Workbook Unit 1 and 2

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1A - Consuming passions

1. 2) take
3) keen
4) give/get
5) got
6) passion
7) obsessed
8) into
9) aficionado
10) crazy

2. 1) ‘s
2) has
3) be
4) is
5) have
6) was
7) did
8) been

3. 1) Was I?
2) Has she?
3) Does he?
4) Have you?
5) Had she?
6) Were they?
7) Did it?
8) Are you?

4. 1) I’d never been really interested in photography, until my dad bought me a camera.
2) I’ve been collecting postcards as a hobby since I was about 8 years old.
3) I can’t understand people who get obsessive about their hobbies. Haven’t they got
anything better to do?
4) I really admire those people who have managed to make their hobby into a job.

1B - Paintballing

1. 1) Paintballing isn’t dangerous.

2) It doesn’t teach people to use firearms.
3) Paintballers don’t often have violent tendencies.
4) It hasn’t been used for military training purposes in a number of countries.
5) Players haven’t been killed in paintballing accidents.
6) Paintmarkers don’t look like real guns.
7) Paintballing wasn’t very popular ten years ago.
8) Paintballing didn’t start out as a game.

2. (1) is
(2) isn’t
(3) don’t hear
(4) did you get
(5) Did you do
(6) gave
(7) didn’t follow
(8) was
(9) Did you get
(10) didn’t know
(11) didn’t find
(12) are you working on*

3. 1) I’m afraid not

2) Not to my knowledge
3) Are you kidding?
4) Not especially
5) not exactly
6) I wish I could

4. Você já se percebeu dizendo “farei o meu melhor”, “vou te dar um retorno” ou até “sim,
claro” quando o que você realmente queria dizer era “não”? “Não” é uma das palavras
mais curtas na língua inglesa, mas também é uma das mais difíceis de dizer. Lembre-se
que, se você disser isso educadamente, com um sorriso, será muito mais fácil a longo
prazo do que concordar com algo que você realmente não quer fazer.

1C - Autograph hunters

1. (1) begin
(2) while
(3) first
(4) end
(5) afterwards
(6) finally

2. 1) to begin with/ at first

2) in the end/ finally
3) afterwards/ then/ after a while

3. 1) c
2) b
3) a
4) c
5) b
6) c
7) b
8) c

4. 1b, 2f, 3e, 4d, 5a, 6c, 7g

1D - Collectors

1. 1c, 2f, 3b, 4a, 5d, 6e

2. 1) What you don’t understand is he’s happy enough as he is.

2) What you need to do is find something to occupy your time.
3) What Bob wants is a bit of peace and quiet after a hard day at work.
4) What you could do is arrange for both of you to go out with friends.
5) What your friends can do is suggest some other activities outside the house.
6) What you really need to do is stop worrying!

3. 1) What I was just telling Bob was that…

2) What he really needs is to get…
3) What I’ve suggested is he should…
4) What I mean is, it’s very…
5) What Bob thinks is it…
6) What he’d prefer to do is stay…
7) What he says is I’m obsessed…

4. 1) another
2) about
3) past
4) in
5) for
6) good
7) those

5. A: What’ve you bought them for? You’ve got hundreds of pairs already.
B: They were a bargain and you know I’m crazy about high heels.
A: What goes through your mind when you’re in a shoe shop would keep a psychologist
busy for years.
A: Oh, come on, it’s just one of those things. It’s no worse than your obsession with
movie memorabilia.
2A - Wildlife

1. 1) inquisitive
2) cute
3) obedient
4) tame
5) aggressive
6) ferocious
7) cold-blooded
8) playful

2. 1) aggressive
2) ferocious
3) cold-blooded
4) inquisitive
5) obedient
6) cute
7) tame
8) playful

3. 1) are often growing

2) are often attacking
3) will forever issue
4) will constantly ignore
5) are often feeding
6) have come

2B - Animal rights

1. 1) interrupting
2) make sense
3) misunderstood
4) explaining
5) accept
6) saying ‘no’ to

2. 1) add up
2) face
3) drawn the line
4) missed
5) butted in
6) clear it up

3. A - 1) wrong
2) ask
3) concerned
4) convinced

B - 5) don’t
6) think
7) honest
8) convinced

4. 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b

5. To be honest, I can understand why people don’t like them. I mean, they’re not exactly
docile, are they? But it’s absurd to say they’d hurt anybody. A playful little bite on the
nose, maybe, but they won’t mean any harm. They always know when to draw the line.

2C - Companions

1. 1) I remember that my grandmother used to have a beautiful garden.

2) She would spend hours in her garden in summer, watering the plants and tending the
3) She didn’t use to like us playing near the flower beds.
4) So she built a special playground where we would spend hours and hours every
5) We used to love that playground and I was really sorry when she moved into a
smaller house.
6) She still had a garden, but it wasn’t so big and on our weekly visits we would play
inside the house instead.

2. 3) had
5) grew
6) was
10) would live

3. 1) went
2) drives
3) go
4) about
5) like
6) must

4. 1) blows
2) up
3) lose
4) head
5) livid
6) round
7) totally

5. A: You shouldn’t complain. It used to be far worse in his father’s days.

B: Was he completely round the bend, too?
A: Totally insane. He used to have conversations with a turkey.
B: But I don’t suppose the turkey would make as much mess as the 98 cats?
A: No, but it would make a lot more noise.

2D - Working animals

1. 1) get
2) I’m
3) got
4) are
5) is
6) get

2. 1) get used to
2) used to
3) used to
4) are used to
5) used to
6) get used to
7) used to
8) are used to
9) are (not) used to

3. 1) I first got involved with…

2) … I didn’t really get along with…
3) … and just get on with it!
4) Getting around by car…
5) I’ll get in touch with you…
6) … but I still seem to be getting fat.

4. have/ have/ had/ arrived to/ had/ was/ received/ contacted/ had/ had/ become

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