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Call for Sanctions and Effective Action to End Japanese International Parental Abduction Urge U.S. Congress to Sponsor H.R. 1940: International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act of 2011
Estimated more than 4,000 children have lost their American parent to Japanese child abduction since 1994. 2.2 million or more Japanese children are denied all meaningful contact with their fathers or mothers under the power of the Japanese state, law, and court practice; a human rights violation of great magnitude. Child abduction and denial of parental access are masked as custody determinations in Japan. Half of the children of divorce in Japan cannot see their parent even as little as once a month. The State Department has known of these facts for years, but has suppressed them in the interest of maintaining smooth relations, abnegating U.S. jurisdiction and sovereign responsibility. The U.S. State Department has never demanded the return of a single one of our abducted children. Japan is a Black Hole for Child Abduction from which no abducted child has ever been returned.

Hidden in plain sight!

The suppressed number of children abducted to and within Japan has the potential to break the issue open if its magnitude becomes widely known. Please share with friends, lawyers, media, and members of Congress. Please see contact information on the reverse side.

Help us save our kids!

Information and Support Urge U.S. Congress to Sponsor H.R. 1940 - Help us Lobby Congress to Support H.R. 1940 here - Understand the Numbers: Child Abduction and Denial of Access Masked as Custody in Japan - For Rui Boy BAC Home - Japan Childrens Rights Network - I am a left-behind parent, seeking to have my son, Louis Rui Prager, returned home, and to support the cause of all victims of parental kidnapping. My son Rui was kidnapped to Japan in June, 2010. Like countless others, his kidnapper is being harbored by the Japanese state. Like countless others, I have been denied all contact with my boy since his kidnapping. Like countless others, I have sought and am seeking the assistance of my government. I am still waiting. Brian W. Prager 917-832-6780 For Rui Boy

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