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Module V- Research Report

Research report
A research report is a systematic, scientific and consistent presentation
of the entire process of research.
Functions of research report
 It serve as a reference material for future.
 It reveals the research ability of the researcher.
 It is useful for policy makers and administrators.
 It is used to judge the quality of the research work.
 It is used to evaluate competency of the researcher.
Features/ Characteristics/ Qualities/ Essentials of a good report
 Clarity
 Size
 Validity
 Orderliness
 Simple language
 Attractive
 Free from mistakes
 Interesting
 Accurate
 Use familiar words
Importance/ Significance/ Purpose of research report
 It helps the researcher to evaluate the success of report.
 It reveals the ability of the researcher.
 It is useful to policy makers and administrators.
 It is guided by management decisions.
 It is the presentation of findings.
 It examine the validity of the generalizations.
 It is the inspiration for further research.
Types of Report
Oral Report
It is a type of report which is not in written format. This is reporting
verbally in person.
Written Report
It is a type of report which is in written format describing the finding of
the report.
Popular report
It is a type of report meant for general public. It is prepared in simple
Technical report
It is a report prepared for specialists who are interested in
understanding the technical aspects of research methodology.
Report submitted to administrator
It is intended for taking decisions. It includes some technical data and
supporting data.
Stages/ Steps/ Procedure of report writing
 Understanding the subject matter & its logical analysis.
 Preparing the final outline of the report.
 Preparing the rough draft or first draft.
 Finalizing the report.
Format / Layout / Content of a research report
The Preliminaries The Text The Reference
Title Page Abstract Bibliography
Letter of transmittal Introduction Appendix
Acknowledgment Research procedure Index (if any)
Letter of authentication Results
Table of contents Discussions
List of tables Conclusion
List of figures summary
Chapterisation of a research report
It means research report can be explained under different head under
the chapterisation scheme.
Content of chapter
1st Chapter 2nd Chapter 3rd Chapter 4th Chapter 5th Chapter
Introduction Literature Research Data analysis Findings
review methodology
Objectives Data Discussion
Definition Suggestion
Hypothesis Conclusion
Scope Appendix
Significance Reference
It is the ability to understand and get meaning from spoken and written
languages. It measure whether a user can understand the intend
meaning of a text and can draw the correct conclusion.
It is the ease with which a reader can understand a written text. It
depend on its content and presentations.
It is the writers voice in written work. It is what the reader might
perceive the writers attitude.
Title of the report
The title of the report summarizes main idea of the study. A good title
contains fewest possible words and adequately describe the purpose of
the research.
A bibliography is a detailed list of all the sources consulted and cited in
a research paper and project.
Types/ Kinds of bibliography
 Working bibliography
It is a type of bibliography formed at the starting stage of the enquiry. It
may be prepared before the selection of research problem. It helps the
researcher to understand the problem.
 Final bibliography
It is a type of bibliography after the completion of research report. It
helps to verify the facts and statements in the report. It helps the
researcher who are interested to further study of the problem.
Role of audience
The audience of the research includes experts, technician, executives,
non-specialists, etc.
Executive summary
It is a thorough overview of a research report.
Need for executive summary in research report
 Objectives of the research report
 Nature of the decision problem
 Key results
 Conclusion
 Recommendation for action
An abstract is a summary of the research report. It describe the topic,
the scope, the principal findings and the conclusions.
A glossary is a short dictionary giving definitions and examples
An additional piece of information printed at the bottom of a page is
called foot note.
Ethics in research
Ethics in research means the application of fundamental ethical
principles to research activities. It involves requirements on daily work,
the protection of dignity of subjects and population of the information
in research.
Ethical principles followed by a researcher
 Honesty
 Objectivity
 Confidentiality
 Carefulness
 Integrity
 Openness
 Social responsibility
 Legality
 Competence
Difference between objectivity and subjectivity in research
Objectivity Subjectivity
It is personal impartiality It is judgement based on
It is based on facts It can vary from person to person.
It cannot be influenced personal It can be influenced.
values and biases.
It can be interpreted as mind- It consists of statements of
independent judgement, assumption etc.
It cannot be altered based on It can be altered.
personal opinion
Used in decision making process May or may not use in decision


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