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1. Write a short on Congruence and mention its properties with examples.


Definition of Congruence: Congruence, in its simplest form, refers to the state of being
identical in shape and size. When two geometric figures have the same shape and
dimensions, they are said to be congruent. This concept extends beyond basic shapes to
encompass angles, lines, and other geometric elements.

Properties of Congruence:

We'll use the symbol to represent an unknown relation:

2. Explain Chinese Remainder Theorem.

3. Explain Quadratic Residue.
4. Explain Euler’s Phi function.
5. Explain any three properties of congruence with examples.
6. Explain Euclidean Algorithm. And find GCD of 2 numbers a and b ,
where a= 300 and b= 42.
7. What are Asymptotic notations?
8. Solve the following equations using Chinese Remainder Theorem:
X ≡ 1 (mod 5)
X ≡ 1 (mod 7)
X ≡ 3 (mod 11)
9. Explain Quadratic Reciprocity Law. (*Mention corollary 1 and 2)


1. Explain DES Algorithm. (*Mention Figure, feistel round, working of functions: P-box and
S- box, Key generation)
2. Write a short note on Meet- in- Middle Attack/ Drawback of 2DES. (Same Answers)
3. Explain AES Algorithm. And mention its advantages and disadvantages.
]4. Explain IDEA Algorithm.
5. Write a short note on Hash Function and mention its properties.
6. Write a short note on MAC.
7. Explain Vigenere Cipher.
8. Explain Block Cipher and give its example.
9. Characteristics of AES Algorithm.
10.What is Stream Cipher? Encrypt and Decrypt the given plain text using keystream by
Stream cipher method.
Plain Text: 10110110 Keystream: 01010101


1. Explain RSA Algorithm. (*Mention Key generation, Encryption and Decryption)

2. Explain Primality Test.
3. Write a short note on Diffie- Hellman Key Exchange. (*Mention Algorithm, Key
4. What are RSA attacks?
5. Explain ELGamal Cryptosystem. (*Mention Key generation, Encryption and Decryption)
6. Explain Elliptic Curve Cryptography. (*Mention Algorithm)
7. Write a short note on the Fermat Primality Test.
8. Write a short note on Miller- Rabin Primality Test.
9. Explain Knapsack Problem.

Unit- 4

1. Explain Public Key Infrastructure in detail.

2. Explain Certificate Life Cycle.

3. What is a Certificate? And explain Certificate Life Cycle.
1. What is a Certificate?
o A certificate is a digital document that serves as an electronic credential. It is
used to authenticate the identity of an individual, device, or service within a
o Think of it as a digital passport or identification card. Just as official documents
verify identity, digital certificates verify the legitimacy of entities in the digital
o Certificates are commonly used for secure communication, such as
in TLS/SSL (Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer) connections for
2. Certificate LifeCycle:
The six stages of the certificate lifecycle:
Certificate enrollment
Certificate enrollment is initiated by a user request to the appropriate CA. This is a
cooperative process between a user (or a user's PKI software, such as an e-mail or Web
browser application) and the CA. The enrollment request contains the public key and
enrollment information. Once a user requests a certificate, the CA verifies information
based on its established policy rules, creates the certificate, posts the certificate, and
then sends an identifying certificate to the user. During the certificate distribution, the
CA sets policies that affect the use of the certificate.

Certificate validation
When a certificate is used, the certificate status is checked to verify that the certificate is
still operationally valid. During the validation process, the CA checks the status of the
certificate and verifies that the certificate is not its Certificate Revocation List (CRL).

Certificate revocation
A certificate issued by a CA includes an expiration date that defines how long the
certificate is valid. If a certificate needs to be revoked before that date, the CA can be
instructed to add the certificate to its CRL. Reasons a certificate might need to be
revoked include the certificate being lost or compromised, or the person the certificate
was issued to leaving the company.

Certificate renewal
When a certificate reaches its expiration date, and if the certificate policy allows it, it is
renewed either automatically, or by user intervention. When renewing a certificate, you
must choose whether or not to generate new public and private keys.

Certificate destruction
When a certificate is no longer in use, the certificate and any backup copies or archived
copies of the certificate should be destroyed, along with the private key associated with
the certificate. This helps ensure that the certificate is not compromised and used.

Certificate auditing
Certificate auditing involves tracking the creation, expiration, and revocation of
certificates. In certain instances, it can also track each successful use of a certificate.
4. Explain Secure Socket Layer.
5. What are Trust models? Explain any one Trust model.
6. Explain Strict Hierarchy Model.
7. Explain Pretty Good Privacy.

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