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Installing vCenter Server

Step 1: Open VMWare Workstation → Go to File → Click on “New Virtual Machine”

Click on Next.

Step 3: Browse “VMWare-VMVisor-Installer-6.7.0.update”….. iso file.

Click on Next.

Step 4: Click on “Store virtual disk as a single file” and give maximum disk size as 40GB.
Click on Finish.
Click on continue
Click on F11.
Click on Enter.
Click on Enter.

Step 5: Give password as “root@123”

Click on F11 to install the ESXI Server

Click on Enter to reboot the ESXI Server.

Note down the DHCP IP Address.

Windows Server 2012 Setup:

Step 1:

Step 2:
USERNAME: administrator

System name of vCenter Server is the IP Address of Windows Server VM.
Username of vCenter Server is administrator@vsphere.local

Password: It@13579

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