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Received: 19 December 2018 | Revised: 10 April 2019 | Accepted: 17 April 2019

DOI: 10.1111/zph.12584


Flaviviruses in migratory passerines during spring stopover in a

desert oasis

Tasnim Ayadi1 | Abdesslem Hammouda1 | Ceclie Beck2 | Thierry Boulinier3 |

Sylvie Lecollinet2 | Slaheddine Selmi1

Unité de Recherche ‘Ecologie de la
Faune Terrestre’, UR17ES44, Faculté des Abstract
Sciences, Université de Gabès, Gabès, Bird migration has long been hypothesized as the main mechanism for long‐distance
2 dispersal of flaviviruses, but the role of migratory birds in flaviviruses spillover is not
UPE, ANSES, Laboratoire de Santé
Animale de Maisons‐Alfort, UMR1161 well documented. In this study, we investigated the eco‐epidemiology of West Nile
Virologie, INRA, ANSES, ENVA, Maisons‐
virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV) in trans‐Saharan passerines during their spring
Alfort, France
Centre d′Ecologie Fonctionnelle et
stopover in southern Tunisian oases. To do, we combined oral swab analysis and sero‐
Evolutive, CNRS‐Université de Montpellier logical tools to assess whether migratory birds could be reaching these stopover sites
UMR 5175, Montpellier, France
while infectious or have been previously exposed to viruses. All sampled birds tested
Correspondence negative for oral swab analysis. However, anti‐WNV and anti‐USUV antibodies were
Tasnim Ayadi, Unité de Recherche ‘Ecologie
de la Faune Terrestre’ (UR17ES44), Faculté
detected in 32% and 1% of tested birds, respectively. Among WNV‐seropositive spe‐
des Sciences, Université de Gabès, Gabès, cies, the Golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus) showed the highest anti‐WNV occurrence
probability. In this species, anti‐WNV occurrence was twice larger in males than fe‐
males. Inter‐specific and intraspecific morphological, physiological and behavioural
Funding information
DGRST‐CNRS, Grant/Award Number: 14/
differences could explain these results. Although our findings did not show evidence
R0901 for passerines migrating while infectious, they did not exclude an existing enzootic
WNV transmission cycle in Tunisian oases. Further investigations including larger
samples of migratory birds are needed for a better understanding of this issue.

migration, oasis, passerines, Tunisia, Usutu virus, West Nile virus

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N countries (Benjelloun, Harrak, & Belkadi, 2016; Chaintoutis et al.,

2015; Nikolay, 2015). Likewise, USUV has been responsible for sev‐
West Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV) are sub‐Saharan eral infection cases in birds and humans in different African and
African flaviviruses belonging to the Japanese encephalitis virus European areas (Gaibani & Rossini, 2017; Lelli et al., 2008). In Tunisia,
group (family Flaviviridae), which are associated with human enceph‐ WNV circulation has been recorded since the 1960s (Hammami et
alitis (Gaibani & Rossini, 2017; Nikolay, 2015). They are maintained al., 2017), while USUV circulation has only been reported recently
in nature by a transmission cycle involving mosquitoes as vectors in horses (Ben Hassine et al., 2014) and laughing doves (Ayadi et al.,
and birds as reservoir hosts (Nikolay, 2015). Since the 1950s, WNV 2017).
and USUV have spilled over from their original ecological niches into Long‐distance spillover of WNV and USUV has been linked
the Mediterranean basin and Europe, establishing new endemic foci with bird dispersal (Gaibani & Rossini, 2017; Nikolay, 2015;
when conditions are favourable (Gaibani & Rossini, 2017; Nikolay, Rappole & Hubalek, 2003). The detection of virus RNA in swabs
2015). In the last few decades, WNV outbreaks and sporadic cases in and tissues of infected migratory birds, as well as serological and
humans, horses and birds occurred in several European and African phylogenetic data have given strong supports to this hypothesis

Zoonoses Public Health. 2019;66:495–503.

© 2019 Blackwell Verlag GmbH | 495
496 | AYADI et al.

(Charrel et al., 2003; Engel et al., 2016; Perez‐Ramirez, Llorente,

& Jimenez‐Clavero, 2014; Reisen, Wheeler, Garcia, & Fang, 2010;
Tran et al., 2017). Twice a year, Palearctic trans‐Saharan migra‐
• Migratory birds have been hypothesized to be the main
tory birds move thousands of kilometres, spanning the African and
natural spreaders of several flaviviruses of public health
European continents (Altizer, Bartel, & Han, 2011). While winter‐
ing in or passing through areas where WNV and USUV are known
• We investigated the role of trans‐Saharan passerines in
to be enzootic, some migratory birds may get the infection and
the eco‐epidemiology of West Nile and Usutu viruses
spread the viruses (Dusek et al., 2009; Malkinson & Banet, 2002).
during their spring stopover in Tunisian oases. We com‐
However, only individuals belonging to a competent reservoir
bined oral swab analysis and serological tool in free‐liv‐
species and migrating through at least part of the infectious pe‐
ing migratory passerines.
riod might do it (Komar et al., 2003). Otherwise, birds chronically
• No evidence of birds migrating while infectious has been
infected might undergo viral relapse owing to the stress associ‐
recorded. However, this does not exclude the likelihood
ated with migration (Malkinson & Banet, 2002). Hence, they could
of a silent local enzootic West Nile virus transmission
spread the viruses into naïve local populations along their routes
cycle. Serology results underlined important insights
(Malkinson & Banet, 2002).
into patterns of bird exposure to West Nile virus.
Along major migratory flyways linking sub‐Saharan Africa and
Europe, Tunisian oases are attractive stopover sites for migratory
birds. In these areas, a dense mixture of resident and migratory bird
species co‐occur twice a year (Selmi, 2000; Selmi & Boulinier, 2003; (Perez‐Ramirez et al., 2014). Positive WNV serology has been re‐
Wasfi et al., 2016). Since competent mosquitoes are also abundant ported in migratory passerines belonging to several families, such
within Tunisian oases (Wasfi et al., 2016), transmission of WNV and as Corvidae, Oriolidae, Sylviidae and Muscicapidae (Jourdain et al.,
USUV might be promoted. In previous studies, we have reported 2007; Strand, Lundkvist, Olsen, & Gustafsson, 2018). However,
serologic evidence of WNV and USUV circulation in the resident WNV oro‐faecal shedding with viremia titres high enough to allow
avifauna in these areas (Ayadi et al., 2017; Hammouda et al., 2015). bird‐to‐bird transmission has only been recorded in the Corvidae and
However, the potential role played by migratory birds in the ecology Icteridae families, which mainly includes resident species (Komar et
of these viruses in Tunisian oases is still poorly known, and two hy‐ al., 2003; Perez‐Ramirez et al., 2014). Passeriformes are also known
potheses could be proposed. First, the viruses might be periodically to be highly susceptible to USUV infection (Ashraf et al., 2015).
re‐introduced by infected birds from sub‐Saharan African areas. Positive USUV serology has been reported in some migratory pas‐
Alternatively but not exclusively, the viruses might be circulating si‐ serines, such as Sylvia communis, Sylvia borin, Ficedula hypoleuca and
lently in an endemic sylvatic bird–mosquito cycle, while migratory Hirundo rustica (Ashraf et al., 2015; Meister et al., 2008). However,
birds might allow their further spillover in other stations along their few investigations have been carried out to detect USUV oro‐faecal
routes. Hence, a suitable approach to assess the likelihood of these shedding in migratory passerines, and the results have always been
two hypotheses in free‐living migratory passerines can be to com‐ negative (Grisenti et al., 2013).
bine both oral swab analysis and serological tools. In this study, we aimed to assess the potential role of trans‐
Oro‐faecal swab analyses allow assessment of whether a bird is Saharan passerines in the eco‐epidemiology of WNV and USUV
infectious through detection of the RNA of viruses in their secre‐ in Tunisian oases. We first explored whether migratory birds
tions, especially as viral shedding occurs simultaneously with viremia reached these spring stopover sites while infectious using oral
and lasts longer (Guerrero‐Sanchez et al., 2011; Komar et al., 2003). swab analyses. Second, we assessed the seropositivity of the sam‐
In particular, oral swab samples generally contain more virus parti‐ pled birds towards WNV and USUV, and we investigated whether
cles than cloacal ones (Guerrero‐Sanchez et al., 2011). Thereby, birds the prevalence of antibodies varied among and within species.
identified as positive could be suspected to be involved in infecting Because body size and behaviour might shape species exposure
local mosquitoes or passively shedding the viruses in nature, but to mosquito vectors, and thus to infections (Janousek, Marra, &
this may depend on the viremia (Grisenti et al., 2013; Komar et al., Kilpatrick, 2014), the occurrence probability of antibodies and
2003; Wheeler, Vineyard, Barker, & Reisen, 2012). Serological tools their detection duration may vary among species. At the intraspe‐
allow assessment of whether a bird has been in contact with the vi‐ cific level, sex‐biased antibody prevalence could be expected due
ruses during its lifetime through the detection of specific antibodies to possible sex‐related differences in behavioural, morphologi‐
(Nemeth et al., 2009). They do not give information on when and cal and even physiological characteristics (Burkett‐Cadena et al.,
how the infection occurred, but they can be useful in investigating 2011; Travi et al., 2002). Moreover, since migration demands are
the ecological factors shaping bird exposure to viruses (Ayadi et al., energetically traded off against immune functions (Altizer et al.,
2017; Figuerola et al., 2008; Hammouda et al., 2015; Nallar et al., 2011), a bird's serological status may be related to its energetic
2016). condition. Birds that were recently exposed to infections are ex‐
Passeriformes are known to be one of the main reservoir hosts pected to exhibit lower body condition compared with those that
of WNV owing to their high and long‐lasting levels of viremia did not suffer immunological challenges.
AYADI et al. | 497

2 | M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS and virus controls, as well as virus back titration controls, were in‐
cluded in every MNT assay. After incubation of the plates at 37°C
2.1 | Sample collection for 1.5 hr, 2 × 10 4 Vero cells in 100 µl of DMEM were added to
all the wells. Plates were incubated at 37°C for 3 days, and then,
Data used in this work were collected during spring 2016 (April–
cytopathogenic effects were observed under a light microscope. A
May), in Kettana oasis (33°45′N, 10°13′E), in south‐eastern
sample was considered negative if infection occurred regardless of
Tunisia. In this oasis, vegetation is composed of a dense mixture of
plasma concentration. It was considered positive if cells were pro‐
cultivated and spontaneous plants, including notably palm trees,
tected at the 1:10 plasma dilution; its titre was calculated as the
fruit trees (mainly olive, pomegranate, apricot and fig trees) and
inverse of the latest dilution at which cells were protected (Beck et
herbaceous plants. Water surfaces required for mosquito larval
al., 2015). On plasma samples with low volumes, only MNTs have
development, which are also used by birds for drinking, are con‐
been conducted and positive MNT samples have been automati‐
tinuously available.
cally assigned as ELISA‐positive too. Owing to cross‐neutralization
Birds were captured by means of mist nets (Karr, 1981) placed
between flaviviruses, especially within the same serocomplex,
around fruit trees highly frequented by migrant passerines, notably
virus neutralization test end point titres require comparison. The
blackberry and apricot trees. For each captured bird, we measured
flavivirus can then be identified as the virus with the highest titre,
body weight (in g) using a spring scale (PESOLA) and tarsus length (in
that is the one that shows a titre at least four times higher than
mm) using a digital calliper to the nearest 0.01. Right and left sides
that of the other (Beck et al., 2015; Yeh et al., 2012).
were measured, and the mean value was calculated. Whenever pos‐
For oral swab analysis, RNA extraction was conducted using sil‐
sible, birds were sexed according to plumage colour. Subsequently, a
ica‐membrane RNeasy spin columns (RNeasy® mini Kit, QIAGEN)
0.1–0.5 ml blood sample was taken from the brachial vein using a ster‐
following the manufacturer's instructions. For the screening of WNV,
ile heparinized syringe, and oral swabs were collected using sterile
we carried out a real‐time RT‐PCR using primers that amplify 5′NC
swabs with transport medium (Sigma Virocult® swab). The obtained
and C regions of WNV lineage 1 and 2 strains (Linke et al., 2007).
blood samples and swabs were maintained in a cooler (4°C) while in
To control the quality of RNA samples, we added primers specific to
the field before being transferred and stored into the laboratory till
β‐actin RNA to mix. We used TaqMan classic probes FAM‐TAMRA
analysis could be performed. Before release, each sampled bird was
(for WNV) and VIC‐TAMRA (for beta‐actin) for revelation. To deter‐
marked with a patch of paint on the head to avoid resampling. All
mine calibration curve and evaluate PCR efficiency, we used a pos‐
captured birds were handled by the same observer (T. Ayadi).
itive control and prepared serial dilutions with dilution factor of 10
from an initial suspension of the positive control with an initial titre
2.2 | Laboratory analyses of 106pfu/µl. We also carried out a generic pan‐flavivirus RT‐PCR
for screening of flavivirus presence. We used QIAGEN one‐step RT‐
Blood samples were brought to the laboratory on the day of collec‐
PCR kit and primers that amplify a region of the NS5 gene which is
tion, where they were centrifuged (10 min at 5,000 g). The plasma
well conserved within this genus (Grisenti et al., 2013). Primers used
samples were then stored at −20°C until immunological analyses
could be performed. Screening of plasma for flavivirus antibodies was
conducted using an ELISA kit designed to detect antibodies against
a 1,084‐bp amplification product (Weissenbock et al., 2002). In a
the structural pre‐membrane (prM) and envelope (E) proteins of WNV
total PCR mix of 25, 1 µl of RNA was added to 1× buffer, 1 µl of
(ID Screen® West Nile Competition, IDvet). Tests were performed
the QIAGEN OneStep RT‐PCR Enzyme Mix, 2 µl of each primer 10
according to the manufacturer's instructions. Because WNV E pro‐
and 400 µM of each dNTP (QIAGEN one‐step RT‐PCR). Finally, the
tein shares conserved epitopes with other flaviviruses, this ELISA tool
products of the RT‐PCR were analysed by electrophoresis with a 1%
can be conveniently used as a surrogate test to detect antibodies to
agarose gel and visualized by staining with ethidium bromide. Positive
many flaviviruses, particularly those belonging to the Japanese en‐
and negative controls were included in the analyses. Both RT‐PCR as‐
cephalitis serocomplex (Beck et al., 2013). This test is known to show
says can detect viral loads lower than 10 TCID50/ml (data not shown).
high sensitivity and specificity, exceeding 95% (Beck et al., 2015).
ELISA‐positive samples were further investigated through
virus‐specific microneutralization tests (MNTs) against flaviviruses 2.3 | Statistical analysis
reported in the area where the plasma was collected (Beck et al.,
The collected data were first used to estimate the prevalence (and
2015, 2013). Heat‐inactivated plasma, serially diluted (1:5–1:320)
associated 95% confidence interval) of anti‐WNV and anti‐USUV an‐
in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM), was mixed with
tibodies in the sampled species. We also checked whether the occur‐
an equal volume (50 µl) of DMEM containing 100 tissue cul‐
rence probability of antibodies differed among species, by means of
ture infectious dose 50 of WNV strain IS‐98‐ST1 (provided by
a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), with a logit link function
the National Reference Centre for Arboviruses in France at the
and binary distribution. In this GLMM, only species with sufficient
Institut Pasteur, Paris) or USUV strain It2012 (206795‐3, gener‐
sample size were included (see results). For these species, separate
ous gift from IZSLER). Each plasma was tested in duplicate. Cell
498 | AYADI et al.

TA B L E 1 Antibody prevalence to West Nile virus (WNV) in the sampled migratory passerines using neutralization assays

Range of tarsus Range of body % WNV‐positive

Common name Scientific name n length (mm) mass (g) WNV‐positive and 95% CI

Eurasian golden Oriolus oriolus 52 25.75–27.35 62–79 30 58 (44–71)

Common Sylvia communis 28 22.28–25.30 12–22 10 36 (18–54)
Garden warbler Sylvia borin 37 23.26–25.95 13–25 8 22 (8–35)
Orphean warbler Sylvia hortensis 31 24.97–26.22 20–27 4 13 (0–23)
Common Phylloscopus collybita 2 20.34–21.42 10–11 0 0
Great reed Acrocephalus arundinaceus 1 26.71 38 0 0
European pied Ficedula hypoleuca 4 17.82–19.39 11–14.5 0 0
Spotted flycatcher Muscicapa striata 1 17.98 16 0 0
Common Luscinia megarhynchos 5 29.28–31.63 21–33 0 0
Rufous bush robin Cercotrichas galactotes 3 30.01–30.20 23–26 0 0
Tree pipit Anthus trivialis 1 24.31 28 1 100
Total 165 53 32 (25–39)

TA B L E 2 Results of analyses for antibodies to West Nile virus (WNV) by microneutralization test on ELISA‐positive samples

Number of samples with positive antibody titres

WNV antibody titres Oriolus oriolus Sylvia communis Sylvia borin Sylvia hortensis Anthus trivialis

10 5 2 2 1 0
20 7 3 2 0 0
40 4 2 2 1 1
80 6 2 1 1 0
160 3 0 1 0 0
320 3 1 0 1 0
640 2 0 0 0 0
Total 30 10 8 4 1

GLMMs (with a logit link function and binary distribution) were also Using ELISA, anti‐flavivirus antibodies (including anti‐WNV and
conducted to investigate whether the occurrence probability of an‐ anti‐USUV antibodies) were recorded in 56 samples, corresponding
tibodies varied according to sex and an index of body condition (BCI) to an overall prevalence of 34% (95% CI: 26%–40%). Among these
as fixed effects. BCI values were obtained as the residuals of a linear samples, 53 were WNV‐seropositive, as revealed by the virus MNT,
regression of body weight (log‐transformed) on tarsus length (log‐ corresponding to 32% (95% CI: 25%–39%) of sampled birds (Tables 1
transformed). GLMMs were conducted using the GLIMMIX proce‐ and 2). Only two samples were USUV‐seropositive, corresponding to
dure in SAS software (SAS Institute Inc., 2008). an overall prevalence of 1% (95% CI: 0%–3%). These two USUV‐se‐
ropositive samples were from the same species, the Garden warbler
(S. borin), with an anti‐USUV titre of 20.
3 | R E S U LT S Using data on the four species with sufficiently large samples,
namely the European golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus), Common white‐
A total of 165 birds belonging to 11 migrant passerine species were throat (S. communis), Garden warbler (S. borin) and Orphean warbler
sampled (Table 1). All collected oral swabs tested negative for WNV (Sylvia hortensis), we found that the occurrence probability of anti‐
and flaviviruses by RT‐PCR. The positive control tested always posi‐ WNV antibodies differed significantly among species (F3,148 = 6,
tive, and the negative one resulted always negative. p = 0.0004). Pairwise comparisons revealed that anti‐WNV
AYADI et al. | 499

occurrence probability was overall higher in the European golden or birds by oro‐faecal shedding of the virus. However, owing to the
oriole than in the three warbler species (Figure 1). shortness of the viraemic phase (<7 days according to Oesterle et al.
Species‐level analyses showed that none of the investigated (2009); Perez‐Ramirez et al. (2014), oro‐faecal shedding of the virus
variables was significantly associated with anti‐WNV occurrence (<10 days according to Komar et al. (2003)) and also to possible non‐
probability in the three warbler species (Table 3). However, individ‐ optimal source material, detection of the virus RNA in oral swabs is
ual sex provided a significant predictor of the occurrence probabil‐ not likely easy in migrant birds. Likewise, birds recently infected or
ity of anti‐WNV antibodies in the European golden oriole (Table 3). suffering from a relapse of the infection during migration might not
Anti‐WNV occurrence probability was almost twice as large in males have been able to cross the Sahara and reach North Africa. Previous
compared with females (Table 3, Figure 2). Furthermore, in all spe‐ studies reported that birds undergoing recent infections might ex‐
cies, there was a tendency towards decreased anti‐WNV occurrence perience several consequences such as higher mortality rates along
probability with increasing BCI, but the trends were non‐significant their routes (Altizer et al., 2011), migratory restlessness (Owen et al.,
(Table 3, Figure 3). 2006) and delayed migration (Altizer et al., 2011). For these reasons,
the probability of sampling individuals reaching our grounds while
infectious was expected to be low.
4 | D I S CU S S I O N On the other hand, serology results showed an overall anti‐
WNV prevalence of 32%. From the 11 tested species, seropositive
To our knowledge, this is the first investigation of the possible role birds belonged to the Eurasian golden oriole, Common whitethroat,
of migratory passerines incoming from wintering grounds in the eco‐ Garden warbler, Orphean warbler and Tree pipit. These findings
epidemiology of WNV and USUV in North African stopover sites. are consistent with previous reporting of positive WNV serology
Overall, all sampled species tested negative for flaviviruses by oral in these passerine species during spring migration (Jourdain et al.,
swab analyses, but serology results underlined important insights 2007). However, anti‐USUV antibodies were recorded only in two
into patterns of bird exposure to WNV. Garden warblers, corresponding to an overall seroprevalence of 1%.
In Tunisia, the link between WNV circulation and implication This low anti‐USUV antibodies prevalence might be due to the high
of migratory birds in potential re‐introductions of the virus is, until vulnerability of the tested passerines to USUV infections (Gaibani
now, conjectural (Hammami et al., 2017; Triki et al., 2001). Negative & Rossini, 2017). Indeed compared with WNV, USUV has a higher
results of oral swab analyses in this study did not add arguments virulence for birds and results in greater mortality rates (Gaibani &
in favour of this assumption. Indeed, to act as WNV re‐introducing Rossini, 2017).
hosts in North African stopover sites, trans‐Saharan migratory birds Using serological data on the most commonly sampled species,
might first become infected with the virus shortly before their de‐ we found that bird exposure to WNV varied significantly among spe‐
parture from their wintering grounds in sub‐Saharan Africa. Second, cies. Overall, European golden orioles were more exposed to WNV
they might remain viremic when they reach North African stop‐ compared with warblers. Knowing that the European golden oriole
over sites in order to be able to infect local mosquito vectors and/ (62–79 g) is more than twice larger than the three studied warbler
species (12–27 g), this result is consistent with the general ten‐
dency of positive association between seroprevalence rate and bird
body size (Figuerola et al., 2008; Victoriano Llopis et al., 2016; Yan,
Gangoso, Martinez‐de la Puente, Soriguer, & Figuerola, 2017). Larger
body is often linked with larger areas of unfeathered parts, such as
eye rings and tarsus, that are often targeted by blood‐sucking mos‐
quitoes (Yan et al., 2017). Large species may also have a higher an‐
nual survival rate and run a greater number of seasons of exposure,
thus potentially a population containing on average older individuals.
It is also linked with higher CO2 output (Nagy, 1987), higher quantity
of olfactory cues and body temperature release (Takken & Verhulst,
2013), which attract more mosquito vectors. Additional differences
between the European golden oriole and the three sampled warbler
species, concerning notably plumage colour and habitat use, may
also explain, at least partly, its greater exposure to viruses.
With regard to plumage colour, it has been shown that birds
F I G U R E 1 Estimated least square means (±SE) of the with greater percentages of attractive plumage colours such as yel‐
occurrence probability of anti‐West Nile virus antibodies from a
low, white, light green and light brown are more frequently bitten
generalized linear mixed model accounting for species as a fixed
by Culex pipiens mosquitoes (Yan et al., 2017). Because the seeking
effect. Only species with sufficiently large samples were included
in the model. Results of t tests for pairwise comparisons are also activity of mosquitoes usually peaks under conditions of poor vis‐
provided ibility such as sunrise, sunset or at night (Becker et al., 2010), they
500 | AYADI et al.

TA B L E 3 Results of GLMMs of the

Species Effect Estimate ± SE df t P
occurrence probability of anti‐West Nile
Oriolus oriolus Intercept 1.653 ± 0.659 49 2.51 0.0155 virus antibodies as functions of sex (two
Sex −1.859 ± 0.751 49 −2.48 0.0168 classes: Male = 1 vs. Female = 0) and body
condition index (BCI) as fixed effects
BCI −5.212 ± 4.264 49 −1.22 0.2273
Sylvia communis Intercept −0.589 ± 0.725 25 −0.81 0.4247
Sex −0.021 ± 0.890 25 −0.02 0.9811
BCI −2.057 ± 2.776 25 −0.74 0.4656
Sylvia hortensis Intercept −1.838 ± 0.763 28 −2.41 0.0228
Sex −0.146 ± 1.106 28 −0.18 0.8604
BCI −3.305 ± 6.395 28 −0.52 0.6093
Sylvia borin Intercept −1.307 ± 0.406 35 −3.22 0.0028
BCI −1.504 ± 2.321 35 −0.65 0.5211

Note: In Sylvia borin, individual sex was not considered in the model because it could not be
accurately determined.

F I G U R E 2 Estimated least square means (±SE) of the F I G U R E 3 Relationships between the occurrence probability of
occurrence probability of anti‐West Nile virus antibodies in males anti‐West Nile virus antibodies and body condition index (BCI), as
and females of the European golden oriole from a generalized linear estimated from generalized linear mixed models accounting for the
mixed model accounting for sex and body condition as fixed factors effects of sex. The curves are obtained using BCI values spanning
the range of values recorded in the four studied species

might be more attracted to hosts of bright colours (Yan et al., 2017). have been reported to increase with the roost height (Janousek et
Golden orioles are of bright yellow (males) to yellowish‐green (fe‐ al., 2014). For these reasons, the exposure of European golden ori‐
males) colours, while warbler species have predominately grey oles to mosquito bites, and then to WNV, is likely to be enhanced
plumage (Cramp, 1992; Mason & Allsop, 2009). Thereby, European compared with warblers.
golden orioles would show greater brightness and sharper colour In the European golden oriole, the probability to detect anti‐
contrast against dark backgrounds and hence be easily located by WNV antibody was twice as large in males compared with females.
mosquitoes. With regard to habitat, warbler species inhabit shrubby This suggests a higher exposure of males to mosquito bites com‐
and open dry habitats, where mosquito populations could be of low pared with females, supporting a previous report of Culex mosqui‐
densities, while the European golden oriole rather avoids treeless toes propensity to take nearly two times more blood meals from
habitats and occurs in more vegetated areas where general condi‐ males than females (Burkett‐Cadena, Bingham, & Unnasch, 2014).
tions, mainly elevated humidity and low wind speed, might promote At least two non‐exclusive hypotheses could be proposed to ex‐
high abundance of mosquitoes (Cramp, 1992; Mason & Allsop, 2009; plain this finding. First, sex‐biased avian host use by mosquitoes
Service, 1980). Moreover, Golden orioles roost higher compared might be owing to hormonal differences between sexes (Travi et
with warblers, which might raise their exposure to mosquito bites. al., 2002). Because males have higher levels of testosterone and, in
Indeed, the abundance and feeding preference of Culex mosquitoes consequence, stress hormone levels (Evans, Goldsmith, & Norris,
AYADI et al. | 501

2000), they are likely to be more attractive for mosquitoes than C O N FL I C T O F I N T E R E S T S

females. Indeed, a recent experimental study on Zebra finches
We declare that we have no conflict of interests.
showed that Culex mosquitoes fed on birds with high stress hor‐
mone levels nearly twice more frequently compared with birds
from a control group (Gervasi et al., 2016). Second, sex‐biased ORCID
avian host use by mosquitoes might be due to morphological dif‐
Tasnim Ayadi
ferences between males and females. Indeed, in the European
golden oriole males have slightly larger bodies and brighter yellow
plumage, which could be linked with higher exposure to mosquito REFERENCES
bites compared with females.
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learning from a five‐year period of follow‐up. Zoonoses and Public
that previous exposure to the virus unlikely causes huge negative Health, 61(3), 181–191. https​://​
impacts on bird's body condition. These findings are opposite to Altizer, S., Bartel, R., & Han, B. A. (2011). Animal migration and infectious
our hypothesis according to which WNV‐seropositive passerines disease risk. Science, 331(6015), 296–302. https​://
would have lower BCI because both migration demands and immune
Ashraf, U., Ye, J., Ruan, X., Wan, S., Zhu, B., & Cao, S. (2015). Usutu virus:
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