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Europe in the autumn is a walk in the park. (Image of a European park or garden with fall
trees or leaves and a castle or historical location. Approximate example below.)

It’s the high season for fall foliage, festivals, and freedom from crowds. We can help you
plan a personalized European trip, so you experience an unforgettable, carefree vacation
in your own unique way.

Button: Request a Consultation

The world is too fascinating to miss out on.

One step at a time, our knowledgeable and resourceful team will guide you through
making your European vacation remarkable.

Private Tours

Sometimes you need guides to show you the lay of the land. Ours will take you to
Europe’s celebrated locations and best-kept secrets.

Custom Itineraries

Got yonder-wanderlust? We’ll create a custom, exible itinerary based on your likes and
passions, giving you the freedom to explore at your inclination, pace, and schedule.

Legendary Service

You want insiders to show you the ins and outs. Ours are as native, knowledgeable, and
nice as you can nd.

Email Subject Line: Exploration Action Request from Euroscapes

Email Preheader: because it’s time to get out of Dodge.

Hello, Fellow Globetrotter [Name],

To explore or not to explore IS the question, so we’ve added one or more items to your
exploration action list.

Please sign in and complete these exploration action requests. The sooner you do, the
sooner we can launch you into your eye-opening European trip.

1. Add your passport information (since national borders still exist).

Button: Act Now to Explore.

Thanks for being a co-explorer. Send a pigeon carrier, smoke signal, or email if you have
any questions. With our trusty compass in hand, we’ll steer you in the right direction.

Yours in Adventure,
The Euroscapes Team

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