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Nagini has joined the chat

KuroiAkuma: back obviously lmao

KuroiAkuma: ok imma make food brb
Nagini: sorry watching tiktoks
Nagini: z
KuroiAkuma: back
KuroiAkuma: lol typical
xodelirious has joined the chat
KuroiAkuma: wb hun
KuroiAkuma: ad good mornig
KuroiAkuma: and*
xodelirious has left the chat
KuroiAkuma: o.0
Nagini: lool
KuroiAkuma: i hope alls ok
KuroiAkuma: little odd
Nagini: i think it might jsut be her wifi
KuroiAkuma: i hope so ive missed her tbf
Nagini: she hasnt been talking to you?
KuroiAkuma: o.0
KuroiAkuma: not since i went to sleep
KuroiAkuma: wait
KuroiAkuma: how long has she been awake
KuroiAkuma: o.0
Nagini: idk
KuroiAkuma: oh lol since ive been here shes been afk
KuroiAkuma: ie asleep
Nagini: maybe in a mood
KuroiAkuma: has she saiid something
KuroiAkuma: ?
Nagini: no
KuroiAkuma: idk knowing me im just over thinking it
KuroiAkuma: ok shes fine
KuroiAkuma: lol
KuroiAkuma: shes just awake
xodelirious has joined the chat
KuroiAkuma: wb hu
xodelirious: ty
KuroiAkuma: ofc
TwiztedHerbz has joined the chat
xodelirious: wb gremz
KuroiAkuma: wb
TwiztedHerbz: Ty deli
TwiztedHerbz: Ty
KuroiAkuma: mmhmm
TwiztedHerbz: Huh
xodelirious: its early
KuroiAkuma: you said ty i sadi mmhmm as in np
KuroiAkuma: said*
TwiztedHerbz: It is yes im off and on sleeping waiting on my meds to kick in so i
can sleep some more
xodelirious: yes im happy your getting some rest
xodelirious: you needed it
KuroiAkuma: i over slept set alarm for 3
KuroiAkuma: woke at 6
TwiztedHerbz: I fell asleep last night while you djed XD and been off and on all
night up puking so my. Ody is spent
xodelirious: i think i passed out again lastnight xD but yes you need rest and lots
of water
TwiztedHerbz: Oof water sounds ao nasty right now
TwiztedHerbz: Everything does
xodelirious: force it tho
xodelirious: you have to
TwiztedHerbz: And look at that i went to bed early and i think sleeped off and on
maybe about 8 hours of sleep
xodelirious: better than 4 or 5
TwiztedHerbz: Lol yes i guess
xodelirious: and you said your gonna sleep more so thats a win
TwiztedHerbz: Ikr
TwiztedHerbz: I have no choice
TwiztedHerbz: These meds put me on my ass
xodelirious: what are they again?
TwiztedHerbz: Morphine cough syrup
xodelirious: ooo
xodelirious: ngl im jealous af now
xodelirious: but i cant have that anyways
TwiztedHerbz: Lol
TwiztedHerbz: I cabt take normal cough syrup im allergic to codeine
xodelirious: ohh okay
TwiztedHerbz: Yea
xodelirious: so your just waiting for it to kick in
xodelirious: are you sure its not the morphine making you puke because it does that
xodelirious: are you getting itchy n shit?
xodelirious: believe me im an expert in opioids lol
TwiztedHerbz: Nah i was puking before it
xodelirious: okay good
xodelirious: low dose
TwiztedHerbz: And it probably adds to the eigk feeling i only take a half of what
it says to take
TwiztedHerbz: Icky*
xodelirious: you dont get addicted?
TwiztedHerbz: Nah i take it very little to nit at all
TwiztedHerbz: Not
xodelirious: smart
TwiztedHerbz: I avoid taking it more then once a day and use herbal medicine in-
xodelirious: i touch that stuff once its all over for me lol
xodelirious: thats good
KuroiAkuma: morphie is a hella drug
KuroiAkuma: lol
TwiztedHerbz: Come from a family of addicts so its d worry of mine
xodelirious: i would go straight to the heavier stuff :/
KuroiAkuma: i loved morphine
KuroiAkuma: i prefered ket
KuroiAkuma: ngl
KuroiAkuma: my adhd cause me to get addicted easly
TwiztedHerbz: I have morphine pain killers fur my shoulder and i have only taken 20
bills out of 380
TwiztedHerbz: For
xodelirious: damn why would they give you so many lmao
xodelirious: thats a serious risk
KuroiAkuma: share?
KuroiAkuma: lol
xodelirious: lmao
KuroiAkuma inserts address
KuroiAkuma: to here please
KuroiAkuma: lol
TwiztedHerbz: I had my bone shaved down and had 48 muscles in my shoulder stitched
back together and add on had my breasts reduced on size to not pull on the weight
of the stitches
xodelirious: what happened to your shoulder ?
KuroiAkuma: sounds fun
xodelirious: sounds not fun lol
KuroiAkuma: ikr
KuroiAkuma: sarcasium hun
KuroiAkuma: <_<
KuroiAkuma: ofc it dont sound fun sounds majorly shit
TwiztedHerbz: My ex in rl ripped my shoulder out of place and when he did he fucked
my shoulder up ripping muscle and destroyed the inner part of my cuff
KuroiAkuma: only up side is the prohine
KuroiAkuma: holy fuck
xodelirious: hes dead
KuroiAkuma: seriously
KuroiAkuma: i dont get some humans
xodelirious: gimme address
KuroiAkuma: fucking scum
TwiztedHerbz: I don't like pain killers
KuroiAkuma: <_< calm down there you lol miss stabby stab stab
TwiztedHerbz: Nah he not worth jail time i just want him out of my life
xodelirious: her tatas had to be cut cuz of him hes dead
xodelirious: who said i was going to jail
TwiztedHerbz: Lol i was a 38 jj now im a 38 dd
KuroiAkuma: its sick how someone ca cause that to someone
TwiztedHerbz: I still have boobs
xodelirious: ik but still
TwiztedHerbz: He just a sick human who doesn't love him self he will get his

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