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Analysis Assignment For the Short Story “The Storm”

Name : Andika Dwi Pratama

Class : A

The Importance of the Weather's Influence the story and How is weather
related to the development of the story.

In Kate Chopin's short story "The Storm," the weather serves as a powerful and
symbolic element that influences the narrative in several ways, adding depth and
significance to the plot and characters.

1. Mood and Atmosphere

The calm before the storm sets a mood of anticipation and tension. It foreshadows the
upcoming emotional and physical tempests in the story. It can be evident from the text
"The leaves were so still that even Bibi thought it was going to rain."

2. Symbolism of the Storm

The storm in the story serves as a powerful symbol of the characters' internal emotions
and desires. Just as the storm approaches suddenly and with great intensity, so do the
passions and desires of Calixta and Alcée.
"The playing of the lightning was incessant. A bolt struck a tall chinaberry tree at the
edge of the field. It filled all visible space with a blinding glare and the crash seemed to
invade the very boards they stood upon."

3. Liberation from the Society Norms

The storm disrupts the characters' normal routines and societal norms. It temporarily
liberates them from their conventional roles and allows them to break free from societal
constraints. This liberation is evident in their passionate encounter, which takes place in
the midst of the storm. The weather, in this sense, represents a suspension of social
norms and expectations.
"The rain was over; and the sun was turning the glistening green world into a palace of
gems... So the storm passed and everyone was happy."

4. Emphasis on the Present Moment

The storm's intensity forces the characters to focus on the present moment, casting
aside worries about the past or future. This mirrors their focus on their immediate
desires and passions.
"They did not heed the crashing torrents, and the roar of the elements made her laugh
as she lay in his arms.”

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