Dbms Lab Exp1

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DBMS LAB with Mini Project(21CSL55) 2023

Program -1
Aim: Demonstrating creation of tables, applying the view concepts on the tables.
Program: Consider the following schema for a Library Database:
BOOK(Book_id, Title, Publisher_Name, Pub_Year)
BOOK_AUTHORS(Book_id, Author_Name)
PUBLISHER(Name, Address, Phone)
BOOK_COPIES(Book_id, Programme_id, No-of_Copies)
BOOK_LENDING(Book_id, Programme_id, Card_No, Date_Out, Due_Date)
LIBRARY_PROGRAMME(Programme_id, Programme_Name, Address)
Write SQL queries to
i. Retrieve details of all books in the library – id, title, name of PUBLISHER, authors,
number of copies in each branch, etc.
ii. Get the particulars of borrowers who have borrowed more than 3 books, but from Jan
2017 to Jun 2017.
iii. Delete a book in BOOK table. Update the contents of other tables to reflect this data
manipulation operation.
iv. Partition the BOOK table based on year of publication. Demonstrate its working with
a simple query.
v. Create a view of all books and its number of copies that are currently available in the
Schema Diagram:

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DBMS LAB with Mini Project(21CSL55) 2023

(i) Query for creating table PUBLISHER:

create table PUBLISHER ( name varchar(12),

address varchar(12), phone int,
primary key(name) );

(ii) Query for creating table BOOK:

create table BOOK ( book_id varchar(5),
title varchar(15), PUBLISHER_name varchar(10),
pub_year int,
primary key(book_id),
foreign key(PUBLISHER_name) references PUBLISHER(name) on delete cascade );

(iii) Query for creating table BOOK_AUTHORS:

create table BOOK_AUTHORS ( book_id varchar(5),
author_name varchar(15),
primary key(book_id),
foreign key(book_id) references Book(book_id) on delete cascade );

(iv) Query for creating table LIBRARY_PROGRMME:

create table LIBRARY_PROGRMME ( programme_id varchar(5),
programme_name varchar(10), address varchar(15),

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primary key(programme_id) );

(v) Query for creating table BOOK_COPIES:

create table BOOK_COPIES ( book_id varchar(5),
Programme_id varchar(5), no_of_copies int,
primary key(book_id,Programme_id),
foreign key(book_id) references book(book_id) on delete cascade,
foreign key(Programme_id) references LIBRARY_PROGRMME(Programme_id) on delete
cascade );

(vi) Query for creating table BOOK_LENDING:

create table BOOK_LENDING (Book_id varchar(5),
Programme_id varchar(5), Card_no varchar(5),
Date_out date, Due_dat e date,
primary key(Book_id,Programme_id,Card_no),
foreign key(Book_id) references BOOK(book_id),
foreign key(Programme_id) references LIBRARY_PROGRMME(Programme_id) on delete

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(i)Queries for inserting table PUBLISHER:

insert into PUBLISHER values('Mcgrawhill','Bangalore','9480506312');
insert into PUBLISHER values('Pearson','Newdelhi','9785642365');
insert into PUBLISHER values('Random house','Hydrabad','8796452368');
insert into PUBLISHER values('Sapna','Chenai','8947589632');
insert into PUBLISHER values('Oxford','Bangalore','9785642315');

(ii)Queries for inserting table BOOK:

insert into BOOK values('1','DBMS','Mcgrawhill','2017');
insert into BOOK values('2','ADBMS','Mcgrawhill','2016');
insert into BOOK values('3','CN','Pearson','2016');
insert into BOOK values('4','CG','Oxford','2015');
insert into BOOK values('5','OS','Pearson','2016');

(iii) Queries for inserting table BOOK_AUTHORS:

insert into BOOK_AUTHORS values('1','navathe');
insert into BOOK_AUTHORS values('2','navathe');
insert into BOOK_AUTHORS values('3','tenenboum');
insert into BOOK_AUTHORS values('4','edward');
insert into BOOK_AUTHORS values('5','galvin');

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(iv) Queries for inserting table LIBRARY_PROGRMME:

insert into LIBRARY_PROGRMME values('10','RR nagar','Bangalore');
insert into LIBRARY_PROGRMME values('11','Manipal','Bangalore');
insert into LIBRARY_PROGRMME values('12','RNSIT','Bangalore');
insert into LIBRARY_PROGRMME values('13','Rajajnagar','Bangalore');
insert into LIBRARY_PROGRMME values('14','Nitte','Mangalore');

(v) Queries for inserting table BOOK_COPIES:

insert into BOOK_COPIES values('1','10','10');
insert into BOOK_COPIES values('1','11','5');
insert into BOOK_COPIES values('2','12','2');
insert into BOOK_COPIES values('2','13','5');
insert into BOOK_COPIES values('3','14','7');
insert into BOOK_COPIES values('5','10','1');
insert into BOOK_COPIES values('4','11','3');

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(vi) Queries for inserting table BOOK_LENDING:

insert into BOOK_LENDING values('1','10','101','01-jan-17','01-jun-17');
insert into BOOK_LENDING values('3','14','101','11-jan-17','11-mar-17');
insert into BOOK_LENDING values('2','13','101','21-feb-17','21-apr-17');
insert into BOOK_LENDING values('4','11','101','15-mar-17','15-jul-17');
insert into BOOK_LENDING values('1','11','104','12-apr-17','12-may-17');

(i)Write SQL queries to retrieve details of all books in the library – id, title, name of
PUBLISHER, authors, number of copies in each branch, etc.
Query: select b.book_id, b.title,b.publisher_name,a.author_name,c.no_of_copies,
c.progarmme_id from BOOK b, BOOK_AUTHORS a, BOOK_COPIES c
where b.book_id=a.book_id and b.book_id=c.book_id;

(ii) Write SQL queries to get the particulars of borrowers who have borrowed more than 3
books, but from Jan 2017 to Jun 2017.
Query: select card_no from BOOK_LENDING
where date_out between '01-jan-17' and '30-jun- 17'
group by card_no
having count(*)>3;

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(iii) Write SQL queries to delete a book in BOOK table. Update the contents of other tables
to reflect this data manipulation operation.
Query: delete from BOOK where book_id=3;

SQL> delete from book_authors where book_id=3;

1 row deleted.
SQL> delete from book_copies where book_id=3;
1 row deleted.
SQL> delete from book_lending where book_id=3;
1 row deleted.
SQL> delete from book where book_id=3;
1 row deleted.
(iv) Write SQL queries to partition the BOOK table based on year of publication.
Demonstrate its working with a simple query.
Query: create table bookp( book_id int,
title varchar(15), pub_name varchar(15),
pub_year int, primary key(book_id))
partition by range(pub_year) ( partition p0 values less than(2002),
partition p1 values less than(2010),
partition p2 values less than(2015));
insert into bookp values ('801','dbms','willey','2000');
insert into bookp values ('802','dbms','willey','2009');
insert into bookp values ('803','dbms','willey','2014');

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(v) Write SQL queries to create a view of all books and its number of copies that are
currently available in the Library.
Query: create view no_of_copies as( select book_id,sum(no_of_copies) as copies from
BOOK_COPIES group by book_id);
select *from no_of_copies;

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