Worksheet 3A-3B Exercises

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GRAMMAR Multi-word verbs @ Underline the correct words to complete the text. ‘When I was at school, I didn't think I was good at anything. The other kids picked things 'out / in / up really quickly but I didn’t and everyone looked down on / on down / down me as some kind of loser, ‘The only thing that interested me was ears and T spent ages in the garage with my mum's old ear, checking Sit out / out it / out. My mum wasn't ‘at / by / into cars at all though and she was tired of me going in with / on about / with them all the time. Anyway, one day there was a school trip. We set “by / off / (on by coach and were going down the road when the coach suddenly stopped. I thought we had run out in / at / of petrol, but the driver told us there was an engine problem and he would have to call the garage. went to see for myself and quickly figured "out / by / through what to do: I just needed to put back a cable. ‘After ten minutes, the coach was on the road again. ‘After that, everyone really looked °to me up / up to me / ‘me up to and I realised there was something I could do well. When [left school, I set “out / up / by my own car repair business and now I'm doing really well. a nmioeteed b @IEM Listen and check, © Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions. 1 all/ but/1/ threw / sory, /it/ away 2 et try /hardest and / your / us / down / don't 3 fallen /not fends / out / Ive / and we'e / Tony / with 4 may / yu / ike that /can't/ get / mistakes / with 5. yourself for /it/ and figure / go / out Pin. VOCABULARY Ability and achievement Underline the correct words to complete the Conversation. MARIANA Have you heard ofthis writer Daniel Kalder? Louis Yes, | read Strange Telescopes some time ago. It's @ 'alented briliant book. MARIANA. | agree. Kelder fas got this ?abilty/ potential make a serious statement but make you laugh at the same time, Louls_Itreallyis ®able/ outstanding. | just wish | had some ‘abily/ talent for writing. MARIANA Kalder is °successful/ talented because he's spent ‘so many years improving his styl. That kind of hard work is Ssuccessful/ exceptional LOUIS True. I dor't think many people have heard of Kaider yet, but he has the “potentia!/briiance to bea realy wellknown writer MARIANA He is very skilled / bviliant at what he does, so good luck to hi. (©HH Listen and check. Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 You need to have talent to it 2 Olympic athletes are all exceptional fr their fel 3. She's quite successful by wha she does, 6 just/ why /don't/it/ you / out / try ? 7 made / Michelle / up him /it impress /to . 8 in/you/ you'r doing / what / to believe / need 9 up/ anyone /a better / come / can / with /idea ? 10 picked / difficult, soon /it/ but is / French / up 16 4 I became quite skilled for the game, 5. The ability of running long distances is important 6 Lesley is brilliant on most bal! sports. 7. He has the potential of being world champion one day. 8 Carl Lewis was outstanding forthe long jump, (¥] There are lots of good runners in Kenya VOCABULARY Words connected with sport GRAMMAR Present perfect simple a Read the definitions and write the words. 1 the act of winning a competition victory 2 a person who isin charge of a sports game 3 shout approval or encouragement 4. people who watch a sports event 5 6 Underline the correct words to ‘complete the sentences and ‘questions. 1. Pvealways loved! | always loved baseball I's my favourte sport be in 2 competition for your country an area for playing sports, especially football don't mean money, especially ifthe sport isn't populor ‘onV.But maybe this doesn't matter the athletes enjoy what they do and spectators are happy to watch them in brackets. 2 They've won They won the championship two years ago. 3 What have you thought did you think of the match? i 4 The ployee hve utara starved se aten Complete the text with the comes forms ofthe words In | can begin. rackaiss i 5 Ive been running! I was running in the park when It | happened, Everyone thinks that | professional (profession) } 6 Marina has been doing! was doing yoga since she was a sportspeople get paid a lot of money to? | teenager, (competion, but his isnot clvoys true Me top | 7. Ihave competed ! been completing five marathons. {@thletics) in smaller sports lke handball, | 8 A Why's your shit wet? ‘mountain running and women's cricket don't eam much | B Iho runt Ive been running ‘money. Such sports ore very * (competition) | 9 Joshua hasn't played/ been playing tennis since he was @t ind the athletes ® (raining) hard, but even | college itthey © (representation) their country they | 10 Our judo rane has lard been leaning lpanese fr mee oGrt anole a no om ner open Uneroncton | ten year. > (victor in (champion) } 2 |b Complete the text withthe caret forms ofthe verbs Sod ng Ot ae Coen) senior B | Somantha Hill _has Just broken_ust / break) a new world Senne Cheat enter: Morey, | record! Yesterday in Manchester she ® __ sagen Lie EE oa ge Tene {run} 100 metres backwards in 16.5 seconds. Samantha is | only 17, but she >_lalready / beat) all the © @IHM Listen and check. | best runnersin the world. She“ ___ stat) | retro-running ~ running backwards — when she was 14 0s, PRONUNCIATION Syllable stress bit of fun, but soon she®__fwin} ots of | competitions and now she is the best in the world. | a ©B Listen to the conversation and underline the Wie spoke to the new world-tecord holder. stressed syllables in the highlighted words. ELENA. | kriow you lke "tHE, but do you ever take pat in ‘Ws omazing! 1®____ train since January for >eompaions? | this ond |”__ try three times to get this DIMA Sometimes —in fact 'm going to °EORRBEtE Inthe | world record, but today was the day.Idon'teven havea national ‘championships next weokend, || arr ater petiew | Ta ay eo tt cose | 3 pis hardly but | Years, Buln ane 7 (contac me yet raining and I'm hoping for a good performance | eetin sfl very Emotional’ Excuse me ey There!l be a lot of strong "eompettors and Ihave | Wie could see she had been crying, Somantha then ran ‘operon realy wel onthe dey. ‘way ~forwards - with tears running down her cheeks. ELENA. So “¥ictony ight be yours then and we'll welcome the "Victorious champion home? DIMA Don't laugh, | might win! ¢ @)EB Listen and check. cementite: «\7 Waal

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