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Fear can be shown in diverse ways. It can come and go,

or it can consume us whole, in a pit of never feeling
able to do something again. But not only in people,
animals experience fear too, like a hurt squirrel,
scared it won't see it’s family again. In this
presentation, I will be discussing how fear can be a
barrier to our goals, while it can also have benefits.

Feeling fear is common, but too much fear can be a

problem. Letting yourself be blocked off from things
you love because of fear is not healthy, you don’t
know what would happen until you try. That’s why life
is all about risks, chances and the decisions you make

Fear can interrupt processes in our brains that allow

us to regulate emotions, read non-verbal cues and other
information presented to us, reflect before acting, and
act ethically.

Meanwhile, fear can stop us from getting hurt in many

Like going out at night when you’re not supposed to
because of some funny feeling in your stomach. The next
morning you find out there was a murder that night.
Fear is like a protector for us and without it, I’m
sure we’d be acting like soldiers. But even then,
soldiers get scared too.

Some fears you can get over in a short amount of time

because you have to.

For an example; When I came into this school for the

first time, A million thoughts ran through my head
like, “Would the students here like me?” "Would they
be nice?” “What if they neglect me and forget I
exist?” I was so scared; my heart was beating out my
chest. But when I entered my first class... it wasn’t
bad... they were so nice to me, though I wasn’t a
confident speaker. But even though people think I’m
weird in some ways, I managed to make myself
comfortable in this school. That’s my example of fear
but the only difference is that I didn’t let it take
over. I managed to get over it... mostly.

And lastly, an animal. A little dog cowering in the

corner, his tail tucked between his legs. His ears were
pinned back, and his body trembled with fear as the
loud thunder rumbled outside. He longed for his owner
to come and comfort him, to make him feel safe and
protected from the scary storm, but his owner was
sleeping... so he decided to be brave and go up to his
owner’s room to feel the warmth with his loved one, so
he could sleep peacefully.

Fear can have both positive and negative effects on our

lives, and it is important to find a balance between
facing our fears and protecting ourselves.

So now, I want you to tell me...: What’s your fear?

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