Walkthrough NYD301

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New Quest’s Added in version 3.


Quest: Dolf Has to Go!

Activation requirements: Must have encountered the slavers in town, and Maghda must be 20 days
pregnant with her first child.

Location: Maghda and Dolf

When Maghda is 19 days pregnant with her first child, a couple of slavers will appear in the village.
Speaking to them will allow Maghda’s pregnancy counter to go to 20, so her baby can be born. Once her
baby is born, Dolf will no longer chase “elf girls” in the forest. If you speak to Maghda she will tell you to
resume bringing sheep, since Dolf can’t refuse the baby food. Using sheep as decoys will lure away Dolf,
but not long enough to have sex with Maghda. Speak to the slavers located by the old merchant’s camp
along the Western Road. Tip them about Dolf and fetch a tranquilizer syringe from Harald, the petstore
owner in Greyport. Meet the slavers near Maghda’s cave.

After the slavers attempt to capture Dolf fails, you will have to do it yourself. Buy another sheep from
the farmer and return to Maghda’s cave for a showdown with Dolf. To receive the bounty, Dolf must be
kept alive. So, all offensive spells and weapons are unavailable. Syringe only!

Deliver Dolf to the petstore and return to Maghda.

Quest: Home Improvements

Activation requirements: Complete the quest “Dolf Has to Go!”

Location: Maghda’s Cave

Now that Dolf is gone, Maghda will share her cave with you. However, she feels the cave isn’t family
friendly enough, so she asks you to make some improvements. Gather 4 bear pelts and 7 wolf pelts to
cover the floor. Maghda also needs 6 manures for her flowers. Pelts can be acquired by killing wolves
and bears in the forest. Manure can be found at the stable when helping Beth.

Quest: Purchase a Crib

Activation requirements: Gwynneth must have given birth to her first child. MC must have agreed to pay

Location: Gwynneth’s house

Once Gwynneth’s first child is born, she will ask you to purchase a crib. Visit Marcus at the carpenter
shop to purchase the crib and return to Gwynneth.
Quest: The Rival
Activation requirements: Complete the quest “Purchase a Crib.”

Location: Gwynneth’s house

Upon returning to Gwynneth, the player will be confronted by Victoria. Victoria is concerned that the
MC’s actions have upset the guards and may be detrimental to their chances in the next election.
Captain Eckhardt needs to be removed as guard commander, preferably by his own guards. Talk to the
guard patrolling around the Mayor’s mansion and the guard stationed outside the guard tower about
their pay. Return to Victoria.

Upon returning to Victoria, a furious Eckhardt will burst into the house threatening to have you all
kicked out of town once he wins the election. Gwynneth devises a plan to plant fake evidence in
Eckhardt’s office. Go to the guard tower in town and put 500 Coins in Eckhardt’s closet.

Return to Victoria after the guards find the money and banish Eckhardt.

Quest: A Larger Home for Gwynneth

Activation requirements: Complete the quest “The Rival”.

Location: Gwynneth’s House

After Eckhardt is dealt with, Gwynneth will ask you to get her a larger house, with space for children.

If you talk to Marcus (carpenter), he tells you there isn’t enough space on the property to enlarge the
Gwynneth’s house. But he has heard that Fredric von Grün is considering selling his house. Speak to
Fredric near Jenny’s store. Luckily for you Fredric is quite desperate to sell his house, and you can even
haggle a little. Return to Gwynneth after you buy the house to tell her the good news!

Quest: Haunted House

Activation requirements: Complete the quest “A Larger Home for Gwynneth”.

Location: Gwynneth’s new home

It turns out Fredric was desperate to sell his house because it was haunted. Gwynneth isn’t very pleased
either. Speak to either Jenny or Ralph (innkeeper) about the von Grün house. They will tell the player
that an old lady (Francine) used to live there with her cat. They buried Francine in the cemetery, but tell
you to ask the guards about the cat. Speak to either the guard patrolling the mayor’s mansion or the one
outside the guard tower. They will tell you they dumped the cat’s corpse in the woods behind the von
Grün house. Find its remains and bury them at Francine’s grave.

Dog Purchased from the Pet Store

You can now purchase a dog from the pet store in Greyport for 100 Coins. It will join your party, but
cannot be controlled during combat, it will automatically attack a random opponent. The dog is level
capped at lvl 10. The dog can be abandoned/parked by the old tree outside of Greyport, at the tree in
the center of Weird Wood, or outside Erevi’s tower.

Repeating Victoria and Gwynneth’s Threesome Scene

Once you have completed the Haunted House quest, Gwynneth will sometimes visit Victoria. This will
always happen if both women are horny and after the children have gone to bed. Enter Victoria’s
bedroom to join in.

Gwynneth and Affection Deterioration

Upon completing the Haunted House quest, Gwynneth will start to become jealous if you don’t spend
enough time at her house. If you spend more than 5 days not sleeping in her bed, her affection will drop
by 5 points for each subsequent day. Gifting her perfume will raise her affection by 50 points, jewelry 20
points, and having sex or sleeping at her house will increase it by 10 points.

Maghda and Affection Deterioration

Upon completing the Home Improvements quest, Maghda will start to become jealous if you don’t
spend enough time at her cave. If you spend more than 5 days not sleeping in on the furs, her affection
will drop by 5 points for each subsequent day. Gifting her sheep will raise her affection by 30 points.
Having sex or sleeping in her cave will increase it by 10 points.

Maghda’s max affection is also bound by the availability of food for her and the children. Her max
affection cap (100) is lowered by 1 point for each day since the player last delivered a sheep. So, after 13
days without a sheep delivery, Maghda’s maximum attainable affection will be 87.

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