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The simple solution to your message duplication needs.

Ideal for intra FINCopy is a value-added feature

of FIN that enables the sender of
Clearing, netting, and
settlement systems
and inter-institutional a message to trigger a copy to a
Over 60 market infrastructures around
copy destination for authorisation
copying needs. or further processing. FINCopy
the globe are currently benefiting from
the unique set of features provided
provides the ideal solution by FINCopy. FINCopy allows a copy
for the monitoring of bilateral destination to receive a copy of all or
part of a FIN message and to authorise
financial transactions by a central
or refuse its delivery to the addressee.
institution. This decision can be based on various
elements such as:
FINCopy supports the clearing
and settlement of high-value
payments, treasury and –– c ontents of the message
Benefits securities-related transactions by –– account balance, collateral, or
enabling FIN messages to be fully credit line
Simple to use or partially copied and, optionally, –– anti-money laundering watch
Flexible authorised by a copy destination, lists– multilateral agreements
between counterparties
Secure and reliable before release to the beneficiary.

FINInform FINCopy

T-Copy mode Y-Copy mode T-Copy mode Y-Copy mode

For information For authorisation For information For authorisation
Impact on original Yes, delivery to Receiver Yes, delivery to Receiver
None None
message flow is subject to approval is subject to approval
Copy triggered by Server parameters/pattern Sender
needed = service Sender and/or Receiver Sender and Receiver
Sender and Receiver

SWIFTNet messaging services

Key benefits

Simple to use Flexible Secure and reliable

A normal FIN message is transmitted The service administrator can request FINCopy provides the same high level
straight from the sender to the receiver. specific filtering on the content of the of security as FIN. FINCopy includes
When a message is sent using FINCopy, messages – such as the currency code an optional authentication mechanism
selected fields are copied to a copy or value date – to further refine the between the service participants and the
destination, typically a central institution. message copy selection. service administrator to ensure end-to-
Two copy modes are available; the end security.
choice of which mode to use will depend The service administrator can also
on the underlying reason for receiving the request that only specific fields of
copy: the message be copied to the copy
destination. Partial copying ensures the
– Y-Copy mode allows a copy
confidentiality of sensitive information and
destination to receive a copy of all
improves performance by keeping copied
or part of a FIN message and to
information to a minimum.
authorise or prevent its delivery to
the addressee. This is typically the
case for the clearing, netting and
Service administrator
settlement of payments, securities
As service administrator is the
and other financial transactions.
organisation that approves the
T-Copy mode forwards copies to a participation of customers in the
copy destination while the original FINCopy Service. The service
message is immediately forwarded administrator defines the general
to the receiver, without waiting conditions of usage, the user
for authorisation. This mechanism responsibilities, and the service
provides an ideal solution for risk, parameters for the provision of
cash or collateral management, the relevant SWIFT services and
monitoring and reporting. products.


Sender SIC Receiver Sender SIC Receiver


Authorisation /
Copy Copy

Copy destination / Copy destination /

Service administrator Service administrator

FINCopy in Y-Copy mode FINCopy in T-Copy mode

Additional information about FINCopy

and FINInform is available on swift.
com, the Products community on and through your
SWIFT account manager.
57361 - April 2018

For further details about the usage of

© SWIFT 2018

the service, see > Support >


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