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Marker report

Order info
Order name 530-0346=MANGO#CENTRAL-04-0 User
Marker name M1:5-6(x2);7-8(x4);9-10(x5);11-12(x Date/Time 2024.03.04 12:24:26 PM
File name 530-0346=MANGO#CENTRAL-04-0
File path C:\Users\User2.SAMPLE-ZAHIDUL\Desktop\
Marker info
Marker width 72.00 inch Number of models 1 Weight per unit 240 G/m2
Marker length 321.90 inch Number products 18 Total weight 3.59 KG
Marker efficiency 87.09% Total number of pieces 90 Used weight 3.13 KG
Spreading options Simple Number of placed piece 90 Waste weight 0.46 KG

Annotations: None

Marker number Start point Stop point
1 0.00 inch 97.24 inch
2 88.66 inch 143.27 inch
Marker report
Marker number Start point Stop point
3 138.27 inch 207.32 inch
4 197.36 inch 262.09 inch
5 255.31 inch 315.59 inch
6 310.98 inch 321.89 inch

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