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Title: Sample Research Paper On Acid Rain

Acid rain has long been a topic of concern in environmental science, posing significant threats to
ecosystems, human health, and infrastructure. Understanding its causes, impacts, and potential
mitigation strategies is crucial for addressing this global issue effectively.

Writing a thesis on acid rain can be a daunting task due to the complexity of the topic and the
extensive research required. It involves analyzing various scientific data, historical trends, policy
implications, and potential solutions. Additionally, synthesizing information from diverse sources
and presenting original insights can be challenging for many students.

From conducting comprehensive literature reviews to designing rigorous experiments and

interpreting complex data sets, the process of writing a thesis on acid rain demands dedication,
critical thinking, and analytical skills. Moreover, articulating findings in a clear, coherent manner that
meets academic standards adds another layer of difficulty to the task.

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Acid precipitation happens when gases such as sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides are emitted.
Existing scientific research has linked acid rain to increased environmental degradation. In Scotland
there are many birth defects being attributed to it. Studies have identified acid rain as a contributing
factor in decreased fish and wildlife population. The acid rain formed is in gaseous form and can be
blown by wind to other regions where it eventually falls. Acid rain eliminates insects and fish species
thereby reduce the biodiversity in an area. Additionally, the deposits can reach the earth surface as
gases or particles such as aerosols. In most cases, Kumar notes that Acid Rain falls under a PH of
between 5. The expense of individually monitoring such sources may consume a large share of the
agency's enforcement budget, undermining deterrence objectives. Scientists are researching effective
control technologies to limit emissions from power plants and automobiles. Generally, the acid
precipitation affects man, but indirectly. 10 Lines On Acid Rain Essay In English Acid rain is formed
by highly acidic water droplets due to air emissions. It works similarly to the chemical DDT which is
sprayed to eliminate insects. That is said, 16.5% of China’s territory is affected by destructive
damages such as soil damages, deforestation and even destructions to infrastructures brought by acid
rain (Yi, 2006). The theory is that the higher the concentration of the reactants, the closer the
particles are together and this means they will collide more often and this will speed up the rate of
reaction. In the New York Times article, this quote is trying to reiterate the effect of acid rain of the
waterways. The results of acidification on the top soil can lead to reduced intake of water and
nutrients, damage to fine root hairs and decomposition slowed down thus less nutrients for plants. At
pH levels below 4.0 all vertebrates, most invertebrates, and many microorganisms are destroyed (1).
Another way of reducing sulfur emissions into the atmosphere is by removing the sulfur on the oil
and coal before burning it, which can also be very expensive(1). It is a Word document placed in a
printable paper template based on forming research questions that can provide the topics or
discussion that will be evaluated in the study. When other oxidizing agents in the atmosphere oxidize
the acidic gases to form sulfuric and nitric acid, the process entails a number of phases. These
amendments are good and should help the pollution problem, but in the amendments the way to
meet these goals is not provided. Over 5,500 lakes in Sweden have been treated this way. A report
that was produced by the Natural Resources Defense Council stated that the weather monitoring
station that was located in the central part of Pennsylvania had recorded the highest amount of
acidity found in the rain experienced. However, the acid rain nowadays is different; the principle
origin has shifted to human activities. This can be responsible for about 20 to 60% of total acid
deposition. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing
assignments. The government has adapted changes in regulations to attempt to reduce air pollution
that causes acid deposition (U.S. Geological Survey, 1997). Precipitation naturally is a little acidic
but when the pH level drops below a set standard it is acid rain. For an optimal experience, please
switch to the latest version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox.
Once there is enough acidic build up the body of watere will no longer be able to buffer the acid and
it can start harming the species and habitats of species living there.
In this respect, energy production is accompanied by oxidation of the environment. Changing our
lifestyle to reduce our energy consumption can also help but making it too sudden can cause
economic problems. It is a Word document placed in a printable paper template based on forming
research questions that can provide the topics or discussion that will be evaluated in the study.
Environmental agencies have also been at the forefront of setting up initiatives to fight acid rain. That
is said, 16.5% of China’s territory is affected by destructive damages such as soil damages,
deforestation and even destructions to infrastructures brought by acid rain (Yi, 2006). Although a
part of acid rain can be traced to natural phenomena such as emissions from volcanoes and biological
process, acid rain produced by nature are very small in amount, and they are limited to a few regions.
Also converting power stations to use natural gas to generate electricity as it is less polluting instead
of coal. Acidic rainwater can leach aluminium from soil clay particles because it flows through the
soil then floods into streams and lakes. The Northeastern region of the United States is especially
affected by acid rain due to population, industry and prevailing wind directions (U.S. Geological
Survey, 1997). The government has adapted changes in regulations to attempt to reduce air pollution
that causes acid deposition (U.S. Geological Survey, 1997). To conclude different acidity’s effect on
the life of aquatic species, our group need to compare between Carassius auratus in different pH
conditions, so controlled variables are needed. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our
terms of service and privacy policy. Reductions in soil pH can prevent the growth of germinating
seeds and the growth of young seedlings. This study shows that acid precipitation is a serious
problem in the Adirondacks and is a growing threat to forests and watersheds (2). Thus, acid rain’s
damage to an aquatic system will eventually impact our living quality. Other physiological processes,
such as photosynthesis, are interfered with affecting growth of crops. Due to increased demand for
energy, some countries opt for the combustion of cheaper fossil fuels resulting in buildup of gases in
the atmosphere. Additionally, slight amounts of nitrogen react with rainwater to for nitric acid. It
then gets washed into the lakes, where it poisons the fish. 3. BUILDING - Acid rain attacks
buildings and metal structures. These allowances can be traded by companies to each other like
commodities. Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines.
To illustrate, D-aspartate is an important component in the development of the brain while D-serine
combines with L-amino acid glutamate to produce synaptic plasticity which is an element of
developing memories. Lakes, rivers and streams are also affected as well as the wildlife in the
waters. The length of the experiment will last for three months in order to fully observe the pattern
and draw our conclusion with less error. So because of this, these products are emitted into the
atmosphere. A report that was produced by the Natural Resources Defense Council stated that the
weather monitoring station that was located in the central part of Pennsylvania had recorded the
highest amount of acidity found in the rain experienced. It was careless and at the time I could have
cared less. So, the independent variable is the pH value of water. Hartmann My Submissions My
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burning coal or oil give off most sulphur dioxide.
When acid rain falls and flows into rivers and ponds, it affects the aquatic ecosystem. The results of
acidification on the top soil can lead to reduced intake of water and nutrients, damage to fine root.
Over time acidification builds up and harms the ecosystem (Shindler 1988). Acid rain eliminates
insects and fish species thereby reduce the biodiversity in an area. Short-term measures are used to
immediately reduce levels of pollution and can be expensive in order to cope with environmental
damage and disease. A substance with a pH of 7 is neither an acid nor a base and is considered
balanced or neutral. The morphological features of a plant are also distressed. Nitric oxide is also a
toxic gas which can result in the formation of an even more unstable substance known as toxic and
at the same time nitric oxide also has the capability of causing acid rain (International Labour Office
et al 1994). He always ensures that the delivered paper is perfectly styled and formatted and meets
all the order requirements. The acid rain phenomenon clearly indicates that air pollution is not always
a local problem as sources of SO2 and NOX emissions may be located hundreds of miles from
where deposition occurs (3). The dependent variable is the amount of egg produced and the number
of deaths of Carassius auratus. When sulfur and nitrogen oxides react with other compounds in the
atmosphere, they become oxidize and form acidic gases. The gases combine with water vapour in
clouds to form sulphuric and nitric acids. Changing our lifestyle to reduce our energy consumption
can also help but making it too sudden can cause economic problems. The research papers created by
these entities can be used for sheet products creation and development, community improvement,
Large organization condition identification, and many more. Acid deposition or precipitation is an
alternative term used to describe acid rain. That is said, 16.5% of China’s territory is affected by
destructive damages such as soil damages, deforestation and even destructions to infrastructures
brought by acid rain (Yi, 2006). Moreover, the acid depositions remain in the soil for long periods,
which affects the growth of the trees resulting in decreased diameter growth. Acids also taste sour as
is found in lemon juice and vinegar. We also could have concentrated more and moved books and
bags out of the way so any spillages did not affect them. Acid rain also directly affects trees by
eating holes in the waxy coating of the leaves needles resulting in dead brown spots. The only
precaution that we will take against acid rain has a check at the emission of oxides of Nitrogen and
sulphur. This acid further tends to worsen the effect by acting on the rocks and causing them to
release metals. The essay then details the effects acid rain has on the environment as well as the
human population. Dealing with global environmental crisis is complicated due to the fact that it
requires the cooperative actions of the whole world, rather than the individual actions of the certain
country or population group. After each run we emptied and refilled the water bath, large measuring
cylinder, and also emptied the flask making sure we didn’t contaminate the next test. In Denmark, a
tax has been introduced on the amount of SO2 emitted, so now it costs polluters more to buy coal for
power stations and cheaper to use less polluting sources such as natural gas to encourage users to
change their energy sources. The paper “Formation and Effects of Acid Rain” looks at the emission
of large quantities of various gases into the atmosphere. Sulfur may react with oxygen to form sulfur
dioxide, which is released into the atmosphere. In order to provide a balanced ecosystem for plants
and animals alike to survive in the future, the world’s nations and its industries must strive to provide
a healthy environment in which we all share.
When it rains there is occurrence of acidic rain which is cause by the formation of carbonic. They can
vary drastically to slight changes, with some species more acid-tolerant than others. Jason is well-
known among our customers as a very attentive to detail and responsible writer. It washes away all
nutrients which are required for the expansion and survival of plants. To solve the acid rain problem
there must be an understanding of the effect of acid rain and the changes that could be made to the
sources of air pollution that cause the problem. The acid plus the metals gain ways to the water
reservoirs. In the current paper we are going to discuss the phenomenon of acid rain and its effects on
nature and humanity. The gases can be carried hundred of miles in the atmosphere before they are
converted to acids and deposited. It then gets washed into the lakes, where it poisons the fish. 3.
BUILDING - Acid rain attacks buildings and metal structures. A master’s thesis allows a researcher
or a graduate student to publish a research study that will be helpful in the processes related to the
area in which they want to be an expert in. On the other hand, deforestation can lead to the pollution
of watercourses. Overall, two- thirds of the suffer dioxide into the atmosphere over the United States
comes from coal-fired and oil fired plants. The only precaution that we will take against acid rain has
a check at the emission of oxides of Nitrogen and sulphur. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. Wet removal of both gases and aerosol are both of importance for wet
deposition. Soils made of siliceous minerals or weathered bedrock are not so good at this. Damage
from acid rain has been widespread in Eastern North America, throughout Europe, Japan, China and
Southeast Asia. This study explains that Congress had made amendments to the Clean Air Act in
1990, that was supposed to cut the sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions in half in coal-fired
power plants and other industries(2). Trees are affected by the rain in several ways, but generally, it is
through making them weak through making the roots of the trees unable to absorb nutrients and other
minerals; this is because acidic rain dissolves the mineral easily, and they are swept away before they
are absorbed by the trees making the trees weaker. These gases can be passed to hundreds of
kilometers away in the atmosphere and generate acid rain in a substantial area of human settlement
and cause large ecological damage. For the acid rain to form sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides, react
with oxygen in presence of sunlight to form mists containing sulfuric or nitric acid. In the United
States, automobiles account for 43 percent of the nitrogen oxides injected into the atmosphere. Short
Essay On Acid Rain 150 Words In English Short Essay on Acid Rain is helpful to students of classes
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This acidification increases growth of phytoplankton (Paerl 1985) which can
impact the entire marine food chain. Long Essay On Acid Rain 500 Words In English Long Essay on
Acid Rain is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. What would you say if you knew
that we were a big part in causing the deaths of many animals, forests, and people. Additionally,
thermal power plants, automobiles, and other machineries combust fuels and emit plenty of gases
into the atmosphere. When sulfur and nitrogen oxides react with other compounds in the
atmosphere, they become oxidize and form acidic gases. The results of acidification on the top soil
can lead to reduced intake of water and nutrients, damage to fine root. Fortified cereals are the best
sources of folic acid, but some consumers are unable to access appropriate amounts of fortified
cereals and folic acid.
Direct or indirect contact with acid rain has devastating impacts on humans. Acid rain has destroyed
plant and animal life in lakes, damaged forests and crops, endangered marine life in coastal waters,
eroded structures, and contaminated drinking water. Dealing with global environmental crisis is
complicated due to the fact that it requires the cooperative actions of the whole world, rather than
the individual actions of the certain country or population group. Also converting power stations to
use natural gas to generate electricity as it is less polluting instead of coal. Further exacerbating the
problem of acid rain is the fact that, unlike other environmental problems. For a long time, pollution
and hazardous discharges have been identified as the major causes of this form of precipitation. We
use cookies to create the best experience for you. Methodology In this experiment, because we are
observing the effect of acidic living condition on the health of Carassius auratus that lives in water,
we are changing the pH value of water. One of the most important improvements we should have
done is defiantly use glove because there was one case where the acid splashed when being poured
into the thistle tube which in effect hurt one of my team mates which was lack of concentration but
also preparations for accidents. Acid rain is any form of precipitation that has an elevated level of
hydrogen ions, meaning low pH value or acidic (Lacoma, 2018). We repeated this whole process of
getting the marble chips and acid, emptying and cleaning the equipment 3 times for every
concentration of acid until we got a total of 18 successful results. Although a part of acid rain can be
traced to natural phenomena such as emissions from volcanoes and biological process, acid rain
produced by nature are very small in amount, and they are limited to a few regions. Acidic
precipitation is believed to have negative effects on humans, especially those with respiratory
disorders. At such times, those suffering from heart or lung diseases may find that their symptoms
worsen. Mountain farms are more at risk because the slim soil in these higher elevations can not soak
up as much acid. Granite is now the most widely used stones for buildings and bridges. The
depletion of the ozone layer, noise pollution, global warming and Acid Rain are some of the
dangerous affects of the increased pollution that are concerning the scientists nowadays. A substance
with a pH number from 0 to 6 is considered to be an acid. Among all the ecological damage caused
by acid rain, the damage to aquatic life system seems to be the most severe and most harmful to
human because we consume water and aquatic animals (Hussen, 2000). Tons of sulfur dioxide
emitted into the atmosphere resulting from chemical reactions turn into weak acid solution. This can
then result in decomposition which can release vast amounts of sulphur products which could form
more acid rain. First, our group will fill the six fishbowls with water with different pH levels: pH 4.0,
pH 4.5, pH 5.0, pH 5.5, pH 6.0, and pH 7.0. Secondly, our group will place six Carassius
auratus—two males and four females—into each fishbowl. Acid precipitation affects agriculture by
the way how it alters the composition of the soil. Emissions are dispersed over vast areas due to the
height of the power plant pipes (Granier, Artaxo, and Reeves 54). It damages the buildings and
monument made from stones and metals. Acidic rainwater can leach aluminium from soil clay
particles because it flows through the soil then floods into streams and lakes. Possibly, this is due to
the increased leaching of certain elements such as calcium, which would otherwise help protect
against the toxic acids. The relationship between acid rain and atmospheric pollution was found in
1852 by Robert Angus Smith. In response to the causative agent of the acidic rain, it is lobbied that
Pennsylvania has many industries which emit poisonous pollutants into the atmosphere (Park, 2013).
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