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‘Short excerpts from books ofthe Solafand Duos from the Quran & Sunnah Category: Hajj & Umrah © categories Explanation of Hadith Regarding Umrah and Hajj — Shaykh Ibn al- Uthaymeen Abu Huan (cei. narrate that Alls Messenger ()sld"(The performance ‘of Una ian expation for he sins cormmitd between t and the previous one, and he reward of AH at Mabrer (the ore accepts by lah i nothing but Paradise? Questions Regarding Ihraam, Talbiyah & The Mawageet Fatawa Relate To za, Telia and The Mawagect by Various Scholars such 25 ‘Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymean Shay Sali al Favaaan, Sayin Bez and otha What is a “Hajj Mabrur” & the Signs of its Acceptance? — Shaykh Muhammad Ali Aadam al-Ityoobi ‘Whatisa"Hal Maru” & the Sigs of ks Acceptance? By the Muhadith of Makkah ‘Sh.Muhamead Al Aadam al tyebl yn On the authority of Abdullah in Masud (st, the Prophet () sie, Aterate between Hal and Umrah: for those tw rove avert and sins to the balls roves. Fem 170) Foot & inet Forges 05) eranen Sots 7) Furs guts & exces) 0) a Une) snoanctsr ana erate 6) ‘Qe vine Dee o companion soa) &) nd Tine) Propet Meson a Seenh Bosom 43) racy) scenes 65) eras) Compare ion 8) oem stes (7) The Blessed Days of Dhul-Hijjah — The Day of ‘Arafah “Th Day of Arafah ITS MERIT The ninth of Dl acl the Day oF ea because the plans standin worship on the Mountan of rath ts one ofthe best ays of the etre yar shah (2 reported that Alas Messnger =) sl “There o ay on which Ala. Comin voting ANADUETH ARTICLE CATEGORIES: - DUA (SUPPLICATION) CATEGORIES: - HAL & Some Ahadeeth regarding Hajj and Umrah from Silsilah Ahadeeth As- Saheehah Enisining oc) recht) mer) eae mariage elgous Mate: 0) saga ear 6) sat ssn) snoang) see (Narain) West Ra Suenos) Wenn) ine oninence tm ‘me Werte Precio er a) Preis ake Lit 2) fans Mare acy 8 ‘Some Anadeeth regarding Haj ané Unvah Taken fom Silla Ahadeth s-Sahechah of Shaykh Al-lbabn Translated by bas Abu Yahya 11827 - On the autho of Za bin Khalid al Junanes, on he autotty ofthe Messenger of laa sally orga came ta me and ec: © Muhammad! Order Continue eating ARTICLE CATEGORIES: ETIQUETTES& VIRTUES » FATAWAS » MA 6 UMA The Virtue of Performing Umrah during Ramadan ‘The best time to perform Umrah is uring the month of Ramadan Iti reported in ‘Saheeh Muslin from the Prophet (that he sadn Unca in Ramadan sequal to | Fl Muslin ne. 1256 ana tT no, 939] The autem af this Hadeeth is ‘agreed upon and a anaterrarration In AL-Bulhazt. Continue eng Wostis & Payer cas) ian (arnaon inte reuoone) nat an 7) aston 5) o anme ten 2) ed Deeg Lay gue ont ewes 2) aan raver to) ewan aman 7) o somes) Teta | Qham bay (arc Pave Tre ssc Ueniah) @ su soe) (BENE WERANCE 9) asl Breen 6) emin/Evening abr 0) ik Adar) Sal ues greens 24) ‘bu suPeucaTion carEcomE: ‘ast sa 0406) sdhen lt pe scion Tes Wal) ira rate Dayo gement 6) rare tre) ona aac 5) nen Bens 14 ney Farin 5) ang 8 ea (a orgie) ora ais 7) compenene 83) o pen ews 8) sen gon Fan at) Des Arn) ass tne Sie 12) Daves Duabof the sat) omy ao) Fam Fring arate) Food & in Fen |Compsions 6) Fane |ezecd | Dean) athena Sing uence 1) a1 8m) eat & Heating oe (0) ome te cncren xia) Dunuponteeig he reuse ere) Pare) Spouse uber) vole) mines Isher & Teh Frgienss 1 Repereance 2) Layee ne a Loe) reat aca ace) Masia) nie gna asia) oy ana awe) Neo tec seein ese Seu Wal eng Pos Nes Prag Alan Ds) Presson tn ont) curneosa 8) fate) vee i) i en ute so cen sary sucess eer sats Been at) Dunater aetna ed elem 3 Dunster ine ayer) Duaarine Endo rye o Duaatine sat of ayer oer) Dan gunetin We) Dunwniein gts ovina Dustin Sead yam ag nave (sane aye Setoo a) Seting Rete 581 once (8 Dee & Deis Dever cu eetesies EnereyShoyten (1) eve & Eowyn ase) Fate Sete 2) evecare a cme ree | stings | serine (Ba) miton Dace) Lanes Leary Weatrss 6) ppresion Ona 8) owt Mi} ewiwon Ses ritAauoh ao, saan (ew (t) Swing a seeing rene) esas) Steen, Trane) sas seen ty Sout as soto 2) saraee a) Teva Pe Tote rusylne on 08) vm 8) oo atuon ures) reopened © Top Posts & Pages ADH EMBRACE) OF COMPLETE AUTHENTIC ADHEAR (RENEWORANCES AFTEREVERY Stay oft Man wn Neer Fever or bese Aarne suetone TROUBLE 1STRESS, AAET. DUAFOR HEALING AND 000 DECLARING ALLA CREATES, PRAISE & PERFECTION |DUAAT Download Dua Posters Tweets from @preciousgemsqs | Precious. 8. Jane Sering salawat onthe Prophet es) 102 Precous X. (0c 18 2003 AT oWanrabt: Dont forge ro rect these fer the Foy prayers, In-sha- alah, toed ‘utbenten. X. 0913, 2023 Search. © Telegram A Seeronow biog Via ETT re your ak aks alow leg and ee eins ew pets yer Email adire

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