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Slovin’s Formula: n=N/1+Ne2

Introductory Activity (NIPS)
Your Realization

 Each color of candy Sir represents a different cluster in our population. If we

want to know something about the entire population, we can't always survey
every single member.
 To get an idea of the population without surveying everyone, we can take a
 I think we could use different sampling techniques like random sampling
and other appropriate sampling depending on what we're trying to find out.
 Maybe we could use simple random sampling and just randomly select a
certain number of candies from each color to represent the whole population.
 Or we could use systematic sampling by picking every nth candy from each
color, ensuring that each candy has an equal chance of being selected.
 If we know there are certain proportions of each color in the population, we
could use sampling to ensure our sample reflects those proportions
 This is actually pretty cool! It's like we're playing a game with candy, but
we're also learning about how to do research at the same time.
1. What is the name of the barangay where Dexter, the quantitative researcher, wanted to
conduct his study on frequently used contraceptives in households?
Answer: Barangay Kalabugao

2. List the sequential steps Dexter needs to follow to obtain a sample from the given
Possible Answer:
 Formulate research questions and objectives.
 Know who are your population.
 Identify the most appropriate sampling technique.
 Follow the ethical standards in conducting research.
 Collect the data from the respondents.
3. Explain how each step Dexter takes contributes to the overall process of obtaining a
sample from the population.

 Selecting an appropriate sampling method helps minimize biases and

ensures that the sample accurately reflects the population of interest.
 Obtaining necessary approvals demonstrates respect for ethical
considerations and helps build trust within the community.
4. Evaluate the potential impact of Dexter's study on public health policies related to
contraceptive use in rural areas.
Possible Answers:

• Dexter's study has implications for public health policies related to

contraceptive use, potentially leading to the development of more
effective programs tailored to the needs of rural communities.

• Ultimately, Dexter's research has the potential to positively impact the

reproductive health and well-being of residents in the barangay and

 A small part of something intended as representative of the whole
 items selected at random from a population and used to test hypotheses about the
 Pertains to the systematic process of selecting the group to be analyzed in the research
 Refers to the representative subset of the population
Probability sampling
 Is a method that makes you base your selection of respondents on pure chance.
 All are given equal opportunity or chance to form the sample that is capable of reflecting
the characteristics of the whole population from where such sample was drawn.
Types of Probability Sampling:
 Simple-random sampling- choosing of respondents based on pure chance.
-It is a way of choosing individuals in which all members of the accessible
population are given an equal chance to be selected.
 Systematic sampling- picking out from the list every 5th or every 8th member listed in
the sampling frame until the completion of the desired total number of respondents.
-This procedure is as simple as selecting samples every nth (example every 2nd,
5th) of the chosen population until arriving at a desired total number of sample
 Stratified sampling- choosing a sample that will later on be subdivided into strata, sub-
groups, or sub-samples during the stage of data analysis.
- The same with simple random sampling, stratified random sampling also gives
an equal chance to all members of the population to be chosen.
-However, the population is first divided into strata or groups before selecting the
samples. The samples are chosen from these subgroups and not directly from the
entire population. This procedure is best used when the variables of the study are
also grouped into classes such as gender and grade level.
 Cluster sampling- selecting respondents in clusters, rather than in separate individuals
such as choosing 4 classes of 86 students each from a whole population of 2,500 students.
- This procedure is usually applied in large-scale studies, geographical spread out
of the population is a challenge, and gathering information will be very time-

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
Simple Easy to implement, unbiased Time-consuming for large populations,
Random representation. potential for incomplete coverage.
Systematic Simple and efficient, suitable for Susceptible to periodic patterns in
large populations. population, may lead to bias if pattern
coincides with sampling interval.
Stratified Ensures representation from all Requires prior knowledge of population
strata, allows for more precise strata, may be complex and costly.
Cluster Cost-effective for geographically Increased risk of sampling error within
dispersed populations, preserves clusters, may not be suitable for
natural groupings. homogeneous clusters.

1. A researcher is interested in knowing the job satisfaction of government
employees working in DPWH. The administrative officer gives the researcher a
numbered list of the entire population.
 Answer: B. Stratified
 Justification: Since the population (government employees in DPWH) can
be divided into distinct strata (e.g., departments, job positions), and the
administrative officer provides a numbered list of the entire population, the
appropriate sampling technique is stratified sampling.
2. A certain tribe in Mindanao was selected by the researcher to be his respondents.
He started his data collection by asking the total number of tribe members and
asking each to write their names on a piece of paper.
 Answer: C. Simple random
 Justification: Each member of the tribe has an equal chance of being
selected, as the researcher collects data by asking each member to write
their name on a piece of paper. Therefore, the appropriate sampling
technique is simple random sampling.
3. Teachers in Kalabugao NHS were selected by the researcher to be studied. He
finds out that they are grouped according to learning areas.
 Answer: A. Cluster
 Justification: Since the teachers are grouped according to learning areas,
and the researcher selects entire groups (clusters) to study instead of
individuals, the appropriate sampling technique is cluster sampling.
4. A doctorate student was assigned to gather data by his adviser from the entire
Negros Island.
 Answer: C. Simple random
 Justification: If the doctorate student gathers data from the entire
population of Negros Island and ensures each individual on the island has
an equal chance of being selected, the appropriate sampling technique is
simple random sampling.

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