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Your job as Coach / Consultant / Trainer

Point A: Point B:
The pain your client is The ideal scenario: the pain
experiencing right now. is gone.

Your job as a coach, consultant, trainer, expert or service provider is ALWAYS to guide your clients
from A to B with the techniques and methods available to you.
For this you ALWAYS need the following basic requirements - both within a single session with the customer, as
well as from a bird's eye view over the entire course / supporting process:

• Your client’s agreement and willingness to be advised/coached/trained.

• The knowledge of their emotional or practical ACTUAL state (Where does the client stand?).
• The knowledge of their emotional or practical GOAL state (Where does the client want to go?).
• The tools to show him the options, possibilities & perspectives he has.
• The tools to guide decision making and monitor implementation.
• The tools to permanently design & maintain your client's success curve.

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