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EDUCA Online Courses

Believe in your potential, good studies!

Free Emergency Course

Veterinary Emergency
Working hours: 50 hours
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Program content:

Initial Approach
General Anatomy

Basic information
Emergency Framework Assessment
Containment and Transport Methods
First aid kit
How to make bandages

When does the animal need urgent veterinary care?

Procedures I
State of Shock
cardiac arrest

Respiratory failure
Wounds and Deep Cuts

Snake Bites

Electric shock

Vomiting and diarrhea

Epileptic seizure

Problems during childbirth

Procedures II
Rupture of abscesses and skin tumors

Hedgehog Thorns
Bernes and bugs

Run over and Falls

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Exposure of abdominal cavity organs

Heat shock (heatstroke)
Anaphylactic shock
Eye disease
Ear disorders
Object ingestion
Bites and stings

Loss of balance
Measures to reduce the incidence of emergencies
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Dog anatomy is divided into five major areas of study:

external, osteology, arthrology, myology and internal organs.

It is quadrupedal and digitigrade (walking on its toes), which gives it

greater agility. Among its most general characteristics are its longevity and
its basic internal and external structures.

1- Stop
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2 - Head

3 - Neck

4 - Shoulders

5 - Elbows

6 - Wrists

7 - Croup

8 - Thighs

9 - Hocks

10 - Bills

11 - Shoulders

12 - Knees

13 - Hind legs

14 - Tail

Your skin makes up the majority of your immune system. Right

areas appear in different forms, as they have specific purposes. Nails and
paws are for durability, ears for social signaling
and the dermis glands for demarcation by smell.

The skeleton is made up of 25 main bony parts. It's the structure

which supports the body and performs the functions of protection, movement,
reserve of chemical elements, such as calcium, and the production of blood cells

The respiratory system is made up of the nasal cavities, the pharynx,

forty cartilaginous rings forming the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and pulmonary
alveoli, important for vascularization
of the lungs.

The canine's thorax also contains the cardiovascular system, whose

The heart has four chambers and is predominant in the shape of a
globe, is more located to the left of the chest and has a size that varies
from 120 g to 15 kg, depending on the breed.
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The digestive system is made up of 17 parts, ranging from the mouth

to the anus. The particularities of this device are presented in the volume
considerable size in the stomach, due to the animal's carnivorous regime, and in the mouth,
whose chewing is poorly developed, which leaves the digestive work almost
completely to the stomach.

The main difference between the urinary system and the rest
mammals the fact that a kidney is suspended in the abdominal cavity, while
the other is fixed under the last thoracic and the first two lumbar vertebrae.
Another peculiarity is that the urethra is longer and less wide.
in males than in females.


Cats generally weigh between 2.5 and 7kg. However, some breeds
can exceed 12kg. It has a skeleton made up of 244 bones, 27 of which are
located in the tail, which help it balance and move.

Your tail and collarbone allow you to move your shoulders

back and forth in rhythm with your legs, allowing Intestino to get out of tight spaces.
brain spinal cord membrane



cavity _ ___,<

Bladder urethra
heart lung

Unlike dogs, cats' paws can help them

climb up and grab it. They also use their paws to regulate heat and
temperature of their bodies. Cats can feel vibrations in the ground through
their paws, alerting them to the arrival of prey, for example.

Cat whiskers are considered hair, but they are more

thick and have their own functions. The mustache works a lot like a compass,
allowing the cat to have a sense of space and move in the dark without
bump into objects.
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The flexible whiskers also move backwards when the cat is

eating or forward when the cat is hunting. Cut off a mustache
cat destroys your ability to process a range of information.

Cats also have sensors on their nose, upper lip and ears,
allowing them to be aware of movements around them. Cats' eyes are
equipped with “night vision” and they can also squint.
pupils in daylight.

1.2 - Basic Information

To help a dog or cat, you need to have some information
basic information about the functioning of the animal's organism. This way it will be possible
assess the state it is in.

Serious occurrences in animals are divided into two cases:

- Emergency: requires immediate measures, as the animal's life could

depend on them. Examples: hemorrhage, cardiac and/or respiratory arrest, being
run over, poisoning, electric shock, drowning, among others.

- Urgency: occurrence that needs to be responded to in time for the animal to

do not have more serious complications. Examples: intense vomiting or diarrhea,
pyometra (uterine infection), absence of urine for more than 24 hours, seizures and others.


- Normal value: 38 to 39º C

- How to evaluate: lubricate the tip of the thermometer with oil, petroleum jelly or
water. Insert it halfway into the animal's anus and tilt it slightly
to one side. As soon as the temperature indicator stops rising, the thermometer
can be removed.
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For the rectal temperature reading to be valid, the animal cannot

being too agitated or struggling. It is recommended to use a muzzle or
Gag the dog and restrain the cat by wrapping it in a towel. Other locations in
The animal's body, such as armpits and mouth, are not suitable for taking its

Hyperthermia (increase in temperature above 39° C) occurs:

- in episodes of fever;

- after physical exercise or exposure to the sun;

- when the animal presents tremors (due to fear, for example);

- during confinement in a very hot place (inside the car or storage box)
transport on summer days).

Hypothermia (drop in temperature below 38º C) occurs:

- during a state of shock;

- after severe bleeding;

- in situations where the external temperature is very low.

It is considered that the animal's temperature is altered and requires

attention when it varies by more than half a degree centigrade, that is, below
37.5°C or above 39.5°C.

Heart beats

- Normal value: (average) 70 to 120 heartbeats per minute.

- How to assess: place your hand over the animal's heart, on the side
left side of the chest, just behind the elbow. This must be done with the animal lying
down or standing up. If you can't feel anything, place your head against your chest.
of the animal to hear if there is a heartbeat. The environment needs to be silent.

When you notice the beats, try to count, observing the

movement of the clock hand.
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Tachycardia (increased heart rate) occurs:

- in episodes of fever;

- after physical exercise or exposure to the sun;

- in stressful situations;

- small dogs can have an increased heart rate

(normal condition).

Bradycardia (decreased heartbeat) occurs:

- athlete dogs in a resting state have the number of beats

minor heart rate (normal condition);

- cases of heart disease;

- animal in a terminal state (pre-death);

- organism with hypothermia (low temperature)

Respiratory frequency

- Normal value: (average) 15 to 40 breaths per minute

- How to assess: observe the animal's chest and count each elevation
like a breath.

Increased respiratory rate occurs:

- in episodes of fever;

- after physical exercise or exposure to the sun;

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- stressful situations;

- small dogs may have increased respiratory rate

(normal condition).

Decrease in frequency occurs:

- during anesthesia or sedation;

- animal in a terminal state (pre-death).

Tip: To assess your heart or lung rate, count the number

of beats or respirations in 15 seconds and multiply by 4 to know the value in 1 minute.

Mucous membrane color

- Normal value – pinkish red

- How to evaluate – by the color of the mucous membranes, such as the conjunctiva
(interior of the eyelids) and gums.


- pale mucosa: stress, anemia or severe bleeding;

- bluish or purplish mucosa: lack of oxygenation, alteration

cardiac or pulmonary;

- dry mucosa: dehydration.

Hydration condition

- Normal value: elastic skin

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- How to assess: simply pull the skin on the side of the body and
Observe whether it quickly returns to its normal position. It is also possible
detect dehydration by observing the position of the eyeball.


- the skin slowly returns to its normal position: mild dehydration;

- the skin does not return to its normal position: severe dehydration;

- retracted eyeball (“deep eye”): severe dehydration.


Dogs and cats may present intense salivation in cases of

intoxication, stressful situations or convulsive attacks. Cats may also salivate
intensely after ingesting medications.

Some flat-faced dog breeds normally salivate

quite. Examples: boxers, bulldogs, pugs and others.

A dog or cat “drooling” does not necessarily mean that it is

angry. Rabies is a viral disease that an animal only acquires if it is bitten by
another animal that is rabid. Rabies is not transmitted through the air.
When you come across a dog or cat salivating, use some method of
restraint that prevents the animal from biting. If this occurs, the animal must
be observed for ten days.

If he runs away, the bite victim must be rescued immediately.

in a hospital or health center.

If the attacking animal dies within the ten-day observation period, the
body must be sent for rabies testing at the CCZ
(Zoonosis Control Center) of the city.

Don't take any risks: the parameters presented are important, but
In some emergency cases it is not possible to evaluate everyone. When one
of the procedures is not viable, just follow what is safe
for you and the animal.
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1.3 - Assessment of the Emergency Framework

In the event of an emergency situation, it is necessary to make a

rapid assessment of the animal's general condition. It is necessary to focus
on the most obvious problem. If it is a deep cut with blood loss
Importantly, the priority is to stop the bleeding.

The following script does not need to be followed exactly in order.

presented. In a situation that requires rapid intervention, there may not be
time to analyze all the items. But it's important
knowing how to observe the general condition of the animal in order to take action.

- To handle the injured dog, it is essential to use

muzzle or improvise a gag. Injured cats can get
extremely skittish. Use a cat muzzle and/or throw a towel
about it to reduce stress.

- If there is bleeding, fly larvae or other condition

nauseating, wear gloves.

- Observe whether the animal is breathing and whether there is a heartbeat.

If these vital signs are absent, begin cardiac massage or artificial respiration.
These procedures will be explained later in the

- Place your hand on the animal's abdomen in a place without hair, to

get an idea of its temperature. If you think it is too cold or too hot, or are in
doubt, measure the temperature with a thermometer. She must be
between 38°C and 39°C. Variations of half a degree are not a concern.

- Analyze the color of the gums and the inside of the eyelids (mucous membranes).
They should be pinkish-red in color. If they are bluish, the heart or lungs are
not working well.

If the mucosa is pale, the animal has anemia or may be

internal bleeding occurs if the temperature is low.

- Check the hydration status by pulling the skin on the side of the back
of the animal. If it takes a long time to come back or doesn't come back at all, he is dehydrated.

- Observe the mouth:

Note whether there is the presence of blood.

Pull the animal's tongue (use a piece of gauze to avoid

to slip).

Check whether there is any object obstructing the throat, such as

toy, piece of bone, among others.
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Make sure all your teeth are firm and intact.

- Analyze the animal's eyes to find out if there is damage to the eyelids or
perforations in the eyeball. If you have a small flashlight, observe whether your pupils react to
light by contracting (pupillary reflex).

Touch the eyelashes to check if there is a blinking reaction (reflex

eyelid). If the latter is absent, the animal may be dead.

- Assess the muzzle, observing whether there is liquid, foam or blood.

- Palpate the abdomen to check if it is flaccid, contracted

too much and if there is pain.

- Check the rest of the body to check for possible injuries,

cuts, fractures or swelling.

1.4 - Containment and Transport Methods

Every time you need to help an animal, no matter the species,

remember: if he is in pain, he will react by trying to bite.

Even if it is a docile animal and has never bitten anyone, the reaction
pain is natural. Disregarding this information could result in you being injured and unable to
help the animal.

Use one or more of the methods described below before beginning the


- Muzzle or gag:

There are models for dogs and cats. The cat model covers the entire
the face, including the eyes. This helps to calm the animal. Nylon muzzles are malleable and
do not hurt. There are also plastic models
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If a suitable muzzle is not available, make one

gag with a piece of crepe bandage or improvise with your shoelace
shoe. Use three ties: the first on top of the muzzle, the second on the bottom and
the third behind the ear.

Make sure the gag is tight. If it becomes loose, the dog

It will be able to bite even with its snout tied.

It is not possible to gag cats because they have

short snout.

If the noseband has an opening in the front, be careful, as the

dog can bite with its front teeth.

- Elizabethan collar and cervical collar:

They are used to prevent the animal from removing bandages or tearing off
sutures. None of them restrict movement. Using one of these collars, the
animal will not reach any part of its body with its mouth,
being able to eat, drink and sleep with him.

Elizabethan necklace Neck brace

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- Immobilization using a collar and leash:

It is possible to immobilize the animal that shows aggression by passing

Guide it through the bars of a gate or by wrapping it around a post. Position the
dog's neck against the screen so that the head is stable.

Make sure the collar is tight enough to prevent

the animal escapes, but not to the point of causing suffocation.

After the head is immobilized, a helper must hold the paws

back so that the animal does not move. This method should be used when the
dog can stand and can attack during movement.

If the animal is lying down, it is also possible to restrain the head

stepping on the leash, very close to the collar.
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Also in this case, a second person must help, holding the

the back legs so the animal doesn't struggle.

Use this method when the dog cannot get up but can
turn around and bite.

In the case of cats, although the previous methods can also be

used, the most common restraint is done by holding the cat firmly
by the skin behind the neck with one hand and using the other to immobilize
the hind legs.

An angry cat is difficult to contain, as in addition to biting, it uses its

claws to defend itself and has great body flexibility. For this reason, in some
situations it is necessary to wrap the ends of the paws,
one by one, with masking tape or tape to prevent the cat from exposing its nails.

Another widely used method to contain cats is to wrap their body

on a towel and hold it firmly against your body or on a table.
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- Immobilization with the cambão:

The cambão is a rigid metal rod with a loop at the end. AND
widely used to capture animals that do not allow approach.
It can be improvised with a piece of wood with a ring on the end
and a rope.


The animal in an emergency situation, especially in cases of

run over, fractures or suspected internal bleeding, should be handled as little
as possible.

Sudden movements can worsen the condition. Improvise a stretcher

using a blanket, sheet or towel. If the animal is large, this is the way
safer to transport it.

Depending on the severity of the situation, even smaller animals

must be moved with a stretcher. Make sure the material
used will resist the weight of the animal.

If there is suspicion of trauma or fracture to the spine, the

The best thing to do is to transport the animal on a flat surface (board
wood or something similar).

The containment methods presented are not cruel, nor do they cause
pain or harm to animals if applied as described. Some may be uncomfortable
but will remain just long enough to treat
the animal.
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Failure to use a containment method is very risky,

especially when you don't know the animal that needs help.

1.5 - First Aid Kit

Basic supplies for a first aid kit:

- Gauze pads (2 to 4 small packages): for cleaning and

protect injuries.

- '

- Crepe bandage/strip rolls (2 medium-sized rolls): for fixing

dressings and splints. Can be used to muzzle the dog.

- Micropore adhesive (1 medium roll): to fix the crepe strip on

Bandage or immobilize the paws of scratching cats.
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- Small scissors with rounded tip: for cutting hair and sash

- Antiseptic (Dakin's Liquid, Hydrogen Peroxide 10 vol. or Povidine Iodine):

to disinfect wounds, cuts and other skin lesions.

- Physiological serum (4 ampoules of 10 ml each): to clean wounds and


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- Antibiotic ointment: to prevent infections in cuts and wounds.

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- Gloves (1 pair): to protect the hands of those who will help the dog.

- 10 ml syringe: to irrigate wounds with antiseptics and aspirate


- Thermometer: to assess rectal temperature.

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- Tweezers: to remove thorns and larvae from the skin or foreign objects from the

- Antiseptic alcohol (1 small bottle): to disinfect the hands of those who

will help the animal and metal materials (tweezers and scissors).

- Nylon muzzle (optional): to prevent bites.

- Small flashlight (optional): to observe cavities and evaluate the reflection

of the pupil.
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1.6 - How to make bandages

Dressing is the procedure for cleaning, disinfecting and protecting

any injury.

Prepare the area that will receive the dressing (use gloves). Cut or scrape
with a razor blade the fur around the wound. This will facilitate
viewing, cleaning and fixing the dressing.

The wound must be cleaned with saline solution. The injury

it must be washed with jets of serum. Pierce the serum tube with a needle
thick or make a small cut with scissors and squeeze to release the jet.

This procedure allows the area to be cleaned, as hair and

all types of dirt will be eliminated.

Dry the wound with gauze after washing. To disinfect

the wound, various types of antiseptics can be used. Some prefer
use soap and water to eliminate bacteria.

They are also used in dressings: hydrogen peroxide, liquid

Dakin and Povidine iodine. Do not use iodine on cats as they can become poisoned.

Apply the antiseptic to the wound and dry with gauze.

Antibiotic ointments can be used at the end and help prevent infections.
The wound must be clean and dry, free of blood, pus or dirt for the wound to
antibiotic works well.

If the option is to use the ointment, apply a good amount

on gauze and cover the wound with it. After disinfecting the wound, keep the area
protected. Use clean, dry gauze bandages for this
end. Apply them to the already clean wound.
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To fix the gauze, a crepe band is the best option, as the

The tape will stick to the hair and cause discomfort. When possible,
Bandage the area and fix the crepe band with adhesive tape. If the dressing starts
When it comes out of place, you will have to fix it to the coat using adhesive strips.

When changing a dressing, check whether the gauze is adhered to the dressing.
injury. If so, moisten the area with saline solution until the gauze
of detachment. This prevents the wound from bleeding.

Animals hate dressings and their first reaction will be to try

rip it all off with your mouth. It is important to use a containment collar to ensure the
integrity of the dressing. Change the dressing daily or every few days

1.7 - When does the animal need urgent veterinary care?

There are situations that are not considered emergencies, but it is

I need to take the animal as soon as possible to be examined by the veterinarian.
The situations described below require observation and care.

- Vaginal discharge: 30 days after heat the bitch may present or

not thick vaginal discharge. The female does not eat, vomits, has a fever and drinks a
lot of water. These are signs of a serious uterine infection (pyometra). You
The same signs appear in female cats.

- Lack or excess urine: If the animal spends more than 24 hours without
sign of urine, or starts to urinate exaggeratedly, he is likely to have problems.
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- Large amounts of liquid diarrhea, several times a day: this is a sign of

intestinal infection by virus or bacteria. The animal becomes dehydrated quickly
and needs treatment.

- Swelling in the ears: if you notice your dog's ears are swollen and painful
there was rupture of blood vessels under the skin (oto-hematoma). They
need to be punctured and treated. But this can rarely happen
in cats.

- Exaggerated hunger and water intake: animals with diabetes present

these symptoms. Cortisone therapy also causes these signs, but
they cease with the end of treatment.

- Choking-like cough after physical exercise or excitement:

Dogs and cats can have significant cardiac changes.

- Very enlarged abdomen: if the dog suddenly appeared with the

huge abdomen, stomach torsion may have occurred. It is common in breeds
large ones that only eat once a day. The dog needs to be taken to the
veterinarian immediately.

- Eye and nasal discharge: if these two signs are present, there is
suspected distemper, a serious viral disease that must be treated as soon as
possible. In cats, it may be the rhinotracheitis virus.

Always be aware of these and any other abnormal symptoms

that your dog may present. When any disease is diagnosed and treated
early, the chance of recovery is always greater.
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2.1 - State of Shock

Means poor blood supply to vital organs,

a condition that can be fatal.

The symptoms of shock are:

- low body temperature, especially in the extremities (paws and


- accelerated heartbeat;

- accelerated breathing;

- there may or may not be loss of consciousness;

- very pale gums;

- dilated pupils.

The animal can go into shock in cases of severe bleeding, being run
over, poisoning, electric shock intense,
severe dehydration, severe burns and other emergency situations.

When the animal goes into shock, breathing and heartbeat

heart rate is accelerated, but weak.

This is a very serious condition and requires immediate care. AND

It is important to carry out some maneuvers to minimize the consequences of
the shock, such as the lack of blood supply to the brain. This may leave
neurological sequelae in the animal.

Therefore, the animal in shock must be sent to

to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible so that you can receive the necessary treatment.

What to do in case of shock:

You will need:

Blanket, gauze, thermometer and heated thermal bag.

- Keep the animal lying on its side.

- Position the head and trunk region lower than the

rear of the body. This will ensure that blood reaches the brain and heart.
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- Warm the animal: wrap it in a blanket and place a bag

thermos or bottle with hot water next to it, if possible. Control
the temperature with the thermometer.

- Using a piece of gauze, stick the dog's tongue out,

one side of the mouth to ensure that breathing is not obstructed.

- Stop any bleeding.

- Transport or move the animal gently to avoid

major trauma and pain. If possible, improvise a stretcher with a blanket or
large towel.

2.2 - Cardiac Arrest

During cardiac arrest, the heart stops pumping blood to

the rest of the organism. It can occur alone or accompanied by respiratory

When it occurs:

In animals that received a strong shock when biting electrical wires,

after being run over, falls, drowned or seriously injured. Cardiac dogs and
cats subjected to stress or intense exercise may suffer
cardiac arrest.


By placing your hand on the left side of the animal's chest, there is no
evidence of heartbeat.

The heart is the organ responsible for circulating blood that will
nourish cells and promote tissue oxygenation. When he stops
perform this function, the consequences are serious.

The most quickly affected site is the brain. If brain tissue

If you remain without oxygen for more than two minutes, irreversible damage
to nerve cells may occur.
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Cardiac resuscitation must be performed immediately, as soon as possible.

absence of heartbeat detected.

What to do in case of cardiac arrest

- keep the animal lying on its direct side.

- start the heart massage as soon as possible.

Cardiac massage:

- Place both hands over the animal's heart.

- Press firmly and quickly on the area and release as if

was pumping. You must press quickly and release once a

- In the case of very small dogs or cats, use your fingertips

to press the heart.

- Massage for 30 seconds (30 pressures) and observe if the

heartbeat returns.

- If you have already performed cardiac massage for more than 30 minutes,
but without success, the animal will hardly survive.

In case you have to perform cardiac massage and breathing

At the same time, perform a sequence of 5 or 6 pressures on the heart,
interspersed with a breath.

2.3 - Respiratory Arrest

During respiratory arrest, the lung stops carrying out exchanges

gaseous. There is no inhalation or exhalation. It can occur alone or accompanied
by cardiac arrest.
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When it occurs:

In the same cases as cardiac arrest, that is, in animals that

received strong shock when biting electrical wires, after being run over, drowning
or serious trauma and other situations falls,


Observing the animal's chest, there is no evidence of movement.

respiratory. The lungs carry out gas exchange in the body and, in
Together with the heart, they are responsible for the oxygenation of cells.
Without oxygen, tissues die.

The brain is rapidly affected during respiratory arrest. If the

If brain tissue remains without oxygen for more than two minutes, irreversible damage to nerve
cells may occur.

Pulmonary resuscitation should be performed immediately when it is noted that

there are no respiratory movements.

You can also check that the animal is not breathing

holdingif a small mirror to his nose. If it fogs up, he's breathing.

What to do in case of respiratory arrest:

You will need:

Scarf or any piece of thin fabric.

- keep the animal lying on its straight side.

- observe if there is any obstruction in the throat, caused by blood

or objects. In the case of liquids, try to aspirate them with a syringe.

Do not try to remove objects from your throat. Press hard on the ribs
of the animal so that the object is expelled.

- start artificial respiration immediately.

Artificial respiration:

- Close the animal's mouth and keep it that way.

- Cover the muzzle with a scarf or piece of cloth to prevent

direct contact with the animal's nostrils.
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- Raise the animal's head and place your mouth against its snout.
Blow into the nostrils until you feel the animal's chest rise.

- Then lay his head down and press the ribs

gently to let the air out.

- In 1 minute, repeat the procedure 8 to 10 times. Check if the

animal breathes again.

- Continue artificial respiration if he is not already breathing


2.4 - Hemorrhages

Hemorrhage is any loss of blood that the body can suffer,

whether it is rapid (acute) or slow and gradual (chronic), severe or

Depending on the amount of blood lost, anemia may occur. The

anemic animal presents lethargy, lack of disposition,
decreased or loss of appetite, accelerated breathing and very
pale (gums and inner part of the eyelids).

In the case of loss of a large volume of blood in a short period of time,

there is a risk of cardiac arrest. This happens because there is no blood
enough inside the heart chambers for this organ to pump.

External bleeding:

They are easy to detect, as you can visualize the blood loss. AND
caused by deep cuts, punctures or fights between animals.
Superficial hemorrhages occur when small vessels that supply the skin are
ruptured and blood loss is considerable, but never fatal.
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An example is bleeding caused by abrasion, a small cut

or other skin injury. If a blood vessel is ruptured (vein or
artery), the bleeding can be serious and must be stopped immediately.
The most easily affected vessels are located on the legs, tail, ears and neck.

Severe bleeding can be fatal, so it needs to be

stopped as quickly as possible and the volume of liquid lost through
organism, replaced.

What to do in case of external bleeding:

You will need:

Gauze pads, crepe bandages, tape, antiseptic and

antibiotic ointment.

- Apply a clean cloth or gauze pads to the area and

press for a few minutes. Maintain pressure until the bleeding stops.

- Place gauze pads on the wound and protect with the

crepe strip, if the location allows. Fix with adhesive tape. Never leave the injury
open to prevent flies from accessing the wound.

- Clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide, Dakin liquid or iodine

Povidone. Apply antibiotic ointment.
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- If a blood vessel is hit, the bleeding will not stop

easily. Maintain pressure on the region.

- On the paws and tail, you can apply a tourniquet if the

bleeding is severe. With a piece of crepe tape or shoe laces, tie the limb a
little above the bleeding area.
Loosen every 5 minutes and then tighten again.

Internal bleeding

This type of hemorrhage is difficult to detect because we cannot

visualize the blood, nor be sure if there is internal bleeding.

After a fall from a high place, blow to the abdomen or chest,

If a car is run over or in another accident, the animal may lose blood as a
result of the rupture of an organ or blood vessel.


- Temperature drop

- Pallor of the mucous membranes (gums and inner part of the eyelids) and

- There may be loss of consciousness and abdominal pain.

The temperature of dogs and cats varies from 38ºC to 39ºC. In case of
hypothermia (low temperature), values will be below 37ºC.

The appearance of blood in urine, feces or vomit does not mean

internal bleeding. When it appears in small quantities or with a burst
appearance, the cause of blood loss needs to be investigated,
but it should not cause despair.

Large amounts of blood eliminated through feces and vomit

The cause may be poisoning by “chumbinho” (rat poison) or ingestion of bait
with crushed glass, both used criminally
to kill animals.
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Parvovirus is the main disease in dogs that causes loss

blood in the feces. But this does not constitute internal bleeding.

What to do in case of internal bleeding:

You will need:

Blanket, thermometer and heated thermal bag.

- If there is an accident, run over or fall, measure The

animal's rectal temperature with the thermometer. Repeat every 30 minutes and
Watch to see if it is falling.

- If the animal is aggressive, muzzle it or use a

gag with a piece of crepe tape or shoe laces before
any procedure.

- Handle the animal carefully, avoiding sudden movements.

- If the temperature is low (below 37.5° C) or starts to

decrease, wrap the animal in a blanket and place a heat source close to it. Use the heated
thermal bag or improvise by filling a bottle
with hot water.

- Keep the animal warm and take it to the veterinarian


- Transport him lying down, always with his head lower in relation to
to the body.

2.5 - Wounds and Deep Cuts

Can be caused by fights, broken glass, wire fences

barbed and other sharp objects.

The skin is irrigated by small blood vessels and the lesions cause
considerable bleeding. Don't be alarmed by the blood, it can be controlled easily.
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Cuts must be sutured within six hours after the injury.

When we suture a cut that has been exposed for a long time, there is a high chance of
local infection occurs.

Flies can lay eggs in open wounds and their larvae will
develop within the skin. If you notice insects landing on the wound,
Use veterinary repellent around the wound twice a day.

Unstitched cuts and wounds that have broken stitches will

heal, however, slowly. The disadvantage of healing without stitches is that the scar will
be larger and there is a considerable risk of myiasis (fly larvae)
on site.

Dressings should be daily and the wound should be protected from flies and

Animals lick wounds and their saliva has properties .

Open cuts are attractive to flies . healing.
Keep them closed.

What to do in case of deep wounds and cuts:

You will need:

Gauze pads, crepe bandage, tape, antiseptic, ointment

antibiotics and scissors.

- If there is bleeding, stop it by pressing the area with

gauze pads or clean cloth. Ears and paws tend to bleed a lot and for a long time.

- Make sure that no vessels have been hit. If there is a lot

bleeding and you cannot stop it easily, a vein or
artery was injured.

- After controlling the blood, cut the hair around the wound, if the
coat is long and the animal allows it.

- Clean the area well with saline solution. Then apply

antiseptic on the edges and inside the cut or wound. Dry the wound with gauze and
apply antibiotic ointment.

- Protect the cut from flies by covering the injury with gauze or cloth
clean. Adhesive tape directly to the skin is not well supported by animals. Use
crepe band to fix the gauze.
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2.6 - Snake Bites

In Brazil, there are 70 species of poisonous snakes. However, only

some are important in cases of accidents: pit vipers, rattlesnakes, corals and surucucus.

Dogs are generally bitten in the muzzle, chest and

neck. This occurs because the dog approaches to smell the snake out of
curiosity or even to hunt it. Cat accidents are rare, but can
to happen.

It is important to know the type of snake that bit the animal, and to do so
We must know the symptoms caused by the bites of the most common snakes
in our country.

- Jararaca:

Responsible for most snake accidents in Brazil.

There are several species that live in different environments in all regions of
Brazil. They reach a maximum of 2 meters in length.
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Symptoms of poisoning: pain, very obvious swelling ,

purplish spots on the skin or inside the mouth and bleeding. He can
blood appears in the urine.

Complications: gangrene, abscess from the

skin, blisters or
detachments at the bite site; acute renal failure.

- Rattlesnake:

It is the second species that causes the most accidents. It measures 1.8
meters and has a rattle at the tip of its tail.

Symptoms of poisoning: up to 3 hours after the accident, signs

neurological. The venom causes changes in vision (the animal may walk as if
dizzy), muscle pain and red urine that will
become darker as time passes.

Complications: kidney failure.

- Surucucu:

It is a large snake that measures up to 4.5 meters. It is common in

Amazon region.
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Symptoms of poisoning: local swelling, diarrhea, vomiting and


- Coral:

Responsible for less than 0.4% of accidents. It's hard to differentiate

true corals from false, non-poisonous ones. They live hidden in
burrows and appear in floods. The poison is very potent and can kill within minutes.

Symptoms of poisoning: neurological signs such as difficulty

to open the eyes, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, acute respiratory
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How do you know if the animal has been bitten?

The bite is very painful. The site has teeth marks,

although the hairs make it very difficult to see.

The affected area may swell significantly and the skin may turn purple.
The hair may start to come off. Some animals enter a state of
shock if a large dose of poison is injected.

The amount of venom a snake injects into its victim depends on the
size of the snake, its age, whether it has fed recently or not.
Therefore, symptoms can range from mild to severe.

The signs also differ depending on the type of snake. O

swelling is characteristic of pit viper bites. In other species
Neurological symptoms such as lack of coordination and blindness are common.

If the animal lives in a place where the appearance of

snakes, it is recommended to have the serum stored in the refrigerator
specific for veterinary use (different from human serum).

The serum should be applied as soon as possible, within 6 hours after the
sting. If symptoms are mild, application is subcutaneous. In severe cases, it must
be done intravenously (in a vein).


- Do not use a tourniquet: the tourniquet was used in the past to prevent
for the poison to spread to the rest of the body. However, when performing a
tourniquet, high concentrations of toxins at the site of the bite can cause gangrene and
loss of limb.
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- Do not put home remedies on the bite (earth, smoke, etc.)

others), this can further irritate the wound and cause infection.

- Do not cut the bite site: the pit viper venom causes
bleeding; If you cut the skin, the bleeding will worsen.

- Avoid snakes: fight rats, as snakes feed

from them. Always keep your land, yards and plantations clean. Let it
trash outside the property. Place the food bags in high places or in tightly
closed containers.

Ecological Balance

Prevent predators. Emus, geese, seriemas, hawks, opossums and

The muçurana snake is the natural predator of venomous snakes.
Deforestation and fires must be avoided. In addition to destroying nature, they cause
changes in the habits of animals, which take refuge in
warehouses, barns or even inside houses.

Multipurpose antivenom serum (against pit vipers, surucucus and rattlesnakes)

– veterinary use: 0800 4007997

What to do in case of a snake bite:

You will need:
Gauze pads, antiseptic, antibiotic ointment, thermal bag
heated or ice.

Regardless of the type of snake that bit the dog or cat, the
emergency care is the same.

- Keep the animal calm and don't let it move too much.

- If the animal allows it, place a plastic bag with ice on the area
of the bite in an attempt to contain the swelling.

- If the animal goes into shock (low temperature, heartbeat

rapid heart rate and breathing), keep him warm.

- If you can find the bite site, clean it with hydrogen peroxide and
apply antibiotic ointment.

- Transport the animal with a stretcher made from a towel, blanket or


- Send the animal to the veterinarian so that it can receive the serum
specific. This is the only effective method to combat poisoning.
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2.7 - Electric Shock

Some animals like to chew on electrical wires, especially
puppies. This is the most common way for dogs and cats to be affected by
electrical discharge.

Depending on the intensity of the current and the time in which the animal
remained attached to it, the consequences could be a simple fright, burn
one serious or a serious impairment with stoppage

Animals with severe mouth burns may refuse to eat

or drink. They must receive intravenous serum daily to avoid the risk of

Any animal that has experienced an episode of electric shock must be

Observed for 2 to 3 hours for respiratory distress. In some cases, pulmonary
edema occurs after the shock and the victim must be taken
immediately to the veterinarian.

What to do in case of electric shock:

You will need:

Antibiotic ointment

- If the animal was shocked but did not remain connected to the
electrical current, you should check your mouth and tongue for signs
of burn.

- The region may be darkened or grayish. On the inside of the

mouth and tongue, there's nothing you can do. If the external region was affected,
apply antibiotic ointment to the burns.

- The animal will be reluctant to eat for a few days. Offer food
liquids and colds, such as meat broth.

- If the animal was shocked and remains connected to the electrical wire,
do not touch him. First unplug the socket or turn off the power supply.

Observe whether the animal is conscious or not. If he is not

breathing, do artificial respiration. If the heart has stopped, start
cardiac massage.

In the case of cardiorespiratory arrest, perform cardiac massage and

joint artificial respiration (a sequence of 5 or 6 pressures on the heart
interspersed with one breath).
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Wait for vital signs to return to check the extent of the

burning in the mouth and tongue. If the animal goes into shock (falls
temperature and increase in respiratory and heart rate), proceed as
described in the topic on shock.

2.8 - Burns

Burns are classified according to the severity of the

lesion. They are caused by thermal agents (water or hot surfaces and fire),
chemicals (acids and caustic substances) or electrical agents (current

- 1st degree burn: superficial injury that heals, on average,

after 10 days.

- 2nd degree burn: injury deeper than the previous one. There is
loss of hair and formation of vesicles (blisters). The skin heals in 15

- 3rd degree burn: serious injury in which the entire thickness of the
skin is destroyed. It is a very painful and slow healing process.

Common cases of burns:

- Animals that eat very hot homemade food may have
mild burns to the mouth and lips.

- Accidents involving boiling water spilled on animals

result in 3rd degree burns.

- Animals that lick or ingest caustic substances present

in cleaning products can burn the mouth and esophagus.

- Electric shocks can result in burns to the mouth and tongue.

- Sunburns can occur on animals' skin and muzzle

depigmented (pinkish).

White dogs and cats should use sunscreen in the most

exposed to the sun. Animals can also get skin cancer.

What to do in case of burns:

You will need:
Cold saline and antibiotic ointment.
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- 1st and 2nd degree burns must be treated with ointment


- Do not use products such as toothpaste on the injured area.

- Wash the area with cold saline solution (or mineral water) for a few
minutes and apply a thick layer of antibiotic ointment. Reapply the
medicine daily.

- Do not apply a closed dressing. If necessary, apply a compress

of gauze over the ointment to protect the injury.

- Use a containment collar so that the animal does not lick and remove the
skin ointment.

- If the burn is 3rd degree, the entire procedure must be carried out
with the animal sedated. Apply cold saline solution to burned skin
and take the victim to the veterinarian. The pain is very intense in these cases.

- Animals with extensive burns may enter a state of

shock. If more than 50% of the body is affected, there is a risk of death.

- If sunburn occurs, prevent the animal from exposing itself to the sun
and protect the area with sunscreen.

2.9 - Vomiting and diarrhea

Severe vomiting and diarrhea are not an emergency

veterinary care, but if urgent measures are not taken, the animal may die from
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Causes of Vomiting:

- Severe abdominal pain: kidney or liver problems, sprains in the

intestine or stomach.

- Various poisonings: the most common are due to products

insecticides used in the home or on the animal (toxic flea products,
excessive or inadequate insecticides). Cleaning products too
can cause poisoning.

- Viral or bacterial diseases: distemper, parvovirus, infection

uterine cavity (pyometra), among others, present vomiting as one of the symptoms.

- Severe cough: constant coughing effort can cause vomiting.

Vomiting can be attributed to numerous causes. You can't

determine the disease if only this clinical sign is present.

The contents of the vomit appear frothy and colorless. It is constituted

by gastric juice, with or without food remains. You can present
yellowish color due to bile reflux.

An animal that vomits excessively is at risk of dehydration,

as it does not absorb the liquids necessary to stay hydrated. Furthermore ,
the body loses a lot of acid. The animal becomes weak and apathetic,
because your body is out of balance.

Bursts of blood present in vomit should not always cause

concern. They can be caused by the rupture of small vessels during the effort
to vomit.

A large amount of blood expelled with vomiting can be

result of poisoning, criminal baiting with ground glass or sharp objects
swallowed by the animal.

Cats vomit hairballs periodically. This is normal. Dogs

They can vomit sporadically without it being an illness.
Animals that ingest grass vomit to relieve gastric discomfort.
or intestinal.

Causes of Diarrhea:

- Worms, viruses, poisoning, stress, dietary changes

sudden or excessive food intake.

Diarrhea is the loss of liquid through feces, which becomes

pasty or watery. If it is very intense (liquid and in large quantities), diarrhea
quickly causes severe dehydration.
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Even if the animal continues to drink water, the loss of liquid

through diarrhea is much greater than replacement. This results in
mild, moderate or severe dehydration.

An imbalance occurs as the body becomes alkaline. The animal stays

apathetic, weak and may present tremors due to the abdominal pain caused
by colic (strong intestinal contractions to expel feces).

In cases of diarrhea and intense vomiting, it is necessary to correct the

dehydration, if it occurs, and the body's balance.

What to do in case of vomiting and diarrhea:

You will need:

- Syringe and homemade serum.

- Check if the animal is dehydrated: pull the skin on the side of the
body. If the skin takes a long time to return, there is dehydration. If the skin does not return, the
The situation is serious and the animal is at risk of going into shock.

- In the case of vomiting and diarrhea, the first thing to do is remove the
food. Fasting for 12 to 24 hours is necessary for recovery .
stomach and intestine.

- If the animal drinks water and vomits, remove the liquids too.
While he is eating and drinking, he will continue to have vomiting and diarrhea.
Fluid loss will worsen.

- Hydrate it: offer small amounts of homemade serum several times

times a day. Use a syringe to get the animal to drink. If the serum
causes vomiting, suspend it.

Oral hydration is not effective in cases of severe dehydration.

Only use it if you cannot find a veterinarian.
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Homemade serum:

- 200ml of boiled or filtered water (1 glass)

-1 dessert spoon of sugar

-1 pinch of salt

2.10 - Epileptic seizure

The animal may suffer a sporadic attack or have a history of

epilepsy (frequent seizures). Convulsive attacks are very frightening to the inexperienced
owner. But there is no reason to panic.

Epilepsy is characterized by recurrent seizures. She

It can be genetic, that is, the animal inherited the disease from its family members, or

In this case, a history of an accident involving a blow to the head,

falls, poisoning or intoxication and some illnesses justify the animal becoming

How to recognize a convulsive crisis (attack):

The animal shows a lack of coordination, falls to the ground and remains
lying on your side in pedaling movements, as if trying to get up.

In some episodes, he urinates and defecates involuntarily during

crisis. There may or may not be a loss of consciousness. The animal becomes panting
and gradually calms down.

Many return to normal within a few minutes, others become dejected

throughout the day, showing tiredness.

In the most serious cases, successive attacks occur for hours.

In situations like this, the animal must receive appropriate medication to stop the crisis.
Oral medications at this time have no effect.

Some animals clearly demonstrate a pre-seizure phase:

they become too agitated or too quiet several hours before the attack.

What to do in case of convulsive attacks:

You will need:

Clean cloth, large towel or blanket.

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- Observe the animal and prevent it from getting hurt.

- It is not necessary to pull the animal's tongue unless it is

is biting and hurting. In this case, roll up a clean cloth and place it between his
teeth to prevent further injury to his tongue.

- If the animal is healthy and does not suffer from serious heart problems,
there is no risk of death. Wait for the attack to pass.

- If the attack lasts too long or starts again,

take the animal to the veterinarian immediately. Transport it in a
stretcher made of towel or blanket.

- After returning to consciousness and being recovered, the animal can

drink and eat. But make sure he is 100% conscious.
Offer food in small quantities.

- Epileptic dogs and cats should not have access to swimming pool areas.
During an attack, the animal may fall into it and drown.

- Try to observe how long the seizure lasted and notify

your veterinarian regarding this episode. He will guide you on what to do.

2.11 - Fainting

The animal can suffer loss of consciousness for several reasons,

many of them linked to a lack of oxygenation in the brain. Elderly animals,
those with heart disease or those with circulatory problems may faint after
situations of extreme excitement or stress.

An example of this is when the owner arrives, the dog makes a lot of noise.
and, suddenly, the dog “blacks out” for a few minutes. This manifestation is
typical of lack of cerebral oxygenation.

There is no reason to panic and the animal will return to normal on its own, in
most of the time. Of course, animals that present this condition frequently
need to be examined. The cause must be determined and,
when possible, treated.
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Very tight collars and the use of a choke on dogs that pull
excessive use of the owner during walks can cause suffocation and
faint. The same happens if the animal swallows an object that obstructs the
air passage.

Excessive restraint during baths, grooming or procedures

veterinarians can cause the animal to faint.

What to do if you faint:

- Observe the animal and check if it is breathing and if its heart is


- Loosen the collar or choke and make sure there is nothing

obstructing the throat.

- Place the animal in a position where the head is lower

than the body. You can slightly elevate the back of it. The intention is
bring oxygenated blood to the brain.

- If it does not return to normal, massage the patient's body vigorously.

animal to stimulate circulation.

- If he doesn't wake up, try again to raise his back to

that the head is at a lower level than the rest.

- Do not use substances with a strong odor, such as ammonia. A

olfactory sensitivity of animals is often greater than ours and the
strong smell will be too much for him.

- If the animal does not wake up, monitor its heartbeat again
heart rate and respiratory rate. Refer him to a clinic.
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2.12 - Asphyxiation

One of the most common causes is swallowing an object that obstructs the
throat, such as a ball, a piece of bone, toys and others. Animals can be attracted
to unimaginable things. Always pay attention
so that every toy offered to your animal is the right size
compatible with his size.

If you notice that the animal cannot breathe and its mucous membranes are
turning bluish or purplish, try to quickly discover the reason for the probable

Dogs and cats can faint in situations of suffocation due to

lack of oxygenation in the brain. Do not panic. Concentrate on
Clear the airways, making sure the heart is beating.

An animal with pulmonary edema (water in the lungs) he can

present extravasation of liquid through the snout and mouth. He doesn't breathe
in this case and should be taken to a clinic immediately.

Very strong allergic reactions can cause swelling in the throat and
breathing difficulty. It is common to see the animal trying to suck in air, making a
strange noise. It feels like he can't breathe.
This repeats a few times and then stops.

In these cases, the animal is not suffocated, but is presenting

spasm in the bronchi, certainly due to inhalation of a substance that
caused you allergies (smoke, perfume, among others.).

What to do in case of suffocation:

You will need:

Small flashlight, gauze, tweezers and towel.

- Loosen the collar or choke.

- Open the animal's mouth, pull out the tongue with the help of gauze and
Observe if there is any object stuck in the throat. Use the flashlight if you need

- If you notice any obstruction or suspect it (the animal may

try to put the paw inside the mouth), do not try to push the object.

- If the animal is calm or fainted, you can pull what

is secured with the help of forceps, if you can visualize the foreign body.
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- If you can't, squeeze the animal's chest tightly so that the air
inside the lungs expel the object. Do this several times until he
eliminate anything obstructing the air passage.

- If the animal has liquid on its nose and mouth, dry it

with a towel while quickly taking him to the vet. He can
have acute pulmonary edema, a serious emergency.

- Edema in the throat occurs due to an allergic reaction. If that

If this happens, perform artificial respiration, forcing air to pass through. Take the animal to the
veterinarian quickly.

2.13 - Problems during childbirth

Most dogs and cats can give birth to their puppies without help.
some. But complications can lead to the loss of the litter and even the female.

It is important to know the stages of normal birth, so you will be

safer and you will know whether to help or not.

- Twenty-four hours before giving birth, the female stops eating and passes
most of the time in their “nest”. She may try to hide.

- Body temperature will begin to drop (below 37º C).

- Close to the moment the puppies are born, the female will be
more agitated and restless. He will dig out his bed and try to gather his blankets
and cloths. Cats may try to get into hard-to-reach places,
well hidden.

- Contractions will begin and you will notice that the female's abdomen
retracts as if she is straining to defecate. She may want to stand. The owner must
calm her down so she lies down.

- The pouch with the baby is pronounced and very evident.

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- The fetus is expelled little by little. The head may appear first, or
the hind legs. These two presentations are normal.

- The sac may tear as the fetus passes through the birth canal or
remain intact at the time of birth.

- After the appearance of the first cub, the female will tear the protection
that surrounds you. You will start licking it a lot to activate circulation and dry it.

- The female will cut the umbilical cord with her teeth and eat the

- Each puppy will be accompanied by a placenta. Let her

eat it, as it is an important source of nutrients for the female.

- The puppy looks for its mother's teats and begins to suckle.

In the last week of pregnancy, prepare a quiet place and place

there the female's bed so she can get used to the place.

What to do in case of problems during childbirth:

You will need:

Cotton thread or string, syringe, towel, thermal bag and scissors.

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- Eclampsia is the most serious situation for the female. She starts to
tremble and become very breathless. She tries to walk, but seems disoriented. That
occurs due to a lack of calcium in the body.

The uterus does not contract to expel fetuses, the muscles

weaken and cardiac arrest may occur.

Take the female immediately to a clinic as she will need

intravenous calcium. Eclampsia can also occur during the nursing phase of puppies.

It can be avoided with the administration of calcium from 15 days onwards

before birth until weaning of the puppies.

- There are no contractions and the dog's temperature has dropped for more than
24 hours: Lightly palpate the female's abdomen and make sure the fetuses are alive
and moving.

If no movement is evident , take the female

quickly to the veterinarian. If the fetuses are alive, call your veterinarian and have
them on standby.

- The contractions started 30 minutes ago, but the puppy has not
appears or cannot come out: the fetus may be too big, it may not
there is sufficient dilation or the puppy is in the wrong position.

Do not try to remove it by force, it is better to take the female to the vet.
Cesarean surgery may be necessary.

- The gestation time exceeds 62 days: the veterinarian will have to

monitor daily and intervene if necessary. Do not wait for the birth without professional
supervision. Take the female to be

- The female gave birth to the baby, but doesn't care about it or tries to attack it:
If the female does not tear the sac surrounding the fetus, take a clean cloth or towel
and do it yourself:

1. Put on gloves and tear the sac surrounding the fetus.

2. Position the puppy upside down and wipe its snout to

remove liquids that he may have aspirated. Take a syringe without a needle and use
it to try to aspirate the secretion from the newborn's nostrils.
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3. As soon as the puppy starts breathing, dry its body vigorously

to activate circulation. He doesn't need to “cry,” but you should make sure he is
breathing on his own and moving around.

4. Open the puppy's mouth and lower his tongue if he is not Continue
breathing. Blow inside , but without exaggeration. massaging the
puppy, drying the snout and wiping off any liquid that comes out of it. Blow
more often if necessary.

5. Cut the umbilical cord 10 cm away from the puppy. It will only be
It is necessary to tie the cord if it is bleeding a lot. Don't waste too much time on
this if the puppy isn't breathing.

A piece of string or even dental floss can be used to

tie the umbilical cord before or after cutting it.

Even if the puppy appears to be dead when expelled, it is possible

revive him with the procedure described. Some are born weak and do not survive. Don't blame
yourself if this happens.

6. Place the baby close to the female and encourage her to lick the baby.
If the dog growls, remove the puppy immediately. If she accepts, let the
The baby looks for its mother's teat, placing it next to her.

It is important that he breastfeeds after birth. It might take a while

for the puppy to be able to do this.
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7. As soon as you notice more contractions, remove the baby that has already
born and place it in a box heated by a warm thermal bag or
light bulb. The interval between the birth of puppies should not exceed 2

8. There are females that become aggressive the day after giving birth.
Respect her and do not approach the litter, as she will attack even the owner,
if you feel threatened.

- Place food and water very close to the female. Maybe she doesn't
eat in the first two days after giving birth, but you must drink water.

- If the female refuses to eat and drink, has a fever,

profuse and foul-smelling discharge , notify your veterinarian. It is immediately O
possible that a postpartum uterine infection may have occurred.

3.1 - Drowning

Although animals know how to swim, falling into a pool can cause
drowning, as they have no way to get out. Tired of swimming, the animal
ends up submerging, breathing in and swallowing water.

Rescue can only be successful if the animal has sunk beforehand.

few minutes. Unfortunately, when the owner realizes he is missing, he is already
lifeless. If it is not possible to know how long ago the animal sank,
try to revive him.

It is important to be careful with epileptic animals, as during a

attack they can fall into the pool and drown. The home's swimming pool must have a
protective net, steps or a platform for the animal to
manage to climb in and out of it. This prevents drowning.
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There are breeds that love water and voluntarily jump into the pool,
as is the case with Labrador and Newfoundland. If you own a dog
attracted to water, and lives in a house with a swimming pool, pay attention to
your dog's dips.

What to do in case of drowning:

You will need:

Blanket and thermometer.

- The first step is to suspend the animal by its hind legs,

leaving it tilted so that excess water comes out of the mouth and snout.

- Check for heartbeat and respiratory movements. If

If not, start cardiac massage and artificial respiration.

- Press on the animal's chest, close to the ribs, to pump the

water out of the lung.

- If the animal's temperature is low (measure with a thermometer

If in doubt), wrap him in a blanket and continue resuscitation until he shows some
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3.2 - Rupture of abscesses and tumors in the skin

Nodules on the skin may be related to abscesses and tumors

(benign or not). An abscess is a nodule filled with infected material (pus). It is caused
by subcutaneous applications, insect bites
or other factor that allows bacteria to penetrate under the skin.

Tumors can have numerous origins, and breast tumors are very common.
common in females over six years of age.

A nodule can grow and the skin cannot withstand the internal pressure that
he exerts, coming to break. The material leaks through a hole (fistula) and may be composed of
pus and blood.

Most owners are very scared and don't know how to

proceed. You need to be calm and aware that nothing else will come out of the injury
other than the volume that was already there.

Nodules that begin to grow should be removed for examination.

What to do in case of abscess or tumor:

You will need:

Gloves, gauze, syringe without needle, antiseptic, crepe band,

adhesive tape and antibiotic ointment.

- Using gauze pads, clean off the blood and pus. Press
gently the nodule using two compresses so that all the contents come out.

- Place antiseptic inside the syringe and wash the wound,

in and out.
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- Apply some antibiotic ointment to a compress

gauze and place it over the wound, pressing lightly so that the ointment
spreads. Protect the area with a crepe band, securing it with
tape if possible.

- In case of bleeding, place gauze pads on the area

that bleeds and press for a few minutes until it stops.

- Take the dog to the veterinarian for further procedures.

3.3 - Fracture

When a bone is hit by a blow, the result can vary from

a simple bruise to a complete fracture. In a contusion, there is inflammation
and swelling, as well as a bruise (purple spot) that may not be noticeable if the
The animal's skin color is dark.

The fracture may appear as a crack, the bone separates

partially or completely. The symptom of swelling is evident and the local pain
is quite severe if the region is touched. The animal's reaction will be to try to bite.

The paws are the region of the body most prone to fractures. But ribs
and vertebrae, so as the jaw, can be hit in
being run over or falling.

It is important to stabilize the fracture in any way possible.

moment and then transport the animal to the veterinarian. The immobilization
temporary relief of the affected limb will reduce the pain until you reach the clinic.

What to do in case of a fracture:

You will need:

Crepe band, tape, splint or piece of wood, blanket or

large towel and ice.

- Put a muzzle or gag on the animal.

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- Note areas with obvious swelling near long bones

(feet and ribs), head and jaw. Apply ice.

- Gently palpate the limbs, flexing the joints.

- Try to locate the source of the pain.

- If the fracture is in a limb, place a splint underneath it and

start bandaging. If you don't have a rigid material on hand, improvise the splint
with a thick magazine, wrapping the paw with it.

- If the bone is exposed, irrigate it with serum. In that case, you can
not being able to put on the splint due to pain.

- Never tighten the band, or you will interrupt blood circulation.

If this happens, the animal's toes will begin to swell.

- Use a towel or blanket to transport the animal.

- If you suspect a spinal fracture, move the animal very carefully.

be careful and delicate so as not to make the condition worse. Instead of cloth,
try improvising the litter with a board so that the animal's spine is straight.

3.4 - Hedgehog Thorns

Animals that live on farms or farms tend to attack

hedgehogs, a species of small porcupine, very common in Brazilian fauna. To
defend itself from attack, this small mammal curls up and
it turns into a real ball with very sharp thorns.
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The dog tries to hold it with both paws and its mouth. The result is
disastrous for the hunter. This type of accident rarely happens with
Hedgehog spines easily penetrate the skin, tongue, gums
and lips. The animal tries to eliminate the thorns by biting them and using its paw,
which causes them to break or become even deeper.

Other parts of the body can be affected, however, this is quite

less common. Note that the hedgehog does not throw its quills, the dog attacks it and ends up
getting hurt.

The number and size of the attached spines can be frightening.

If the hedgehog is an adult, they can measure almost ten centimeters.

Helping an animal in these conditions is problematic, as the removal

of the spines is painful and sedation of the animal is necessary to treat the
mouth area.

What to do in case of hedgehog spines:

You will need:

Tweezers, gauze, antiseptic, flashlight and gloves.

- If you cannot take the animal to the veterinarian immediately, try

remove as many thorns as possible.
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- With the tweezers, hold the thorn very close to the skin, and pull
quick and strong, rip it off. If the clamp is not suitable for fixing the
thorns, you can improvise with pliers, cleaning and disinfecting them before
the procedure.

- Some spines may break and a piece of them may remain inside
of the skin. If this happens, don't despair. The organism will expel it to

- Every time you remove a thorn there will be a small amount of

bleeding. Disinfect by with hydrogen peroxide or Dakin liquid,
pressing with gauze.

- Don't take the risk of removing the thorns from the animal's mouth without it
be sedated.

- There may be infection, which is why treatment with


- Lock your dog up the following nights, as the hedgehog has habits
nocturnal and your animal may attack you again.

3.5 - Berns and bugs

Flies are insects that, although they seem harmless, can

cause inconvenience to domestic animals.


When flies land on a wound, they deposit dozens of

eggs that will hatch, transforming into small larvae that will feed on living tissue (cutaneous
myiasis or screwworm).

Fly life cycle:

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The larvae dig galleries under the skin. Injuries can

be so deep that they can pass through the muscles, reaching
neighboring organs (cavitary myiasis). For this reason, it is essential to protect
injuries against these insects.


Botflies are also fly larvae that develop in

subcutaneous tissue. Its appearance is also common in people. O
botfly differs from screwworm in that only one larva develops there and the
The lesion is non-invasive, that is, the larva remains in the place where it penetrated at
all times .

Generally, several botflies appear on the animal's body, in points

close or very far from each other.

There are oral medications that, while

control flea infestation, prevent the development of flea larvae
flies under the skin. Check with your veterinarian if your animal suffers from
myiasis very frequently.

To prevent myiasis, keep flies away. The trash must be

always covered. Don't leave your pet's feces and urine spread around the

What to do in case of myiasis:

You will need:

Glove, tweezers, gauze, masking tape, antiseptic, flashlight and repellent

against flies.


- You need to know the extent of the injury. Use the flashlight to view
“tunnels” under the skin, dug by larvae.

- If in doubt, apply a little antiseptic to the inside of the lesion

and watch. If there are larvae, they will move.

- If access to the veterinarian is not possible immediately, try

Remove the larvae, one by one, with tweezers. Throw them into a container with
water or alcohol.

- Clean the area with antiseptic and apply antibiotic ointment.

- Protect the injury with gauze and fix it with a crepe bandage and adhesive tape.
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- Repeat the operation the next day and look for a clinic.

- Consult your veterinarian to recommend oral medication

to eliminate any larvae that may remain. Add this medicine
to the first aid kit, if you need it in a


- Nodules under the skin with an open hole are indicative of botfly.
Each opening contains only one larva.

- If there is no vet nearby, try to remove it by squeezing the

base of the nodule, as if squeezing the skin. The horn will project
out of the hole.

- Hold it with tweezers to help remove it. Pull slowly, as it is


- If the horn breaks during removal, do not

worry. Only remove what you can.

- Apply antiseptic to the hole and it will heal in two or three days.

- If you have fly repellent on hand, apply it to the area. It is not

I need to bandage it.

- Numerous botflies can be spread across the animal’s body, in

painful places, such as ears, skin covering the penis and tail. It will be very
difficult to remove them without sedation, take your animal to the vet.
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3.6 - Run over and Falls

Multiple problems can appear after falls and being run over.
The latter is the most common emergency.

No matter how well trained the dog is, it should not be allowed to run loose in
streets. Always use a leash, as the dog may react in a
unpredictable in certain situations. Free-ranging cats are also
prone to accidents.

Being run over can cause damage to organs such as the liver,
lung, bladder and spleen, as well as fractures and serious injuries to the spine.

Many cases of being run over, including by motorbikes and bicycles,

They can be fatal due to the internal bleeding they cause.

Falls also frequently occur from high slabs where the

dog usually stays, or balconies. Cats falling from apartment windows
is quite common. It is important to have protective nets on all windows
to avoid this type of accident.

There are animals that jump out of moving car windows. Per
Therefore, all dogs must be transported in crates suitable for animals. Or,
attached by the guide to the vehicle's seat belt. There are also
safety belts suitable for animals.

What to do if you are run over or fall:

You will need:

Complete first aid kit.

As the symptoms are multiple, carry out a complete examination of the


- Check for a heartbeat. Get cardiac massage if


- Check if the animal is breathing. Perform artificial respiration if


- Check whether there is external hemorrhages. Stop them if the

bleeding is profuse.

- Check the animal's temperature by hand or using a

doubt. Drop in temperature could mean thermometer, if
internal bleeding.
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- Treat shock, if any. Remember that shock

means accelerated heart and breathing with low temperature. Keep the
heated animal.

- Observe if there are fractures and immobilize as much as possible.

- Make a stretcher using a towel or piece of cloth. Transport the

animal carefully.

- If the animal is ferocious, try putting on a muzzle or make a

gag with a crepe band, piece of cloth or even a shoelace. In
cats, throw a towel or thick cloth over the animal so that it calms down.

3.7 - Intoxication

Unless you witness the moment the animal licks,

ingested or inhaled a substance, it is difficult to know the cause of the poisoning.
Toxic agents can cause very different signs.

Symptoms such as hemorrhages and gastrointestinal neurological changes are present It is

in animals that have had contact with toxic products used to kill rats and insects in the environment,
animals or

The animal can ingest or lick the poison, and even ingesting
a poisoned rat or insect can cause poisoning. The inhalation of
smoke and toxic gases cause toxic conditions, and the same occurs after ingesting
spoiled foods and chocolate.

There is a substance in chocolate (theobromine) that causes serious

problems in dogs. Neurological, gastric and intestinal signs manifest if the dog eats a
large amount of chocolate at once or small portions on consecutive days. Cats rarely
attraction to sweets like dogs.

Acidic substances such as caustic soda, cleaning products, chlorine

and others, can lead animals to death. There are plants that contain toxic substances, such as the
“no one can eat me” species, azaleas,
ferns and cambará.

Frogs also have poison glands that cause signs

neurological disorders in animals. And dogs may hunt them.
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Toxic substances:

- Lead: linoleum, carpet glue, paints, varnishes, putty

glazier, welding, automobile oil and grease. Lead causes both gastrointestinal and neurological

- Wood compounds , phenolics: preservatives solvents,

disinfectants (phenol, cresol, hexachlorophene), herbicides, fungicides, insecticides,
mothballs. Cause vomiting, depression, incoordination
motor, respiratory failure, among others.

- Medicines: such as acetoaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin, tranquilizers

and others. It occurs due to excessive and accidental ingestion, like a dog that
chews through the medicine box and swallows all the pills.

- Caffeine: in diet pills, stimulants, tea leaves and grains

of coffee. Powerful stimulant of the Central Nervous System. Toxic dose for dogs 100-150mg/kg.

- Chocolate: contains xanthine, a heart muscle stimulant, others

increasing your heartbeat, between things. They can occur by
convulsions and death from cardiorespiratory arrest.

- Nicotine: causes salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, increased frequency

respiratory and cardiac, incoordination, convulsions and death due to respiratory arrest. The
minimum lethal dose is 20-100mg.

- Toxic plants: ingestion occurs quite frequently: Nobody can eat me, Adam's Rib,
Donkey's Ear, Oleander, Azalea, Philodendron, Narcissus, Amarilis, Tulip, Parrot's Beak,
Trumpet and others.

What to do in case of poisoning:

You will need:

Syringe, hydrogen peroxide, milk or water.

If the animal ingested or licked a toxicant:

- Induce vomiting: this should only be done when the animal

ingested the product a few hours ago. Use hydrogen peroxide (dose: 2 ml/kg) or
warm salt water. Use a syringe to force the animal to drink. Inject
the liquid slowly so he doesn't choke.

Never induce vomiting if:

- The substance ingested is acidic or caustic. If you don't know how to evaluate,
do not induce vomiting.
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- The animal is unconscious.

Force the animal to drink water or milk: not all toxicants are
“inactivated” by milk, but drinking liquids causes the poison to be diluted and
eliminated more quickly.

Do not give milk in case of poisoning by household insecticides whose

formula contains pyrethroids. Do not force the animal to drink if it is unconscious.

- Activated charcoal is used to prevent the absorption of poison by the

body (dose: 1-2 gr/kg). It can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of
tablets or powder, to be diluted in water.

it does not have

It is of great help in case of poisoning and contraindications. It is

The animal's feces may turn grayish.

- If the dog has bitten a frog, wash the animal's mouth thoroughly.
water. He will salivate (drool) for some time. If your dog shows a lack of
coordination or weakness, take him to the vet.

If the animal inhaled toxic:

- Place it in a ventilated place and keep it away from poisonous gases.

- Look for a clinic if the animal faints, convulses or

another neurological sign. Oxygen treatment will be required.

Toxic agents can cause vomiting and diarrhea for a few days. If
If this occurs, the animal should not be fed and will need serum to avoid
dehydration quickly.
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You can try giving serum orally in small amounts,

several times a day, using a syringe. However, if vomiting persists, the serum
It can only be administered by injection.

Seizures are common in severely poisoned animals. Do not

despair. During the attack, just make sure your animal does not

The seizure may last a few minutes or persist for a long time
time. In this case, injectable medication is necessary to take the animal out of the convulsive

Always try to monitor the animal’s temperature. If it is low,

warm him with a blanket.

Only in extreme situations, when it is impossible to take the animal

to a clinic, you must treat it at home.

3.8 - Exposure of abdominal cavity organs

The abdominal cavity contains several organs that can be

exposed to the environment after accidents. Falls and being run over are the
biggest causes of this serious emergency. The frame can also
occur when stitches break after abdominal surgery.

If the abdominal muscles and skin tear, this will cause

that the organs have a passage to the external environment. The exhibition of
Bowel loops are quite common.

The abdomen is a bacteria-free cavity. Once opened, be

Whatever the reason, contamination of the organs can cause a serious infection
called peritonitis.

What to do in case of organ exposure?

You will need:

Blanket, gauze, thermometer, gloves, thermal bag, saline solution and

crepe stripe.

- Keep the animal lying on its side.

- Put on gloves and wash exposed organs with saline solution.

Remove hair and all dirt.

- Replace the organs within the abdominal cavity, if necessary.

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- Cover the area where the organs came out with gauze bandages or
a clean cloth moistened with serum. If the opening is large, open the gauze,
preventing it from entering the cavity and getting lost there.

- Bandage the abdomen to keep the organs inside the cavity.

- Warm the animal: wrap it in a blanket and place a bag

thermos or bottle with hot water next to it. Measure the temperature of the
animal with the thermometer, if possible.

- Improvise a stretcher with a blanket or large towel

- Seek veterinary help as soon as possible.

3.9 - Heat shock (heatstroke)

Dogs and cats do not have sweat glands, so they cannot

They can sweat to lower their body temperature, like we humans do. This is
why dogs are always
panting on hot days or after exercise.

This is the mechanism they use to lower body temperature.

Cold air enters through the mouth, captures body heat in the lungs and then leaves .
This way, the whole organism starts to cool down.

There are situations in which the animal increases its temperature so much
that overheating can be fatal. When the owner leaves the dog in a closed car on hot days
or forgets it tied up in the sun, the
animal will develop hyperthermia.

High temperature causes many enzymes in the body,

responsible for chemical reactions important for its functioning,
stop acting.

The result of this is a general dysfunction, manifested by signs

clinical symptoms, such as accelerated breathing, increased heart rate
(tachycardia), vomiting, diarrhea and neurological signs (attacks and loss of
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Cats trapped in carriers in very hot places can

suffer heat shock.

What to do in case of heat shock (heatstroke):

You will need:

Ice, towel and blanket.

- Observe vital signs: temperature, heart rate and

respiratory frequency.

- Wet the animal so that its body temperature decreases. For

You can use a hose or a bucket of ice water to do this. Soak
a towel in cold water and cover the animal's body. Repeat this several times.

- Check the animal's temperature every 30 minutes, until you notice

that she returned to normal and stabilized. The temperature regulation center
may not be working well and the body becomes cold
too much.

If this happens, wrap him in a blanket and keep him warm. Remember that the
Normal temperature ranges from 38 to 39ºC in dogs and cats.

- Take the animal to the veterinarian if it still remains unconscious.

Transport him on a stretcher made from a blanket, sheet or large towel.

3.10 - Anaphylactic shock

Anaphylactic shock is mainly caused by insect bites

or spiders, medicines and food. The symptoms that the animal may present
are: sudden vomiting and diarrhea, difficulty breathing,
skin rashes and even death.
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What to do in case of anaphylactic shock:

- Keep the airways clear.

- If necessary, perform artificial respiration and cardiac massage (if

cardio-respiratory arrest occurs).

- If you notice that there is liquid in the airways (when an animal

breathe, you hear sounds of something obstructing the passage of air), lift the
animal by the hind limbs to try, by gravity, to make the pathways
airways are clear.

- See your veterinarian urgently to use medications and procedures in

that stop the action of allergic symptoms.

3.11 - Eye disease

Any eye condition is potentially dangerous. A scratch from

Minor damage to the surface of the eye can become infected and cause vision loss if left

What to do if your eyes are affected:

Eye out of orbit

- Do not try to put the eye back in place.

- Cover with a clean sponge or cloth soaked in water solution.

sugar water and keep it lightly attached to the head.
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- Keep the animal as still as possible and seek veterinary help


Objects piercing the eye

- Do not touch if the object is sticking out of the eye.

- Do not try to remove it.

- Do not let the animal rub its eye

Green or yellow discharge

- These are signs of infection, clean your eyes with warm water or eye drops.

- Keep an eye out for other signs of illness.

Watery secretion

- Look for foreign bodies, normally the dog blinks and

avoiding light.

- If there is a foreign body that is difficult to remove, do not try to remove it,
Cover the eye with a bandage and do not let the animal remove it until you reach the veterinarian.

- If you can remove the foreign body, wash your eyes with water
filtered or physiological solution.

Chemical burns

- Rinse the affected eye with clean water for several minutes.

- Protect the eye with a bandage and take the animal to the veterinarian
together with the product packaging.
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3.12 - Ear disorders

The animal shaking its head violently can be

demonstrating the existence of foreign bodies or an inflammatory process in
the ear. The very movement of shaking your head can rupture one or
more veins, causing the ear to swell.

What to do if you have an ear condition:

- Check if you can see any foreign body in the ear, in the
its deepest part, like grass, for example. Try removing it with
tweezers or if possible with your fingers.

- If you can't remove it, drip mineral oil into your ear to help
to displace the foreign body and protect its delicate coating and the
eardrum until you get professional help.

- If there is bleeding from the ear, apply pressure with bandages

pads on both sides of the ear for several minutes. No
remove the bandages and rest the ear against the head and secure using a
strip of crepe or a sock with the tip cut off.

- If the ear is swollen, similar to a pillow

(otohematoma), avoid further shaking by also using the homemade technique
of the sock, cut at the tip and the ear in question held over the head.

3.13 - Ingestion of objects

It is very common among dogs. Some objects may become lodged in the tract
digestive tract and can have fatal consequences if they cause internal perforations.

What to do if objects are swallowed:

- Remove the object from your mouth if possible. Do not cut or pull string
or thread that may be hanging from the mouth.

- If the animal has swallowed any sharp, alkaline, acidic or

from petroleum, do not induce vomiting, give vegetable oil and seek medical advice from a

- If the animal has not swallowed a product as mentioned in the previous item
induce vomiting by giving a teaspoon (2.5 to 5.0ml) of water
10V oxygenated or a spoonful of salt in warm water. If he vomits but does not expel
the object, go to the vet.
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3.14 - Bites and stings

Very common emergency, often just observing the animal

with a sign of discomfort and distress.

Bees, Wasps and Caterpillars:

- Normally they do not pose major problems for animals

although they cause pain and local inflammation. Unless exceptionally the animal
presents an acute allergic reaction, in this case seek a
urgent vet.

Spiders and Scorpions:

- Spiders and scorpions sting animals with more difficulty than

than snakes due to the protection that their hair provides. However, in
In cases of accidents involving these arthropods, the most common symptoms are pain
intense local inflammation, vomiting, convulsions, muscle spasms,
breathing difficulties and, in more serious cases, even paralysis.

What to do in case of bites and stings:

- Try to keep the animal's movement to a minimum.

- If you know where the accident occurred, wash the wound carefully
with cold water.

- If possible, take the venomous animal to the veterinarian to facilitate

diagnosis and treatment.

3.15 - Loss of balance

The main reasons that can lead an animal to loss of

balance, especially if this occurs suddenly, are as follows:

- A strong shock to the head

- A diabetes crisis

- A serious ear or throat infection

- A change in the region of the brain that controls the


- Poisoning or ingestion of any medication that alters the

behavior (including alcohol).
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What to do if you lose balance:

- Prevent the animal from falling and getting hurt.

- Look for signs of injuries in the head region, indicating

possibility of some trauma.

- Observe the ears for any secretion or inflammation

that indicates a problem with the ear. A complication of otitis externa can
affect the ear more deeply, causing a loss of

3.16 - Measures to reduce the incidence of emergencies

Some general measures that help a lot to reduce the risk of

emergency situations:

- Know where your animal is, don't leave it at ease in places

that present potential risks of accidents.

- Avoid rummaging through trash cans, use lids, and don't leave it exposed. AND
It is common to ingest food or foreign bodies that later cause problems.

- Schedule regular veterinary care for guidance

general aspects regarding nutrition, deworming (control of internal parasites),
control of external parasites (fleas, ticks).

- Keep your animals leashed or confined to reduce accidents

with run overs and even more serious accidents involving the driver of the vehicle.

- Keep cleaning products, chemicals, toxic plants, etc.

others, properly stored in places where animals cannot
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- Silvia Parisi, First Aid Guide for Dogs and Cats. Available in:

- Santa Inês Veterinary Hospital, First Aid for Dogs and Cats. Available in: in
Accessed 08/11/2011.

- in:
HowStuffWorks, Anatomia http:// of the cats. Available

- Wikipedia, Dog. Available at: <>. Access at


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