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Sure, let's delve into the "Management Research Questions Hierarchy" as
depicted in the image:
1. Management Dilemma (1): This is the initial stage where management
identifies symptoms causing concern or environmental stimuli raising
interest. It's about recognizing the problem or opportunity.
2. Management Question (2): At this stage, management formulates
questions on how to eliminate negative symptoms or capitalize on an
opportunity. The focus is on actionable managerial interventions.
3. Research Question(s) (3): Here, plausible courses of action available to
management to correct the problem or take advantage of the
opportunity are determined, and decisions are made on which should
be considered.
4. Investigative Questions (4): This stage identifies what the manager
needs to know to choose the best alternative from the available courses
of action. The focus is on gathering detailed information.
5. Measurement Questions (5): At this stage, decisions are made on what
should be asked or observed to obtain the information the manager
needs. The focus is on specific data collection methods and metrics.
6. Management Decision (6): This is the final stage where a course of
action is recommended based on research findings, leading to informed
This hierarchy provides a structured approach to address management issues,
guiding the process from identifying a problem to making an informed
decision. It's a valuable tool for any manager or business leader.

3. Chegg

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