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F rom the first moment the statue of hashirama

and madara was showed it was hinted that madara
whoever he was special for us the audience it brought
curiosity and a lot of questions regardless that name was
one we sure could never forget. When the true madara
appeared he was the epidemy of presence and confidence as
we saw him dispatch the allied forces displaying the absolute
mastery of the sharingan which evolved into rennigan in the
real time and showed the difference b/n a shinobi and a god
when he pulled down meteors this a man on a mission that
was carefully plotted in his younger days the reason why
madara became the self-proclaimed savior of the world.

Madara sought peace but with his brothers killed he pursued the sharingan in its
evolved form and that pursuit with his loneliness learn about the history of
shinobi and see the endless cycle of hatred and conflict that seemed eternal
he saw a life of endless suffering conflict and a peace that could never be
achieved. The personality and the philosophy of madara uchiha was something
that was hardened and mainly built as a result of his childhood as he says”
people desire peace and yet on the other hand they create conflict as well that
duality is mankind for you”

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