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To: Standing Committee of the Faculty of International Economics,

First of all, we, the Organizing Committee of the Academic Contest "Raise Your Voice 2022" would like
to wish you good health and another successful year with our utmost sincerity.

The academic competition "Raise Your Voice 2022" is jointly implemented by the Delegation of the
Faculty of International Economics and the International English Club IEC with the simple desire to
create an interesting and useful academic playground, and also, without a doubt, a meaningful
opportunities to approach closer to socio-psychological issues for students at universities, colleges, and
academies across the city. The contest has gone through an extremely difficult Qualifier and today, the
Organizing Committee is greatly honored to hold the Semi-Final Round with the 24 best contestants who
have amazingly surpassed hundreds of other contestants, and promises to bring fantastic performances to
come. The fight is fierce, full of drama and above all, highly practical for the far future.

The Organizing Committee would like to invite the Representative of your Unit to attend the Semi-final
of the contest with the following details:

Time: 7:30 a.m., April 24, 2022.

Location: Room B2.102, Lecture Hall B, Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City,
campus 56, Hoang Dieu 2, Thu Duc District, City. HCM.

Your presence is an honor and an unparallel motivation for the Organizing Committee.

The organizers are looking forward to receiving your feedback before 12:00, April 23, 2022 so that our
Organizing Committee can welcome you more thoughtfully with our strong jublication.

We are delighted to welcome you.

Best regards ./.

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