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New Practitioner Past Grantees

Year Recipient Senior Investigator Institution Study Title

Systemization and evaluation of the impact of a
2019 Sunny Bhakta, Pharm.D, MS, BCPS Alex Varkey, Pharm.D, MS Houston Methodist Hospital
pharmacy technician ladder in a multi-hospital system
Burnout Response Among U.S. Hospital Pharmacy
2019 Matthew Bilhimer, Pharm.D. Nicole Acquisto, Pharm.D Olathe Medical Center
Directors and Departments
Characterizing and Addressing Burnout among Full-Time
Tara Feller, PharmD, MBA, MPH,
2019 Todd Nesbit, PharmD, MBA Johns Hopkins Hospital Pharmacists Employed within a Multi-Hospital Health
Assessment of turnover, resilience, and well-being of
Lindsey Amerine, Pharm.D, MS, University of North Carolina
2019 Elissa King, Pharm.D. pharmacy department employees at an academic medical
BCPS Hospitals
Megan Ealey, Pharm.D. Joshua Hollingsworth, Pharm.D,
2019 Auburn University Evaluating Empathy and Burnout in Student Pharmacists
Mary Elizabeth O'Barr, Pharm.D PhD
Roseman University of Health
2020 Angela Chu, Pharm.D, BCPS Tyler Rose, BS, Ph.D. Evaluating the effects of a mindfulness mobile application
on student pharmacists’ stress, mindfulness and burnout
Julie Murphy, Pharm. D., FASHP, University of Toledo College of
Derek Gyori, Pharm. D., BCOP Evaluation of Burnout among Pharmacy Residents in the
2020 FCCP, BCPS Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical
United States
Howard University College of The Effect of Self-Leadership on Burnout among PGY-1
2020 Chiemena Ohanele, Pharm.D, RPh Mary Maneno, Ph.D
Pharmacy Pharmacy Practice Residents
The Effect of Grit on Burnout and Depression in
2020 Stacy Pasciolla, Pharm.D James Hollands, Pharm. D University of the Sciences Pharmacy Department Employees at Top Performing
Hospitals in the United States
Assessment of Pharmacy Technician Job Satisfication in
Elizabeth Berryman, Pharm.D,
2021 Ana Hincapie, MS, PhD University of Cincinnati Unique Ambulatory Pharmacy Settings: A mixed-
methods analysis
Niaz Deyhim, Pharm.D., M.S.,
2021 Michael Liebl, PharmD, BCPS Houston Methodist Hospital
BCPS LAPPEing forward the practice of pharmacy

Briana Journee, Pharm.D., M.B.A., Effective evaluation of virtual collaboration to improve

2021 Karam Soliman, PhD Florida A&M University
CPh, AAHIVP and assess pharmacy student engagement in leadership
and professional development activities during COVID-19
University of Iowa Stead Family Impact of Research Training for Practicing Pediatric
2021 Felix Lam, Pharm.D., M.B.A., BCPS Nicole Brogden, PharmD, PhD
Children’s Hospital Pharmacists
Healthcare Equity and Leadership (HEAL):
Ina Liu, Pharm.D, M.S.
2021 Carla White, BS, PharmD UNC Medical Center implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion
Frank Tillman, Pharm.D
training for pharmacy residents
Evaluation of a pharmacist-led immunization program to
Medical College of Wisconsin, impact pneumococcal and influenza vaccination rates for
2021 Courtney Smith, Pharm.D. Aaron Winn, PhD, MPP
School of Pharmacy elderly and underserved patients during the COVID-19
Development of an Efficient Process to Identify Practice-
Tyler Vest, Pharm.D., M.S., BCPS, The University of North Carolina
2021 Stephen Eckel, PharmD, MHA Enhancing Publications about the Medication Use
BCSCP at Chapel Hill
Process and Evaluate Use By Pharmacy Leaders

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