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The Egyptian British International school Year 8 - Humanities Final Revision

New cairo – October – El Shorouk



What would happen if?

1. There were no different ideologies such as ethnic, religious beliefs.

a. Many people would have died and many wars would have occurred.
b. Life would have been much better and there would be no chance for wars to occur.
c. Tension between countries would have increased.
2. The major important events of the 20th century were not recorded.

a. We would not be able to know how life would have changed.

b. It won’t be easy to recognize if the changes would have been for better or worse.

c. All of the above.

3. The British trenches were very strong and well-constructed.

a. It would have been as dangerous as the enemy trenches.

b. The spread of diseases and deaths would have decreased.

c. Soldiers would have died in the muddy trenches.

4. Ms. Beechey did not allow her children to join the war.

a. She would not have been recognized by the dignitaries.

b. She would not have faced the grief of losing her children.

c. All of the above.

5. Kitchener did not create the Pal Battalions.

a. Many families would have faced the same grief.

b. Britain would have lost the battle of Somme.

c. Germany had no chance to win the Battle of Somme.

6. The black Hand Gang did not recruit Gavrillo Princip.

The Egyptian British International school Year 8 - Humanities Final Revision
New cairo – October – El Shorouk


a. The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand would have been easy.

b. The Black Hand Gang would not have achieved the plan of the assassination.

c. Franz Ferdinand would have been an easy target to kill.

7. The French remained hostile to the Germans over their loss of Alsac-Lorraine.

a. Tension between the 2 countries would have increased and a bigger war would have occurred.

b. No chance for wars to happen between France and Germany.

c. All of the above.

8. None of the European heads of state were related by blood or marriage.

a. No chance for wars to occur and peace would have spread all over Europe.

b. The event of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassination would have shattered the peace.

c. Austria-Hungary would have declared war on Serbia.

9. The number of volunteers increased to join the war in Britain.

a. No call ups would not have been sent to people at the age between 18-40.

b. No chance for a miserable life for the conscientious objectors.

c. All of the above.

10. Slavery did not end in 1865.

a. The KKK organization would have been established.

b. African Americans would not have been introduced to violence and intimidation.

c. Over four million members would have joined the KKK.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The Egyptian British International school Year 8 - Humanities Final Revision
New cairo – October – El Shorouk


Choose the best situation that goes along with event:

1. Between 1900 and 1920, 14 million immigrants arrived in the USA, what was the reaction of the USA:
a. They adopted a quota system.
b. All the immigrants lived the same style of life.
c. They designed laws to allow more immigrants.

2. The KKK grew rapidly during the 1920s.

a. They used violence and intimidation to get what they wanted.
b. Their beliefs promoted fairness for all the immigrants.
c. It was normal for African Americans to marry from White women.

3. Houses called tenements were common for immigrants who settled in New York.
a. Tenements were high rental apartments building often of high quality.
b. Tenements were overcrowded and helped make tuberculosis one of the main causes of death.
c. Tenements were poor low rented apartment with very good sanitation system.

4. Four of six great empires that started the war – Germany, Austria – Hungary, Russia and the Ottoman
had disappeared from the map of Europe.
a. They were not replaced by other countries.
b. They were replaced by other countries that became independent.
c. The lands became controlled by the Great Powers.

5. Austria – Hungary went to war to keep its empire safe. It was worried that nationalities within its
borders such as the Poles, Czech, Serbs wanted their independence.
a. Austria – Hungary won the war and the countries became independent.
b. Austria-Hungary lost the war and many countries had their independence.
c. Austria-Hungary lost the war but was very strong to keep the countries under its empire.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Fill in the following organizers:



3 causes of
The Egyptian British International school Year 8 - Humanities Final Revision
New cairo – October – El Shorouk



The main
aims of
the KKK


................... ...........................

Answer the following questions:

....................... ...........................
Powers in
The Egyptian British International school Year 8 - Humanities Final Revision
New cairo – October – El Shorouk



- Slavery ended in 1865 and immediately an organization was established. What was the name of this
organization and do you think it was a fair organization? Support your answer with evidence.


- Sacco and Vanzetti were two famous Italians who faced a miserable end to their life. Do you think Sacco
and Vanzetti were two guilty men or not? Support your answer with evidence.



Germany was not invited to the Palace of Versailles and they had to accept all the terms created by the
other countries. Mention what were the terms created by Britain and France. Do you think the treaty
was fair to the Germans?

The Egyptian British International school Year 8 - Humanities Final Revision
New cairo – October – El Shorouk



Founding of the Nazi Party

The Nazi Party was founded as the German Workers’ Party by Anton Drexler, a Munich locksmith, in
1919. Hitler attended one of its meetings that year, and before long his energy and oratorical skills
would enable him to take over the party, which was renamed National Socialist German Workers’ Party
in 1920. That year Hitler also formulated a 25-point program that became the permanent basis for the
party. The program called for German abandonment of the Treaty of Versailles and for the expansion of
German territory. These appeals for national aggrandizement were accompanied by a strident anti-
Semitic rhetoric. The party’s socialist orientation was basically a demagogic gambit designed to attract
support from the working class. By 1921 Hitler had ousted the party’s other leaders and taken over.

The history of the Nazi Party after 1934 can be divided into two main phases. The years between 1934
and 1938 were used by the party to establish virtual total control of all political, social, and cultural
activities in Germany. This phase began in earnest with the death of Hindenburg on August 2, 1934. The
functions of the military and government were subsumed into the party, and all troops and officials
were forced to take the oath of fidelity to Hitler personally. The Holocaust was the genocide of
European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators
systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of
Europe's Jewish population.

Read the article and answer the following questions:

1. Germany was one of the countries affected by the Great depression in USA. Mention how Germany was
affected by the depression?

2. Genocide is one of the strategies used by the Nazis and the members of the KKK mention how did both
parties use Genocide?


The Egyptian British International school Year 8 - Humanities Final Revision
New cairo – October – El Shorouk


3. The beginning of the Nazis party and the KKK was totally different mention the reasons
why the Nazis and the KKK were established.


Choose the correct answer and write its corresponding (a, b, or c) in the table below:
1. A\an ………….. is a coalition of countries agreeing to work together for the same aims.

a. alliance b. rival c. group

2. An agreement to stop fighting is called …………………

a. Navy b. armistice c. call up

3. A ……………. is a poor building with low sanitation that the US immigrants used to live in.

a. Agitator b. tenement c. pillbox

4. A pillbox is a ………………. Shelter to weapons.

a. plastic b. sand c. concrete

5. A …………………… is a court of justice to the military soldiers.

a. tribunal b. trial c. solitary confinement

6. The …………………… empire expanded to North Africa, Middle east and the Balkans.

a.British empire b. German empire c. Ottoman empire

7. To injure and not to kill is called ………………….

a. incomplete b. incapacitate c. maim

The Egyptian British International school Year 8 - Humanities Final Revision
New cairo – October – El Shorouk


8. A political ……………. Is the person who can stir up public opinion.

a.leader b. immigrant c. agitator

9. …………………….. is when immigrants were brought ashore by a ship.

a.Disembarked b. refugee c. migrant

10. A person who was killed or injured in a war is called a …………………..

a.tribunal b. casualty c. battalion

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What are the effects of?

1. World wars.


2. Pals’ battalions.


3. The Treaty of Versailles


The Egyptian British International school Year 8 - Humanities Final Revision
New cairo – October – El Shorouk


4. The great empires collapsed after WW1.


5. The conscientious objectors.


What is the cause of?

1. Many families of the same community lost their sons, husbands or fathers.


2. The American Senate refused to join the League of Nations.


3. Around 14 million immigrants arrived in the US between the 1900s and 1920s.

The Egyptian British International school Year 8 - Humanities Final Revision
New cairo – October – El Shorouk



4. The spreading of Tuberculosis that caused many deaths in the early 20th century in the USA.


5. The Nazi party began to get so many votes in Germany.


Put ( T ) of ( F ) and correct the false word in the box below.

1. In 1969, the USSR won the space race.

2. The Pals battalions of WWI were specially created of British men who enlisted together with
their friends and neighbors.

3. Imperialism is building up armed forces and getting ready for wars.

4. The conscientious objectors were willing to join the army and fight in WW1.

5. At first, each British battalion had six machine guns.

6. Gas attacks were first used by the French army.

7. Tanks were slow, unreliable but were able to destroy barbed wires.

8. George Clemenceau wanted to punish Germany but they had economic affairs.

9. Germany had to accept the guilt of war after the London Treaty.

10. The song ‘Brother, can you spare a dime’ was popular in Germany during the depression.

11. High employment rates were one of the effects of the depression on the USA.

The Egyptian British International school Year 8 - Humanities Final Revision
New cairo – October – El Shorouk


12. Soup kitchens were places that offer food for the poor in the USA.

13. In 1930, taxes were cut in the US to help the American society stand on its own feet.

14. Hooverville appeared after president Wilson.

15. USA lend Germany money to help it recover in 1924 and Germany returned it.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

7. 8. 9. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15.

Write an essay of three paragraphs about one of the mentioned topics, in your
essay you should explain > what is the reason for this event? why did it take place? And
what were the consequences?
The topics are; *The Great depression after WWI.
**The emergence of anti-immigrant organizations\movements.
***The Treaty of Versailles from the perspective of the big three countries.

The Egyptian British International school Year 8 - Humanities Final Revision
New cairo – October – El Shorouk



The Egyptian British International school Year 8 - Humanities Final Revision
New cairo – October – El Shorouk




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