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Machine Learning Applications in Student Academic Performance

Prediction: A Study in UDNR, Myanmar

Soe Moe Lwin1 , Myo Thant2 , Myat Nyein Moe3 , Zin Mar Oo4
Department of Information Technology, Defence Services Technological Academy, Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar
Graduate School of Economics, Ritsumeikan University, 1-1-1 Noji-Higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577 Japan
1, 2, 3, 4

A BSTRACT Factors that influence academic performance encom-

pass internal factors, such as a student’s innate ability
In this study, we rigorously assess the predic- and self-motivation, and external factors, including res-
tive power of five prominent machine learning al- idential area, ethnicity, and gender (Kudari, 2016). Ad-
gorithms—Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support ditionally, the grade point average (GPA) plays a pivotal
Vector Regression (SVR), Random Forest Regression role in both assessing a student’s past academic achieve-
(RF), Gradient Boosting Regressor (GBR), and Ex- ments and evaluating their future potential. Such as-
treme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost)—in forecasting sessments are critical for various purposes, including
student academic performance. Utilizing survey data college admission, graduate program acceptance, schol-
from the University for the Development of the National arship awards, and entry into training programs and the
Races of the Union (UDNR) in Myanmar, we undertake workforce, as discussed by Volwerk and Tindal (2012).
a comparative analysis to delineate the most efficacious While other measures and outcomes may also be con-
model. This is followed by a detailed exploration of sidered, GPA often takes precedence due to its simplic-
feature importance based on the superior model identi- ity, numerical nature, and ease of comparison. Rec-
fied. Our results unequivocally indicate that SVR out- ognizing and accounting for these factors is essential
performs the other contenders in predictive accuracy, al- for accurately estimating a student’s academic perfor-
though the remaining models also demonstrate usabil- mance.
ity. Subsequent Permutation Feature Importance (PFI)
analysis reveals that lagged GPA is the most significant
predictor, followed in sequence by total marks obtained In this context, our study aims to use machine learn-
in grade 11, gender, weekly study hours, and ethnicity. ing to predict student academic performance. We used
The insights derived from this research highlight the data from the University for the Development of the
significant implications of machine learning method- National Races of the Union (UDNR) in Myanmar, en-
ologies in enhancing the accuracy of student academic compassing information from 735 students. We tested
performance predictions, thereby potentially fostering several machine learning algorithms, including Artifi-
more personalized and effective educational strategies. cial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines.
Keywords: academic performance, machine learn- Through rigorous methodologies that include data sam-
ing, feature importance, survey data analysis, Myanmar pling, hyperparameter tuning, and model evaluation, we
aim to determine which techniques are most effective
I. INTRODUCTION for predicting student performance.

Students’ academic achievements in colleges and

universities have significant effects on their life out- Our primary objectives in this study are to: (1)
comes, including employment, income, and social sta- demonstrate the predictive capabilities of modern ma-
tus, as well as success in the workforce and in con- chine learning models in forecasting student perfor-
tributing to building a developed community and na- mance, and (2) elucidate the various factors that shape
tion (Adelman, 1999; Csikszentmihalyi and Schneider, student outcomes. Preliminary findings underscore the
2000; Lee and Frank, 1990), as cited in Riegle-Crumb potential of machine learning in accurately forecasting
(2006). Given the value of higher education for per- academic performance, with certain algorithms exhibit-
sonal and socio-economic growth, many researchers ing remarkable accuracy and reliability. Importantly,
have emphasized the need to understand the factors that our study highlights the significant roles of past aca-
can affect academic performance. Thus, predicting aca- demic performance, study hours, gender, and ethnicity
demic performance has become crucial for enhancing in academic achievement predictions. The subsequent
educational outcomes and providing valuable insights sections delve into the methodology, data, and results
to educational institutions. that underpin these insights.


In recent years, there has been growing interest in The dataset used for this research was acquired be-
utilizing machine learning and data mining techniques tween July 12 and July 25, 2018, from a tertiary ed-
to predict student academic performance. These stud- ucational institution— the University for the Develop-
ies, diverse in nature, employ a range of methodologies ment of the National Races of the Union (UDNR) —lo-
and focus on various global contexts. Notably, current cated in the north-western region of Sagaing, Myan-
empirical studies have yet to explore the application of mar. Our sample comprises 735 students from the third,
machine learning techniques for academic prediction fourth, and fifth academic years. Founded in 1964
within the context of Myanmar. as the Academy for Development of National Groups
Albreiki et al. (2021) conducted a comprehensive re- (ADNG), the primary objective of UDNR is to nur-
view of key studies between 2009 and 2021, shedding ture an educational workforce dedicated to the socio-
light on the expanding role of machine learning in ed- economic development of national races, promoting
ucational areas. The results affirm the transformative unity and prioritizing the progress of border areas, par-
potential of machine learning. More specifically, edu- ticularly in education and other social sectors.
cators who leverage machine learning can gain a clearer The unique composition of the university, with its
understanding of student progress, enabling early inter- blend of ethnic majority and minority groups, presents
ventions for students facing challenges. an intriguing backdrop for our research. This diversity
A study from the Obafemi Awolowo University in stems from UDNR’s policy of selecting students based
Nigeria compared two neural network models: the on household income and ethnic affiliations. The insti-
Multilayer Perceptron and the Generalized Regression tution ensures that a significant segment of its student
Neural Network. The objective was to determine body comes from low-income families living in border
the most effective model for predicting students’ aca- areas. Furthermore, deliberate efforts are in place to
demic performance using just one performance met- achieve a balance across the eight major ethnic groups
ric—academic results. The findings highlighted the in each class. Students are randomly assigned to one of
promising utility of machine learning methodologies six classes (A to F), guaranteeing that the ethnic distri-
for educators in forecasting student performance Iyanda bution is independent of other factors that might affect
et al. (2018). their GPAs.
Similarly, Yakubu and Abubakar (2022) used ma- Our research highlights the underrepresented ethnic-
chine learning on data from a Nigerian university to ities of Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Mon, Bamar,
predict student performance, utilizing early indicators Rakhine, and Shan. Information about students’ back-
such as age, gender, and previous academic scores. The grounds was collected using a structured questionnaire,
study highlighted the influential roles of gender, high administered to third (grade 14), fourth (grade 15), and
school examination scores, and region in determining fifth (grade 16) year students enrolled between 2015
academic achievement. It suggests that these tools can and 2017. Of the respondents, 191 were male and
be crucial for higher education institutions when allo- 544 were female. Their standardized test scores, repre-
cating resources and devising intervention strategies. sented as GPA and used as the outcome variable in our
Chen and Ding (2023) emphasizes the significance of analysis, were sourced from the administrative records
predicting academic performance for policymaking. In of the respective academic years.
an attempt to predict academic performance in Penn- Our aim was to identify the factors affecting the aca-
sylvania, various machine learning models were em- demic performance of these advanced students. The
ployed: decision tree (48% accuracy), random forest reason for focusing on these cohorts lies in the extensive
(54% accuracy), logistic regression (50% accuracy), history of their academic data, especially their GPAs
support vector machine (51% accuracy), and neural net- from previous years. A ”lag” approach was adopted,
work (60% accuracy). Among them, the neural network using prior GPAs as predictors for subsequent academic
demonstrated the highest accuracy, highlighting its po- years. Consequently, first and second-year students
tential as a valuable tool in shaping educational policies, were not considered. First-year students did not have
such as funding allocation and teacher selection. a GPA history, and the data for second-year students
In summary, the current literature underscores the was not extensive enough for a thorough prediction.
growing enthusiasm and significant advancements in This approach resulted in one observation from each
harnessing machine learning techniques within the ed- third-year student, two from each fourth-year student,
ucation domain, especially for predictive analytics con- and three from every fifth-year student, accumulating a
cerning student performance. However, most existing dataset of 1333 observations for the 735 students.
studies focus on specific institutions or distinct geo- The features considered in our analysis include GPA
graphic areas. This reveals a gap in the research, sug- history, total marks of grade 11, weekly study hours,
gesting opportunities for broader analyses that cover ethnicity, gender, religious affiliation, residential back-
a range of educational settings, including places like ground, and the location of the Basic Education High
Myanmar. School (BEHS). Each feature provides distinct insights.

For example, GP A lag and T otalmarksGrade11 re- crafted to ensure the developed models are robust, ac-
flect the impact of past academic achievements on the curate, and reliable in their predictions.
current GPA, while Studyhrperweek might indicate stu-
dents’ dedication. Variables related to ethnicity, reli- 1. Data Sampling: In this initial stage, the stu-
gion, and gender offer socio-demographic perspectives, dent academic performance data, collected from
whereas residential and BEHS location variables pro- the University for the Development of the Na-
vide contextual insights. Before starting the training tional Races of the Union (UDNR) in Myanmar,
process for our algorithms, we transformed our fea- are segmented into five subsets using the K-fold
ture data to suitable formats. For numerical attributes, cross-validation technique, with a specific choice
we applied the z-score normalization technique. This of K=5. This technique ensures that every data
method recalibrates the data by subtracting the mean of point is used for validation exactly once while the
each feature and then dividing the result by its standard remaining data points form the training set.
deviation. For categorical features, we employed var- 2. Hyperparameter Tuning: In the second stage,
ious encoding strategies, such as binary, ordinal, and Grid Search with K-fold cross-validation is em-
one-hot encoding, depending on the structure of the ployed to find the optimal hyperparameters for
data and the targeted algorithmic outcome. each machine learning model. This exhaustive
It’s important to note that our dataset is comprehen- searching method considers all possible combina-
sive, with no missing values across all observations and tions of the hyperparameters to find the combina-
features. This completeness allowed us to conduct our tion that minimizes the error, thus improving the
analyses without resorting to data imputation, ensuring prediction performance of the model. Table 2 de-
the credibility of our findings. tails the hyperparameters employed for each algo-
rithm within the grid search, along with the se-
Table 1: Summary Statistics lected parameters used in the model training pro-
Variable Obs. Mean Std Min Max cess.
GPA 1,333 4.3 0.6 3.0 5.0
GPA lag 1,333 -0.1 1 -2.0 1.2
TotalmarksGrade11 1,333 -0.1 1 -2.5 2.5 Table 2: Hyper-parameters
Studyhrperweek 1,333 1.8 1.7 0.0 6.0 Grid Choice
ownethpct 1,333 0.0 1 -1.7 2.8
search model
male 1,333 0.3 0.4 0 1 ANN
Religion - No. of nodes in 9, 18, 27 9
Buddhism 1,333 0.8 0.4 0 1 1st hidden layers
Christianity 1,333 0.2 0.4 0 1
Other 1,333 0.0 0.1 0 1
- No. of nodes in 4, 9, 18 4,9
Ethnicity 2nd hidden layers
Bamar 1,333 0.2 0.4 0 1 SVR
Chin 1,333 0.1 0.3 0 1 - C value 1, 5, 10 1
Kachin 1,333 0.1 0.2 0 1
Kayah 1,333 0.04 0.2 0 1 - Gamma value scale, auto auto
Kayin 1,333 0.1 0.3 0 1 RF
Mon 1,333 0.02 0.2 0 1 - Maximum depth None, 5, 10 5
Rakhine 1,333 0.1 0.3 0 1 - No. of estimators 100, 200, 300 100, 200, 300
Shan 1,333 0.3 0.5 0 1
Residential] GBR
rural 1,333 0.6 0.5 0 1 - Learning rate 0.01, 0.05, 0.1 0.01
suburban 1,333 0.3 0.5 0 1 - No. of estimators 300, 500, 1000 300, 500
urban 1,333 0.1 0.3 0 1
centeroftown 1,333 0.1 0.3 0 1 - Maximum depth 6, 8, 10 6
isolatedarea 1,333 0.1 0.3 0 1 - No. of estimators 500, 1000, 1500 500, 1000
outskirtoftown 1,333 0.4 0.5 0 1
rural 1,333 0.3 0.5 0 1 Note: For the grid search, two parameters for each al-
gorithm were selected for tuning, while suitable values
were assigned to other parameters not included in this

A. Examination Procedures 3. Model Training: Once the optimal hyperparam-

eters are identified, each machine learning model
The examination procedure employed in this study is trained using the cross-validation technique.
for predicting student academic performance using ma- Specifically, for each of the five subsets created in
chine learning models comprises four distinct stages: the first stage, a model is trained using the four re-
Data Sampling, Hyperparameter Tuning, Model Train- maining subsets as the training data, and the held-
ing, and Model Testing. These stages are meticulously out subset as the validation data. This process is

repeated five times, once for each subset, resulting 3. Random Forest Regression (RF): RF, an en-
in five models for each algorithm. semble technique, constructs an array of decision
trees and amalgamates their predictions (Breiman,
4. Model Testing: Finally, the saved models are 2001a). By instilling randomness in tree formula-
tested using the testing data, which is the one tion and considering only a feature subset at each
fold left out in each iteration. The performance bifurcation, RF encourages diversity among trees,
of the models is evaluated using three evaluation mitigating variance.
metrics: Coefficient of Determination (R2 ), Root
Mean Square Error (RMSE), and Mean Absolute 4. Gradient Boosting Regressor (GBR): GBR is a
Error (MAE). These metrics provide a comprehen- potent ensemble learning algorithm that sequen-
sive understanding of the model’s predictive capa- tially crafts multiple weak learners, predominantly
bilities and enable a thorough comparison of the decision trees (Friedman, 2001). Each subsequent
performance of the five algorithms. tree rectifies the errors of its antecedent, incremen-
tally enhancing the model’s precision. By integrat-
Pn ing the forecasts of these individual trees, GBR
(yi − yˆi )2
R2 = 1 − Pi=1
n 2
(1) yields a robust predictive model that adeptly dis-
i=1 (yi − ȳ) cerns intricate variable interrelations.
r Pn 5. Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost): XG-
i=1 (yi − yˆi )2
RM SE = (2) Boost is an evolved variant of gradient boost-
n ing that embeds regularization techniques to de-
ter overfitting and bolster generalization (Chen and
i=1 |yi − yˆi | Guestrin, 2016). It refines the model through
M AE = (3) gradient-based methodologies and approximate
tree learning, culminating in an exceptionally ef-
where yi represents the observed data, yˆi repre- ficient and precise predictor.
sents the predicted data, ȳ is the mean of the ob-
served data, n is the total number of observations. C. Feature Importance

B. Machine Learning Algorithms Permutation Feature Importance (PFI) is a method-

ology used to evaluate the importance of features (i.e.,
In this subsection, we outline the suite of machine input variables) in a machine learning model (Breiman,
learning algorithms employed to predict student aca- 2001b). In this approach, the value of a single feature
demic performance. We selected five notable algo- in the dataset is randomly shuffled, and the consequent
rithms: Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vec- impact on the model’s performance is measured. By
tor Regression (SVR), Random Forest Regression (RF), scrambling the feature values, we break the relationship
Gradient Boosting Regressor (GBR), and Extreme Gra- between the feature and the target variable, which can
dient Boosting (XGBoost). provide insight into how much the model’s predictions
depend on the feature. If shuffling a feature’s values
1. Artificial Neural Network (ANN): ANNs are leads to a significant decrease in the model’s perfor-
mathematical models inspired by the functioning mance, it indicates that the model relies heavily on that
of human brains (Abu-Naser et al., 2015). Intro- feature for making predictions. Conversely, if shuffling
duced in 1943, their adaptability has facilitated di- a feature’s values has a minimal impact on the model’s
verse applications over the years. Comprising in- performance, it suggests that the feature is not impor-
terconnected nodes organized in layers, each node tant. The process is repeated for each feature in the
performs simple computations. Information tra- dataset, providing a ranking of the features based on
verses these connections, resulting in predictions. their importance. PFI provides a practical way to un-
During training, by fine-tuning the weights and bi- derstand the contribution of each feature to the model’s
ases of these nodes, ANNs can capture intricate predictive power, which is particularly useful when in-
patterns and relationships embedded in the data. terpreting complex models and improving their perfor-
2. Support Vector Regression (SVR): In contrast to
conventional linear regression, SVR aims to iden- V. RESULTS
tify a curve or hyperplane that optimally aligns
with the data, while accommodating a certain de- A. Prediction Performance
gree of error, denoted by the margin (Cortes and
Vapnik, 1995). SVR adeptly maps data into a Based on Table 3 detailing the prediction perfor-
higher-dimensional space, facilitating an optimal mance of five machine learning algorithms in forecast-
distinction between data points. ing academic performance (measured via GPA). For the

training data, XGBoost exhibited the most promising B. Feature Importance
performance with the lowest MAE of 0.16 and RMSE
of 0.22. Additionally, its R2 value of 0.88 was notably Feature importance illustrates the extent to which a
higher than the other models, suggesting a superior fit to particular variable aids in the predictions made by the
the training data. Regarding the testing data, the models model, defining the relative utility of every feature in
generally showcased closely matched results. However, the model’s predictive process. In Figure 2, we can ob-
the Support Vector Regression (SVR) stands out with an serve two distinct PFI plots which delineate the vital
MAE of 0.22, RMSE of 0.30, and an R2 of 0.77, mak- elements in our academic performance analysis. The
ing it the best-performing model for the testing dataset. left panel of the diagram arranges the important features
Given SVR’s promising results, we will further utilize based on the change in RMSE loss before and after the
this model to conduct a feature importance analysis us- permutation of features. The right panel portrays the
ing the Permutation Feature Importance (PFI) method. feature importance through the respective RMSE fol-
In Figure 1, five plots visually contrast the actual versus lowing each feature permutation.
predicted GPA outcomes for the testing data, as derived
Feature importance (type=ratio) Feature importance (type=raw)
from each of the five machine learning algorithms. GPA_lag 2.703 GPA_lag 0.769
TotalmarksGrade11 1.075 TotalmarksGrade11 0.305
Gender_male 1.037 Gender_male 0.295
Studyhrperweek 1.034 Studyhrperweek 0.293
Ethnicity 1.024 Ethnicity 0.291
Residential 1.023 Residential 0.29
LocationofBEHS 1.017 LocationofBEHS 0.289
ownethpct 1.015 ownethpct 0.288
Religion 1.006 Religion 0.285
Full model 1.0 Full model 0.284
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Root mean square error (RMSE) Root mean square error (RMSE)

Figure 2: Feature importance for GPA prediction (SVR


In the left panel, the RMSE loss after accounting

for the first important feature, GP A lag, stands at
2.703, while it is 0.769 in the right panel. This in-
dicates that the RMSE of our model escalated from
0.284 to 0.769, experiencing a 2.7-fold increase follow-
ing the permutation of the GP A lag variable. Follow-
ing the GP A lag, the features T otalmarksGrade11,
Gender, Studyhrperweek, and Ethnicity rank as
the second to fifth most important factors in predicting
GPA, which is a measure of academic performance. It
is important to note that PFI only demonstrates the rela-
tive importance of a variable in model predictions with-
out delineating its positive or negative influence on the
projected academic performance.
Moreover, it is important to note that when we ana-
Figure 1: Performance comparison of 5 algorithms on lyzed other algorithms, we found a similar pattern —
testing data the top features identified as important in this model
were often highlighted in the other models as well.
While the exact rankings differed slightly between
models, they all agreed that these features are key fac-
Table 3: Prediction Performance tors in predicting GPA. This similarity across different
models reinforces the importance of these top features
Testing in understanding academic performance.
ANN 0.223 0.302 0.768
GBR 0.235 0.308 0.759 VI. CONCLUSIONS
RF 0.220 0.303 0.767
SVR 0.219 0.301 0.770 Through the comparative study of five machine learn-
XGBoost 0.234 0.315 0.749 ing models and the application of Permutation Feature
Training Importance (PFI) analysis, our research provides valu-
ANN 0.211 0.282 0.799 able insights into predicting student academic perfor-
GBR 0.208 0.267 0.819 mance at the University for the Development of the Na-
RF 0.190 0.258 0.831 tional Races of the Union (UDNR) in Myanmar, con-
SVR 0.199 0.279 0.802 tributing to data-driven decision making and enhancing
XGBoost 0.163 0.221 0.877 educational outcomes.
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SVR algorithm in anticipating student performance but Chen, S. and Ding, Y. (2023). A machine learning ap-
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ing advanced interpretable machine learning methods.
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ing techniques were indispensable, bridging the gap in Volwerk, J. J. and Tindal, G. (2012). Documenting stu-
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