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Class Test: i Subject: Mathematics Class: § Time Allowed:~ minutes Marks:

Name: - -~~oa.ll~J.t.L
.JJ. J:oY'
!:. L-:-- - - - - - Roll. No: - - Sec: Date: _ __

Q.1: The numbers in this sequence increase by equal amounts each time.

(a) Write the three missing numbers.

12, [QJ , [EJ ,[ill , 32 [1)

(b) What is the term-to-term rule for the sequence? _____;;:_
gi. J:;. >.,.;d~ t;"_ _ [l)
(c) Sally says, 'The position-to-term rule is ~ Qly b~ 5.'

Is she correct? Explain how you know. r-l

Ans: 6J..a bE CallU mJf1/"-f f' .f"
eALo/J IA);/1,
r £j
o'f No, becALLk 5)(1 ::;- ( ~" el Se ti,__, i f I 21 I 7; i 2--1 2..- 7, J 2- - [1)

Q.2: Alex counts back in steps of 0.4 starting at 8.4

(a) What is the 3rd number in his sequence? -1-7-.6--1 [1)

@?JJ @~ §llffi~ IBW

(b) What is the 8th number in his sequence?!- -S:---6-: -1 [1]

Q.3: Here is part of a table showing the position of some terms in the

sequence 10, 20, 30, ........... .

(a) Complete the table. [1]

Position 1 2 3 4 so
Term 10 20 30 Lj 0 ~ OD

(b) What is the position-to-term rule for the sequence 10, 20, 30, ............ ?

Q.4: Draw a ring around the expressions that are equal to 9 2 •

9x2 9+9

2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 ~ +9+9+~ ~ [1]

l 1
L( Cj
Q.s :( a) What is the difference between fifth square number and third square number?

(b) What is the sum of the

:=.-- ;b-
third sq ½-3re number and seventh square number?
rn [1]

- - Ir =---
1 I c;y I 111
Q.6: Write a number between 0 and 100 in each space on the Carroll diagram.

There are lots of possible answers.

Not a square
Square number

Even number 41 tb 1 3t1 - - -- - / ; 9,J..f/17-- -- --

Not an even number
2 1 l 1!1lo,, 1-1 -- - - '3 1s>71 //; I J- ,.. --
Nc[k.~ /Tccef'/- ""'!/ , (J1le c.,,rrec/' "fllSW"'-1 JI\
· eac h num ber int he correct place on the Venn diagram.
Q.7: Write e_.,~ I
A (1o,·
) c.
~ -v} .

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 [2]

3[0'1 112. i l ) · ,.. ,_

Q.8: 6>1 i 2 -
.- -
(a) Write all the common multiples of 3 and 6 less than 30. b1I 2-1 I g1 2- Lt [1]

(b) Write the factors of 18. {lJ / / ; /g [1)

(c) Write the factors of 42. [1]

(d) Draw a ring around the common factors.


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