- The spatial design features an consumption and underscore the ethos of “workplace like a excellence.
cial technology. open plan layout, transparent tower’s dedication to energy effi- campus”. It will be a city where residents
facade, sustainable features and ciency. This provides a relatively com- can live in harmony with tech-
Benchmark of modern seamless integration of nature
via an elevated central garden
All of these were made possi-
ble by use of state-of-the-art
plete work and living environ-
ment which new generations of
nology and nature, and be part of
something extraordinary. A place
workplaces and courtyard. Building Information Modelling employees, particularly the Gen where families will feel a sense
One realisation of that sustain- The garden offers respite from (BIM) software during the Ys and Zs, appreciate. of belonging.
able vision is the new Employees work whilst a water feature pro- planning and design stages, as As a transit-oriented develop-
Provident Fund Board’s (EPF)
headquarters in Kwasa
vides a sense of calm and helps
create a cooling effect, reducing
well as for construction and
A perfect place to live and ment (TOD), connectivity and
convenience would also be the
Damansara. the temperature of surrounding Energy modelling using IESVE thrive way of life.
Rising 12 storeys and better air drawn into the building. simulation software provides Such green infrastructure is Besides links to six major high-
known as Menara KWSP, it won To offset carbon emissions, accurate indicators of energy not limited to office spaces alone, ways, the township would also
the prestigious Malaysia Property Menara KWSP utilises rainwater consumption, while Integrated but applies to all of Kwasa have two MRT stations and easy
AwardTM 2023 by FIABCI harvesting (supported by a 90 BMS and BIM 6D is currently Damansara’s residential, com- access to two KTM Komuter sta-
Malaysia under the Sustainable cubic meter tank), solar panels employed in daily operations to mercial, educational and recrea- tions. It is also just 4km from the
Development category. (generating 417.73 kWp), as well efficiently manage energy and tional components. Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport
The building was planned as a as power-saving and efficient water consumption, and timely The township adopts an urban in Subang.
catalyst development for the Building Management Systems maintenance of equipment. environment accords action plan So welcome to Kwasa
township and is set within the (BMS). There is also good accessi- There is also “smart building” – where cutting edge technology, Damansara – a green township
upcoming, 94-acre mixed-used bility to public transport. technology for air-conditioning learnings from other townships of the future, envisioned by
precinct known as Kwasa It also uses the energy-efficient and mechanical ventilation and guidance from relevant Kwasa Land, the launchpad to a
Damansara City Centre (KDCC). District Cooling System (DCS) and (ACMV), and other aspects of the experts are implemented. world of possibilities.
Today, it stands as both a land- insulated roofs which reduce overall facility management. A This will be the cornerstone in For more on its developments
mark of the area’s booming thermal penetration. This means smart app is available for book- the sustainable development of or to follow its progress, visit
potential and vision, as well as a less energy is required to cool the ings of facilities, parking usage Kwasa Damansara. As it repre-
THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 31
32 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

The first in Malaysia, Tsutaya Books from Japan has set up base at Pavilion Bukit Jalil. The Little Pirates Playland offers an abundance of fun for the young ones.

The icon of
STANDING as the cornerstone of ceptualising, developing and
the vibrant Bukit Jalil City devel- managing a world-class retail
opment, Pavilion Bukit Jalil is a destination.
fully integrated world-class shop- “Being acknowledged as a
ping mall that is the benchmark benchmark in the industry not
of the retail industry. only affirms the team’s dedica-
Nestled within a 50-acre mixed tion to excellence but also moti-
use space, the mall is poised to vates them to continually inno-
transform the southern corridor vate and elevate the mall’s
of Kuala Lumpur into the new offerings.
metropolitan lifestyle and retail “Moreover, this recognition
hub. fosters a sense of pride and
Connecting shoppers to the accomplishment amongst team
best-in-class shopping, dining members, inspiring them to
and entertainment, Pavilion uphold the highest standards
Bukit Jalil boasts a meticulously of service, sustainability and
curated selection of local and customer satisfaction,” she The main entrance of Pavilion Bukit Jalil.
international retail brands, offer- enthused.
ing visitors a diverse and upscale ly accessible and well-connected Families’ in Parenthood’s Choice international pop-up exhibitions
shopping experience.
Additionally, the mall incorpo-
Best-in-class retail, dining via a network of highways, thus
positioning it as the ultimate
Award 2023, the mall strives to
excite shoppers with new con-
and thematic fairs.
For the first time in Malaysia
rates innovative design elements, and entertainment destination for communities to cept entertainment like the Blue and Southeast Asia, the Van Gogh
state-of-the-art facilities and Spanning five retail floors, converge. Ice Snow Park and Little Pirates Alive: The Greatest Artist
immersive attractions, setting a shoppers can expect the best-in- These include the Bukit Jalil Playland, while reinforcing its Exhibition paved the way for
new standard for modern region- class retail, dining and entertain- Highway, MRR2 Highway, KESAS positioning as a dining paradise many other immersive pop-up
al shopping malls. ment from a dynamic mix of Highway, Manu Expressway with over 200 choices covering experiences such as The World of
Its commitment to sustainabili- renown local brands and new (MEX), KL-Seremban Highway, over 5km! Tim Burton Pop-Up Museum, the
ty and community engagement international names making Sungai Best Highway and Blue Ice features an ice skating world’s first ever L’occitane Hotel
further enhances its reputation their debut in Malaysia. Damansara-Puchong Highway rink with beautifully decorated and BTS Singing the Stars.
as a leader in the retail sector. Cultivating the soul of shopper (LDP). paths, ice slides and its first Snow
The town planning for this 1.8 interaction and experience are Park in Malaysia with real snow. Connecting to community
million sq ft shopping destination anchor tenant Parkson and mini Connecting to immersive and sustainability
merges seamlessly with its sur-
roundings of residential blocks,
anchors consisting The Food
Merchant, Harvey Norman, TGV retail Connecting to enriching Pavilion Bukit Jalil aims to con-
signature shop offices and a four- Cinemas, Grand Harbour With 1.8 million sq ft of Net experiences tinually stimulate shoppers and
star hotel, bridging urban and Restaurant & Banquet, Sports Lettable Area (NLA) and over 700 Pavilion Bukit Jalil’s integrated attract more than its target catch-
green spaces. Direct & USC, Toys ‘R’ Us and tenants, Pavilion Bukit Jalil con- marketing plan seamlessly com- ment audience both locally,
While the interior design Uniqlo. tinues to redefine the retail land- bines advertising, digital market- regionally and internationally
reflects elegance and sophistica- In addition to the extensive scape, setting new industry ing, influencer engagement, through grand-scale festivals,
tion with ample natural light and retail offerings, Pavilion Bukit standards and offering shoppers events, promotions, public rela- consumer fairs and strategic
seamless connections between Jalil also features a vast selection a comprehensive experience tions and impactful brand part- partnerships.
lifestyle precincts. of dining and entertainment through its vibrant retail mix. nerships to increase footfall and As the mall looks towards the
Its strategic location within the options, including indoor themed Making their presence felt for spending. future, its commitment to sus-
bustling Bukit Jalil township, a entertainment outlets and a the first time in Malaysia are There are three exciting spaces tainability and excellence
rapidly growing locale in Kuala wide range of family-friendly international flagship stores such here to host unique experiential remains unwavering.
Lumpur, makes it easily accessi- activities. as BUKIT JALIL TSUTAYA BOOKS events designed to engage shop- As part of Pavilion REIT, the
ble to a large population. As the new epicentre of large- from Japan that captures the pers and their families. mall recently launched its food
Further sealing its position as a scale consumer fairs and lifestyle international appeal of Asian The Centre Court is for product compost initiative, contributing
premium shopping hub is the events, the 28,000 sq ft outdoor countries. launches, fashion shows and to its sustainability goals and pro-
prestigious Malaysia Property PIAZZA is simply ideal for exhila- Alongside anchor tenant grand festive celebrations; the moting resource efficiency and
AwardTM (MPA) 2023 by FIABCI rating live entertainment and Parkson, the retail mix is further first-of-its-kind outdoor venue environmental responsibility.
Malaysia, of which Pavilion Bukit year-long activities, and the enhanced with mini anchors PIAZZA with an impressive 35m Following Pavilion Bukit Jalil’s
Jalil won in the Retail Category. 47,000 sq ft Pavilion Exhibition comprising OMG Home, NITORI, high canopy for live entertain- recognition as an award-winning
Kuala Lumpur Pavilion Sdn Centre (PEX) Bukit Jalil for Food Republic, K11 Karaoke, ment, car launches and commu- retail development, the dedicated
Bhd chief executive officer of inspiring consumer fairs and Muji, Brands Outlet, Sen Q Elite, nity events; and PEX for consum- team and management will con-
retail Datuk Joyce Yap said the exhibitions. Haidilao Hotpot, Forever 21, er events and key exhibitions. tinue to elevate the retail indus-
recognition holds immense sig- Located just 12km from the More Design and Toy World Leveraging on Bukit Jalil as a try standard, and reinforce its
nificance for the team for it vali- vibrant Kuala Lumpur City Amusement. fast growing city, the mall capi- positioning as the Icon of
dates their tireless efforts in con- Centre, Pavilion Bukit Jalil is easi- Voted ‘Best Shopping Mall for talises on market trends for Connectivity.
THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 33
34 MPA 2023 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024 MPA 2023 35

Malaysia Property Award 2023 TM

Visits by the president and organising committee to announce the winners

36 THE STAR, Sunday 10 March 2024

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