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1. Create an image with Square, Rectangle and other basic shapes.

Step 1: Open GIMP application. Create new file and select a basic template.

Step 2: Select some background colour by selecting active background and foreground

Step 3: Go to tools menu-> select Selection tools-> Select the required shape and insert it on
the image.

Step 4: Continue the same for the required shapes.

2. Create new image add background and foreground colors

Step 1: Open GIMP application. Create new file and select a basic template.

Step 2: Select back ground colour by selecting the background and foreground colours that
are already available and change them according to required color
3. Create new image fill with various patterns

Step 1: Open GIMP application. Create new file and select a basic template.

Step 2: Select the patterns option on the right side of the application. Select the required
patterns from the available patterns list.
4. Draw Curve, Circle, Arc and oval using tools panel and properties panel.

Step1: Open GIMP application. Create new file and select a basic template.

Step 2: Select path tools to create arc, curve. Select the required points of position to place
the arc in the image.

Step 3: In properties select-> Polygon option to convert the line into arc and similarly curve

Step 4: For Circle and oval select the tools option->selection tools ->Ellipse-> convert them
into oval and circle by changing properties.
5. Create an animation using tools panel and properties to draw pen, pencil, brush

Step 1: Open GIMP application. Create new file and select a basic template.

Step 2: From tools option-> Select paint tools-> Select pencil -> Select the properties and
reduce the thickness by changing size and select any foreground colour to draw a pencil.
6. Create heart shape in GIMP using selection.

Step 1: Open GIMP application. Create new file and select a basic template.

Step 2: Select path tools option and insert points to build a heart by using design property.
Select edit property in path tools properties and change the angles and build a heart shape.
7. Insert background image and do the following using blender.
a) Make annotations in the active area
b) Scale (resize selected items.

Step 1: Open blender app. Delete the available shapes on the screen

Step 2: Click on add-> Image -> Select image from the files on your device.

Step 3: Select the options that are available on the right-> opacity-> adjust the thickness.

Step 4: Reduce or increase the size of the image by selecting the image.
8. Create your own text and apply different font size, alignment and colour.

Step 1: Open blender application.

Step 2: Select add ->Text-> Select tab button and edit the text.

Step 3: On the right side select text option-> select the text size, alignment and colour.
9. Create text using text – editor apply various formatting like bold, underline, italics.

Step 1: Open blender application.

Step 2: Select add ->Text-> Select tab button and edit the text.

Step 3: Select the font styles->Bold, Underline and italics.

10. Create text using text editor, apply justify like left justify, right justify and centre justify.

Step 1: Open blender application.

Step 2: Select add ->Text-> Select tab button and edit the text.

Step 3: On the right select the text alignment option as justify ->select centre, right, left.
11. Create an animation in which text HELLO converts to GOOD BYE(using Motion/shape

Step 1: Open blender application.

Step 2: Select add ->Text-> Select tab button and edit the text ->Insert HELLO.

Step 3: Turn on the recording button and start moving the text HELLO. Insert new frame and
write GOOD BYE.

Step 4: Play the animation

12. Create an outline around the text.

Step 1: Open Blender application.

Step 2: Add text ->Use tab and insert the required text.

Step 3: Use shift+D for copying content.

Step 3: Change the offset value for outline of the text

13. Create text using text editor and apply various orientation effects.

Step 1: Open GIMP application. Create new file and select a basic template

Step 2: Click on -> Insert the text at the required position.

Step 3: In the text tools-> Select use editing option and select the required orientation.
14. Create a new layer and apply fill with transparency effect
a. Flip Horizontally
b. Flip Vertically

Step 1: Open GIMP application. Create new file and select a basic template

Step 2: Click on -> Insert the text at the required position.

Step 3: Click on tools and select transform->Flip option

Step 4: Select horizontal option for horizontal flip

Step 4: Select vertical option for vertical flip.

15. Create your own text and apply arbitrary rotation.

Step 1: Open GIMP application. Create new file and select a basic template

Step 2: Click on -> Insert the text at the required position.

Step 3: Click on rotate tool option and rotate the text in required direction
16. Create your college logo that appears to be floating above a background.

Step 1: Open GIMP application. Create new file and select a basic template

Step 2: Click on -> Insert the text at the certain position. Add certain logo to the background.
17. Create your own text and add object mirror effect and transform rotate.

Step 1: Open GIMP application. Create new file and select any template.

Step 2: Insert a background for the current layer.

Step 3: Insert text from tools option

Step 4: Create a duplicate layer

Step 5: Select tools->Transform tool and select flip vertically. Move the second layer
exactly below the first text

Step 6: Select blend tool ->select both the texts

18. Create your own text and perform view port shading.

Step 1: Open blender.

Step 2: Click on add-> Text->Edit the text.

Step 3: Select the shading option->A menu will appear on the right-> Select the required
view port colour.
19. Insert an image in GIMP and perform the following
a) Adjust colour curves.
b) Perform invert, linear

Step 1: Open GIMP application. Create new file and select a basic template.

Step 2: Open -> Select the required image.

Step 3: Select colour option->Select curve-> Adjust colour curves will appear.

Before adjusting colour curves

After adjusting colour curves

B) Invert and linear


Linear invert
20. Insert an image in blender and do the following
a) Rotate in different direction
b) Make annotations on active area.
c) Scale(Resize)

Step 1: Open Blender application

Step 2: Select Add image ->Select an image from the device.

Step 3: For scaling select the image and move the cursor up and down.

Step 4: To rotate the image select the rotate tool and move cursor on the image.
21. Apply snake hook and rotate, cloth effects by using sculpting and display in in different
view points.

Step 1: Open blender application.

Step 2: Select the cube-> Open sculpting option.

Step 3: Select the required effects.

Step 4: Select the axis positions(View points) to view the images at different view points
22. Merge an image from a file to current image in gimp.

Step 1: Open GIMP application. Select file->New ->Select the required template.

Step 2: Insert a new image by selecting open

Step 3: Open another image.

Step 4: Copy the first image and paste as layer in the second image.

23. Draw a box and apply different colours.

Step 1: Open GIMP Image application

Step 2: Go to file-> select any image template

Step 3: Select tools->Selection tools->Rectangle box

Step 4: Add background colours

24. Apply different filter effects to the image
a) Blur
b) Distorts
c) Artistic with cartoon and photography

Step 1: Open GIMP application

Step 2: Select file->Open Image

Step 3: Select tools option and select Transform tools
25. Insert an image and perform the following
a) Smudge the image
b) Dodge/Burn the image

Step 1: Open the GIMP application

Step 2: Open file->Open image

Step 3: Select tools->Select smudge option (Shift +U)

Step 4: Similarly Select Dodge/burn(Shift +D)

26. Insert an image and perform the following Transform Tool
a. Distort the image using Wrap transform
b. Flip the image
c. Create 3D image
d. Use perspective transform
e. Use shear transform

Step 1: Open the GIMP Application

Step 2: Go to file-> Select open ->select image

Step 3: Go to transform tools to perform operations




27. Create 2D animation to depict moving object from left to right

Step 1: Open blender application

Step 2: Add object ->Image->reference image

Step 3: Start recording->select rotate option on the image.

Step 4: Move the image to the right and stop recording

Step 5: Play the animation

28. Insert image and apply Décor filter

Step 1: Open GIMP application

Step 2: Select file-> Open->Select any image

Step 3: Click on filter option->Select Décor and select required filter

29. Insert an image and apply map-illusion.

Step 1: Open GIMP application.

Step 2: Click on file->Open->Select an image

Step 3: Click on Filters menu select Map->illusion

Step 4: Select the type of illusion

31. Create an animation using blend animation

Step1: Open GIMP application.

Step 2: Go to file-> Open image

Step 3: Open 3 images in similar way

Step 4: Go to Filters ->Animations ->Select the number of layers required

Step 5: Click on ok
32. Create a web page with sample video using video tag.






<H1>VIDEO </H1>


<video width=320 height=240 controls>

<source src=”video1.ogg” type=”video/ogg”>



33. Remove a Window border in GIMP tool

Step 1: Open GIMP application

Step 2: Select any window screen as image.

Step 3: Use tools menu->Selection menu->Crop

Step 4: Crop the image and Click ok

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