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Year 9 Biology Term 1: Cell Biology

Glossary: • Microscopy Cells are either classified as Eukaryotic or Prokaryotic

This is the use of a microscope Those with true membrane bound organelles (e.g.
• Cells to magnify objects that Nucleus/Mitochondria) are Eukaryotic.
Living organisms are made of otherwise would not be visible Those without these organelles are said to be Prokaryotic.
cells. Some organisms are only to the naked eye Bacteria are good examples of Prokaryotic cells.
one cell big.
• Magnification
• Eukaryotic This is the process of increasing
the size of an object via the use Eukaryotic cells include
Cells that contain organelles
of lenses of different strengths. Animal and Plant cells
(than have membranes). E.g.
Animal and Plant
• Cell cycle They both contain membrane
All cells replicate to form new bound organelles, however
• Prokaryotic
cells. This process is called the Plants have some unique to
Cells that don’t contain
cell cycle. them
organelles e.g. Bacteria

• Organelles • Mitosis
These are parts of a cell that This is a stage of the cell cycle
in which key components, Specialised Cells – Cells have a specific role to perform. As such
carry out specific roles (e.g
including DNA replicates. they need to have key organelles within them to help them to
achieve this. They may also have a specific physical adaptation to
• Chromosomes help them with their role.
• Differentiation
This is the process by which These are the molecules that
cells take on certain roles contain DNA within the cell
• Specialisation
This is how cells are adapted to Magnification
carry out a specific role/task. To allow us to see things that are too small to see with the naked
eye we can magnify them. This means you increase their size by a
specific factor (e.g x10 or x 20)
Year 9 Biology Term 1: Cell Biology
Microscopy Magnification equation Stem Cells
1) To view an object under a 4) You can then increase the
microscope a microscope magnification by changing Stem cells are
slide must first be prepared. the objective lens. If you unspecialised cells
This is where a thin piece of change it x 20 it means that have the
tissue, or sample of cells, is you’ve doubled the capacity to turn into
placed on a glass slide, and magnification. any other cell type.
stained. The light is turned 5) The eye piece lens you look The cell cycle
on. through during this has a Stage 1 They can be found
2) The slide is clipped to the magnification of x10. This Cell growth and DNA replication in adults from
stage, and then the means that your total blood and bone
objective lens is turned to magnification is 10 times Stage 2 marrow
x10. whatever the objective lens Nucleus divides, and chromosomes
3) Using the coarse focusing is. (e.g 10 x 20 = x200) move to each end of the cell The best ones come
wheel, the sample is from Embryo’s,
observed until it is clearly Stage 3 however their use
visible. Membrane divides, creating identical has ethical
cells implications

Movement across
A membrane

Substances need
to get in and out
of cells. This can
Be done by…
Year 9 Chemistry Term 1: The Periodic Table
Glossary: same number of protons, but The Periodic Table:
• Atom a different number of
A neutral particle made up of neutrons.
protons and neutrons in the • Mass number
nucleus, with electrons The total number of protons The formula for
surrounding the nucleus. and neutrons in an atom. most elements is
• Atomic number • Molecule just its chemical
The number of protons in the A particle made up of at least symbol. For
nucleus, of an atom. two atoms held together by example: helium
• Avogadro constant covalent bonds. is He.
The number of particles in • Neutron
one mole of a substance, A subatomic particle with a
which is 6.02 x 1023. relative charge of 0 and a
• Compound relative mass of 1. neutrons
A substance made up of are located in the nucleus of
atoms of at least two an atom. Atom: Central nucleus Electronic Max number of
different elements, chemically • Proton shell electrons
joined together. A subatomic particle with a
protons and 1 2
• Electron relative charge of 1+ and a
A subatomic particle with a relative mass of 1. protons 2 8
relative charge of -1. in are located in the nucleus of Electron shells
an atom. Contains 3 8
atoms, electrons are located
in shells around the nucleus. • Periodic table electrons 4 2
• Electronic structure A table of all known elements,
The number of electrons in an arranged in order of atomic
atom (or ion) of an element number so that elements with Development of periodic table:
and how they are arranged. similar chemical properties
• Element are in groups.
• Before discovery of protons, neutrons and electrons
A substance that is made up • Relative atomic mass (Ar)
Elements arranged in order of atomic weight
only of atoms with the same The average mass of the
Early periodic tables were incomplete, some elements were placed in inappropriate groups if
number of protons. atoms of an element
the strict order atomic weights was followed.
• Isotope measured relative to the mass
• Mendeleev
A different atomic form of the of one atom of carbon-12.
Left gaps for elements that hadn’t been discovered yet
same element, which has the Elements with properties predicted by Mendeleev were discovered and filled in the gaps.
Knowledge of isotopes explained why order based on atomic weights was not always correct.
Year 9 Chemistry Term 1: Atoms and Elements
The development of the model of the atom: Separation techniques:
Before the discovery of the Method Description Example
Tiny solid spheres that electron, John Dalton said the
Pre 1900 Separating an insoluble solid To get sand from a mixture
could not be divided solid sphere made up the Filtration
different elements. from a liquid of sand, salt and water.

JJ Thompson’s experiments To obtain pure crystals of

A ball of positive To separate a solid from a
1897 showed that showed that an Crystallisation sodium chloride from salt
charge with negative solution
‘plum atom must contain small water.
electrons embedded in
pudding’ negative charges (discovery of
it Simple To separate a solvent from a To get pure water from salt
distillation solution water.
Ernest Rutherford's alpha Separating a mixture of
- Positively charge Fractional To separate the different
1909 - - particle scattering experiment liquids each with different
- + - nucleus at the centre distillation compounds in crude oil.
nuclear -
showed that the mass was boiling points
- surrounded negative
model concentrated at the centre of
electrons Separating substances that
the atom. To separate out the dyes in
Chromatography move at different rates
food colouring.
Niels Bohr proposed that through a medium
electrons orbited in fixed shells;
1913 Electrons
Bohr orbit the nucleus at
this was supported by Trends:
experimental observations. • Alkali metals
model specific distances
Very reactive with oxygen, water and chlorine: Only have one electron in their
outer shell. Form +1 ions.
Reactivity increases down the group. Negative outer electron is further away
James Provided the evidence to show the existence of neutrons within the from the positive nucleus so is more easily lost.
Chadwick nucleus. • Noble gases
Unreactive, do not form molecules: This is due to having full outer shells of
Rutherford's scattering experiment: electrons.
A beam of alpha particles are directed at a very thin gold foil. Boiling points increase down the group: Increasing atomic number.
• Halogens
Most of the alpha particles passed
Consist of molecules made of a pair of atoms: Have seven electrons in their
right through.
outer shell. Form -1 ions.
A few (+) alpha particles were
Melting and boiling points increase down the group (gas → liquid → solid):
deflected by the positive nucleus.
Increasing atomic mass number.
A tiny number of particles reflected
Reactivity decreases down the group: Increasing proton number means an
back from the nucleus.
electron is more easily gained.
Year 9 Chemistry Term 1: Bonding
Glossary: • Melting Dot and cross diagrams
When a substance changes
• Ions from a solid to a liquid
Charged particles, either single
atoms or groups of atoms • Freezing
When a substance changes
• Ionic bond from a liquid to a solid
Formed when oppositely
charged ions are strongly • Evaporating
attracted to each other by When a substances changes Ions and ionic bonding
electrostatic forces. Occurs from a liquid to a gas Electrons are transferred so that all atoms have a noble gas
between a metal and non- configuration (full outer shells).
metal • Condensing Metal atoms lose electrons and become positively charged ions
When a substances changes Non metals atoms gain electrons to become negatively charged
• Covalent bond from a gas to a liquid ions
When non-metal atoms share
pairs of electrons • Boiling point Covalent bonding
The temperature at which Electrons are shared in pairs between 2 non-metal atoms. Form
• Metallic bond boiling and condensing occur very strong bonds. The atoms share electrons to get a full outer
Formed by the electrostatic shell.
attraction between positive • Melting point
metal ions and negatively The temperature at which
charged delocalised electrons melting and freezing occur
Metallic bonding - Giant structure of atoms
• State of matter arranged in a regular pattern
The collective term for solid, Electrons in the outer shell of metal atoms are
liquid and gas delocalised and free to move through the whole
structure. This sharing of electrons leads to
strong metallic bonds.
Year 9 Chemistry Term 1: Bonding
States of Ionic compounds Giant covalent compounds
matter Held together by strong electrostatic forces of Very high melting points
The attraction between oppositely charged ions. Lots of energy needed to break strong, covalent
amount of High melting and boiling points bonds.
energy Do not conduct electricity when solid
needed for Do conduct electricity when molten or dissolved
a state Ions are held in fixed position and lots of energy
change needed to break the bonds
on the Metals: Good conductors of electricity and
strength of Simple covalent compounds heat, high melting and boiling points, pure
forces Covalent bonds in the molecule are metals can be bent and shaped
between strong but forces between molecules Alloys: Mixture of two or more elements at
particles in (intermolecular) are weak least one of which is a metal, are harder
the Low melting and boiling points. than pure metals as atoms of different sizes
substance. Do not conduct electricity. disrupt the layers so they cannot slide over
Larger molecules have higher melting each other.
and boiling points.

Allotropes of carbon
Graphene - Single layer of graphite one atom thick, excellent conductor, very strong
Graphite - Each carbon atom is bonded to three others forming layers of hexagonal rings with no covalent
bonds between the layers, slippery, very high melting point, does conduct electricity.
Diamond - Each carbon atom is bonded to four others, very hard, very high melting point, does not conduct
Fullerenes - Hexagonal rings of carbon atoms with hollow shapes
Carbon nanotubes - Very thin and long cylindrical fullerenes, very conductive, high tensile strength, large
surface area to volume ratio.
Year 9 Physics Term 1: Energy
Glossary: • Power There are 8 Energy stores
• Energy store This is the rate of energy
A place where energy is stored transfer Each energy store has
after being transferred. the potential to increase,
• Conduction or decrease based on
• Kinetic energy store The movement of thermal how the energy is being
This is the energy stored in a energy through a material. transferred.
moving object
• Convection As one goes up, another
• Gravitational potential The movement of thermal must decrease.
energy energy in fluids due to the
This is the energy stored in any behaviour of the molecules.
object that has height and mass Energy transfer occur:
• Kinetic energy store • Electrically (work done by moving charges)
• Elastic potential energy This is the energy stored in a • Mechanically (work done by an applied force)
store moving object • Via heating
This is the energy that is built • Via radiation
up in any stretched object • Efficiency
This is how much useful energy
Kinetic Energy and Gravitational Potential energy
• Specific Heat Capacity is transferred from the total
This is the energy required to available.
cause 1Kg of a substance to
increase by 1⁰C. • Non-renewable
Sources of energy that cannot
• Conservation of energy be replaced within a lifetime.
This is where energy is neither
created, or destroyed. It can • Renewable
only be transferred. Sources of energy that will never
run out, or can be replaced within
a lifetime.
Year 9 Physics Term 1: Energy
Energy Sources Efficiency Conduction
When atoms gain
energy they move
more (if possible),
Will always produce a decimal. Multiply by increasing their kinetic
100 to generate a %. energy store.
In a solid the atoms
Power can’t move, instead
they vibrate. As atoms

Fossil Fuels
This is the rate of energy transfer. The
vibrate they transfer
more powerful something ism the
energy to the
more energy it is transferring per neighbouring atoms,
second. and this continues
along a chain.
Eventually the energy
has spread through
the material. This is
how conduction of
heat works.

Specific Heat Capacity

This is the energy required to cause 1Kg of a substance to increase by
1⁰C. It is important to know this as it gives an idea of how much energy
will be needed to heat a substance, or what energy is released as it

Year 9 Biology Term 2: Organisation
Glossary: • Substrate Levels of Organisation within a living organism
This the molecule/s that are Organelles → Cells → Tissues → Organs → Organ systems
• Cells
broken down, or built up, by an *Single celled organisms do not have tissues/organs.
Living organisms are made of
cells. Some organisms are only enzyme. Each substrate binds
one cell big. to a specific enzyme due to its Enzymes
shape. These proteins carry out very special roles in chemical reactions.
• Tissues They allow for molecules to be made, or broken down. As seen
Tissues are made of a group of • Glands below every enzyme works with a specific substrate/s. The
specialised cells. They work These are special structures substrate/s binds to the ACTIVE SITE, forming an Enzyme-
together to carry out a role. that secrete enzymes in substrate complex. We call this specific matching the “lock and
digestion. Key” hypothesis.
• Organ
These are larger structures • Respiratory system
within an organism, made up of This is the system that is
different tissues, that carry out involved in getting Oxygen into
a particular role, or roles. the body via the lungs.

• Organism • Circulatory system

Enzyme performance
A living thing is called an This is the system that
Enzyme’s are fussy, and work
organism. They can be as distributes blood around the
best under certain conditions.
simple as a single cell, or body. The blood is pumped by
Factors that can effect the
complex, and made up of the heart, and sent around the
structure of an enzyme (pH or
complex organ systems. body in blood vessels.
Temperature) can cause the
active site to change. If this happens the substrate cannot bind
• Enzymes • Cancer
properly (if at all), and therefore the reaction can’t happen.
These are biological catalysts This is the term used to
When this happens we say the enzyme has become denatured.
that speed up reactions. They describe the diseases caused by
Students need to know how to measure the rate of an enzyme
are made of protein, and have a Malignant tumours (made by
driven reaction. It’s calculated by monitoring the change in a
specific shape. uncontrolled cell growth).
specific substrate, divided by the time taken for the change.
Year 9 Biology Term 2: Organisation
Food tests Gas exchange
In the lungs you’ll find tiny air sacs called
Alveoli. This air sacs inflate with air
when you inhale. Oxygen from inside the
alveoli will then diffuse into the blood
(down a concentration gradient), and
Carbon Dioxide will diffuse out of the
blood and into the air.

The Heart
Your heart is a muscular bag that
carries out one job, and that is
to pump blood around the body.
It is a double pump, in that it sends
blood to the lungs to collect Oxygen,
before it comes back to the heart
ready to be sent all across the body.
It contains Valves to prevent backflow.
Digestive system
Students need to know the role Blood Vessels
of each organ in the digestive Arteries carry blood
system. from the heart under
This includes how they are great pressure.
involved in either the mechanical, Veins carry blood back
or chemical (via enzymes) to the heart under less
breakdown of foods. pressure. They have
valves to prevent backflow.
Key info includes pH of stomach (2), Capillaries are the site of
and the pH of the small intestine (6-7). The pH substance exchange. They
effects the performance of the enzymes in the organ. have very thin walls to
help with diffusion.
Year 9 Biology Term 2: Organisation
Blood protect us from disease. Faulty heart…
Blood is a mixture that If CHD has led to a faulty heart then options are available to
contains: Platelets – These are essential treat the conditions.
in helping your blood to clot 1) Artifical hearts – These are mechanical, and pump blood
Plasma – This is the liquid part when you have a cut. around the body. They are less likely to be rejected by the
of the blood that all cells are body when compared to…
suspended in. It also carries 2) A heart transplant – A donor can provide a heart, however
dissolved nutrients, and CO2. they can be rejected by the bodies immune system. Animal
hearts (like pigs) are also being explored as an option due
Red Blood Cells – These cells to their physical similarities.
carry Oxygen around the body. Sometimes the heart naturally wears, and valves degrade.
They contain Haemoglobin to These can be replaced with Biological (from other humans, or
help them do this. animals), or Mechanical Valves. This is less drastic than a whole
heart transplant, however it is still major surgery.
White blood cells – These make
up your immune system, and
Non-Communicable diseases
Diseases that are not caused by pathogens
CHD – Coronary Heart Disease (bacteria/Virus/Fungi), and cannot be transferred from one
This is a disease where the arteries that supply the heart itself with person to another are called Non-communicable. These include
blood start to build up layers of fat. The layers of fat narrow the Asthma, Cancer, and CHD. None of these diseases can be caught
lumen that blood can flow through, restricting the amount of blood from another person.
reaching the heart muscle. This can stop the heart muscle getting the
Oxygen and nutrients it needs.
Many non-communicable diseases can be linked to your
This can be prevented by eating less fatty
foods. However, if CHD occurs it can be
lifestyle. Where certain actions can increase your chance of
treated by:- developing the diseases. These include Smoking, Drinking
Statins – These lower (bad –LDL) Cholesterol, Alcohol, a poor diet.
which stops the build up of fats.
Stents – This requires surgery. A wire mesh is Non-communicable, lifestyle diseases, are the fastest growing
put into the blood artery, widening the lumen. diseases in the developed world.
Year 9 Chemistry Term 2: Energy Changes
• Activation energy:
The minimum energy needed for a reaction to take place.

• Bond energy:
The energy needed to break a specific chemical bond. Reaction profiles:
Shows the energy changes that happen in a chemical reaction.
• Endothermic:
A chemical reaction that takes energy from the surroundings. Eg Exothermic. Endothermic.
instant ice packs, thermal decomposition.

• Exothermic:
A chemical reaction that transfers energy to the surroundings.
Eg, hand warmers, combustion, neutralisation.

Bond energy calculations.

• The total energy loss or gain in a chemical reaction.
• Bond breaking = endothermic process. Products are at a lower energy Products are at a higher energy
• Bond making = exothermic process. level than the reactants. When level than the reactants. As the
the reactants form products, reactants form products, energy is
For example: energy is transferred to the transferred from the surroundings
Calculate the overall energy change for the forward reaction surroundings. The temperature of to the reaction mixture. The
N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3 the surroundings increases temperature of the surroundings
because energy is released during decreases because energy is taken
Bond energies (in kJ/mol): H-H 436, H-N 391, N≡N 945 the reaction. in during the reaction.

Bond breaking: 945 + (3 x 436) = 945 + 1308 = 2253 kJ/mol

Bond making: 6 x 391 = 2346 kJ/mol
Overall energy change = 2253 - 2346 = -93kJ/mol
Therefore reaction is exothermic overall.
Year 9 Chemistry Term 2: Rate and Extent of Change
Calculating the rate of a chemical reaction.
Glossary: This can be calculated by measuring the quantity of reactant used or
• catalyst product formed in a given time.
a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction by providing
a different pathway for the reaction that has a lower Rate = quantity of reactant used
activation energy. The catalyst is chemically unchanged at the time taken
end of the reaction
• collision theory Rate = quantity of product formed
an explanation of chemical reactions in terms of reacting time taken
particles colliding with sufficient energy for a reaction to take
place Factors affecting the rate of reaction.
• equilibrium
the point in a reversible reaction at which the forward and
backward rates of reaction are the same. Therefore, the
amounts of substances present in the reacting mixture
remain constant
• Le Châtelier’s Principle
when a change in conditions is introduced to a system at
equilibrium, the position of equilibrium shifts so as to cancel
out the change
• reversible reaction
a reaction in which the products can re-form the reactants
Collision theory.
• anhydrous
Increasing the temperature increases the frequency of collisions and makes
describes a substance that does not contain water the collisions more energetic, therefore increasing the rate of reaction.
• hydrated
Describes a substance that contains water in its crystals Increasing the concentration, pressure (gases) and surface area (solids) of
reactions increases the frequency of collisions, therefore increasing the rate of
Year 9 Chemistry Term 2: Rate and Extent of Change
Catalysts. Equilibrium.
• A catalyst changes the rate of a chemical reaction but is When a reversible reaction occurs in apparatus which prevents the escape
not used in the reaction. of reactants and products, equilibrium is reached when the forward and
• Enzymes are biological catalysts. reverse reactions occur exactly at the same rate.
• Catalysts provide a different reaction pathway where
reactants do not require as much energy to react when Le Chatelier’s Principle.
they collide. States that when a system experiences a disturbance (change in condition),
it will respond to restore a new equilibrium state.

Reversible reactions
In some chemical reactions, the products can react again
to re-form the reactants.
A + B C + D
The direction of reversible reactions can be changed by
changing conditions:
A + B C + D
Year 9 Physics Term 2: Radioactivity
Glossary: be either Alpha, Beta, or Alpha scattering experiment
Gamma radiation. This experiment was used to disprove the plum pudding
• Atom
model of atomic structure, and suggest the structure of the
The smallest building blocks • Half life atomic model .
of physical matter. The time taken for half of
(the nuclei in) a radioactive
• Alpha particle sample to decay.
A small particle, made of 2
protons and 2 neutrons. It • Irradiation
has a positive charge. This occurs when you are
exposed to radiation from a
• Nucleus radioactive source.
The centre of an atom,
containing protons and • Contamination
neutrons. This is when a radioactive
sample is found in, or on, Alpha scattering experiment – Outcomes and suggestions
• Isotopes another material/person.
These are versions of atoms
that contain different • Nuclear Fission
amounts of neutrons. This is the release of energy
from the nuclei of decaying
• Radioactive decay atoms in a chain reaction.
This is the random process
in which an unstable nuclei • Nuclear Fusion
breaks down and emits This is the fusion of two
radiation. light nuclei, creating a
heavier nuclei, and releasing
• Radiation Isotopes
energy in the process.
This is emitted from the These are 2 isotopes of Carbon. The one on
nuclei during decay. It can the right is heavier, with two extra neutrons.
Year 9 Physics Term 2: Radioactivity
Half life
Properties of radiation
Decay is a random process, however all radioactive substances will
see half of their nuclei decay in a specific amount of time. This
Radiation type Travels… Stopped by… What is it? time if known as a “half-life”. This can be monitored by watching
the count rate of the material. The time taken for the count rate to
2 protons and reduce by 50% is the half life time.
Alpha 10cm Paper / skin
2 neutrons
In the graph on the right
A fast moving hand side, you can see
Beta 1m Aluminium that the count drops from
40 to 20 in 2 days.

Gamma infinite Lead A wave This repeats again, with

the count dropping from
40 to 20 over another 2

Exposure to radiation
Radiation is ionising, and can be highly dangerous. Exposure
comes in 2 forms:-
• Irradiation -This occurs when you are exposed to radiation
from a radioactive source. This is often a short experience.
• Contamination -This is when a radioactive sample is found in,
or on, another material/person. These effects are long lasting.

Nuclear Fission
In Fission, a neutron collides with a
nuclei. This causes the nuclei to break,
producing two smaller nuclei, and
releasing energy in the process.
Year 9 Biology Term 3: Ecology
Glossary: • Quadrat Abiotic Biotic
a sample area used for
Non-living factors that affect a Living factors that affect a
• Adaptations measuring the abundance and community community
special features that make an distribution of organisms in the
organism particularly well field Living intensity. Availability of food.
suited to the environment New predators arriving.
where it lives • Transect
a measured line or area along Moisture levels. New pathogens.
• Community which ecological
group of interdependent living measurements are made Soil pH, mineral content. One species outcompeting
organisms in an ecosystem so numbers are no longer
sufficient to breed
• Biomass Wind intensity and direction.
• Competition the amount of biological
Carbon dioxide levels for a plant.
The process by which living material in an organism
organisms compete with each Oxygen levels for aquatic
other for limited resources such organisms.
• Primary consumer
as food, light, or reproductive animals that eat producers

• Producers Food chains

• Interdependence
the network of relationships organisms such as plants and
Primary Secondary Tertiary
between different organisms algae that can make food from Producer
consumer consumer consumer
within a community, for raw materials such as carbon
example each dioxide and water
species depends on other
species for food, shelter,
pollination, seed dispersal, etc. • Secondary consumer
animals that eat the primary
consumers All food chains begin with a producer e.g. grass that is usually a green
plant or photosynthetic algae.
Year 9 Biology Term 3: Ecology
Sampling techniques RPA Predator Prey relationships

1. Quadrats Consumers that kill and eat other animals are predators and those
eaten are prey.

Organisms are counted within a

randomly placed square

2. Transects
In a stable community the numbers of predators and prey rise
and fall in cycles.
Organisms are counted along a
belt (transect) of the ecosystem.

Biotechnology Is the variety of all different species of organisms on Earth, or

within an ecosystem.
We need to make sure we are meeting the demands of a growing Human activity can have a negative impact on biodiversity.

Some of the methods scientists have developed are: Pollution

Can occur:
1. Using the fungus Fusarium to produce mycoprotein. Requires
glucose syrup, aerobic conditions. Biomass is harvested and purified. • in water, from sewage, fertiliser or toxic chemicals
• in air, from smoke and acidic gases
2. Producing GM bacterium produces insulin to treat diabetes. • on land, from landfill and from toxic chemicals.

3. Growing GM crops to provide more/nutritional food (golden rice). Pollution kills plants and animals which can reduce biodiversity.
Year 9 Biology Term 3: Bioenergetics
Glossary: • Aerobic Respiration The Basics of Photosynthesis
The reactions involved in Photosynthesis is the process that produces ‘food’ in plants.
• Photosynthesis breaking down glucose using The ‘food’ it produces is glucose (a sugar). Photosynthesis
The process by which plants oxygen, to transfer energy. uses energy to change carbon dioxide and water into glucose
use energy to convert carbon Carbon dioxide and water are and oxygen.
dioxide and water into glucose produced.
and oxygen.
• Anaerobic Respiration
The incomplete breakdown of How Plants Use Glucose –
• Chloroplasts
glucose, which produces lactic 1. Respiration
A structure found in plant cells
acid in humans and Carbon 2. Making cellulose
and algae, which contain
dioxide and ethanol in plants 3. Making amino acids
Chlorophyll. Chloroplasts are
and yeast. It takes place in the 4. Storage
the site of photosynthesis.
absence of oxygen. 5. Covert to starch
6. Convert to lipids
• Chlorophyll
A green substance found in • Lactic Acid
chloroplasts which absorbs light The product of anaerobic
for photosynthesis. respiration that builds up in
muscles. The Rate of Photosynthesis – factors such as light intensity,
• Limiting Factor carbon dioxide level and temperature can all affect the rate.
A factor which prevents a • Oxygen Debt
reaction from going any faster The amount of extra oxygen
e.g. temperature your body needs after exercise
to react with the build up of
• Respiration lactic acid and remove it from
The process where energy is cells.
released from the breakdown
of glucose. • Metabolism
All the chemical reactions that
happen in a cell or the body.
Year 9 Biology Term 3: Bioenergetics
Photosynthesis Rate RPA Inverse Square Law Aerobic Respiration – is
source using oxygen. It is the
1) Set up a clamp stand 5) Start the stop watch and most efficient way to
containing a boiling tube at a count how many bubbles transfer energy from
distance of 10 cm away from produced in one minute. glucose.
the light source.
6) Repeat the count twice Glucose + Oxygen
2) Fill the boiling tube with the more. Then use the data to Artificially Controlling Plant Growth Carbon Dioxide + Water
sodium hydrogen carbonate calculate the mean number of Greenhouses can give ideal + Energy
solution. bubbles per minute. conditions for plant growers.
Anaerobic Respiration -
3) Put the piece of pondweed 7) Repeat steps 1 – 6 with the Temperature – trap the sun’s heat. Is the incomplete
into the boiling tube with the boiling tube at distances of breakdown of glucose,
cut end at the top. 20cm, 30cm and 40cm from Light – Supply artificial light when making lactic acid.
the light source. sun goes down.
4) Leave the boiling tube for 5 Glucose Lactic
minutes. Carbon Dioxide – Use a paraffin Acid + Energy
heater to produce carbon dioxide as
a by-product.

Exercise and Metabolism

Muscle cells use oxygen to transfer energy from glucose (aerobic

respiration), which is used to contract the muscles. Muscles fatigue
is when the muscles get tired and stop contracting efficiently.

Metabolism is the sum of all the chemical reactions in the body,

which are controlled by enzymes.
Year 9 Chemistry Term 3: Chemical Analysis
Glossary: • Formulation
Chromatography Chromatography can be used
• Pure Substance A mixture that has been
to separate mixtures and
A single element or compound designed as a useful product.
help identify substances.
that is not mixed with any other e.g. medicine, paint.
substance. • Chromatography It involves a mobile phase (e.g.
• Melting Point A technique that can be used to water or ethanol) and a
The melting point of a separate mixtures and identify stationary phase (e.g.
substance is the temperature at substances. chromatography paper).
which it changes state from • Solvent
solid to liquid. The liquid in which the solute The Rf value is calculated using:
• Boiling point dissolves to form a solution.
Rf = distance moved by substance
The boiling point of a substance compound.
distance moved by solvent
is the temperature at which it • Soluble
changes state from liquid to Able to dissolve in solvent. Rf values vary from 0 to 1
gas. • Mobile phase
Atom Phase in chromatography that
moves, usually a solvent or Testing for Oxygen Gas Tests
The smallest part of an element
that can exist. mixture of solvents.
• Stationary phase Testing for
• Element
Phase in chromatography that Carbon Dioxide
A substance made of one type
of atom only. does not move, for instance,
• Mixture the paper in chromatography.
Consists of two or more • Rf (retention factor) Testing for Hydrogen
different substances, not A measurement from
chemically joined together. chromatography:
• Compound The ratio of the distance moved Testing for Chlorine
Contains two or more types of by a compound to the distance
atom joined together. moved by solvent.
Year 9 Chemistry Term 3: Atmospheric Chemistry
Proportions of gas in the How Oxygen increased
Glossary: • Complete combustion
Earth’s Atmosphere Algae and plants produced
• Atmosphere When a fuel burns in a plentiful
supply of oxygen . the oxygen that is now in
The layers of gases that
• Incomplete combustion the atmosphere, through
surround the Earth.
When a fuel burns in a limited photosynthesis.
• Photosynthesis
supply of oxygen. Over the next billion years
A chemical process used by
• Global dimming plants evolved to gradually
plants to make glucose and
The gradual reduction in produce more oxygen. This
oxygen from carbon dioxide
radiation energy which reaches gradually increased to a
and water, using light energy.
the Earth's surface from the level that enabled animals
• Greenhouse gas
Sun due to small particles in the The Earth’s early to evolve.
A gas that absorbs long
wavelength infrared radiation atmosphere. It reduces the atmosphere
given off by the Earth but does amount of sunlight reaching the
How carbon dioxide in the
not absorb the suns radiation. Earth’s surface.
atmosphere decreased
• Greenhouse effect • Carbon Footprint
Algae and plants gradually
The retention of heat in the The amount of carbon dioxide
reduced the carbon dioxide
atmosphere caused by and other greenhouse gases
levels in the atmosphere by
greenhouse gases. given out over the full life cycle
absorbing it for
• Global Warming of a product, service or event.
An increase in the temperature • Peer review
Formation of
of the Earths surface. A process by which a scientific
Sedimentary Rock
• Climate change report is reviewed and checked
Remains of biological matter
The long-term alteration of for accuracy by other science
falls to the bottom of
weather patterns. experts before being published
oceans and over millions of
• Atmospheric pollution in a journal or on an official
years formed sedimentary
Is the release of a harmful science website.
chemical or material into the The sedimentary rocks
atmosphere. contain carbon dioxide from
the biological matter.
Year 9 Chemistry Term 3: Atmospheric Chemistry
Effects of climate change pollutants from fuels

Rising sea levels

Extreme weather events such

as severe storms
Change in amount and
distribution of rainfall
Changes to distribution of
wildlife species with some
becoming extinct

Properties and
effects of
Human activity and greenhouse gases atmospheric
Global Warming

The vast majority of scientists do believe that

humans are responsible for the increase in
greenhouse gases and therefore global warming.
This is because the majority of evidence in peer-
reviewed journals supports the theory that human
activities are causing an increase in greenhouse
gases and this is causing global warming.
Year 9 Physics Term 3: Model of Matter
Glossary: Density:
• Density • Internal energy
This is how much mass something has This is the energy that all of the atoms
relative to its volume. within a substance has. It is made of all the
kinetic and potential energy stores within
each atom.
• Displacement Latent Heat
This is where water levels rise as a dense This is the energy needed to cause 1kg of a
object sinks in water. The volume and • Conservation of mass
This is the energy that is built up in any substance to change state.
mass of water that is displaced can be
used to calculate the density of the stretched object
Energy to change = Mass (Kg )x Latent Heat (J/Kg)
sunken object.
state (J)

States of Matter
Increasing energy and state change
As a substance gains (heat) energy, the internal energy of
the substance increases. This causes the substance to
increase in temperature, however at specific points this
energy is used to overcome attractions between molecules.
As this happens, the increased energy causes the substance
to change state. This is what happens in the horizontal (flat)
lines below.

Changing state

As atoms gain or lose energy

it can ultimately result in an
overall change in state. Each
State change has a title you
need to know.

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