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Question {1} 15 Joshi is investigating how much a spring stretches when different masses are added. clamp & ——+ i— spring stand . hanging masses (a) What could he use to measure how much the spring stretches? (i) (b) Before his experiment Joshi thinks that the spring will stretch more if he adds more masses to the spring: « What type of statement is this? Circle the correct answer. conclusion measurement method prediction [1] 4 e (c)’ When doing his investigation what must Joshi do to keep himself safe? 249 Scanned with CamScanner : ee > Question {2} 44 Carlos investigates light. Look at his apparatus. Here are some statements made by Carlos. What is each type of statement? Draw a line from the statement to the correct activity. statement . 4 activity “| think the reading on the light meter will be higher when the light source is closer.” “| should repeat each measurement three times.” “I should use the same light source each time.” 1¢2) 250 Scanned with CamScanner ae 4A A st st Om Oe an. di te ai a -~ Question {3} 14 Two scientists called Colladon and Sturm did an experiment on Lake Geneva in 1826. Colladon Sturm —= i | rm) 2 f » This is what they did: * Colladon struck a bell underwater. «When the bell was struck he set off a flash of light. « Sturm was nine miles alvéy. He listened for the bell underwater. e Sturm recorded the time between seeing the flash and hearing the bell. This experiment was conducted at night. 251 CL rains < a a Scanned with CamScanner & ag @ © (a) What were they trying to find out? & Tick (“) the correct box. . & The speed of the water. iy The speed of sound in air. a Hy The speed of sound in water. ® a The speed of light in water. Gi Wo | a (b) Light travels much faster than sound. 5 Tick (“) the box next to the correct conclusion. = as © He hears the bell before he sees the flash of light. . He sees the flash of light before he hears the bell. He hears the bell at the same time as he sees the flash of light. |__| ", a (1) ~ ay u (c) Why was the experiment carried out at night? o : u ‘ u (d) Why do they repeat their experiment three times? ake 252 Or Karim Rashad > 2 Scanned with CamScanner @VYVVSN WS VIBVSGWGS 99 DO HT HTT ECIGYIYISS Question {4} 13. Jamilah investigates how the height of a slope affects the speed of a toy car rolling down the slope. QS height SSho changes the height of the slope and calculates the average speed of the car. The table shows Jamilah’s calculated results. CR height | average speed m Qo * inem incmls S 0 ° 20 | 30 | 40 a2 4 60 82 ‘ - > 80 60 ¢ Draw a line graph to show her results.“ 707 604 50 average speed “° inem/s 45° R 6 ay 20 . NS “ey Y 10: ~~, ) height in om (2) 253 C. Dr Karim Rashad Scanned with CamScanner fm ' Scientific enquiry (Physics) " § Question {5} € 1 Olver keeps some drinks in a retigerator Ho measures the time & takes the drinks to warm up to room temperature ‘ ‘He wants to find cut how the volume of a drink affects this time. & He thinks the folowing variables are important in his investigation. é ‘A= temperature of the cold drink in the refrigerator 4 C= volume of erink 4 D= type of dank orna a 4 — time taken for cold drink to warm up to room temperature : Write down the leters of the variables to answer each question % {a) Which variable will Olver change? - WW {b) Which two varlables must Over measure? . 2 ‘ (c) Which three variables should Ofver keep the same? Question {6} mr $ Yuri investigates the time it takes (or di « & ‘ He records his results in a table area of ‘ time for parachute to fall to the ground in seconds: parachute in em’ — neh test 1 test 2 test3 50 17 15 28 13 3.0 36 33 201 62 63 67 34 Os 99 10. L 10.0 [brtarimrased «CD 254 Karim.ssayyed@emilcom (a) Calculate the average (mean) time for the parachute with the largest area. average (mean) time = (b) There is one anomalous result in the table. Circle the anomalous result a (c) What do the data tell Yuri about the relationship between the area of the parachute and the air resistance? 255 Scanned with CamScanner Question {7} 8 Liz and Rena investigate how high a ball bounces. They use a metre ruler and a tennis ball. Liz drops the ball from different heights. Rena watches and records the height of the first bounce. They measure the height from the bottom of the ball. metre ruler _- tennis ball to be dropped hard surface (a) Write down one reason why Rena will find it difficult to record the height of the bounce accurately. p Liz and Rena repeat ach test three times and work out the average for each. They measure in centimetres (cm). They record their results in the table below. drop height in cm average bounce height inem 20 14 40 2 60 45 80 56 69 256 Scanned with CamScanner ay) Ay AY ay a aD @ [ smerer? cence Ph They have plotted three of their results on a graph. (b) Complete the graph by: + plotting the last two points + — drawing a best fit straight line. 80: 70: 60: bounce height incm 49 30: 20: 10444 : oF io 20 «30 40. 50 60 70 80 90 1 Scanned with CamScanner Ge aw we ow Ww we ww a ae eZ oo a A OH SSSSNSSSNSSSVE OO SOLEvTTVETeCedod [set ns | ——__—-# - Question {11 ~ 7 Angelique finds information about the stopping distance of cars. The stopping distance is the distance a car moves after the driver wants to stop the car. 32kmihn_|[ 1) > — [ ee é — 12 meves ») 24 meves ) 80km/h >) > ‘Tomeves ‘3meves 96km/h >) ‘Tomeves 55 meves +12km/h a) “9 metres 75 meres. Aa speed thinking distance “braking distance Angelique calculates the stopping distance for a car with a speed of 32km/h. Here is her calculation. ~ stopping distance = i) (b) Describe the pattern in the information for thinking distance. Complete the sentence. As the speed increases by 16kmvh the thinking distance 263 Scanned with CamScanner Scientific enquiry (Physics) 2 (c) Predict what the thinking distance will be at 128km/h. m 1] (d) The speed of the car doubles from 32 km/h to 64 knvh. Answer the questions choosing words from decreases doubles halves more than doubles more than halves What happens to the thinking distance from 32km/h to 64 km/h? ‘What happens to the braking distance from 32kmV/h to 64 km/h? What happens to the stopping distance from 32knv/h to 64 km/h? (2) [| OrkarimRashad 264 Scanned with CamScanner SSS Veuve HeTeeyHZsys SE SS Ss Se O'S | seennvow = sate re Question {12} Yuri Safia writes down the sound level shown on the sound meter. Complete the table about the variables. Sound can be reflected in the same way as light. Safia and Yuri investigate the relationship between the angle of incidence, x, and the angle of reflection, y. ‘They use the apparatus in the diagram. puts the ticking clock next to tube'A puts the sound meter next to tube B uses the same value for afgle xy t y a F uses different values of angle y. A Z variable to change valu for x variables to control variable to measure (4) << Dr Karim Rashad 265 Scanned with CamScanner sein Phys) SR seer] Question {13} 46 Aiko and Oliver investigate thermal (heat) energy. They heat a copper rod covered in wax. Here is the apparatus they use. copper rod covered in wax jood peg paper clips in the wax ) Wood block . »/ wood bench When the copper rod is hot, the wax melts and the paper clips fall onto the bench. (a) Aiko removes the copper rod. Oliver tells her to be careful! Complete the sentences. Aiko must be careful because (1) ‘ (b) Here are the results. | 4 distance of paper clip from heat time for paper clip to fall incm in seconds : 6 3.2 43 54 Aiko says it is a good idea to repeat the experiment. Explain why this is a good idea. 266 \ Scanned with CamScanner ‘oreo we ea SG DHOHBMYYUYUYHUsaesH Ae YS SSG LSS eo 1 Question {14} 267 7 Carlos investigates the energy stored in an elastic band. Here is his method. Carlos: stretches the elastic band to a length of 10cm lets go of the elastic band measures the distance the elastic band travels repeats this experiment two more times. Carlos then measures the distances travelled wen the, elastic band is stretched to different lengths. 1 a He stretches the elastic band to lengths of 12cm, 14cm and 16cm. Look at the results. e.& length of the stretched elasticband [7 Gy | ong experiment | experiment (a) Energy is stored in the stretched elastic band. There is an energy change when Carlos lets go of the elastic band. Complete the diagram to suggest the types of energy released. stored energy ———> + Scanned with CamScanner (c) (i) One of the results is anomalous. Circle the anomalous result in the table. t) (ii) Look at the results when the elastic band is stretched to a length of 10cm. Calculate the average distance the elastic band travels. « : Write your answer in the table. f (] (ili) Carlos thinks the result is anomalous because he pointed the elastic band upwards and not sideways. < Suggest why this will make the result anomalous. Dr Karim Rashad \ > 268 \; Scanned with CamScanner AY ad «4 AY AY AY AY AN AY AY ay ay AY o% ®& ae Bae SSS SSS SSS OWE SYTIDABIYS 269 Question {15} 5 _ Lily and Mia measure the temperature of the air on the same day every week for 5 weeks. Look at their results. 1 18.0 4 2 18.5 3 192 4 20.0 @R 5 21.0 (2) Write down the name of the piece of equipment Lily and Mid use to'measure temperature. . 1) (b) Write down a different way to present the data from the table. (c) Lily and Mia make these conclusions. >, ¢ The data supports” the idea of climate change. The data does not support climate change but does ‘show that the weather has improved. Aly says, Mia says, Whois correct? Explain your answer. Scanned with CamScanner Cram tasis ———Y Ba Scientific enquiry (Physics) s 8 Question {16} 41. Aiko makes an electromagnet. Look at the diagram of her equipment. core cell coil of wire (6 tums) switch paper clips = g Aiko uses the electromagnet to pick up paper clips. RQ ‘She makes this prediction, ‘Increasing the number of turns of wire around the core will make a stronger electromagnet.’ . e, Li picked up 2 1 Look at Aiko's results. Explain your answer using her results. (b) Mia tells Aiko that she needs to improve her investigation. Describe how Aiko improves her investigation. Explain your answer, 270 Dr Karim Rashad >. Scanned with CamScanner } a? =) 7 10. Electricity (continued) 37: ) switch b) ¢) break in the circuit / flow of electrons has been stopped Q.38: b) Use an ammeter / Measure the current The higher the current the better the electrical conductor / if the current is the same the metals have the same electrical conductivity Q.39: a) train = electrons track = wires Chen = battery b) i) any one from: It helps to show the electrons which cannot be seen The circuit must be complete Chen provides the energy to move the train (like a cell) Chen will get tired and slow down which represents a battery running down ii) any two from: Chen may not always push with the same amount of strength Chen might not always push at the same speed Limited number of components Electrons would be throughout the wire but the train is only in one place Q.40: a) 4 b) decreases There is more resistance (..11. Scientific enquiry (Physics) Q.1:a)ARulerb) prediction _c) Wear eye goggles * Q.2: | think the reading on light meter = making a prediction The reading for 50 cm is 25 units ‘ollecting results I should repeat measurement 3 times = increasing reliability I should use same light source each time = fair testing Q,3: a) The speed of soundin water b) He sees the flash of light before he hears the bell ¢) To be able to see the flash of light d) To make the results more reliable Q.4; Plot the points‘correctly & join them with a line Q.5:a)C b)c-E “c)A-B-D Q.6: a) (9.5 + 9.9 + 10.0) /3=9.8 b) Circle “2.8” ¢) As the area of the parachute increases, the air resistance increases Q.7: a) Because the ball moves quickly & it is hard to watch the ball and scale together b) Plot the remaining 2 points & draw a line of best fit that passes through most of the points c) Anomalous results are more easily spotted Or Other values can be predicted Q.9: a) protractor b) [-_eseansece angle Bin degrees 10; =12.75 Q.15: a) thermometer 4) The results are less reliable / less accurate 279 QB: a) Any2 from: eye protection / safety glasses use smaller masses / use lighter masses stand away from the table / stand away from the masses b) et Material c) Repeat the experiment iis b) The greater the air resistance, the slower it takes to run (takes more time) Qui: a)21+75 =96 b) increases by 3m (equal amount) each time _¢) 74 d) doubles - more than doubles - more than doubles 12: Change: angle y Control: length of tubes — loudness of ticking clock “\ Measure: loudness of sound Q.13: a) itis hot-gloves / tongs b) For more reliable results / Detect anomalous results Q.14; a) thermal / heat Sound b) metre ruler / measuring tape c)i)46 ii) 79 _ ii) The test is not fair b} line graph ¢) Mia because climate is average temperature / weather is temperature in a particular place because climate is change over a long period of time / weather is temperature at a particular time Q.16: a) Yes ‘As the number of turns increases, the number of paper clips picked up increases b) Repeat the experiment and take average (foreach number of turns) as this will improve the reliability of the experiment ‘Of Do the experiment with different number of turns (1, 3, 5, 7,9) ‘makes it easier to see any patterns / as this will provide more data or Use smaller paper clips more paper clips are picked up / improves accuracy Scanned with CamScanner

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