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FUN QUIZ: Unique Bird Species.

Circle the correct answer.

1. Which bird is known for its massive bill and vibrant coloration?
- A) Bald Eagle
- B) Toucan
- C) Penguin
- D) Sparrow

2. The Kiwi bird is native to which country?

- A) Australia
- B) New Zealand
- C) Madagascar
- D) South Africa

3. What unique feature is the Shoebill Stork known for?

- A) Its ability to mimic human speech
- B) Its shoe-shaped bill
- C) Its glowing feathers
- D) Its underwater swimming ability
4. Which bird is famous for its dance to attract mates?
- A) Peacock
- B) Albatross
- C) Lyrebird
- D) Flamingo

5. The Kakapo is a unique bird because it is:

- A) The fastest bird
- B) Capable of flying across continents
- C) A nocturnal, flightless parrot
- D) The smallest bird species

6. Where can you find the Vampire Bat?

- A) Central and South America
- B) Europe
- C) Africa
- D) Australia

7. What distinguishes the Frigatebird during mating season?

- A) Its tail splits into four parts
- B) It develops a bright red throat pouch
- C) It loses all its feathers
- D) It cannot fly
8. How does the Lyrebird protect itself from predators?
- A) By flying at high speeds
- B) By camouflaging with its environment
- C) By mimicking the sounds of predators
- D) By releasing a toxic substance

9. What is a notable feature of the Hummingbird's flying ability?

- A) It can only fly forwards
- B) It is the only bird that can fly backwards
- C) It can fly for 24 hours without stopping
- D) It cannot fly

10. The Kiwi bird has a highly developed sense of:

- A) Sight
- B) Taste
- C) Smell
- D) Hearing

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