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Name of Student: Salina Shrestha

Grade: XI
Section: Department of Science
Roll no: 05
E-mail address:
Name of School: Shree Shanti Bhagawati Secondary School

Submitted to:
Department of Chemistry
Shree Shanti Bhagawati Secondary School
Letang-4, Morang
Batch 2080

This project work entitled, "Study on Metals and their Significance" by Ms. Salina
Shrestha is submitted for the partial fulfillment of project work of Chemistry of grade
XI has been accepted.


Mr. Shanti Prasad Chamlagain

Department head of Chemistry

Shanti Bhagwati Secondary School

Letang-4, Morang

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to the completion of this
report, "Study on Metals and their Significances". My sincere appreciation goes to my
mentor, Mr. Shanti Prasad Chamlagain, for his guidance, support, and valuable
insights throughout the research process, as well as to the team members who
dedicated their time, effort, and expertise to conduct thorough investigations and
analyses. I also acknowledge the participants who provided data, shared their
experiences, and contributed to the understanding of microplastics and its effects. My
gratitude extends to the academic institutions, organizations, and laboratories that
facilitated access to resources and facilities essential for our research. Additionally, I
thank my family and friends for their unwavering encouragement, understanding, and
patience during the course of this study. This report would not have been possible
without the collective effort and collaboration of everyone involved, and your
contributions have enriched our understanding of microplastics, hopefully paving the
way for effective solutions to mitigate their impact on the environment and human
health. Thank you.

Salina Shrestha
Letang-2, Morang

This report provides a comprehensive exploration of metals and their significance in

our world. Metals have been vital to human progress for centuries, influencing various
aspects of society from ancient civilizations to modern times. The report delves into
the characteristics, properties, and profound impact of metals, discussing their unique
physical and chemical properties that make them indispensable in countless

From their shiny appearance to their ability to conduct heat and electricity, metals
possess remarkable qualities that have propelled innovation and technological
advancement. However, the report also addresses the challenges associated with the
extraction, consumption, and disposal of metals, including environmental degradation
and socio-economic disparities.

By studying metals and their significance, this report aims to foster a deeper
understanding of their role in shaping our society and environment. It underscores the
importance of responsible metal utilization to meet the needs of current and future
generations while safeguarding the health of our planet. Through this exploration, we
can strive towards a more sustainable and equitable future for all.


CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL..........................................................................................1
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................................4
PART 1: INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................1
1.1 METALS................................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Background........................................................................................................2
1.1.1 Chemistry of Metals..........................................................................................3
Physical Properties of Metals.............................................................................................4
Chemical properties of Metals...........................................................................................6
1.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE REPORT.......................................................................11
Part 2: IMPACTS.................................................................................................................12
2.1 On Environment.........................................................................................................12
2.1 On Human Health.......................................................................................................14
3. MITIGATION STRATIGIES..........................................................................................16


Throughout history, metals have been instrumental in shaping human civilization.

From ancient civilizations to the modern era, metals have played a crucial role in
various aspects of our lives, including industry, technology, infrastructure, and
culture. In this report, we will explore the fascinating world of metals, examining their
diverse characteristics, properties, and the profound impact they have on society.

Understanding the properties and behaviors of metals is essential for making the most
of their potential. Whether it's building towering skyscrapers, developing cutting-edge
technologies, or advancing medical science, metals are at the forefront of innovation
and progress. However, the use of metal resources also presents challenges, including
environmental concerns and socio-economic issues. By studying metals and their
significance, we can gain insights into how to responsibly use these resources to meet
the needs of both present and future generations while also protecting our planet's

1.1.1 Background

Metals are naturally occurring elements found in the Earth's crust, ranging from
common metals like iron and aluminum to precious ones like gold and platinum.
People have been discovering and using metals for thousands of years, starting with
early civilizations who used them for tools, weapons, and decorations. The
development of metallurgy marked a significant milestone in human history, allowing
us to move from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age and eventually the Iron Age.

Throughout history, the demand for metals has continued to grow, driven by advances
in technology, industrialization, and population growth. Today, metals are essential in
almost every aspect of modern life, from transportation and communication to
healthcare and renewable energy. The mining, processing, and use of metals are vital
to many industries, contributing significantly to economies worldwide.

1.1.1 Chemistry of Metals

Metals, prominent on the left and center of the periodic table, constitute a significant
portion of its composition.

Molecular Arrangement: Molecules in metals are compactly arranged.

Chemical Bond: Metals are bonded by metallic bonds and sometimes covalent
bonds. Metallic bonding involves the sharing of electrons among a lattice of metal
atoms, creating a cohesive force.

Physical Properties of Metals

1. All the metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. Cooking utensils
and irons are made up of metals as they are good conductors of heat.

2. Metals are generally very malleable and ductile. This property of metal
enables us to make use of it in many scenarios.

3. Metals are sonorous because they produce a deep or ringing sound when
struck with another hard object.

4. Usually, all the metals have a shiny appearance, but these metals can also be
polished to have a shiny appearance.

5. Rust and Corrosion: Now, here's the catch with metals - they can get rusty
and corroded. Think of that old bike left out in the rain for too long. That's rust
in action. So, while metals are awesome, we must watch out for this downside.

Chemical properties of Metals

1. Reaction with water: Only highly reactive metals react with water and not all
the metals. For example, Sodium reacts vigorously with water and oxygen and
gives a large amount of heat in the process. This is why sodium is stored in
kerosene so that it does not encounter moisture or oxygen.

2. Reaction with acids: Hydrogen gas is produced when metals react with acids.
For example, when zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid it produces zinc chloride
and hydrogen gas.

3. Reaction with bases: Not all the metals react with bases and when they do
react, they produce metal salts and hydrogen gas. When zinc reacts with strong
sodium hydroxide it gives sodium zincate and hydrogen gas.

4. Reaction with oxygen: Metal oxides are produced when metals burn in the
presence of oxygen. These metal oxides are basic in nature. For example:
When a magnesium strip is burned in the presence of oxygen it
forms magnesium oxide and when magnesium oxide dissolves in water it
forms magnesium hydroxide.


1. Understanding Microplastics: Explain what microplastics of plastic are and

where they come from.

2. Checking How They Effect: Look at how these little plastics harm nature,
animals, and people.

3. Their Sources: Figure out their sources and how they spread.

4. Finding Ways to Stop Them: See what we can do to reduce the amount of
this microplastics in the environment.

5. Telling Everyone About It: Share what we learn with others, so they know
why it's important to deal with this problem.

6. Suggesting More Study: Recommend that we keep learning about this

problem so we can find better ways to fix it.


2.1 On Environment

1. Messing Up Waterways: Microplastics are like those annoying bits of glitter

that get everywhere, but instead of sparkles, it's tiny pieces of plastic floating
around in oceans, rivers, and lakes. They're basically turning our water into a
plastic soup, which is not cool.

2. Bad News for Marine Life: Picture a fish swimming around, minding its own
business, and then accidentally munching on a piece of microplastic, thinking
it's a tasty treat. Ouch! This happens a lot, and it can seriously mess up marine
animals' insides, making them sick or even causing them to starve.

3. Making Soil Sad: Microplastics aren't just hanging out in the water; they're
also sneaking into the soil. That's not good news for plants and animals that
rely on healthy soil to survive.

4. Airborne Trouble: To top it off, microplastics can even take to the skies!
They get into the air when plastic breaks down or when we wash clothes made
of synthetic fibers. It's like having plastic dust floating around, which
definitely isn't good for our lungs.

2.1 On Human Health

1. Digestive Discomfort: Eating or drinking microplastics can cause

stomachaches and digestion problems.

2. Breathing Issues: Inhaling tiny plastic particles can lead to breathing

difficulties, especially for those with asthma or allergies.

3. Skin Irritation: Products containing microplastics may irritate the skin,

causing itching and discomfort.

4. Toxic Exposure: Microplastics can absorb harmful chemicals, potentially
releasing them into the body and causing toxicity.

5. Health Concerns: Long-term exposure to microplastics may lead to hormonal

disruptions, cardiovascular issues, and neurological impacts, raising concerns
about overall health.


1. Cut Down on Plastic: Use less plastic stuff like bottles and bags to reduce the
amount of plastic waste we make.

2. Dispose Properly: Make sure to throw plastic trash in the right bins and avoid
littering to keep it out of our environment.

3. Switch to Eco-Friendly Products: Look for products that use natural
materials instead of plastic, especially in things like face scrubs and cleaning

4. Push for Better Laws: Ask for laws that ban tiny plastic beads in personal
care products and encourage recycling and proper waste management.

5. Spread the Word: Tell your friends and family about the problems with
microplastics and encourage them to join you in making small changes to


To sum it all up, microplastics are kind of a big deal. They're like those sneaky little
troublemakers that you never even knew were there, but they're causing all sorts of
chaos in our environment. From clogging up our oceans to messing with marine life
and even finding their way into our bodies, these tiny plastic bits are causing a whole
lot of trouble.

But hey, it's not all bad news. We've learned a ton from this study, and now that we
know what we're up against, we can start taking some serious action. First off, we got
to cut back on our plastic habit. It's time to ditch those single-use plastics and opt for
reusable alternatives whenever we can. And when it comes to getting rid of our trash,
we've got to do it right. Let's make sure our plastic waste ends up where it's supposed
to, instead of floating around in our oceans or littering our streets.

But it's not just up to us as individuals. We need some backup from the big guns too –
you know, the policymakers and the folks in charge of making the rules. We've got to
push for some serious changes when it comes to how we make, use, and dispose of
plastic. That means banning those pesky microbeads, ramping up recycling efforts,
and maybe even rethinking the whole plastic thing altogether.

And finally, we've got to spread the word. Let's shout it from the rooftops – or at least
from our social media accounts – and get everyone on board with the whole saving-
the-planet thing. Because when it comes down to it, we're all in this together. So, let's
roll up our sleeves, get to work, and show those microplastics who's boss.

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Tej Bahadur Kunwar, Suk Dev Acharya, Bir Bahadur Kadayat, Gunakar

Ghimire and Mahendra Bahadur Chand. Conceptual Practical Chemistry

(Part I @ II) (new ed.). Bhundipuran Publication.

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