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Nepal's Largest Medical Entrance Preparation Centre

CEE Based Model Examination Series (Test III)

Date -2078-11-7
Hints and Solutions
1. A Force exerted by charge in electric and magnetic field is qE & Bqv respectively
So for moving the charge undefected
qE = Bqv
∴ =v
ί j 1 2 1 2
2. B( + )= ( ) +( ) =1
2 2 2 2
3. D Acceleration is equal to g throughout the motion
4. A Horizontal component Vx = (v+ucos)
Vertical component vy = sin
2ux.vy 2usin(vtocos)
range(R) = =
g g
5. C Force constant K =
K = l ( Y = young’s modulus )

K l

So force constant becomes 2k when a spring of force constant K is cut into two equal parts
6. C Frictional force opposes sliding motion of body i.e  = 
7. A Force x velocity = Power
FV = P
Mv = p
m v=p
vdv = dt
vdv =  dt
v2 p
= t
2 m
v= ( )
 v  t1/2
8. B w = 365 days for revolution of earth around the sun
9 . B On drawing off a little mercury centre of gravity lowered so effective length increases and so
T = 2 increases

10. B Total weigth = weigth of water displaced m1g+m2g = (v1+v2)ƍwg
m1 10
Or, (m1+10)g = ( + ) ƍwg
ƍ ƍ 1 2

m1 10
Or, m1 + 10 = ( + )x1
ƍ1 0.2
 m1 = 44g
∆𝑙 3x0.19x10-2
11. C 12. C r= 3= = = 5.7x10-5 C-1
∆𝑙𝜃 1x100
13. A
m RT
14. B P =
By Dalton’s law of partial pressure
mo mn RT
Pmix = Po+ Pn = ( + )
Mo Mn V
16 14 8.3x300
=( + ) = 2.5x105 Nm-2
32 28 10x10-3
15. B
16. B Land cools faster at night. Hot air above sea rises up and cold air from land towards sea called land
Breeze. At daytime,land is heated more and air flows from sea to land called sea breeze
17. B Due to lateral version , it appears 8:35
1 600 3
18. B  = = =
2 400 2
1 2
Now , C = sin-1( ) = sin-1( )
 3
19. A Fraunhoffer spectrum is line absorption spectrum in chromospheres of sun
20. B Irrespective of nature of lens fred>fviolet
D 1
21. A  = 
d d
2 d1
1 d2
2 1
Or, =
1 3

 2 =
22. D Intensity of light emerging from Nicols prism is
According to Malus law
I = cos2 (  = 60)
= x cos260
Io 1 Io
= x =
2 4 8
da d(5t2-2t+1)
23. B I = = = 10t – 2 = 10x0.5-2 = 3A
dt dt
24. A The bulb will fuse if the supplied voltage is greater than the rated voltage
Resistance of 100W bulb
Vo2 250 2
R1 = =( ) = 625 = 2x
Po 100
Resistance of 200W bulb
Vo2 (250)2
R2 = = = 312.5 = x
Po 200

vxR1 2x
P.d across 100W = = x 500 = 333.3V
R1+R2 3x
P.d across 200W = 500-333.3 = 166.67V
Since, 100W bulb will get more voltage than rated voltage, it will fuse
[Note : In parallel both bulbs will fuse since both bulbs will get 500 V voltage]
25. A Thermo emf e= a where,
A = 8.6 and  = temperature difference = 40C
 e = 8.6x10-6x40 = 344V = 0.344mV
26. B Chemical equivalent of Al
M 27
E= = =9
Valency 3
Charge required to be passed to deposit a mass of aluminium equal to chemical equivalent is equal to
One Faraday = 9650C
27. C Cylindrical surface of a bar magnet produce uniform radial magnetic field
28. C There is no horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field at the poles. So, compass needle may stay
In any direction
29. C In a magnetic field, force is always directed perpendicular to both the direction of magnetic field and
direction of particle moving and the particle moves in circular path
30. B As very high resistance is introduced on breaking the circuit, rate of decay is higher than rate of
growth of current
1 1
31. A Capacitive impedence = 
2𝜋𝑓𝑒 f

So condenser offer high impedance at low frequency

32. B Humid air has less density than dry air. So, velocity of sound in humid air is more than velocity in
dry air
33.C t = where n1 and n2 represents frequencies ( for minima )
2x1-1 7
= = sec
2(256-250) 12
For maxima, t =
34. B From question ,
100 = 10log,
Where , Io = threshold intensity = 10-12watt/m2
20 = 10 log
Subtracting (ii) from (i)
100-20 = 10 [ log(I1/Io) – log I2/Io]
Or, 80 = 10log ( )
Or , 8 = log
 = 108
35. B On giving positive charge, it loses few electrons
1 1 1 1
36. B 37.B = + +  Ceff = 1F  q = ceff x V = 1x10 = 10C
ceff 2 3 6
38. D Electrical conduction in a discharge tube is due to movement of electrons, positive ions and
negative ions
39. B Energy of photon = 6EvMaximum K.E = 4eV eVs = K.E eVs = 4eV 
Vs = 4V

40.B Emission spectra is obtained for transistions from n= 2 to n=1 and for n=6 to n=2
Frequency . V =   and  is more for n=2 to n=1
41. B sin > 1 has no solution
N 1
42. C = ( ) t/T1/2
No 2
N= No ( ) 10/5
= 50000 x = 12500
43. C Control rods absorb excess of neutrons and thus controls chain reaction. Ex :- Cadmium rods,boron rods
44. C In a good conductor, atoms have less than 4 valence electrons
45. D In common base node, Ie < Ic
46. A On increasing N-types semiconductor,conductivity increases,due to increase in mobility of electrons
RL 
47. B Voltage gain = =
As, RL   , voltage gain 
So, maximum voltage gain is  = 25
-e -e
48. D dds = + ( ) = -e 49. A This star ultimately is converted into neutron star
3 3
50. B
1 1
51. C nO2 = x2= mole atoms
32 16
1 1
nN2 = x2= mole atoms
28 14
nH2 = x 2 = 1 mole atoms
1 1
nH20 = x 3 = mole atoms
18 6
52. B n and l can’t have same values
53. A 54. A optc  Frenkel defect
55. A
56. C It is co-distillation with water and based on liquid boils when its vapour pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure
57. B ICl2-
1 1
Hybridization = [V+M-C+A] = (7+2+1) = 5
2 2
So hybridization is sp3d
W 10
58. B N = (% ) x
V Eq wt
= 0.049 x = 0.01
 pH = -log[H+] = -log[0.01] = 2
59. C
60. A H3BO3 in water gives H+ ions follows
H3BO3 + H2O  [B(OH)4]- + H+
It is monobasic as one molecule of acid gives H+ ion. As H3BO3 or B(OH)3 takes up a pair of
Electrons from OH- ; it is a lewis acid
k 1.82x10-5
61. B k = C  2 i.e  = = = 1.35%
c 0.1

R.SA 1 0.2 1
62. B = = =
R.SB 2 0.4 2
63. B (+3) + x + (-6) = 0
 x = +3
64. A
65. D opt a, b and c are extensive property while viscosity is intensive property
66. B In all two O-H bonds are broken, thus (B.E) O-H =
67. C Pseudounimolecular reaction are reactions having order = 1 but molecularity > 1
Ex : Hydrolysis of organic chlorides
Acidified hydrolysis of ester etc
68. C Higher the valency of ion greater is coagulating/precipitating power of the ion
69. D I.E  es when we move from left to right in periodic table. As Sr(Gr. II A element) lies at the left of
other elements in the given option . So, Sr has minimum I.E
70. A They are isotopes of hydrogen
71. C In this method, impure Nickel is heated with Co at 60C to form Ni(Co) . Ni(Co) is then decompose
at higher temperature . 150-180 degree C to give very pure nickel
72. B Only Li2Co3 decomposes into Li2O and CO2
73. A MgSO4 is used as laxative or purgative. Laxative means the compound which cases bowel movement
74. D
75. D Thermal stability of tetrahalides of CX4> SiX4> GeX4 > SnX4 > PbX4
76. C NH3 shows H-bonding while pH3 do not
𝐻2 𝑂
77. D 2k4[Fe(CN)6] + O3 → 2k3[Fe(CN)6] + 2KOH + O2
Pot. ferricyanide
78. D PBr3 + H2O  HBr + H3PO4 + PH3 79. C Solubility increases down the group in inert gases
80. B Fuming HNO3 means concentrated HNO3 . In concentrated HNO3; iron renders passive due to formation
of invisible ferrosoferric oxide layer
81. C Ni has dsp2 hybridization where CN- is a strong field ligasd
Dsp2 hybridization

82. A HgCl2 + NH3  Hg(NH2) Cl + NH4Cl

White ppt
HgCl2 + 2NH3  [Hg + Hg(NH2)Cl ] NH4Cl
Black ppt

83. C
84. D Phenol ( a weak acid ) and benzoic acid ( strong acid ) are soluble in NaOH( strong base)
85. B


86. A CH3 - C – CH2Cl , it is non-chiral molecule. So optically inactive

87. D All given species undergo NSR . This reactivity can be explained in term of C-X bond which is highly
Polarized bond due to large difference in E.N of carbon and halogen atom -C, -X-F-
88. D The process of nitration takes place as below
HONO2 + 2H2SO4  H3O+ + 2HSO4- + NO2+

The electrophile responsible for nitration is NO2+ ion
89. A CaC2 + 2D2O  C2D2 + Ca(OD)2
Calcium Heavy water
CarbideWith H2CaC2 + 2 H2O  C2H2 + Ca(OH)2
90. B Reaction between alkyl halide, aryl halide and sodium in presence of ether is known as wurtz fitting
reaction. C6H5Cl + 2Na + ClCH3  C6H5CH3
91. A Ethylene glycol is added to lower down the freezing point of water so that it does not freeze
92. C Dimethyl ether and ethyl methyl ether are gases. All other ethers are colourless liquids with
Characteristic ether odour
93. C In reduction with NaBH4 , a hydride ion is transferred by NaBH4 to carbonyl carbon and a proton(or
deutron) is transferred from solvent (in second step) to carbonyl oxygen.

C2H5 - C - C3H4 → C2H5-CH-C3H4 C2H5- CH- C3H7
3- hexanore (-OD-)
94. B LiAlH4 do not effect double bond
CH2 = CH – COOH → CH2- CH – CH2OH + H2O
95. C
96. D P-amino benzene is obtained when aromatic amines react with benzene diazonium chloride
97. C 98. B
99.A CaSiO3 is obtained as slag-fertilizer 100. A
101. C Kinesiology  Study of body movements
Palaeontology  Study of life history on earth based on fossils
102. A Coacervate is aqueous phase rich in macromolecules including polysaccharide,protein,H2O,etc.
Coacervates were discovered by oparin,and he found that coacervates had a tendency to absorb
and incorporate various organic substances of the ocean and became anaerobic chemoheterotrophs
103. A Precambrian Cambrian OrdovicianSilurianDevonianCarboniferous


Neocene Palaeocene Cretaceous Jurassic Triassic

104. B Palaeolithic age  Age of tools, stones and bones

Mesolithic age  Age of animal husbandry,language,reading and writing
Neolithic age  Age of agriculture,knowledge,use of clothes and utensils
Bronze age
Iron age Present age
105. D Development in sponges is indirect, solid parenchymula in Leucosolenia and hollow
Amphiblastula in sycon intracellular digestion of food in sponges take palce partially in choanocytes and
partially in wandering amoebocytes
106. A Dactylzooid = Offence & defense
Gastrozooid = Nutrition
Gonozooid = Reproduction
107. C
108. D Pinctada morgaritifera ( black-lip pearl oyster) produces high quality pearl
109. D Enterocoel is formed from pouches of archenteron or primitive gut. Eg ; Echinoderms,
some chordates. It resembles advanced form of coelom

110. B Ciliates are dinucleated or multinucleated where there is a macronucleus and the number of
micronucleus can vary from 1 to many
111. C Endomixis – Parthenogenesis
Hemixis = Reconstitution of macronucleus without change in micronucleus
Autogamy = Self-fertilization ; 2 daughter paramecia are formed
112. C Heart in chordates is ventral with dorsal and ventral blood vessel, and nerve cord is dorsal and
hollow . Heart in non-chordates is dorsal and nerve cord is ventral and solid
113. C Non keratinized stratified epithelium is found in mouth,tongue,lower pharynx,oesophagus,
Part of epiglottis,vagina, anal,canal,cornea,etc.
114. D Ligaments connects bone with bone
Tendons connects bone with muscles
Areolar tissue connects integument with muscles
115. C  Delicate fibrous connective tissue surrounding individual muscle fibre is called endomysium
 Parallel bundles of muscle fibres are called fascicule surrounded by loose collagenous tissue
trmed perimysium
 Entire muscle is invested in a dense collagenous sheath called epimysium
116. C Nodes of Ranvier are found in myelinated nerve fibres. Thesee are the gaps between two
adjacent myelin sheaths
117. A Schuffner’s dots are antibody-generating bodies(Antigen) associated with malaria,exclusively
among P.vivax
118. B Pre patent period is duration between initial sporozoite infection and first appearance of parasites
in blood .
 Incubation period is duration between initial sporozoite infection and first appearance of
malarial symptoms
119. B Generally, size of ovaries are larger than testes in most of the animals
120. D Coelomic fluid excluding out from dorsal pores keeps skin moisturized in earthworm and helps in
cutaneous respiration
Asphyxia = Condition arised due to deprived of oxygen
121. C Anterior loops are two paired found in 10th and 11th segments. They are thin walled, non contractile
chambers lacking valves
122. D The frog can also use its skin for exchange of respiratory gases as moist skin of frog can absorb O 2
from water through specialized glands. Hence, the heart will continue to beat for long time even if
frog dies due to cutting of heart
123. D Frogs and toads don’t have for, feathers or scales on their skin. Instead they have a moist and
permeable skin layer covered with mucous gland
124. A Dentition in frog is Homodont, Acrodont and polyphyodont. Dentition in human is Heterodont Thecodont and
125. B When vagus nerve is excessively stimulated,the stomach produces excessive acid,it can corrode the
Stomach lining and cause peptic ulcers.
126. D In capillaries,the outer tunic of smooth muscle cells are absent and only endothelium is present.
capillaries are often invested in pericapillary contractile cells called pericycles.
127. B
128. A Broca’s speech area ( Areas 44;45/motor speech areas) Lesion in Broca’s area results in Motor
aphasia ( inability to produce words and speak)
129. B Cone cells are part of eye.(Rods & cone cells) other options are part of ear
130. B Calcitonin s blood calcium by inhibiting osteoclast activity and stimulating Ca2+ uptake
Parathormone s blood calcium by increasing osteoclast activity and Ca 2+ reabsorption from
renal tubules.
131. A When bladder is full of urine, stretch receptors in bladder wall trigger micturition reflex. The internal
urethral sphincter relaxes,allowing for urine to pass out of the bladder into urethra,which relaxes to
release urine

132. A Vasectomy is surgical method involving cutting of vas deferens in man, through small cut on scrotum
so that sperms from testicles cannot move out and hence semen released during ejaculation without
133. D Blastopore is a pit in side of embryo,through which cells fated to be endodermal flow so that they
leave the outer surface of embryo and can create new inner surface
134. B Carpals are 8 bones in 2 row
135. C
136. C IgM is pentameric having a valency of 10,the five molecules of IgM are joined together by J-chain
137. D Carcinoma :- Malignant tumour derived from epithelium (ecto or endoderm)
Sarcoma :- Malignant tumour derived from connective tissue and muscular tissue (mesoderm)
138. C World Health day  7th April
World AIDS day  1st Dec
Doctor’s day  1st July
139. C latitudinal migration :- From North to south ex: Xiphius.
Vertical migration :- From bottom to surface of water ex :-
Spawning migration :- For reproduction ex:- eel fish
140. C Collected eggs are mixed with sperm which forms zygote that is laproscopically returned to
Fallopian tubes where they will be carried into uterus
141.D dsDNA :- Hepatitis B virus, Cyanophage,Small pox virus
SsDNA :- Bacteriiophage M13,coliphage ∅X174
dsRNA :- Mycophage,Rice Dwarf Virus,Penicillium virus
SsRNA :- Dengue fever, TMV, SARS,AIDS etc.
142. A Growth in plants :- Unlimited, indeterminate,localized
Growth in animals :- Limited,determinate,unlocalized
143. D A. tumefacians causes crown galls on most of dicot leaves.It contains Ti plasmid which is widely used
in genetic engineering for creating transgenic plants
144. D In spirogyra,all cells filament can form gametes,which are morphologically similar and referred to as
Isogametes and phenomenon is isogamous type.But at the time of conjugation one of isogametes
shows motility and considered as male gamete.So, the phenomenon is anisogamy
145. D 146. D
147. C Darkly stained multiple units of pyrenoids are found in Antheceros(Hornworts)
148. A Prothallus represents gametophytic body so is haploid
149. B Cycas have motile sperm with flagella that help them move to the egg along pollen tube.
Conifers have non-motile sperm that needs to be moved along pollen tube
150. A If all male flowers in catkin = staminate
If all female flowers in catkin= pistillate
Catkin develops into sorosis fruit
151. D Edible oil is obtained from seeds of sunflower(Helianthus annus)
152. D 153. C
154. C Stratification represents the structural unit of an ecosystem, vertical distribution of distribution of
different species
155. B
156. B Savannas are characterized by coexistence of trees and grasses and occur largely in seasonal tropics
between equatorial rainforest and mid-latitude desert ecosystem
157. A Dark field microscope uses normal light, which is blocked in such a way to scatter the light hitting the
158. D Ribosomes are protein factory of cell. So, if they are destroyed no protein will be formed
159. D Barr bodies are found in X-chromosome(female)
160. C A cell without a cell wall is protoplast. Cellulose and pectinase dissolve cellulose and pectin present in
cell wall

161. A Paired chromosomes ( bivalent) consists of four stranded (Chromatids) known as tetrad or tetravalent
162. A No. of mitotic division = n-1 i.e 128-1=127(where n=no. of cells)
No. of mitosis from single cell = 2n where n = no. of division
163. C In F2 generation
Tall red=9 , Tall white = 3 , Dwarf red = 3 Dwarf white = 1
164. C Loss of one chromosome in female (XO) results in Turner’s syndrome ( webbed neck,short stature,
low-set ears , swollen hands )
165. C Transposons  Jumping genes
166. A Restriction endonuclease is DNA cutting enzyme found in bacteria which is used to cut dsDNA
at palindromic sequence
167. D EMS is used as mutagen in crop plants. Other mutagens include :- Nitrous acid,nitrosoguanidine,
2-amino purine,formaldehyde,ferrous salts,etc
168. B By chorgaff’s rule,A pairs with T which is replaced by U in RNA while G pairs with C
169. C Cambium is a stripe of primary meristem,which can divide
170. B Dry cobalt chloride paper  Blue Wet CCl2 paper  Pink
171. A Warburg effect (photorespiration) is inhibitory effect of  O2 concn in C3 plants . It is due to
Competition of RUBD for CO2 and O2
172. C Glycolysis is an anaerobic event but common pathway of aerobic(initial step) and anaerobic
173. B Cytokinin induces flowering in short day plants under long dry condition
174. D
175. A Total root parasite Rafflesia,Orobrancho,Balanophora,Striga
Total stem parasite  Cuscuta, Arceuthobim
Partial root parasite  Santalum,Thesium
Partial stem parasite  Loranthus, Viscum
176. B 177. C
178. B Linear tetrad is common and T-shaped in Rumex,Orchis,Meulata,etc.
179. C
180. A Intergeneric cross is cross between two plants of different genera Ex :- Pomato(Potato and Tomato),
bromato(brinjal and tomato), etc.
181.A n number of goats are killed by n number of tigers in same time where n is any number
182. A 9x2+6 = 24
7x9+9 = 72
9x5+6 = 51
24hours 1440min
183. B In one day,there will be a difference of i.e = 48 min.
30days 30days
In three days, there will be a
difference of 144 min i.e 2 hours and 24 min
 If the moon rises in the east on the first day at 6:48 pm, then it will rise on fourth day at
6:48+2:24 = 9:12 pm
184. D Working downwards in vertical columns,the first column has breaks of one letter,the second column
has no letters break and the third column has breaks of two letters
H(i) J(k) L
C(de) F(gh) I
185. C (20x16) women can complete the wrok in 1 day
 1 women’s 1 day’s work =
(16x15) men complete the work in 1 day

 1 man’s 1 day’s work =
1 1 1 1
So , required ratio = : = : = 4:3 (Cross multiplied)
240 320 3 4
186. C Let the numbers be x and y such that x<y
Then x+y = 124
x+2 1
y 2
y = 2x+4On solving these equations,we get y=84 ,x= 40 Required smaller number is x=40
187. C An impregnable person faces less risk of assault, an invulnerable person has less cances of facing
188.B Each day of the week is repeated after 7 days.
So, after 63 days, it will be Monday.
After 61 days, it will be Saturday
189. A

190. D Cost of x metres = Rs. d.

Cost of 1 metre = Rs. d/x
Cost of y metres = Rs (yd/x)
191. B In this series, each number is repeated, then 13 is subtracted to arrive at the next number.
192. A In this series, the letters progress by 1; the numbers decrease by 3.
193. C 194. C "He suddenly left the house."
195. A middle letters are static, so concentrate on the first and third letters. The series involves
an alphabetical order with a reversal of the letters. The first letters are in alphabetical order:
F, G, H, I , J. The second and fourth segments are reversals of the first and third segments.
The missing segment begins with a new letter.
196. A 197. B 198. C
199. A
200. D In fig. (X), one of the dots lies in the region common to the circle and the triangle only, another dot lies in
the region common to all the three figures - the circle, the square and the triangle and the
third dot lies in the region common to the circle and the square only. In each of the figures (1)
and (3), there is no region common to the circle and the square only and in fig. (2), there is no
region common to the circle and the triangle only. Only fig. (4) consists of all the three types
of regions.

** All the Best **


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