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1 RRR-104

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Roll No. : ( f f J




Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks :80

General Instructions:

; This question paper consists of 39 questions in 5 sections.

ii All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice is

provided in some questions. A student is expected to attempt
only one of these questions.

iii Section A consists of 20 objective type questions carrying 01 mark


iv Section B consists of 6 Very Short questions carrying 02

marks each. Answers to tf!ese questions should be in the
range of 30 to 50 words.

v Section C consists of 7 Short Answer type questions carrying

03 marks each. Answers to these questions should be in the
range of 50 to 80 words.

vi Section D consists of 3 Long Answer type questions carrying

05 marks each. Answer to these questions should be in the
range of 80 to 120 words.

vii Section E consists of 3 source-based/case-based units of

assessment of 04 marks each with sup-parts.

X- science [PT.O}

-RRR-104 2

Select and write the most appropriate option out of the four options
for each question 1-20. There is no negative mark for an incorrect
response. Marks

1. An element X on exposure to moist air turns reddish-brown and a

new compound Y is formed. The substance X and Y are:
a) X = Fe, Y = Fe2O3
b) X = Ag, Y = Ag2S
c) X = Cu, Y = CuO
d) X = Al, Y = Al203 (1)

2. What happens when a solution of an acid is mixed with a solution

of a base in a test tube?
i) Temperature of the solution decreases
ii) Temperature of the solutjon increases
' ..
iii) Temperature of the solutio n remains the same
iv) Satt.·formation takes place
a) . (i) and (iv)
b) (i) and (iii)
c) (ii) only;
d) (1)
(ii) and (iv)

3· A scientist in a chemistry lab wants to make salt of pH 5.5 using

acid and base. (1)
The table shows the acid and base present in the lab.
Which of the •acid and base he houlcl use for the reaction?

3 RRR-104
2 NaOH
·3 H2C03
4 NH40H
a) HCI and NaOH
b) H2C03 and NaOH
- c) HCI and NH40H

. d) CH3COOH and NaOH

4. A student adds an equal amount of copper sulphate solution in two

beakers. He adds zinc in beaker P• and silver in beaker Q. The


student obse.rves that the colour of .the .solution in beaker P

hile no change is bserved in beak r Q•. Which option arranges
•• l •• • '

the metals_in increasing order of reactivity?

• ' , • . j_ .,

a) silver-zinc-copper
b) zinc-copper- silv
c) silver-copper-zinc
d) copper-silver-zinc

5. The image shows the electrolytic refining of copper. (1)

• e·i --t . -ti
Cathodc_f • ,ji._Anode

■ Acidified
X- scien c
ce \ "v"Cua- o
1< . p
cu · ·· p
solutio .
m j.


RRR-104 4
Which option explains the process to obtain pure copper?
a) When current is passed, pure copper from anode deposits to
the cathode.
b) When current is passed, pure copper from anode deposits in
the electrolytic solution.
c) When current is passed, pure copper from the electrolytic
solution deposits at the anode.
d) When current is passed, pure copper from the electrolytic
solution deposits at the cathode.

For visually impaired candidates

A resea_rcher_conducts an experiment to obtain zinc from its ore.

Which option gives the process that the researcher must perform?
a) converting metal sulphides into metallic oxides and then using
carbon to reduce it to obtain pure metal.
b) metal oxides into metallic sulphides and then ·usi g carbon to
reduce it to obtain pure metal.
c) converting me al oxides into metallic carbonates and then
using carbon to reduce it to obtain pure metal.
d) metallic sulphides into metallic carbonates and then heating to
reduce it to obtain pure metal.
) .
6. A student sets up an experiment to study the importance of nutrition
in plants. The student takes 2 pots, pot 1 and pot 2 each with the
same healthy plant. Both the pots were placed in the garden and
watered properly. Pot 1 was kept as such, while pot 2 was kept in
an air tight glass box with caustic soda. Caustic soda absorbs
carbon dioxide present in the surrounding. After 2 days, the student
observes-.thatt,the plant kept in the garden is healthy while the plant
placed in.. container shed leaves and dr9ops. What is the likely

X- science
5 RRR-104
reason for this observation out of the following?
a) Lack of nutrients in the soil
b) Absence of oxygen for survival
c) Inability to perform photosynthesis
d) Absorption of light by caustic soda restricting growth (1)

7. An incomplete equation for the digestion of starch using saliva is

shown as:

Saliva + Starch (in test tube) What will be the likely outcome of
a) Saliva will convert starch into complex fat molecules.
b) Saliva will convert starch into complex sugar molecules.
.c) Saliva will breakdown starch into simple sugar molecules.
- . -

d)_. aliva will bre_akdown starch into.simple.protein molecules.

- ' .

8. A -female is suffering from irregular menstrual cycle. The doctor

prescribed her some hormonal tablets. Which option shows the
hormone she lacks in her body from the endocrine gland?
a) • Oestrogen
b) Testosterone
c) Adrenalin
d) Insulin (1)
9. Which parts of the brain controls the blood pressure? (1)
a) Spinal cord, skull, hypothalamus
b) Spinal cord, skull, c_er brum
c) Pons, medulla, cerebellum
X-science [PT.O.J

RRR-104 6
d) Pons, medulla, pituitary (1)

10. •Humans have two different sex chromosomes, X and Y. Based on

the Mendel's laws, a male offspring will inherit whidl combination of
chromosomes? (1)
a) both the X chromosomes from one of its parents
b) both the Y chromosomes from one of its parents
c) combination of X chromosomes from either of its parents
d) combination of X and Y chromosome from either of its parents

11. The image shows the path of incident rays to a concave mirror.(1)

• e IO

Where would the reflecteq rays meet-for the image formation to

take place?
a) behind the mirror
b) between F and 0
c) between c·and F
d) beyond·c
For visuaJly impaired candidates

X- science
7 RRR-104
A student conducts an activity using a flask of height 15 cm and
a concave mirror. He finds that the image formed is 45 cm in
height. What is the magnification of the image?
a) -3 times
b) -1/3 times
c) 1/3 times
d) 3 times (1)

12. The sky appears dark to pas engers.flying at very high altitudes
mainly because:
a) scattering of light is not enough at this height.
b) There is no atmosphere at greater height.
c) .The size·of the molecules is smaller than the wavelength of
visible light.

d) The light gets scattered towards earth. (1)

13. A person went for a medical check-up and found that the curvature
of his eye lens is increasing. Which defects he• is likely to suffer

a) myopia
b) cataract
c) presbyopia
d) hypermetropia (1)

14. As per Joules Law of He ting, how much more heat !s produced,
if current flowing through a conductor is doubled?
a) Twice the original amount.
b) Thrice the original amount.

X-science [PT.O J
RRR-104 8
c) Five times the original amount.
d) Four times the original amount.

15. Appliances that have metal body are generally connected to the
earthing wire. What is the reason to earth these appliances? (1)
a) To prevent excess of current
b) To prevent the leakage of current
c) To provide extra current to appli nce
d) To provide high resistance to the appliance

16. Ozone molecule is formed by the combination of free oxygen

atoms and oxygen molecules. How do free oxygen atoms form at
higher levels of atmosphere?
a) by splitting of molecular oxygen into free oxygen atoms in the
presence of low energy CFC.
b) by splitting of a molecular oxygen into free oxygen atoms in

pres nce of.high energy UV radiations

c) by the combination of two·molecular oxygen by lightening
d) by the combination of two free oxygen atoms in the presence
of pollutants. (1)

Question No. 17 to 20 consist of two statements Assertion a)

and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the
appropriate option given below:
a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true, and R is r:iot the correct explanation
of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.


17. Assertion: Diamond and graphite are allotropes of carbon.

Reason: Sory,e elements can have several different structural forms

while in the same physical state. These forms are called allofropes.

18. Assertion: Longer wires have greater resistance and the smaller
wires have lesser resistance.

Reason: Resistance is inversely proportional to the length of the

wire. (1)

19. Assertion: Alkanes give addition reaction.

Reason: Addition reactions are a characteristic property of

unsaturated hydrocarbons. (1)

20. Assertion: Insulin regulates.blood sugar level.

Reason: Insufficient secretion of insulin will cause diabetes. (1)


Questions no. 21 to 26 are very short answer questions.

21. Draw the electron dot structure of magnesium chloride. (2)

22. Identify the substance oxidised, substance reduced, oxidising agent

and reducing agent in the given chemical reaction:
Mn o 2 + 4HCI MnCl2 + 2H20 + Cl2 (2)

23. Organisms that reproduce through sexual reproduction show m_any

variations while that reproduce through asexual reproduction are
identical to parents. Give any two reasons. (2)

24. What are the advantages of connecting electrical devices in parallel

with the battery instead of connecting them in series? (Any two)

X-science [PT.O.J

\ RRR-104 10
25. a) State the factors on which the strength of magnetic field ata
point due to a current carrying conductor depends. (1)
b) State the rule which gives the direction of magnetic field for
II a straight current carrying conductor. (1)

Write any four properties of magnetic lines of force. (2)

26. Draw the labelled diagram of neuron. (2)


Questions No. 27 to 33 are of short answer questions

27. What is meant by isomers? Draw the structures of two isomers of

butane, C4H10_ Explain why we cannot have isomers of first three
members of alkane series. (1+1+1)

28. Draw the magnetic lines of force due to a current carrying solenoid.
How will you determine the n9rth and south poles of a current
carrying solenoid? Compare a current carrying solenoid with a bar
magnet. (any two·points) (1+1+1/2 +1/2)

29. Three resistors of 3 n each are connected to a battery of 3 V as

shown in figure. Calculate the current drawn from the battery. (3)


t-it · - (• l• 1



11 RRR-104
30. In a cross between plants with purple flowers and plants with white
flowers, the F1 had all purple flowers. When F1 generation was
self- breed, the F2 generation gave rise to 100 individuals, 75 of
which had purple flowers.
a) Make a cross and answer. (1)
b) What are the genotypes of F2 individuals? (1)
c) What is the ratio of white to purple flower plants in F2
generation? (1)

31. What is synapse? In a neuron cell, how is an electrical impulse

created and what is the role of synapse in this context? (1+1+1)

Write name of the hormone in each case:

a) Which hormone is responsible• for the 'changes noticed in
females at puberty.? (½x6)
b) Dwarfism results due to deficiency of which hormone?
c) Blood sugar level rises due to deficiency of which hormone?
d) Mineral necessary for the synthesis of Thyroxin?
e) Which hormone is responsible.for the changes noticed in

males at puberty?
f) Hormone required for metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins
and fats. (1+1+1)

32. A person wanted h s house to be white washed. He bought 1·0 kg

of quick lime from the market and dissolved in 30 litre of water. On
adding lime to water, he noticed that the water started boiling even
when it was not heated. Give reason for his observation. Write the
corresponding equation and name the product formed. (1½+1½)

X-science {P.T.O.J
RRR-104 12
V 33. a) Identify the acid and the base w.hose combination forms the
common salt that you use in your food. Write its formula and
chemical name. (1)
b) What happens when electricity is passed through brine?(1)
c) Write the chemical equation for the above process. (1)


To a solution of sodium hydroxide in a test tube, two drops of

phenolphthalein is added.
a) State the colour change observed. (1)
b) If dilute HCI is added dropwise• to the solution, what will be
the colour change? (1)
c) On adding few drops of NaOH solution to the above mixture
the colour of the solution T appears. Why? (1)

Questions No. 34 to 36 are of long questions

34. When zinc metal is treated with a dilute solution of a strong acid,
a gas is evolved, which is utilised in the hydrogenation of oil. Name
the gas evolved. Write the chemical·equation of the reaction
involved and also write a test to detect the gas formed.

,\ 35. a) l.n the process of respiration, state the function of alveoli. (2)
. b) Rate of brea.thing in aquatic organisms is much faster than
_ that in terrestrial organisms. Give reasons. (1)

c) complete the following pathway showing the breakdown of

glucose. (2)

13 RRR-104

Glucose cytopfosm
(i) . ? _Pr ence o ·f 0_2
) (3•carbon
1n mit('>Chondna
+ cnttgy

(ii) + H20 + Energy

36. An object of 2 cm height is placed at a distan·ce of 64 cm from

a white screen on placing a convex lens at a distance of 32 cm
from the object it is found that a distant image of the object is
formed on the screen.
a) What is the focal length of the convex lens and size of the
image formed on the screen? (2)
b) State the nature of the image formed. (1)
c) Draw a-ray diagram to show the formation of the image in this
position of the object with respect to the lens. (2)

For visually impaired candidates

c) Neha visited a dentist. She observed that the dentist was
holding an instrument fitted with a mirror. State the nature of
this mirror and reason for its use in the instrument used by


A student has focused the image of a candle flame on a white

screen using a concave mirror.
The situation is as given below:
iLength of the candJ = 1_.5 crn

X- science [PT.O.J
\ \ RRR-104 14
Focal length of the mirror = 12 cm
\ ,I
Distance of candle from the mirror = 18 cm

If the candle flame is perpendi_cular to the principal axis of the

mirror, then calculate the following:
a) Distance of its image from the mirror (2)
b) Height of the image (1)
c) If the distance between the mirror and the image is reduced
to .10 cm, then what would be observed on the screen? (2)

Question No. 37 to 39 are case based/data-based questions
with 2 to 3 short sub-parts. Internal.choice is provided in one
of these sub-parts.

;/ 37. The female reproductive system consists of the primary as well as

/ accessory sex organs. The primary sex organs in females are a
pair_of ovaries., which prod ce oy c;,r..,egg ·.and they also secrete
female sex hormones like progesterone and oestrogen. The other
accessory sex organs include the·uterus·, fallopian tubes, cervix and
a) Write function of placenta? •(1)
b) Name the two hormones released by ovary. (1)
c) Write the functions of each of the following parts in a human
female reproductive system: (2)
.-.• . i)Ovary

ii) Uterus
I I'\
c) Write any two secondary characters in' females.
I I sexua•l

X science
15 RRR-104
38. There are various natural phenomenon associated with light.
Refraction of light is the phenomenon in which when light travels
from one optical medium to another, tt deviates from its path. This
deviation of light from its path is due to the change in its velocity
in different media. In case of refraction of light through rectangular
glass slab we must observe that the incident ray and the emergent
ray are parallel to each other. We can see the pencil immersed in
water as bent at the water-air interface, only because of the
refraction of light. Another -phenomenon is dispersion of light in
which white light when passed through the prism it splits into seven
coloured spectra. And these seven colours are VIBGYOR.
Answer the following questions:
a) Which phenomena associated with light ·is responsible for
formation of Rainbow? (1)
b) What is the cause of atmospheric refraction? (1)
c) For which colour out of VIBGYOR, the angle of deviation is
the most in case of dispersion of light and why? (1+1)

c) Why signboards are written with r d colour?

39. Food chains are very important for the survival of most species.
Y'fhen only one element is removed from the food chain it can
result -in extinction of a species in some cases. The foundation of
the food chain consists of primary producers. Primary producers, or
autotrophs, can use either solar energy or chemical energy to create
complex organic compounds, wher as species at higher trophic
levels cannot and so must consume producers or other life that
itself consumes producers. Because the sun's light is necessary for
photosynthesis, most life could not exist if the sun disappea ed.
EverJ so, it has recently been discovered that there are some forms

X- science [PT.·O.J
RRR-104 16
of life, chemotrophs, that appear to gain all their metabolic energy
from chemosynthesis driven by hydrothermal vents, thus showing
that some life may not require solar energy to thrive.
a) If 10,000 J solar energy falls on green plants in a terrestrial
ecosystem, what percentage of solar energy will be converted
into food energy?
b) What do you mean by 10°/o law of energy flow? (1)
c) Explain biological magnification with the help of a suitable
example. (1)

c) .
Decomposers play an important role in the ecosystem. Explain.



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