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Question: Love of Wisdom is one of the core values that the University of Batangas promotes and instills in its students.
Which of the following BEST exemplifies this value?
Answer: Produce graduates who are well - versed in their chosen career and will strive to enrich their learning through
application and further training.

Question: Which is FALSE about Deus et Patria?

Answer: It was time to pray to God to save the country and grant the Filipino people what they had wished for for more
than four centuries.

Question: Which of the following is the LEAST representative of the mission of the University of Batangas?
Answer: UB maintained its autonomy, the highest level of recognition that the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
can confer on a private institution of higher education.

Question: Which is FALSE about the objective of UB?

Answer: Maintain student leadership in academic and co-curricular activities in North Luzon.

Question: It is a clear explanation of an institution's goal that will serve as inspiration and provides a clear picture of
what the organization hopes to accomplish.
Answer: Vision

Question: This articulates the direction and decision-making that all levels of management must make for the benefit
of the students.
Answer: Mission

Question: "Learning in the new normal was made a reality through the Learning Management System." It is a
convenient platform where teachers and students can interact as they would in a traditional classroom setting.
Capabilities were widely accepted, resulting in a diverse learning environment." What can be deduced from the provided
Answer: Despite the global pandemic, the University will continue to provide quality education to its students.

Question: Which is TRUE about the philosophy of UB?

Answer: It helps students understand their responsibilities and encourages them to live a life of service and

Question: Every student at the university is valued because the university believes that every individual is inviolable
and sacred. This scenario demonstrates that -
Answer: UB provides a means of promoting a person's spiritual and moral development.

Question: This enables the University of Batangas to instill in its students a fundamental understanding of how to live
morally with others and what course of action to pursue in life.
Answer: Philosophy

Question: Which of the following BEST defines history?

Answer: It is the study of man and his achievement from the beginning of written records.

Question: The following statements describe the concept of History, EXCEPT -

Answer: window to the future

Question: Studying history enables us to comprehend how forces shaped our lives today, and the past helps us to
understand the present by providing context for everything we see around us today. This entails that-
Answer: History helps us prepare from issues that could arise and prevent it.

Question: Why are primary sources important in History?

Answer: These were produced by people who are either participant or eyewitnesses to the event.

Question: Which BEST demonstrates the statement "History builds citizenship?"

Answer: During colonization, Filipinos almost lost their identity, but our heroes' writings, like Dr. Rizal's, reawakened
their patriotism and nationalism.

Question: Which of the following is NOT an example of Primary Sources?

Answer: Biography

Question: It refers to anything or anywhere from which something originates, emerges, or is derived.
Answer: Source

Question: History came from the Greek word "istoia" which means -
Answer: Learning

Question: The formation of countries like Spain happened because of the union of families. These unions were not
necessarily made because of love but because of other factors such as building up political power. What does it imply?
Answer: History affects all us down to the personal level.

Question: These are sources which were produced at the same time as the event, period or subject being studied.
Answer: Primary

Question: The worst enemy of man is to forget his history. He will forget his own identity and he will fall prey to outside
pressures and lose his own anchor of morality. Therefore, history:
Answer: Affects all us down to the personal level

Question: One professional cannot be welcomed by others because they have a history. This situation illustrates that:
Answer: History can determine our relationships.

Question: These are sources that were produced by an author who used primary sources to produce the material.
Answer: Secondary

Question: Which of the following statements is NOT a reason behind the study of history?
Answer: Projects the past

Question: The following are the reasons behind the study of Readings in Philippine History, EXCEPT -
Answer: It allows the researchers from judging the author of the sources unfairly.

Question: According to the National Historical Commission of the Philippines, when and where did the first cry happen?
Answer: August 23, 1896 at Pugadlawin.

Question: Who was the Katipunan Supremo?

Answer: Andres Bonifacio

Question: According to the account of Pio Valenzuela, where did the first cry take place?
Answer: Pugadlawin

Question: This signifies the start of the fight for independence.

Answer: Tearing of Cedulas

Question: According to the account of Guillermo Masangkay, when did the first cry happen?
Answer: August 26, 1896

Question: Which is CORRECT about the Cry of the Retraction?

Answer: It is all about the tearing of a paper which symbolizes slavery and impunity.

Question: Which statement BEST describes the “Cry”?

Answer: It was the official start of the revolution for the Philippines Independence.

Question: According to the account of Santiago Alvarez, which is the main objective of the Cry of the Revolution?
Answer: Capture of Manila

Question: Considering the statements in the account of Guillermo Masangkay, why did Teodoro Plata, Briccio Pantas,
and Pio Valenzuela oppose to start the revolution too early?
Answer: The people would be in distress if the revolution were started without adequate preparation.

Question: Santiago Alvarez argues that the first cry happened –

Answer: at Bahay Toro on August 24, 1896.

Question: Which statement BEST supports the notion of Rizal’s non-retraction?

Answer: Rizal and Josephine held a solemn ceremony in articulo mortis.

Question: Which of the following objects was NOT given by Rizal to his family before his execution?
Answer: Love Letter

Question: The following statements are example of Rizal’s inclination for retraction, EXCEPT –
Answer: After meeting Pio Valenzuela, he decided to establish a school in Japan and lead a revolution in the Philippines.

Question: Which of the following BEST describes the involvement of Josephine Bracken in Rizal’s retraction?
Answer: She wished to marry Jose Rizal.

Question: Which of the following BEST describes Fr. Pio Pi’s involvement in Rizal’s retraction?
Answer: He was only involved in obtaining a retraction document from the archbishop of Manila.

Question: Which statement BEST describes the idea that the event in Cavite was merely a mutiny and not a revolution?
Answer: The event only involved a handful of men and took place in one place.

Question: He reiterated in his vision that what took place in Cavite was not just a mutiny but a revolution.
Answer: Rafael Izquierdo

Question: What happened after the martyrdom of GomBurZa?

Answer: It inspires the creation of the Propaganda Movement which targeted to seek modifications and inform the
Spain colonial authorities of the abuses they have cause to Filipinos.

Question: The reforms introduced during the Mutiny are listed below, EXCEPT -
Answer: Changes in secondary and tertiary education

Question: Which is the reason behind the establishment of the Society of Arts and Trade in Manila?
Answer: To stifle the spread of liberal teachings

Question: What is the main reason for the arsenal employees raising their weapons against the Spaniards?
Answer: Labor Malpractice

Question: Which statement is TRUE about General Izquierdo's motivation for escalating events to a revolution rather
than a mutiny?
Answer: Additional forces and weapons will be given as a fortification and augmentation of the forces present in the
country since they were greatly outnumbered by the natives.

Question: How did Ferdinand Magellan prove that the earth was round?
Answer: He relied on the arc of the horizon and star charts.

Question: What makes Pigafetta's Chronicle an important historical source for the study of pre-colonial Philippines?
Answer: Because it vividly describes our forefathers' living conditions and way of life.

Question: According to this treaty, the lands to the east would belong to Portugal and the land to the west would belong
to Spain.
Answer: Treaty of Tordesillas

Question: What caused Magellan's death?

Answer: Poison Arrow

Question: After the battle, the fleet abandoned one of their ships - Concepcion. What was the reason behind this?
Answer: Too few men left manage three ships.

Question: The travelogue of Antonio Pigafetta contributes immensely to Philippine historiography because-
Answer: is writings provided insight into the early Filipinos political, economic, and social conditions.

Question: Pigafetta recounted Magellan's expedition's numerous contributions to geography, navigation, history, and
other fields. Which of the following contributions DOES NOT fall under Magellans expedition?
Answer: The discovery of an eastern route to India that circumnavigated the Cape of Good Hope.

Question: Why was Antonio Pigafetta's journal not published?

Answer: He was unable to find a financier willing to pay the deposit required by the printer.

Question: Which of the following events transpired after the trans-Atlantic voyages of Christopher Columbus?
Answer: Discovery of the territories on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

Question: Which is NOT a significance of the discovery of the alternative routes going to the Spice Island?
Answer: It prompted the monarchs to search for a new trade route to Europe.

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