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Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

Multichannel customer purchase behavior and long tail effects in the

fashion goods market ✩
Brian Ratchford b, Gonca Soysal a,∗, Alejandro Zentner b
a Sam M. Walton College of Business, The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA
b The Naveen Jindal School of Management, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, USA
Available online 16 July 2022

The fast-paced growth of e-commerce is impacting the type and variety of products consumers purchase across channels. A commonly
held theory, known as long tail theory, posits that online sales are less concentrated at the top of the sales distribution than offline sales,
and that more variety is bought online, making the tails of the overall sales distribution denser with the growth of e-commerce. Most of the
literature testing the long tail theory has focused on examining entertainment goods markets that do not require much physical examination,
and has predominantly found results consistent with the theory. However, the magnitude and antecedents of the observed long tail effects
might be different for product categories containing products that require more physical examination before purchase, such as fashion goods.
In this study, using detailed individual and transaction level panel data from two multichannel fashion goods retail brands, we show that
while the shift to the online channel results in a decrease in the concentration of overall sales for both brands, this change mostly results
from consumers buying different products online rather than consumers buying a greater variety online compared to offline. We show that
the flattening of the overall sales distribution with the growth of e-commerce in our data is driven by consumers sorting their purchases
into channels based on product characteristics. In contrast to the recommendations from the previous long tail literature, our results show
that fashion apparel retailers do not need to offer broader assortments online compared to offline, but they may find it profitable to carry or
emphasize a different product mix online compared to offline. Our results also provide guidance to fashion goods retailers in curating their
online and offline assortments and setting inventory management strategies across the channels.
© 2022 New York University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: E-Commerce; Multichannel customer behavior; Long tail theory; Sales concentration; Omnichannel retailing; Assortment; Inventory; Fashion

Introduction ing, and channel integration (Neslin and Shankar 2009; Ver-
hoef et al. 2015; Thaichon et al. 2020; Ratchford et al. 2022).
The rapid growth of e-commerce in recent years has im- In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic dramatically accelerated
portant implications for the future of retailing. Drivers of this the shift to the online channel; e-commerce sales were up
growth include the proliferation of portable smart devices, nearly 45% year-over-year in the second quarter of 2020
consumers getting more comfortable with online shopping, (Unglesbee 2020). This digital transformation has created a
and retailers’ focus on omnichannel business strategies such need to re-think many elements of firms’ retail offerings, on
as increased investments in the online channel, digital market- the forefront of which lay the retail assortment and inven-
tory management across channels. While academicians and
practitioners agree that the integration of and shift to online
✩ We are grateful to the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative (WCAI) markets will fundamentally change the type and variety of
and the anonymous retail brands for making the dataset used in this study products consumers purchase, the big question that remains
∗ Corresponding author. unanswered is what type of change will take place. This is
E-mail addresses:, an important question because its answer determines what
(G. Soysal). products firms should focus their efforts on, and what va-
0022-4359/© 2022 New York University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

Fig. 1. Long tail theory. In the figure above, products are placed on the horizontal axis ordered by their popularity (in overall sales volume – sales aggregated
across the offline and online channels), and the vertical axis represents the overall sales volume for each product. Hits (best-selling products) are on the left
and niche products are on the right of the horizontal axis. The long tail theory posits that with the growth of e-commerce, the overall sales distribution will
flatten, and its tail will stretch as can be seen in this figure.

riety of products they should offer/emphasize in both the being concentrated in a few hit products. Anderson (2004) ar-
online and offline channels, as consumers move more of gued that a clear consequence of this shift is that the future
their purchases from brick-and-mortar stores to the online of business will be in selling less of more; or that it will be
channel. more profitable to sell many niche products rather than sell-
A strand of previous research studying how the shift to on- ing a few products in large volumes. Anderson (2004) also
line markets changes consumers’ shopping habits has exam- claimed that these concentration effects arise from the online
ined how the growth of e-commerce impacts the concentration channel removing the “tyranny of physical space” imposed
of the sales distribution (e.g., Brynjolfsson, Hu, and Smith by the space limitations of retail outlets.
2003; Brynjolfsson, Hu, and Simester 2011; Zentner, Smith, This supply side explanation, that the much larger as-
and Kaya 2013; Goldfarb et al. 2015). A common theme sortments offered by online retailers compared to brick
in this literature is that while traditionally a few best-selling and mortar stores favors the sale of niche products, has
products, the superstars, have accounted for a large percent- found empirical support in the early long tail literature (e.g.,
age of sales in many markets (e.g., a few new releases or best Brynjolfsson, Hu, and Smith 2003). In addition, some demand
sellers take over a majority of the sales in markets for music, side drivers have been discussed in this literature, including:
movies, or books), the Internet has the potential to shift this (i) differences in the preferences (heterogeneity) of customers
balance towards less popular products and reduce the con- buying online versus offline (e.g., Zentner et al. 2013); (ii)
centration of sales. The term “long tail” was first used by lower online search costs combined with search aids such
Anderson (2004) to describe this phenomenon: as the online as recommendation systems leading to easier discovery of
channel grows over time, the share of sales coming from a few niche products (e.g., Brynjolfsson, Hu, and Simester 2011);
bestsellers declines, and the share that comes from a larger and (iii) the non-personal nature of online interactions allow-
number of niche products increases. As illustrated in Fig. 1, ing consumers to purchase more freely online without social
the long tail theory postulates that the growth in the share inhibitions (e.g., Goldfarb et al. 2015).
of online purchases relative to offline purchases will lead to Long tail effects are often defined as the change in the
a flattening of the sales distribution since sales will be more concentration of the overall sales distribution (sales aggre-
evenly distributed over a wider range of products rather than gated across the online and offline channels) when the share

B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

of online purchases increases compared to offline.1 However, both to the literatures on multichannel customer purchase be-
this definition overlooks that the change in the concentration havior and on long tail effects.
of sales might result from two different types of consumer We believe that the previous literature on concentration
cross-channel purchase behavior patterns that have different effects has mostly accepted the explanation of consumers
managerial implications: (a) consumers buying a greater (or buying a greater variety online because this literature has
lesser) variety online compared to offline,2 (b) consumers mainly focused on a narrow set of products (e.g., books,
buying different products online compared to offline without music, videos) that have attributes that can be easily com-
necessarily buying more variety online, or a combination of municated over the Internet (e.g., price, or the author of a
(a) and (b). The mechanisms discussed above, in particular book), despite some notable exceptions (e.g., Richards and
cross channel assortment differences or customer heterogene- Rabinovich 2018; Brynjolfsson, Hu and Simester 2011). In
ity, might lead to either one of these two purchase patterns. categories where products might also have attributes that are
If consumers buy a greater variety online than offline (as in not easily communicated over the Internet (often called sen-
(a)), the concentration of sales will be lower in the online sory or non-digital attributes) like fit and style of clothing
channel compared to offline. This, in turn, will lead to a de- or ripeness of fresh produce, brick and mortar stores have
crease in the concentration of overall sales, as the share of a clear and well documented informational advantage over
online purchases increases over time. If, however, consumers online stores since they allow physical examination of the
buy different products online and offline (as in (b)), this will products (Alba et al. 1997; Peterson et al., 1997; Lal and Sar-
also lead to a decrease in the concentration of overall sales, vary 1999; Chintagunta, Chu, and Cebollada 2012; Lee and
as the share of online purchases increases over time, even Bell 2013; Bell, Gallino, and Moreno 2018; Balasubrama-
when consumers buy similar variety online and offline. nian et al. 2005). In such markets, consumers may divide their
While the previous literature on the long tail has exclu- purchases between online and offline channels based on the
sively assumed that the change in the concentration of sales product characteristics or their knowledge of the products they
is a result of consumers buying a greater variety online as in plan to purchase (Lal and Sarvary 1999; Betancourt 2016; Be-
(a), in this paper we show that the long tail effects might also tancourt et al. 2016; Balasubramanian et al. 2005). For exam-
be explained by consumers buying different products online ple, the offline channel might be chosen if consumers need to
compared to offline. For omnichannel retailers, it is impor- inspect the product in person or require immediate delivery,
tant to understand not just how much the concentration of while the online channel can save them travel costs if they
sales changes with the growth of the online channel, but also can get sufficient information online, or if they have previ-
why it changes, since the consumer cross-channel purchase ous experience with the product. While consumers’ sorting
behavior patterns behind the two explanations ((a) and (b)) of purchases across channels based on product characteristics
have different managerial consequences for retailers’ cross- has been documented in the literature in the grocery con-
channel assortment and inventory strategies. Specifically, the text (e.g., Chintagunta, et al. 2012; Campo and Breugelmans
traditional managerial implication from the literature finding 2015), the long tail literature has overlooked how this sorting
long tail effects arising from consumers buying greater va- may lead to long tail effects and affect the measurement and
riety online compared to offline (as in (a)) has been that interpretation of these effects.
it would be profitable for omnichannel retailers to carry a In this paper, we use detailed individual level transac-
larger assortment online compared to offline and focus their tion data from two leading multichannel fashion goods re-
marketing efforts on niche products to unleash the long tail tail brands to (i) quantify the long tail effects, (ii) demon-
potential. However, if the long tail effects are mainly driven strate the extent to which the measured long tail effects are
by consumers buying different products online compared to driven by consumers buying different products online com-
offline (as in (b)), retailers do not necessarily need to carry a pared to offline versus consumers buying a greater variety
larger assortment online compared to offline, but they might online compared to offline, and (iii) examine the differences
find it profitable to either carry a different product mix online in the product mixes consumers buy online and offline from
versus offline or to streamline their online and offline assort- two retail brands that mainly sell apparel and accessories. The
ments and emphasize different products online versus offline. majority of the brands’ offerings are fashion goods with short
For this reason, by examining the link between different types lifecycles; however, the brands also carry some more basic
of consumer cross-channel purchase behavior patterns and the items that have longer lifecycles (e.g., some classic styles of
resulting change in the concentration of sales, we contribute jeans, socks, underwear, or personal care items) across all di-
visions. We note that apparel is one of the key retail sectors
1 See Section 2 for alternative definitions. The definitions of long tail effects in the United States. In 2019, sales of clothing and acces-
in the literature abstract away from how products are defined, whether at the sories through specialty and department stores in US reached
SKU level or at a broader level in the product hierarchy. We show that our $502B (9.8% of total retail sales, US Census Bureau 2019).
results and conclusions are similar when conducting analyses at the SKU Our data analyses show that there are substantial differ-
level or at the style level aggregating across colors and sizes of a particular
ences in products that are popular in the online versus offline
2 In our context, buying a greater variety of styles (products) means buying channels for both retail brands even though their online and
a greater percentage of the less popular (niche) styles rather than the most offline assortments are very similar. A large number of prod-
popular (bestselling) styles. ucts that are best sellers (superstars) in the online channel are

B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

not popular (are niches) in the offline channel and vice versa. especially for fit (e.g., apparel tops or bottoms) in their offline
In particular, items requiring less physical examination (e.g., assortments. An important feature of the fashion goods items
easy-fit items like socks or home textiles like tablecloths) is that consumer demand and competition require that retail-
are more likely to be best sellers online, and items requiring ers refresh the entire assortment every three to four months
more physical examination (e.g., pants or fragrances) are more due to seasonality and rapidly changing fashion trends (Bi-
likely to be best sellers offline. While the fact that consumers tran and Mondschein 1997). This creates high product de-
prefer to purchase items requiring more physical examina- velopment costs, and also requires that the entire assortment
tion in brick-and-mortar stores rather than online has been be sold during the current season (Soysal and Krishnamurthi
suggested in the theoretical literature (e.g., Lal and Sarvary 2012). For the retailer, increasing assortments is expensive
1999; Balasubramanian et al. 2005) and empirically tested and risky due to the need to take markdowns if items do not
in the grocery context (Chintagunta et al. 2012; Campo and sell quickly. Because of the short fashion cycle, consumers
Breugelmans 2015), we provide empirical evidence for this are faced with a need to gather new product information ev-
fact in the fashion goods context. We also show that, in the ery time they purchase. The best information on fit and other
fashion goods context, repeat purchases of the same product sensory attributes comes from personal inspection.
are more likely to take place online compared to the initial However, other more basic items sold by apparel retail-
purchases. We believe these findings will extend to other mar- ers such as socks, underwear, and men’s basic shirts are not
kets where products might have important sensory attributes likely to undergo major changes from season to season, and
(e.g., beauty and personal care products, flowers). style or fit is relatively unimportant. These items can gener-
Regarding concentration effects, our analyses show that the ally be purchased without a detailed examination and buying
growth of e-commerce is associated with a decrease in the them online is attractive to consumers because it saves travel
concentration of overall sales for both Brands A and B. For costs (Lal and Sarvary 1999). Similarly, the sensory attributes
every 10 percentage-point increase in the share of purchases of products like home décor and home textiles (e.g., sheets,
taken by the online channel, the concentration of overall sales tablecloths), other categories sold by the focal retailers, can
is predicted to decrease by 2.88% for Brand A and by 5.77% generally be conveyed online, making them amenable to on-
for Brand B. However, when we quantify the differences be- line sales. There is also evidence that consumers prefer to buy
tween the concentrations of online and offline sales, we find heavy and bulky items such as furniture online and have them
that consumers buy similar variety online and offline. Our re- delivered (Chintagunta et al. 2012; Campo and Breugelmans
sults suggest that consumers buying different products online 2015). In sum, the value of personal inspection imparts an
versus offline (explanation (b)) explains all of the decrease advantage to offline sales for fashion merchandise. Depend-
in the concentration of overall sales with the growth of e- ing on consumer travel costs, past experience, and personal
commerce for Brand A and more than half of the decrease preference other items marketed by the focal retailers can be
for Brand B.3 Our analyses also reveal that neither assort- sold in either channel.
ment differences between the two channels nor customer het- In contrast to the recommendations from the previous
erogeneity explain the change in the concentration of overall long tail literature, our results show that omnichannel fashion
sales; and consumers sorting their purchases into channels goods retailers do not need to offer much broader assortments
based on product characteristics is the main driver behind the online compared to offline, but they may find it profitable to
observed long tail effects in our data. carry and/or emphasize a different product mix online com-
We believe our results are important for the long tail and pared to offline. If the retailers find it profitable to diversify
multichannel customer purchase behavior literatures. The ex- their online and offline assortments, they can do so by offer-
amination of long tail versus superstar e-commerce effects ing more varieties of products (categories) consumers prefer
in the previous literature has overlooked the possible exis- to purchase online in the online channel and more varieties
tence of differences in product popularity across the online of products (categories) consumers prefer to purchase offline
and offline channels. We show that these differences are sub- in the offline channel. If the retailers decide to align their on-
stantial in the fashion goods industry and that the existence of line and offline assortments to avoid consumer confusion or
cross-channel product popularity differences due to consumers frustration (Campo and Breugelmans 2015; Melis et al. 2015,
purchasing different products online versus offline can lead 2016; Campo et al. 2021) they might still benefit from em-
to a decrease in the concentration of overall sales with the phasizing different product mixes in stores versus online using
growth of e-commerce. In our setting, this conclusion holds marketing tools (such as special displays, product placement,
even when consumers purchase similar variety online versus recommendation engines, ranking of search results) or car-
offline. rying larger inventories of different products online versus
Regarding managerial implications, our results suggest that offline. In addition, the retailers should consider not only de-
fashion good retailers might find it profitable to emphasize mand, but also the associated cost considerations (e.g., prod-
products that require physical examination before purchase, uct development, logistics, distribution costs) in assortment
3 The results are similar when defining products at the style level aggre- The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
gating colors and sizes, when using disaggregated data at the SKU level, and tion 2 provides a review of the related literature, Section 3
when limiting the analysis to the apparel categories. introduces the data and setting, Section 4 explains the empir-

B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

Table 1
Different measures used in the long tail literature.

Difference between
Change in Concentration Concentrations of Online Change in Concentration of
of Overall Sales & Offline Sales Online Sales due to Variety
Brynjolfsson, Hu, Simester (2011)∗ No Yes∗ No
Elberse and Oberholzer-Gee 2007 Yes No No
Zentner, Smith and Kaya 2013 Yes No No
Gallino, Moreno, and Stamatopoulos 2017 Yes No No
Brynjolfsson, Hu, Smith (2003) No No Yes
Richards and Rabinovich 2018 No No Yes
Tan, Netessine, and Hitt 2017 No No Yes
This Study Yes Yes No
∗ Brynjolfsson, Hu, Simester (2011) use data from the online and catalog channels, they do not use data from the offline channel. Catalog sales are not

equivalent to offline sales for many reasons, one of which is that the catalog channel does not allow inspection of the product at the point of purchase (like
the online channel) while the offline channel does.

ical strategy, Section 5 presents the empirical results, Section The literature on the long tail has also used differ-
6 discusses the robustness examinations, and Section 7 con- ent types of data which also creates confusion. For ex-
cludes and discusses limitations and ideas for future research. ample, Brynjolfsson, Hu, Smith (2003) and Richards and
Rabinovich (2018) use data from the online channel ex-
clusively. Tan, Netessine, and Hitt (2017) use data from
Literature review the offline channel exclusively. Elberse and Oberholzer-
Gee (2007) use data that is not disaggregated by channel.
Much of the earlier long tail literature has overlooked Zentner, Smith and Kaya (2013) and Gallino, Moreno, and
that the term “long tail effects” has been used to describe Stamatopoulos (2017) use data from both the online and of-
different effects. For example, the results in Elberse and fline channels. Brynjolffson, Hu, Simester (2011) use data
Oberholzer-Gee (2007), Zentner, Smith and Kaya (2013), or from the online and catalog channels. In Table 2 below we
Gallino, Moreno and Stamatopoulos (2017) are not compara- provide a summary of the types of data used in different stud-
ble to the results in Brynjolfsson, Hu and Simester (2011) be- ies in the long tail literature.
cause the former measure the impact of e-commerce on the The different definitions of the long tail, the use of these
concentration of the overall sales distribution (sales aggre- definitions to examine omnichannel versus single channel
gated across the online and offline channels) and the latter contexts, and the different types of data used to measure long
measures the difference between the concentrations of the on- tail effects have led to apparently conflicting results in the
line and offline sales distributions. In this study, we present literature regarding the existence or magnitudes of long tail
both measures and show that the two measures are not com- effects. By disentangling how the change in the concentration
parable when consumers buy different products online and of sales results from: (a) consumers buying a greater variety
offline. Specifically, the concentration of overall sales will online, versus (b) consumers buying different products online
decrease with an increase in the share of online purchases compared to offline, our paper provides a new way of inter-
if consumers buy different products online and offline even preting the results in the previous literature. In addition, our
when the concentrations of online and offline sales are sim- paper focuses on a product category that has received limited
ilar. Under such conditions, the former measure will reveal attention in this literature.
long tail effects while the latter measure will reveal no effect. While there is emergent interest in the empirical literature
Moreover, the results in the papers studying omnichannel on examining omnichannel consumer behavior in the fashion
contexts are not comparable to the results in research focus- goods market (e.g., Cortiñas et al. 2019; Wang and Gold-
ing on the online or the offline channel exclusively. Some farb 2017; Soysal and Krishnamurthi 2016), none of these
examples of papers focusing on a single channel are those studies have focused on examining the long tail effects of
studying (i) the impact of product variety on concentration e-commerce. One exception to this is Brynjolfsson, Hu and
of sales in the online channel exclusively (Brynjolfsson, Hu, Simester (2011), who also use fashion goods data, but they
Smith 2003; Richards and Rabinovich 2018), (ii) the impact compare the concentrations of sales between the catalog and
of product variety on concentration of sales in the offline internet channels. These two channels are similar in their abil-
channel exclusively (Tan, Netessine, and Hitt 2017), and (iii) ity to communicate information about sensory attributes of
the impact of recommendation systems and popularity lists apparel items (e.g., personal fit or texture) whereas the of-
on the sales of popular and niche products focusing on on- fline channel has an advantage over the online channel (and
line markets exclusively (Tucker and Zhang 2011; Fleder and the catalog channel) as it allows physical examination of
Hosanagar 2009; Oestreicher-Singer and Sundararajan 2012). products before purchase. We believe that ours is the only
In Table 1 below we provide a summary of the types of mea- study that compares the concentration of sales between the
sures used in different studies in the long tail literature. offline and online channels of the same fashion goods retailer.

B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

Table 2
Different types of data used in the long tail literature.

Online Data Offline Data Catalog Data Data not Disaggregated by Channels
Brynjolffson, Hu, Simester (2011) Yes No Yes No
Elberse and Oberholzer-Gee 2007 No No No Yes
Zentner, Smith and Kaya 2013 Yes Yes No No
Gallino, Moreno, and Stamatopoulos 2017 Yes Yes No No
Brynjolfsson, Hu, Smith (2003) Yes No No No
Richards and Rabinovich 2018 Yes No No No
Tan, Netessine, and Hitt 2017 Yes No No No
This Study Yes Yes No No

Richards and Rabinovich (2018) use data from an online-only vantage since consumers can physically examine and acquire
grocer and examine the impact of a 40% reduction in the the product at the point of purchase (Chintagunta et al. 2012;
number of SKUs sold on sales and sales concentration. While Liang and Huang 1998; Alba et al. 1997; Peterson et al.,
their results shed light to the impact of assortment depth on 1997; Lal and Sarvary 1999; Lee and Bell 2013; Bell, Gallino,
sales concentration in the online channel, they do not facilitate and Moreno 2018; Pozzi 2012; Goldfarb et. al 2015; Bal-
a comparison between the online and offline concentrations asubramanian et al. 2005). Chintagunta et al. (2012) and
of sales. Campo and Breugelmans (2015) show that in the grocery set-
There has been a great surge of interest among academi- ting, physical examination plays an important role when pur-
cians in examining consumers’ purchase behavior in an om- chasing perishable goods (e.g., fresh produce, meat, seafood,
nichannel environment, their channel choice decisions, and and bakery items) and thus consumers prefer to buy such
more specifically their channel preferences for specific prod- products offline. They also show that consumers prefer to buy
ucts. Previous research has shown that some key determi- heavy/bulky products online to avoid picking and transporting
nants of channel choice decisions include: (i) channel at- them. We extend this literature by showing that in the fash-
tributes including accessibility, travel/switching costs, and ion goods market, similar to the grocery market, consumers
immediate product availability (e.g., Dholakia et al. 2010; choose to purchase products with important sensory attributes
Venkatesan et al. 2007), (ii) consumer characteristics and (e.g., apparel tops or fragrances) offline and heavy/bulky items
consumer channel experience (e.g., Venkatesan et al. 2007; (e.g., furniture) online. Importantly, we also show that sorting
Valentini et al. 2011), (iii) firm’s marketing activities (e.g., of purchases into channels based on product attributes has key
Thomas and Sullivan 2005), and (iv) product characteris- consequences for the measurement and interpretation of the
tics (e.g., Chintagunta et al. 2012). Blattberg et al. (2008), long tail effects and for retailers’ cross-channel assortment
Neslin et al. (2006), and Neslin and Shankar (2009) provide and inventory management strategies.
detailed reviews of this literature in the context of omnichan- Several studies using data from multichannel grocery re-
nel customer management. Our paper extends this literature tailers have shown that in the grocery context, where on-
by showing that in the fashion goods market, product charac- line assortments are typically smaller than offline assortments,
teristics influence channel choice decisions based on the pres- maintaining a similar assortment online and offline might
ence/importance of sensory versus digital product attributes. beneficial. Since purchase involvement is low in the gro-
In each retail purchase transaction, in addition to the prod- cery market and the same products are purchased repeatedly,
uct, the retailer provides a set of distribution services, includ- similar assortments online and offline allow consumers shop-
ing accessibility of location, information, assortment (breadth ping online to rely on their previous assortment knowledge
and depth), assurance of product delivery (in time and form), gained in the offline channel (Campo and Breugelmans 2015;
and ambiance (Betancourt 2004; Kopalle et al. 2009). Dif- Melis et al. 2015, 2016; Campo et al. 2021). For the fash-
ferences in the levels of services attainable by each chan- ion goods market, we expect a similar transfer of knowledge
nel can impact channel choice (Betancourt et al. 2016; between the offline and the online channels for items that
Alba et al. 1997; Peterson et al., 1997) and can lead to seg- do not have rapidly changing or complex attributes, such as
mentation of consumers where some make purchases in both socks and underwear. These should be interchangeable across
channels and others only purchase through a single channel channels and are expected to be bought in both. Conversely,
but may partially use distribution services in the other chan- since goods with a high fashion content have short life cycles
nel (Betancourt et al. 2016; Cortiñas et al. 2019). Especially and require detailed inspection on each purchase occasion, the
relevant to our study is the difference between the online and offline channel has a clear advantage in selling these items.
the offline channels in terms of their ability to provide distri-
bution services associated with sensory versus non-sensory Data and setting
products (Betancourt et al. 2016; Degeratu, Rangaswamy,
and Wu 2000; Pauwels et al. 2011). As discussed earlier, Our data come from two different brands of a North
in categories where products might have important sensory American specialty fashion goods retailer. Although these two
attributes, the offline channel has a clear informational ad- brands belong to the same parent company, each brand has

B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

its own online store and brick-and-mortar stores selling an in- or patterns typically have more “sensory” attributes than more
dependent and exclusive line of products from three product basic products that have more standardized features.
divisions: apparel, accessories, and home furnishings. While Our data cover a two-year period from July 1st, 2010,
the apparel division accounts for the bulk of sales of the two through June 30th, 2012. Although our data come from a pe-
brands, the brands also sell accessories and home furnish- riod between 2010 and 2012, our discussions with the man-
ings. The distribution of the total revenue across divisions agement of the retail brands that are the sources of our data,
for Brand A (B) is as follows: apparel 75% (69%), acces- and our own industry research, has reassured us that there
sories 12% (21%), and home furnishings 13% (10%). The have not been any major changes in the fashion goods market
brands sell branded merchandise from other vendors as well in terms of market structure, supply chains, retailers’ market-
as their private label products across all divisions. The brick- ing strategies, or consumer purchase behavior (except for an
and-mortar stores from the two brands are not co-located and increase in the share of the online purchases in overall sales)
the brands are managed independently. Brand A is the larger since the 2010-2012 period. Thus, our findings in this paper
brand, with its revenue representing 61% of the parent re- still apply to the present context.
tailer’s total revenue (in our data) and targets affluent women Each brand randomly sampled a total of 14,000 customers
between the ages of 30 and 40 (Brand A does not sell men’s from all the customers who were “active” during the two-
products). Brand B’s revenue represents 28% of the retailer’s year data period.6 However, the total number of customers
total revenue, and it targets men and women between the ages that we use in our analysis varies across the two brands for
of 18 and 30.4 two reasons. First, some customers included in the sample
What sets the fashion goods market apart from other mar- (since they were considered “active” by the retailer) did not
kets like consumer packaged goods or durable goods is that make any purchases during our study period. Second, when
most fashion products have short lifecycles and are replaced customers are sampled for a brand, we observe their transac-
regularly by new styles because of rapidly changing trends tions for both brands.
and consumer tastes. More generally, the product mix of a For each customer, we observe purchases from both the
retailer can be classified under three main merchandise types: brands’ physical and online stores. The focal firm matched
fashion, seasonal, and basic. Fashion merchandise consists of credit and debit card purchases to a specific customer (a third-
items that continuously change based on the latest trends (e.g., party service offers matching of different card numbers and
women’s dresses reflecting the latest trends in color or cut). names to a specific customer). Cash purchases are matched
The retailers offer several (at least four to five) seasonal lines using e-mail addresses or phone numbers (which the store
of these goods throughout the year and the retailers’ assort- clerks are trained to request) and account for only 1.7% of
ment for fashion goods are almost completely refreshed every all purchases. For each purchase event, we observe the pur-
three to four months (Bitran and Mondschein, 1997; Lal and chase channel, store number for transactions made at physical
Sarvary, 1999). Since fashion goods reflect the latest trends, stores, payment method, list of purchased items, and the num-
product styles and designs are rarely repeated from season-to- ber of units and dollar amount for each purchased item. We
season or from year-to-year. Basic merchandise (also called also observe product returns and online order cancellations.
staples) is the opposite of fashion merchandise, and the prod- The brands charge uniform prices across channels and stores,
ucts remain largely unchanged from season-to-season or year- as is typical in the fashion goods market, and markdowns are
to-year (e.g., basic men’s shirts). Although the fashion goods synchronized across stores and channels.
brands in our data carry some products that have longer Table 3 presents summary statistics for our data. These
lifecycles and might be classified under basic merchandise statistics and empirical analyses are based on “gross demand”
(e.g., some classic styles of jeans, socks, underwear, and per- (including returns). However, we replicated the analysis using
sonal care products), these products account for a very small net demand and our results are robust to the exclusion of re-
percentage of either brands’ sales. Seasonal merchandise is turns as we discuss in the appendix. Over our two-year data
sold only part of the year based on the changes in climate period we observe a total of 197,221 purchase transactions
or certain holidays (e.g., swimsuits, Christmas pajamas, or for Brand A; 19% of these transactions took place online.
eggnog).5 Seasonal products also account for a very small For Brand B we observe a total of 148,069 purchase transac-
percentage of either brand’s sales in our data. In the apparel tions; 27% took place online. A transaction refers to an order.
division (and similarly in accessories and home furnishings), For instance, if a consumer purchases three different products
fashion goods that are associated with extensive use of colors from two different categories in a single cashier transaction
in the store or buys them as part of an order placed online
4 The retailer also owns a third, smaller brand which accounts for 11% at a certain time, the purchase of those three products would
of the retailer’s total revenues but this brand has been excluded from our be considered a single transaction.
analysis since it started as a pure-play online retailer and had very few stores
compared to the other brands during our observation period.
5 One can further divide seasonal goods into seasonal-basics vs. seasonal-

fashions depending on whether the products sold change from year-to-year. 6 The retailer defines active using, “a set of key customer events that in-

If the retailer sells the same models of Christmas pajamas every year, they clude web browsing, purchasing, creating a wish list, responding to direct
may be classified under seasonal-basics but if the models change every year marketing.” The company tracks behavior of customers who are active but
based on the latest trends, they may be classified under seasonal-fashions. do not make purchases due to their interest in converting them to purchasers.

B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner
Table 3
Summary statistics.

Brand A Brand B

All Customers Offline-Only Multichannel Customers Online-Only All Customers Offline-Only Multichannel Customers Online-Only
Customers Customers Customers Customers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Offline Online Offline Offline Online Online Offline Online Offline Offline Online Online
Purchases Purchases Purchases Purchases Purchases Purchases Purchases Purchases Purchases Purchases Purchases Purchases
Number of Total 160,693 36,528 71,996 88,697 31,211 5,317 107,907 40,162 43,811 64,096 31,409 8,753
Percent of Total 81.5% 18.5% 36.5% 45.0% 15.8% 2.7% 72.9% 27.1% 29.6% 43.3% 21.2% 5.9%
Percent of Total 74.7% 25.3% 30.0% 44.7% 21.7% 3.6% 64.5% 35.5% 25.2% 39.3% 27.9% 7.6%
Percent of Total 80.7% 19.3% 34.2% 46.5% 16.6% 2.7% 68.0% 32.0% 26.6% 41.4% 24.8% 7.2%
Quantity Sold

Average Total 815.95 276.22 564.33 1454.53 704.79 470.77 288.38 158.83 231.26 466.92 331.94 248.20
Spending per Cust. (1648.68) (1206.67) (909.03) (2445.92) (1760.20) (1911.22) (500.40) (430.18) (362.81) (654.74) (585.34) (479.94)
Average Total 18.5 4.41 13.5 31.7 11.3 7.32 10.69 5.03 8.58 17.30 10.37 8.24
Quantity Purchased (36.22) (19.03) (20.61) (53.56) (29.11) (24.30) (19.14) (13.52) (12.59) (26.03) (17.91) (16.60)
per Cust.
Average Number of 6.69 1.52 5.17 11.0 3.87 2.64 4.00 1.49 3.33 6.32 3.09 2.37
Purchases per Cust. (11.64) (4.97) (6.79) (17.03) (7.34) (6.22) (6.29) (2.88) (4.10) (8.46) (3.63) (2.97)
Average Purchase 115.12 159.95 103.82 134.65 162.92 148.05 70.56 96.17 66.22 76.16 96.94 93.99
(Trans.) Size in $ (99.37) (170.29) (91.30) (109.23) (172.26) (161.67) (62.34) (76.29) (60.21) (64.55) (76.30) (76.19)
(Cond. on purchase)
Average Purchase 2.63 2.54 2.55 2.49 2.85 2.50 2.60 2.96 2.49 2.73 2.96 2.95
(Trans.) Size in (1.76) (2.96) (2.74) (1.72) (1.81) (3.71) (1.82) (2.34) (1.80) (1.84) (2.32) (2.38)
(Cond. on purchase)

Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

Number of 24,010 13,931 8,064 2,015 26,940 13,121 10,140 3,679
Percent of 100% 58.0% 33.6% 8.4% 100% 48.7% 37.6% 13.7%
Standard deviations are in parentheses.
B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

Based on their purchase behavior over the two-year period, the Top 100 in sales in the offline channel and in overall
we divide customers into three mutually exclusive segments sales but are not among the Top 100 in sales in the online
for each brand. A multichannel customer purchased at least channel, and the products in area D are among the Top 100
once from both the online and offline channels of the firm. An in sales in the online channel and in overall sales but are not
offline-only (online-only) customer purchased at least once among the Top 100 in sales in the offline channel. The prod-
from the offline (online) channel and did not make any pur- ucts in area C (the middle intersection) are in the Top 100
chases from the other channel. Out of the 24,010 (26,940) in all overall sales, online sales, and offline sales. The low
unique customers who made a purchase from Brand A (B), commonality of top products online and offline is remarkable
58% (48.7%) are offline-only, 33.6% (37.6%) are multichan- for both brands. Only 43 products for both Brands A and
nel, and 8.4% (13.7%) are online-only customers. Multichan- B rank within the Top 100 in sales in both the online and
nel customers are highly engaged with the retail brands; and offline channels. These statistics demonstrate the important
account for 66.4% (67.2%) of the of total revenues for Brand differences in product popularity across the online and offline
A (B). They not only buy more often, but also buy more channels.
units and spend more per transaction in the offline channel Area A (E) in Fig. 2 represents the products that are among
compared to offline-only customers and in the online chan- the Top 100 from the offline (online) channel, but not among
nel compared to online-only customers. Because a substantial the Top 100 using overall sales from both channels. Area E
portion of the customers in our data purchase through both in Fig. 2 is rather large for both (50 for Brand A and 57
channels, and we also observe several transactions per cus- for Brand B) brands. Area A is smaller than Area E because
tomer, we are able to exploit the panel nature of the data in the offline channel takes a substantially larger share of overall
our empirical analysis. Multichannel customers made on av- sales than the online channel. The offline channel has a larger
erage 11.0 (6.32) transactions offline and 3.87 (3.09) transac- share of overall sales compared to the online channel (81.5%
tions online for Brand A (B) during the two-year observation of all transactions for Brand A and 72.9% for Brand B take
period. place in brick-and-mortar stores). Thus, the list of popular
Although on average consumers purchased a similar num- products when ranking products using overall sales is domi-
ber of units per transaction when they used the online or the nated by products that are popular from the offline channel.
offline channels, the variation of the number of units pur- In Tables 4a, and 4b we further investigate the differences
chased relative to the mean is higher online compared to of- in product popularity ranks online and offline by computing
fline, especially for Brand A (coefficient of variation is 1.16 popularity ranks for various thresholds. For example, the top
(1.43) online and 0.67 (1.27) offline for Brand A (B). For left cell in Table 4a for Brand A shows that only 21 of the
Brand A (B) they purchased an average of 2.54 (2.96) units top 50 products offline are also within the top 50 products
when they used the online channel, and 2.63 (2.60) units when in the online channel. Table 4a also shows that some prod-
they used the offline channel. ucts can be very popular in one channel and have very low
For our empirical examination we need to specify the ap- sales in the other channel (e.g., for Brand A 10 of the top
propriate level in the product hierarchy that we will use in our 50 online products are not even among top 1,000 products
analysis. Unlike the case of movies or books where the title offline). Tables 4b shows similar differences across channels
might suffice to identify a unique product (the literature typ- for Brand B.
ically treats movie or book titles as a “product” independent While Fig. 2 reveals the differences in superstar products
of the format), in the apparel industry a unique style (de- in online and offline markets, Tables 4a and 4b further re-
sign) is often offered in a large variety of sizes and colors. veal that a substantial number of products are superstar in
SKUs are unique identifiers for a color and size combination one channel and niche in the other channel. Together these
within specific styles. The style code identifier in our data statistics document large cross-channel product popularity dif-
aggregates over colors and/or sizes for apparel items as well ferences that are consistent across the two specialty fashion
as non-apparel items (e.g., accessories, kitchenware, or fur- goods retail brands.
niture) sold in multiple colors/sizes. One can therefore either
conduct the analysis at the style level or at the unique SKU Online versus offline assortment in the fashion goods
level and choosing the unit of analysis is not straightforward. industry
We present our analysis at the style level in the main text be-
cause our focal brands do their planning, present products to Assortment is much larger online than offline in some
consumers, and record reviews and ratings at the style level. industries, such as in the video rental industry (Zent-
However, we replicated the analysis at the SKU level and our ner et al. 2013). However, as we show in the appendix, there
conclusions do not change when we use SKU level data as are almost no assortment differences across the channels for
we discuss in Appendix A. either of our focal brands. We also note that our focal brands
Fig. 2 shows the commonality of superstar (top 100 best- are typical in the fashion goods industry. Specifically, based
selling) products across the online and offline channels for on conversations with managers from other large omnichan-
our observation period for both brands. Areas B, C, and D nel specialty fashion goods retailers (i.e., GAP, Talbots, Ann
in Fig. 2 represent the 100 products with highest overall unit Taylor) we note that these brands also carry similar selections
sales (Top 100 Overall). The products in area B are among online and offline.

B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

Fig. 2. Commonality in popular products in online and offline channels.

Table 4a
Comparison of popular products offline vs. online for brand A for various rank thresholds.


<51 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301-1000 >1000

Offline <51 21 7 3 3 2 1 5 8
51-100 7 8 9 7 5 4 8 2
101-150 5 3 8 3 5 1 12 13
151-200 1 4 6 4 6 3 21 5
201-250 2 1 6 3 5 4 20 9
251-300 1 1 0 5 2 3 23 15
301-1000 3 13 6 14 10 17 264 373
>1000 10 13 12 11 15 17 347 16981

It is important to distinguish our context (in which we are the pure-play online retailer and the physical stores of the
comparing online and offline sales of the same omnichannel omnichannel retailers (especially those that sell products from
retailer) from one that compares the assortment of pure-play a single brand like Clarks) are large in their context.
online retailers to the assortments at physical stores of com-
peting omnichannel retailers. For example, both Quan and Empirical strategy
Williams (2018) and Tang, Lin, and Kim (2016) use data from
a pure play online shoe retailer (e.g., and from In this \n we present the empirical strategy we use to mea-
the physical stores of competing retailers (e.g., Macy’s, Pay- sure how much the concentration of sales changes with the
less, Clarks) and argue that assortment differences between growth of e-commerce. As we discussed earlier, in addition to

B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

Table 4b
Comparison of popular products offline vs. online for brand B for various rank thresholds.


<51 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301-1000 >1000

Offline <51 22 5 4 1 4 1 7 6
51-100 5 11 4 3 1 1 14 11
101-150 2 1 2 2 2 3 21 17
151-200 2 2 1 1 3 2 24 15
201-250 3 3 1 1 2 2 17 21
251-300 0 1 1 0 2 2 15 29
301-1000 2 10 10 14 9 8 113 534
>1000 14 17 27 28 27 31 489 28851

measuring the magnitude of the long tail effects we also in- gregated across the online and offline channels and across all
vestigate whether the concentration of overall sales (sales ag- customers; superscript o). We update the sales ranks monthly
gregated across the online and offline channels) changes due and thus have twenty-four overall sales ranks for each retail
to: (a) consumers buying a greater variety online compared to brand, one for each month in our data, since product popular-
offline, (b) consumers buying different products online com- ity might change over time due to seasonality and changes in
pared to offline, or a combination of (a) and (b). Our initial the retail brands’ assortments. Share T op 100ito (m) measures
analyses presented above have shown that product popular- the concentration of sales (defined as the share of top 100
ity is significantly different in the online and offline channels products as a percent of total unit sales) in each transaction
despite the two channels carrying very similar assortments. and top 100 products are determined based on the overall
This provides some model-free evidence that consumers buy- sales in the month the transaction takes place. In these anal-
ing different products online compared to offline might be yses, each transaction corresponds to one row in our data.
an important explanation behind the long tail effects in our Our empirical approach in measuring the change in the
empirical setting (explanation (b) above). As we discussed overall concentration of sales with the growth of e-commerce
earlier, it is important for the retailer to understand not just is to estimate fixed effects models of the following form:
how much the concentration of sales changes with the growth
(m ) = α + β Dummy Onlinei,t (m) + ψm + uit
of the share of sales from the online channel, but also why Share T op 100i,t
the concentration of sales changes since different explanations (1)
have different managerial implications.
In order to measure how the concentration of overall sales Model (1) examines the change in the share of products
changes as the share of online sales compared to offline sales in each transaction taken by the purchases of top 100 prod-
increases, we use individual and transaction level panel data. ucts (based on overall sales) when consumers move their pur-
In our data, a transaction refers to an order. If a consumer chases from the offline channel to the online channel (when
purchases multiple items in a single cashier transaction in the the dummy variable representing an online purchase transac-
store or as part of an online order placed at a certain time, tion goes from 0 to 1). In Model (1) ψm represents a fixed
the whole purchase would be considered a single transaction. effect for month m. Month fixed effects (there are 24 of those
For each purchase transaction in the data made by individual for our two-year data observation period) absorb time shocks
i on date t (of month m) that might represent the purchase of to concentration of sales such as time trends or seasonality
multiple items we define a dummy variable indicating whether shocks.
the transaction was made online or offline: While Model (1) allows us to measure how the concen-
 tration of overall sales (sales aggregated across the online
1 i f t he t ransaction was made online
and offline channels) changes with the growth of ecommerce,
Dummy Onlinei,t (m ) =
0 i f t he t ransaction was made o f f line we also want to examine whether this change occurs due to:
Following Zentner et al. (2013) to facilitate the comparison (a) consumers buying a greater variety online compared to
to the previous literature on the long tail, for each purchase offline, (b) consumers buying different products online com-
transaction we also define the share of products in the transac- pared to offline, or a combination of (a) and (b). In order to
tion taken by the purchases of top 100 products as follows: distinguish between these two explanations, we will next mea-
sure the difference between the concentrations of sales in the
Share T op 100i,t (m ) online and offline channels. Our method is analogous to sep-
Number o f T op 100 Overall U nits Purchased in T ransact ion i, t (m ) arately measuring online and offline concentrations of sales
T otal Number o f U nits Purchased in T ransaction i, t (m )
and calculating the difference between the two concentrations
The superscript o and subscript m refer to the sales but has the added advantage of allowing the inclusion of time
rankings used to compute the numerator of the variable and consumer fixed effects. These fixed effects control for the
Share T op 100ito (m) and indicate that the sales rankings are impact of time specific effects like seasonality or time-trends
calculated using monthly (subscript m) overall sales (sales ag- and individual (consumer) heterogeneity on the concentration

B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

of sales. Measuring the difference between the concentrations the channels (differences in the locations of the online and
of sales in the online and offline channels helps us isolate the offline sales distributions).
effect of the first explanation (i.e., consumers buying a greater Finally, Brynjolfsson et al. (2010) proposes alternative
variety online compared to offline) on the measured long tail ways to measure the long tail. In this paper we use an “abso-
effects by controlling for the second explanation (i.e., con- lute” long tail metric, because it represents the share of sales
sumers buying different products online compared to offline). taken by products ranked above an absolute cut-off (we use
In order to measure the difference between the concentrations the top 100 products in our empirical analysis, our results are
of sales in the online and offline channels, we first define the not sensitive to the cut-off). Brynjolfsson et al. (2003) and
variable Share T op 100itc : Zentner et al. (2013) also use an absolute long tail metric.
Other papers use a “relative” long tail metric, which repre-
Share T op 100i,t (m ) sents the share of sales above or below a certain rank per-

100 Online U nits in T ransaction i,t (m )
⎨ TopU nits Purchased in T ransact ion i,t (m )
i f Dummy Onlinei,t (m ) = 1 centile. We note that the conclusions are similar using either
= metric, which is not surprising since in our context assortment
⎩ Top 100 O f f line U nits in T ransaction i,t ( m )
i f Dummy Onlinei,t (m ) = 0
U nits Purchased in T ransact ion i,t (m ) is similar online and offline.
where the superscript c indicates that channel specific monthly
sales rankings are used for each purchase transaction to com- Empirical results
pute the numerator of the variable Share T op 100itc (m) . In
other words, if the transaction (by customer i, at time t in Table 5 presents Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation
month m) takes place in a physical store (online) we use the results for Models (1) and (2) using data from Brands A and
sales in month m from the offline (online) channel only to B. All the regressions include 24 month (time) fixed effects
determine which products belong to the top 100 bestselling to control for seasonality and time trends. The standard errors
products in that month. Once again, we calculate monthly are clustered at the individual level in all columns to allow
sales ranks for each channel and thus we have twenty-four on- for the possibility of heteroskedasticity and serial correlation
line and twenty-four offline sales ranks for both retail brands over time.
to allow for changes in product popularity over time. In Column I of Table 5 we present estimation results from
To measure the difference between the concentrations of Model (1) that measures the impact of e-commerce on the
sales from the online and offline channels we estimate fixed concentration of overall sales (sales aggregated across the
effects models, similar to Model (1), of the following form: online and offline channels). Concentration is defined as the
share of purchases (in units) taken by the top 100 products in
a purchase transaction relative to total units purchased. The
(m ) = α + β Dummy Onlinei,t (m) + ψm + uit
Share T op 100i,t regression results show long tail effects for both brands: the
(2) share of transactions taken by the top 100 products (based
on overall sales) decreases when the dummy variable rep-
Model (2) isolates the difference between the concentra- resenting an online purchase transaction goes from 0 to 1.
tions of online and offline purchase transactions by measur- The predicted long tail effects are statistically significant and
ing the share of products in each transaction taken by the large in size for both brands. For Brand A (B) the top 100
purchases of top 100 products (based on sales from the chan- products take 24.4% (19.9%) of all sales, and the estimation
nel transaction takes place) when consumers purchase from results predict that the share of transactions taken by the top
the offline compared to the online channel (when the dummy 100 products would decrease by 2.88% (5.77%) for every 10-
variable representing an online transaction goes from 0 to percentage point increase in the share of purchases taken by
1). In Model (2) ψm represents a fixed effect for month m, the online channel for Brand A (B).7
similar to Model (1). In Column II of Table 5 we present estimation results
We showed that there are large differences between the from Model (2) that measures the difference between the con-
popularity rankings of products across online versus offline centrations of online and offline sales. As discussed earlier,
markets in our context: some niche products in the offline examining the difference between the concentrations of on-
market are popular products in the online market and vice line and offline sales (Model (2)) and comparing the result
versa. For this reason, it becomes necessary to disentangle to changes in the concentration of overall sales (Model (1))
the differences in the spread (concentrations) of the online and helps us to understand the relative importance of the two
offline sales distributions from differences in product popular- types of changes that might drive the concentration of sales
ity (the differences in the locations of the online and offline as consumers move to online markets: (a) consumers buying
sales distributions). By separately evaluating the popularity a greater variety online compared to offline (Model (2)), and
ranks for transactions made at physical stores versus online,
our second model is useful for examining whether consumers’
7 For Brand A, the predicted impact is computed multiplying 10% (0.1) by
purchases become more or less concentrated (second distri-
the ratio of the regression coefficient (-0.0704) and the proportion of transac-
bution moment) as purchases from the online channel relative tions taken by the top 100 products (0.244): -2.88% = 0.1 x (-0.0704/0.244).
to those from the offline channel increase in a way that is not For Brand B, the impact is computed as -5.77% = 0.1 x (-0.1148/0.199). All
contaminated by the differences in product popularity across other effect sizes reported in this section are calculated in a similar fashion.

B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

Table 5
Share taken by top 100 products in each transaction OLS estimates.

Long Tail Long Tail Long Tail Long Tail Long Tail Long Tail
Estimates(Change Estimates(Difference Estimates(Change in Estimates(Difference Estimates(Change in Estimates(Difference
in Overall Between Online and Overall Concentra- Between Online and Overall Concentra- Between Online and
Concentration) Offline tion)Controlling for Offline Concentra- tion)Controlling for Offline Concentrations)
Concentrations) Heterogeneity tions)Controlling for Heterogeneity & Controlling for
Heterogeneity Assortment Heterogeneity &
Brand A
Dummy -0.0704∗∗∗ 0.0003 -0.0708∗∗∗ 0.0038 -0.0643∗∗∗ 0.0062∗
(0.0021) (0.0022) (0.0031) (0.0035) (0.0032) (0.0036)

Observations 171,964 171,964 171,964 171,964 166,988 166,988

R-squared 0.0097 0.0034 0.1967 0.1866 0.1978 0.1889
Brand B
Dummy -0.1148∗∗∗ -0.0587∗∗∗ -0.1162∗∗∗ -0.0577∗∗∗ -0.1029∗∗∗ -0.0503∗∗∗
(0.0019) (0.0020) (0.0027) (0.0030) (0.0030) (0.0033)

Observations 134,934 134,934 134,934 134,934 125,169 125,169

R-squared 0.0273 0.0082 0.2743 0.261 0.2773 0.2658
1. Columns I and II include month fixed effects (for 24 months). Columns III-VI include, in addition to month fixed effects, individual fixed effects (Company
A: 22,231 individual fixed effects; Company B: 23,382 individual fixed effects).
2. In Columns V and VI, the estimation sample was restricted to products that are common to both online and offline channels to control for cross-channel
assortment differences.
3. Standard errors in parentheses are clustered by customer.
4. ∗ Significant at 10%; ∗∗ significant at 5%; ∗∗∗ significant at 1%.
5. For firm A, the mean of the dependent variable is 0.244 in Columns I and III, 0.262 in Columns II and IV, 0.252 in Column V, and 0.271 in column VI.
For firm B, the mean of the dependent variable is 0.199 in Columns I and III, 0.222 in Columns II and IV, 0.214 in Column V, and 0.238 in column VI.
The mean of the independent variable (Dummy Online Purchases) is 0.190 for Firm A, and 0.279 for Firm B in all columns.

(b) consumers buying different products online compared to popularity differences, the estimated long tail effects (corre-
offline (Model (1)). In other words, Model (2) isolates the sponding to a 10 percentage-point increase in the share of
effect of explanation (a) on the change in overall concentra- online purchases) dramatically drop from 5.77% to 2.65%.
tion of sales by controlling for explanation (b) in estimating Comparing the estimation results from Columns I and II for
long tail effects. Model (2) achieves this by using sales from the two brands we can conclude that, consumers buying dif-
the offline channel when determining the product popularity ferent products online versus offline (as opposed to buying a
ranks for transactions made in physical stores and sales from greater variety online compared to offline) explains all of the
the online channel when determining the product popularity change we observe in the concentration of overall sales for
ranks for transactions made in the online channel. This con- Brand A and more than half of the change we observe in the
trols for cross-channel product popularity differences when concentration of overall sales for Brand B with the growth of
measuring concentrations of sales from the two channels. e-commerce.
The coefficient estimates in Column 2 are close to 0 in Next, we examine the extent to which two potential mech-
magnitude and statistically insignificant for Brand A. This in- anisms, consumer heterogeneity or assortment differences be-
dicates that the concentrations of sales are similar online and tween the online and offline channels, explain the long tail
offline for Brand A when measured separately, taking into effects in our data. In order to examine the extent to which
account that different products may be popular online versus consumer heterogeneity explains the long tail effects in our
offline. Combined with the results from Column I that show data, we estimate Models (1) and (2), including individual
that an increase in the share of online purchases leads to a (consumer) level fixed effects (as well as time fixed effects)
decrease in the overall concentration of sales for Brand A, and present the estimation results in Columns III and IV of
these results show that the decrease in the concentration of Table 5 respectively. Inclusion of individual fixed effects helps
overall sales with the growth of e-commerce for Brand A is us control for customer heterogeneity in purchase behavior
entirely driven by consumers buying different products online from time-invariant characteristics of each individual as well
compared to offline, and not by consumers buying a greater as other characteristics that are unlikely to change substan-
variety online compared to offline. The regression results in tially during our two-year observation period (e.g., income or
Column II for Brand B show that after controlling for product household size).

B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

The results in Column III compared to those in Column overall concentration of sales with the growth of e-commerce
I and in Column IV compared to those in Column II, show do not change after controlling for assortment differences be-
that the estimated long tail effects (corresponding to a 10 tween the online and offline channels as well as customer
percentage-point increase in the share of online purchases) heterogeneity. Controlling for product popularity differences
practically remain unchanged with the inclusion of individ- still leads to the estimated long tail effects becoming statisti-
ual fixed effects for both brands: they change from 2.88% cally insignificant and dropping to almost zero (from 2.54%
to 2.90% between Columns I and III, and from 0.01% to to 0.23%) for Brand A and decreasing dramatically for Brand
0.15% between columns II and IV for Brand A. Similarly, B (from 4.82% to 2.11%).
they change from 5.77% to 5.84% between Columns I and To summarize, the results show that consumers buying dif-
III, and from 2.65% to 2.60% between columns II and IV for ferent products online and offline is the main reason behind
Brand B. Based on the results from these regressions we con- the observed long tail effects (change in concentration of over-
clude that individual level heterogeneity in purchase behavior all sales) in our data and neither consumer heterogeneity nor
cannot be the main mechanism behind the long tail effects assortment differences between the online and offline chan-
we observe in our data. Comparing results between Columns nels can be the main mechanisms behind the observed long
III and IV, we see a similar change in the estimated long tail tail effects in our data. One other potential mechanism sug-
effects to that from comparing results between Columns I and gested in the literature is the use of search aids online leading
II. These results show that our observations regarding the rel- to easier discovery of niche products (e.g., Brynjolfsson, Hu,
ative importance of the two explanations ((a) and (b) above) and Simester 2011). The focal retail brands did not use any
behind the change in the overall concentration of sales with search aids like popularity lists or recommendation systems
the growth of e-commerce do not change after controlling and thus this mechanism cannot drive the long tail effects in
for customer heterogeneity. Controlling for product popularity the data.
differences between the channels still leads to the estimated
long tail effects becoming statistically insignificant and drop-
Examining product popularity differences between the online
ping to approximately zero (from 2.9% to 0.15%) for Brand
and offline channels
A, and also decreasing dramatically for Brand B (from 5.84%
to 2.6%).
We showed that consumers buying different products on-
In order to examine the extent to which assortment dif-
line and offline is the main reason behind the observed long
ferences between the online and offline channels explain the
tail effects in our data. Next, to better understand the mech-
long tail effects in our data, we estimate Models (1) and (2),
anism behind the product popularity differences between the
restricting our estimation sample to products that are com-
online and offline channels, we examine the differences in the
mon to the online and offline channels (as well as including
product mixes bought online and offline using customer level
individual and time fixed effects) and present the estimation
transaction data and a panel data fixed effects linear proba-
results in Columns V and VI of Table 5 respectively. This ap-
bility channel choice model (conditional on purchase). Each
proach is analogous to Brynjolfsson, Hu, and Simester (2011),
observation, in these analyses, is identified by the transac-
who control for assortment differences between the catalog
tion number and the style (product) number. If a customer,
and the online channels by restricting their analysis to prod-
for example, purchases three different styles on a particular
ucts available from both the catalog channel and the online
date and time in a specific transaction (online or offline), we
channel. To determine which products are common to the two
would observe three rows in our data for this transaction. The
channels we use identifiers in our data that specify whether
dependent variable, Onlineit , is a channel choice dummy and
each product was available for sale online-only, offline-only,
is set to 1 if the transaction for customer i at time t takes
or through both channels. Our results are also robust to two
place online and to 0 otherwise. In these analyses, we aim to
alternative ways of defining product availability by channel,
understand not only the differences in the types of products
as we discuss in the Appendix. In the first (second) defini-
consumers choose to purchase online and offline but also the
tion, a product is considered available through a channel only
impact of the product’s price and customers’ distance to the
if it has non-zero sales (more than 5% of its total sales) in
retail brand’s closest physical store on channel choice deci-
the channel. The results in Column V compared to those in
sions. The explanatory variables include per unit price of the
Column III show that estimated long tail effects (correspond-
product purchased, consumer’s distance to the closest physi-
ing to a 10 percentage-point increase in the share of online
cal store of the retail brand at the time of purchase, category
purchases) decrease slightly after controlling for the assort-
fixed effects (one each for the thirteen product categories in
ment differences between the online and offline channels: they
our data),8 and time fixed effects (one each for the 24 months
change from 2.90% to 2.54% for Brand A and from 5.84% to
4.82% for Brand B. Based on the results from these regres-
8 We closely follow the retailer’s product groupings in defining the prod-
sions we conclude that assortment differences between the
online and offline channels can also not be the main mecha- uct categories. The apparel division includes apparel tops, apparel bottoms,
dresses & outerwear, and intimate apparel categories. The accessories divi-
nism behind the long tail effects we observe in our data. The sion includes accessories, jewelry, shoes, and beauty & fragrance categories.
results also show that our observations regarding the relative The home furnishing division includes home textiles, tabletop & kitchenware,
importance of the two explanations behind the change in the furniture, home decor, and gifts & seasonal merchandise categories. Brand B

B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

Table 6
Drivers of channel choice decisions.

Brand A Brand B

(I) (II) (III) (IV)

Variables Online Channel Online Channel Variables Online Channel Online Channel Ch.
Choice Ch.(Controlling Choice (Controlling
Heterogeneity) Heterogeneity
Price ($ per unit) 0.0008∗∗∗ 0.0005∗∗∗ Price ($ per unit) 0.0006∗∗∗ 0.0009∗∗∗
(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000)
Distance to Store 0.0003∗∗∗ 0.0003∗∗∗ Distance to Store 0.0003∗∗∗ 0.0023∗∗∗
(miles) (miles)
(0.0000) (0.0001) (0.0000) (0.0001)
Apparel Tops -0.0326∗∗∗ -0.0357∗∗∗ Apparel Tops -0.0462∗∗∗ -0.0327∗∗∗
(0.0026) (0.0022) (0.0062) (0.0049)
Apparel Bottoms -0.0396∗∗∗ -0.0353∗∗∗ Apparel Bottoms -0.0316∗∗∗ -0.0254∗∗∗
(0.0031) (0.0025) (0.0065) (0.0052)
Accessories 0.0035 -0.0104∗∗∗ Accessories -0.0168∗∗∗ -0.0124∗∗
(0.0033) (0.0027) (0.0064) (0.0051)
Dresses & Outerwear -0.0013 -0.0162∗∗∗ Dresses & Outerwear 0.0061 -0.0044
(0.0034) (0.0028) (0.0066) (0.0052)
Intimate Apparel 0.0246∗∗∗ 0.0102∗∗∗ Intimate Apparel 0.0111∗ 0.0096∗
(0.0030) (0.0025) (0.0067) (0.0053)
Jewelry 0.0388∗∗∗ 0.0136∗∗∗ Jewelry 0.0320∗∗∗ 0.0297∗∗∗
(0.0035) (0.0029) (0.0067) (0.0053)
Furniture 0.0119 0.0383∗∗ Home Furnishings 0.1734∗∗∗ 0.1176∗∗∗
(0.0223) (0.0177) (0.0077) (0.0060)
Home Decor 0.0150∗∗∗ 0.0188∗∗∗
(0.0043) (0.0036)
Home Textiles 0.1047∗∗∗ 0.0795∗∗∗ Home Textiles 0.4612∗∗∗ 0.3207∗∗∗
(0.0041) (0.0033) (0.0082) (0.0065)
Gifts & Seasonal -0.0460∗∗∗ -0.0314∗∗∗ Gifts & Seasonal -0.0714∗∗∗ -0.0360∗∗∗
Merchandise Merchandise
(0.0038) (0.0031) (0.0066) (0.0052)
Beauty & Fragrance -0.0905∗∗∗ -0.0483∗∗∗
(0.0033) (0.0026)
Product Gender 0.0215∗∗∗ -0.0002
(0.0024) (0.0024)
Observations 398,359 398,359 Observations 311,314 311,314
R-squared 0.0320 0.4807 R-squared 0.0528 0.5395
1. Columns I and III include month fixed effects (for 24 months). Columns II and IV include, in addition to months fixed effects, individual fixed effects
(Company A: 22,231 individual fixed effects; Company B: 23,382individual fixed effects).
2. Kitchenware and Tabletop is the base category for both brands.
3. Standard errors in parentheses.
4. ∗∗∗ p < 0.01, ∗∗ p < 0.05, ∗ p < 0.1.
5. Mean of the dependent variable is 0.175 for Brand A and 0.273 for Brand B.

in our data). For Brand B that sells products for both men and herent channel preferences are controlled for in the analyses.
women we also include a dummy for the “product’s gender” Comparing estimation results excluding versus including indi-
(i.e., if the product is designed for men or women). vidual fixed effects (i.e., comparing results between Columns
Columns I and III of Table 6 present panel data OLS re- I versus II for Brand A, and III versus IV for Brand B) we
gression estimation results for Brands A and B respectively see that: (i) the R-squared of the model increases substan-
(between customers estimation results). In Columns II and tially with the inclusion of the individual fixed effects, which
IV of Table 6, we present estimation results from the same shows that individual differences between customers explain a
analyses for Brands A and B respectively, including individ- significant portion of the variation in purchasing online ver-
ual (customer) fixed effects in addition to time fixed effects sus offline conditional on purchase; and (ii) coefficient es-
(within-customer estimation). Including customer fixed effects timates for independent variables remain largely unchanged
ensures that time-invariant customer characteristics and in- in sign, significance, and magnitude. These results show that
while individual differences have a significant effect on chan-
nel choice decisions, the types of products customers prefer to
does not sell beauty & fragrance products and combines furniture and home
purchase online versus offline remain largely unchanged after
décor under home furnishings. Shoes are excluded from analyses since they
are only sold online. controlling for individual level differences. For this reason, in

B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

our discussion below, we will use the within-customer estima- most likely to be purchased online. Consumers may also feel
tion results from columns II and IV (that include individual more comfortable to buy intimate apparel online compared
level fixed effects in addition to time fixed effects). to other apparel due to social inhibitions or embarrassment
The coefficient on product gender dummy for Brand B (Goldfarb et al. 2015). Also, men’s products, that have simpler
(firm A only sells products designed for women) changes designs and are easier to assess for fit compared to women’s
when including or excluding individual fixed effects. The rea- (Pashigian and Bowen 1991; Soysal and Chintagunta 2020),
son for this is that since gender is a time-invariant individual are more likely to be purchased online compared to women’s
level characteristic, almost all customers of Brand B purchase products. Among the non-apparel categories, the beauty and
apparel and accessories either for men or for women, and very fragrance category is most likely to be bought online. Scent
few purchase products designed for both genders. As a result, of a product is a difficult attribute to communicate online,
there is very little within-customer variation in this variable in and customers have a strong preference to purchase scented
our data and thus it is not possible to empirically identify this products in physical stores after physically testing the sam-
variable in the within-customer estimation (separately from ples. Another non-apparel category consumers are more likely
the individual fixed effect). to purchase in stores (compared to the base category) is gifts
Estimation results reported in Columns II and IV of and seasonal merchandise that includes non-apparel gifts like
Table 6 show that customers are more likely to choose the on- calendars or small toys, and seasonal merchandise like or-
line channel for their purchases when they live further away naments. This finding is consistent with previous literature
from the closest physical store compared to when they live (e.g., Balasubramanian et al. 2005) that has shown that gift
closer. The results also show that, customers are more likely givers may prefer traditional channels over online channels
to buy the more expensive items within each category online since greater personal involvement and effort associated with
compared to offline. The results reported in Column III of the offline channel may imbue the purchased products with
Table 6 show that men’s apparel and accessory items are more greater symbolic meaning, and consequently greater utility.
likely to be purchased online compared to women’s products Our analyses so far examined the relative popularity of
after controlling for cross-category differences. To understand different types of products online and offline looking across
the differences in the types of products consumers prefer to the entire sales curve. One might also wonder whether a sim-
purchase online versus offline, we compare the estimation re- ilar pattern is observed at the top of the sales curve, or in
sults reported in Table 6 for the different category dummies. other words within the top 100 best sellers online and of-
In our analyses, the Tabletop and Kitchenware category serves fline. For that purpose, we examined the composition of the
as the base category (as the share of online purchases for this Top 100 lists for the online and offline channels to see what
category is very close to the overall share of online purchases types of products are likely to be among the best sellers on-
in our data) and the coefficients for all other category dum- line versus offline. Remember that we allow the list of top
mies are estimated relative to this category. The results show 100 best sellers to vary at a monthly level to accommodate
that compared to the base category, customers are more likely possible changes in product popularity over time due to sea-
to purchase products from the beauty and fragrance, seasonal sonality and changes in assortment, and thus have twenty-four
merchandise and gifts, apparel tops, apparel bottoms, dresses top 100 product lists for both the online and offline channels
and outerwear, and accessories categories in physical stores for each brand. Looking across these top 100 lists, we calcu-
and are more likely to purchase products from the intimate lated what percent of the top 100 products come from each
apparel, jewelry, home décor/furnishings, furniture, and home category and compared the percentages across the online and
textiles categories online. The results are consistent across the offline channels. The results of these analyses are consis-
the two brands. If we narrow our focus to apparel and acces- tent with the regression results from Table 6 discussed above.
sories categories, we see that apparel tops, bottoms, dresses, For example, for Brand A, categories that are more likely to
and outerwear are more likely to be purchased in physical show up among the most popular products offline compared
stores compared to accessories, jewelry, and intimate apparel to online include beauty and fragrance (10.5% of the top 100
items. Accessories, jewelry, and intimate apparel often have products offline vs. 3.0% online) and apparel tops (43% of-
more standardized features and are easier to assess for fit fline and 31.2% online). Categories that are more likely to
compared to apparel. show up among the most popular products online compared
These results are consistent with the widely held belief in to offline include home decor (3.8% offline vs. 9.5% online)
the literature (Betancourt et al. 2016; Chintagunta et al. 2012; and home textiles (0.7% offline and 4.6% online).
Lal & Sarvary 1999) and in practice that consumers prefer to We also present several additional analyses in the appendix
purchase products with important sensory attributes in a phys- that show that the importance of sensory attributes creates a
ical store when they need information on these attributes. In divide in the types of products consumers prefer to purchase
general, apparel categories that consumers prefer to examine online versus offline. In Appendix B.1.4 we show results from
for fit before purchase are more likely to be purchased of- a consumer survey we conducted with three different groups
fline compared to non-apparel categories like home textiles of consumers and the results of these analyses are a consis-
(e.g., tablecloths). Among the apparel categories, the intimate tent with the results we report in Table 6 above and show
apparel category that includes sleepwear, socks, tights, and a strong negative correlation between the consumers’ percep-
underwear is the easiest to assess for fit and is the one that is tion of the importance of physical examination for a product

B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

category and consumers’ likeliness to purchase that category number of units purchased, and (iv) purchase frequency. We
online. In Appendix B.1.6 we show results from examin- also examined the sensitivity of our results splitting the data
ing consumers’ repeat purchases and show that when con- for loyalty card owners and non-owners (only Brand A has a
sumers make repeated purchases of a specific product, they loyalty card program). The results from all these split sample
learn about the product’s non-digital attributes with the first regressions show that our concentration effect estimates are
purchase and this learning affects their channel choice deci- robust across these various types of customer groups.
sions for subsequent purchases, consistent with the model of
Lal and Sarvary (1999). Specifically, we show that the proba- Conclusion
bility of choosing the online channel for the repeat purchases
is 32% (19%) higher for Brand A (B) compared to the initial It is well known that the shift of consumers from offline
purchases. to online markets is fundamentally changing the type and va-
riety of products consumers purchase, but it is still unclear
Robustness examinations how retailers should respond to these transformations. Us-
ing a unique individual-level panel dataset from two specialty
We conducted a large number of additional examinations fashion goods retail brands that operate both brick-and-mortar
that further demonstrate that cross-channel assortment dif- and online channels, we examine the extent to which overall
ferences, customer heterogeneity, or other alternative mecha- long tail effects are explained by consumers buying a greater
nisms do not explain the large product popularity differences variety online compared to offline, versus consumers buying
observed in our data. These alternative mechanisms therefore different products online and offline. Our results show large
cannot drive the observed long tail effects in our data. Due and statistically significant long tail effects in overall sales for
to space limitations, we discuss these additional analyses in both brands. However, our results also show that the concen-
the extended Online Appendix. Specifically, a) we conduct tration of sales online and offline is similar when we mea-
analyses that demonstrate that assortment differences across sure the concentration of sales separately in each channel.
the online and offline channels (or across different types of Combining these results indicates that consumers do not buy
physical stores – such as those that are larger versus smaller, more variety when they move from the offline to the online
or those that are located in colder versus warmer climates) channel, but they buy different types of products to an extent
do not drive the observed long tail effects in our data; b) we that creates wide cross channel product popularity differences.
conduct analyses which suggest that the retailer’s marketing While our results are consistent with the long tail prediction
campaigns (e-mail, catalog, and direct mail campaigns) do not of Anderson (2004) and others regarding the overall sales dis-
drive observed long tail effects in our data; c) we ran instru- tribution, consumers sorting purchases into channels, and not
mental variable regressions using the entry of physical stores the other reasons argued in the literature, drive most of the
during our study period as an instrument for channel choice effects in our data.
that show that our conclusions remain unchanged; and d) we These findings indicate that the evidence in the literature
present the results from a survey we conducted, that, when that the Internet lowers search costs and facilitates the ac-
combined with other complementary analyses (cross-category quisition of niche items needs to be qualified for fashion ap-
analysis and analysis examining repeat purchases), suggest parel, and likely also for other goods that consumers prefer
that the cross channel product popularity differences in our to inspect prior to purchase. Moreover, recognizing the poten-
data (which drive the long tail effects) arise from consumers tial differences between the top selling products online versus
sorting their purchases into channels based on the physical offline has implications that are relevant for the broader e-
examination requirements of the products they will purchase. commerce literature. Given the large differences in consumer
The brands in our data sell products from three divisions purchases online versus offline, our results suggest that in
(apparel, accessories, and home furnishings) and there might the fashion goods industry at least, and presumably in other
be differences in what a style represents across these divi- markets as well, online sales of a product (or online sales
sions. For this reason, in Appendix D we repeated our analy- ranks) are not a good approximation for the sales in the of-
ses restricting our estimation sample to purchases of products fline market or the entire market. Thus, it is problematic to
from the apparel division which is the main division. The assume that sales rank data collected from online platforms
results from these analyses show that our conclusions are un- is representative of the entire market as has become a com-
affected when restricting our sample to apparel purchases. We mon practice in the e-commerce literature (e.g., Chevalier and
also replicated our analysis using data excluding all purchases Goolsbee 2003). It is also problematic to test products in the
that are later returned (net demand), and the results show that online channel before moving to full-scale distribution offline
our concentration effect estimates are robust to the exclusion (e.g., Finne and Sivonen 2009).
of returns. To investigate the sensitivity of our results to cus- Consumers may change the products they purchase when
tomer characteristics, we ran regressions analogous to those they shift from brick-and-mortar to online channels, and com-
in Table 5 but splitting the data by customer characteristics. panies need to correctly measure and predict these demand
Specifically, we replicate our regressions using median splits changes when planning their business strategies. Our results
based on: (i) date of customers’ first purchase from each brand show that producers and retailers should be aware of the dif-
(new vs. seasoned customers), (ii) dollar amount spent, (iii) ferences in product popularity between the online versus of-

B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

fline channels, and how these cross-channel product popu- goods like movies, books, or music, offering a much larger
larity differences affect concentration, when designing their assortment online would be costly for a specialty fashion ap-
strategies for channel assortment size and composition, or for parel due to two main reasons. First, for each fashion apparel
stocking in online versus offline channels. While our em- item in its assortment, the retailer needs to carry a sufficient
pirical study focuses on the fashion goods category, where inventory of multiple sizes and colors. Second, fashion prod-
sensory attributes create a divide between the products that ucts are perishable due to the seasonality of products (e.g.,
consumers prefer to purchase online versus offline, there are swimsuits or Christmas dresses) and the fast pace of change
a wide range of reasons why consumers might purchase in fashions over time, and as a result the retailer needs to al-
different products online versus offline. For example, prod- most completely replace their assortment every three-to-four
uct popularity online and offline can differ due to cross- months (Lal and Sarvary 1999).
channel assortment differences, differences in customer ex- Our analysis examining what products customers prefer to
perience, differences in ability to transport the product, or purchase online versus offline provides clues on how fash-
due to social inhibitions or embarrassment affecting how con- ion apparel retailers can carefully curate their online and of-
sumers behave at physical stores versus online. Thus, exam- fline assortments. The retailers might find it more profitable to
ining the impact of cross-channel product popularity differ- emphasize products with important sensory attributes like fra-
ences on the estimated long tail effects is essential for many grances, and apparel tops and bottoms (that consumers like to
industries. try on for fit before purchase) in their offline assortments and
Our focal brands offer similar assortments online and of- emphasize products with fewer sensory attributes like home
fline, which raises the question of whether our results would textiles, socks/tights (easier to assess for fit compared to ap-
generalize to other settings such as retailers that offer dif- parel tops or bottoms), or heavy/bulky items like furniture in
ferent assortments online and offline. In this regard, we note their online assortments. Online assortments can also empha-
that our specialty apparel retail brands carry a large selec- size men’s apparel and accessories (compared to women’s)
tion of apparel and other product categories from different and more expensive items within each category.
brands in addition to their own brands. If other retailers, such We note that our focal fashion goods retail brands ex-
as a department store, carry a much larger assortment on- ercise uniform (integrated, aligned) assortments (and prices)
line compared to offline, then this would provide an addi- across the online and offline channels, as is customary in
tional reason for why consumers would sort their purchases specialty fashion goods retailing. As discussed earlier, previ-
across channels. In this way, our estimates represent a lower ous research has shown that in the grocery context, where
bound of the amount of sorting of purchases across chan- online assortments are typically smaller than offline assort-
nels and of how this sorting can affect the measurement of ments, maintaining a similar assortment online and offline
the long tail effects. In addition, our study examines long tail might benefit the retailer since it allows consumers to rely on
effects within the context of an omnichannel retailer that oper- their offline experiences when shopping online. Thus, before
ates both online and offline channels (similar to other studies setting cross-channel assortment strategies, fashion goods re-
like Zentner et al. (2013) and Brynjolffson, Hu and Simester tailers should weigh the potential benefits from aligning the
(2011)). We note that results and conclusions can be different online and offline assortments (which might exist due to learn-
when examining long tail effects within a retailer versus the ing effects and avoiding consumer confusion) against the po-
whole market, in particular because selection might be sub- tential benefits from curating their online and offline assort-
stantially different online versus offline when considering the ments based on products customers prefer to purchase online
whole market. versus offline (which might simplify product choice and in-
Studying discrepancies in what consumers purchase online crease purchase probability conditional on channel choice).
versus offline, and how the concentration of sales changes If at the end, the retailers find it profitable to align the on-
when consumers transition to the online marketplaces, is not line and offline assortments, they might still benefit from em-
only important for the academic literature but also important phasizing different product mixes in stores versus online us-
for managerial practice. In contrast to recommendations from ing marketing tools (such as special displays, product place-
the previous literature, our results show that fashion apparel ment, recommendation engines) or carry larger inventories
retailers do not need to offer much broader assortments online of different products online versus of offline based on our
compared to offline, but they may find it profitable to carry findings.
or emphasize a different product mix online compared to of- We also note that our recommendations are based on cus-
fline. A similar recommendation was provided in the grocery tomers’ cross-channel purchase preferences in our data. As-
setting by Chintagunta et al. (2012), who recommended that sortment planning should yet weigh not only demand, but
retailers may carry more varieties of heavy/bulky items online also the associated cost considerations (e.g., product develop-
and more varieties of perishables offline. The distinction be- ment, logistics, distribution costs). Because of the short prod-
tween offering a much larger assortment online versus offer- uct lifecycles, product development costs are very pronounced
ing/emphasizing a different product mix online compared to in this market and might be prohibitive to carry much larger
offline can have important implications for the fashion goods online assortments unlike in other markets where products
retailer’s overall performance. While offering a much larger have longer lifecycles (e.g., entertainment goods like books
assortment online is almost costless for retailers of digital or music, or durable goods). Future research might benefit

B. Ratchford, G. Soysal and A. Zentner Journal of Retailing 99 (2023) 46–65

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