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SSAS Management

Hardware Integration
Do you have Inmarsat-C or Mini-C SSAS equipment installed on board
some of the ships in your fleet?
Chances are you are struggling with some of the With SSAS Management, you can add and maintain
problems our customers were: multiple testing unlimited email, SMS, fax and telex recipients, start
procedures to memorise, several systems to monitor tests, reset alerts and verify message delivery status,
and confusion during testing. By integrating your all within an easy-to-use, mobile compatible,
existing Inmarsat-C and Mini-C SSAS equipment with web-based application. With all of these advanced
SSAS Management you can consolidate fleet-wide tools at your fingertips, you can take control of SSAS
SSAS management and testing procedures into a single management and reduce OPEX by minimising the
system to streamline and simplify your operations. need to send technicians on board.

Key Benefits

• Fleet-wide visibility, regardless of

hardware make

• Continuous position reporting included

• Full position report history

• Unlimited alert/test recipients

• Add and edit alert/test recipients


• Consistent testing procedure for

entire fleet

• Consolidate fleet with a single provider

• Poll or change reporting rate at the

click of a button

One fleet, one system Fleet-wide test procedure

Because SSAS Management is compatible If you have different makes and models of
with many other manufacturers’ SSAS SSAS equipment in your fleet, each with a
transceivers, you can manage security different test procedure, you will know how
and testing for your entire fleet in confusing it can be when it is time to test. By

Valid as of 22.09.2016
one system. replacing disparate testing procedures with
a single process, irrespective of equipment
type, SSAS Management helps you to
TEST ALERT Unlimited alert recipients streamline your operations.
Create unlimited alert and test recipients,

Copyright © Pole Star, all rights reserved. Pole Star reserves the right to change at any time without notice, information contained within this document and makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy.
edit recipients, select notification formats
(email or SMS) and verify delivery with Cost effective
notification status information, all within your Because SSAS Management can integrate
Pole Star account. a wide variety of SSAS equipment, you can
manage SSAS for your entire fleet without the
need to replace your existing SSAS hardware.
Easy to set up
One-time configuration of the Inmarsat-C or
Mini-C SSAS to send messages to Pole Star. Access anywhere, anytime
After that, you can add unlimited test and SSAS Management is web-based and mobile
alert recipients via the application. compatible, you can manage alerts and tests
from your office, home or mobile - giving you
confidence that, no matter where you are, you
Reset remotely are ready to respond immediately in the event of
When you are ready to reset the alert or test, an incident to keep your crew and vessel safe.
simply ask the ship’s crew to unlatch the alert
button (hardware dependent). The rest is
taken care of via the easy-to-use application.
Hardware agnostic
The Pole Star platform is completely hardware
agnostic. No supplier lock-in. No expensive
Save money on technicians fleet-wide hardware roll-out. A simple and
Instead of needing a technician to go on consistent user experience, regardless of the
board each time you need to edit a hardware that is installed aboard the ship.
message recipient’s email address, with
The Pole Star Platform is compatible with a
SSAS Management everything is managed
wide variety of our own-brand and third-party
via the application.
Ship Security Alert Systems, including:

• Pole Star DSAS & DSAS Mk2

• Furuno Felcom 12, 15, 16, 18 & 19
• JRC JUE 75C, 85, 87, 95
• Cobham* TT3000SSA
You might also be interested in: • Cobham* TT3000E
• Cobham* 6110 mini-C SSAS
SSAS Management
DSAS Mk2 • Cobham* SAILOR 6120 mini-C SSA
• Satamatics Ocean Alert Mk1 & Mk2
A fully compliant, premium Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) designed

Premium, standalone, IsatData Pro

• Transas Shipguard
for the user who requires a SSAS they can rely on when it is needed most.
Unlike many Ship Security Alert Systems (SSAS) that to protect against inadvertent activation, 5-7 day
have been designed to conform to only the minimum battery backup, tamper warnings, battery protection

SSAS solution that exceeds SOLAS

standards, the Type Approved and flag accepted technology and “traffic light” diagnostic LEDs.
DSAS Mk2 is a premium, standalone SSAS designed
to exceed SOLAS XI-2/6 regulations. Operating on the Inmarsat IsatData Pro network,
DSAS Mk2 comes with hourly reporting as standard
The rugged and reliable system features a tough and is easy to install and maintain. For your
polycarbonate enclosure and marine grade stainless convenience, DSAS Mk2 is backwards compatible
steel casing, two alert buttons with hinged lids with DSAS Mk1 installations.

requirements. Designed for the user We are continually adding support for new
Key Benefits

• Rugged and reliable standalone SSAS

• Hourly position reports included

as standard

who requires a SSAS they can rely on

• Discreet design to escape attention

hardware, please contact us for the latest list.

of hijackers or terrorists

• 5-7 day battery backup

• Easy to install and maintain

• Anti-tamper warnings, battery

protection and diagnostic LEDs

• Easily factored into Company and Ship

Security Plan procedures

when it is needed most.

• Fully compliant with SOLAS XI-2/6

• Class approved and flag accepted

• Integrated IsatData Pro transceiver

* previously Thrane & Thrane

London +44 20 7313 7400 Hong Kong +852 2520 0951 Singapore +65 6818 6234
Boston +1 857 214 7340 Panama +507 301 5748 Sydney +61 2 4258 3441

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