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Struggling with writing your thesis? You're not alone.

Crafting a thesis can be an incredibly

challenging task, requiring extensive research, critical analysis, and eloquent writing skills. One of the
most daunting sections for many students is the results discussion. This is where you not only present
your findings but also interpret and analyze them in the context of existing literature and theoretical

Navigating the intricacies of results discussion requires a deep understanding of your research topic,
a keen eye for detail, and the ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. It's not just about
stating the facts; it's about drawing meaningful conclusions, identifying patterns, and discussing the
implications of your findings for your field of study.

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Many young researchers make the mistake of formulating a research question that's either too broad
or narrow. In a short report, your discussion section will also include your conclusion(s) and you can
therefore use other headings such as 'discussion and conclusion', or simply 'conclusion(s)'. The first
method is to present the results and add a short discussion explaining them at the. The results section
is a section containing a description about the main findings of a research, whereas the discussion
section interprets the results for readers and provides the significance of the findings. Know the
important dos and don'ts to write them effectively. Discussion essays consider both sides of an
argument. Research papers are not limited to a specific field. In reporting and publishing research in
the biomedical sciences (pp. The Introduction and Discussion are natural partners: the Introduction
tells the reader what question you are working on and why you did this experiment to investigate it;
the Discussion tells the reader what the results of that experiment have to say about the bigger
question. Here’s one way to structure an effective discussion. Source:
Discussion essays consider both sides of an argument. When multiple authors have made equal
contributions to the research, they often list their names alphabetically or in a randomly determined
order. You can use a research proposal example who should use a research proposal. Keep in mind
the following points when you want to separate the results and discussion in your manuscript
Discussion sections interpret the most significant results as they help shed light on the study's
research questions. In this subsection, the findings of this study are compared and contrasted with
the literature to descriptions of sampling practices within five approaches to qualitative research in
education and. Also, your discussion should be logically structured. Police report that they have since
found the ?driver that fled the scene after causing the accident. A complete research paper in apa
style that is reporting on experimental research will typically contain a title page, abstract,
introduction, methods, results, discussion, and references sections.1 many will also. You are allowed
to be creative but this is discouraged if you are. The conclusion of the research paper conclusion is
the discussion. How can the results be used, and by whom, to accomplish some real-world goal.
Structure of the Research Paper Methods Section The research paper methods section should be well
organized to ensure that it fulfills its purpose. Alternatively, you can also begin by highlighting the
most significant or unexpected results. More details on preparing APA-style tables and figures are
presented later in the book. Indeed young colleagues have the enthusiasm, and energy required for
the conduction of the study, while middle-aged researchers have the knowledge to manage the
research, and manuscript writing. Discussion (what does it mean?): Conducting research is the first
and most exciting step in a researcher's journey. Here you can find easy tips on how to write this not
only you must present major results of your research in a convincing manner, but you must also
demonstrate that your study has a real value and. Positive Emotion Dissociation, Social
Connectedness, and Psychological Functioning”. Or if they recalled as many items as they could
from study list of 20 words, did you count the number correctly recalled, compute the percentage
correctly recalled, or perhaps compute the number correct minus the number incorrect. Discussion
sections interpret the most significant results as they help shed light on the study's research
questions. Contextualizing your findings within previous research and theory.
Discuss the implications of your findings realistically based on previous literature, highlighting both
the strengths and limitations of the research. Discussions usually consist of some combination of the
following elements. Writing a Simple.: A job application letter is used to identify and select suitable
candidates for a particular position. Introduction Sharing knowledge produced during academic life
is achieved through writing manuscripts. The first method is to present the results and add a short
discussion explaining them at the. Because the abstract is usually limited to about 200 words, it can
be a challenge to write a good one. Discussion essays consider both sides of an argument. The
second question identifies an underexplored aspect of the topic that requires investigation and
discussion of various primary and secondary sources to answer. It should also include the details of
the consenting procedure and inclusion and exclusion criteria. So i also find sociology research paper
example i have various sources. So i also find sociology research paper example i have various
sources. You can use a research proposal example who should use a research proposal. Source: The words methodology, procedure, and approach are the same. Source: Scope and limitations the scopes of this research are the students here in
xavier university of any year level. Writing the results and discussion as separate sections allows you
to focus first on what results you obtained and set out clearly what happened in your if you are
unsure whether to include certain results, go back to your research questions and decide whether the
results are relevant to them. Sometimes, the recommendations are saved for the conclusion. If the
relative flexibility of the primate larynx is robust to future analyses with more clades, it would
indicate an increased capacity to explore trait space in our lineage, which may in turn explain why
primates have developed such diverse and complex uses of the vocal organ.”. Source: wordvice-wp- Know the important dos and don'ts to write them
effectively. There is a significant positive relationship between the number of hours spent by students
in answering mathematics questions and their. This book is aimed at researchers in any discipline
who wish to write a research paper in english. Source: For example, if the public
opinion is affected by a recent event (cause), causal research would try to understand what the effect
of that particular event is. Granted that at some point in the discussion you are going to have to link
back to this previous research. A full understanding of the limitations of your research is part of a
good discussion section. These types of questions are usually unfocused and often result in research
biases that can negatively impact the outcomes of your systematic investigation. The second question
identifies an underexplored aspect of the topic that requires investigation and discussion of various
primary and secondary sources to answer. Source: For example the discussion
section therefore needs to review your findings in the context of the literature and the existing
knowledge about the subject. Source: Notice how each of these questions explore a
deeper parameter of a basic idea? Source: What conditions are needed for a wildfire to
become uncontrollable. Example of discussion in lab report. Source: It follows the
presentation of the methods and materials and is presented before the discussion section—although
the results and discussion. Subsequently, in the light of the current literature this finding is
discussed, new ideas on this subject are revealed, and the paragraph ends with a concluding remark.
The discussion informs readers about the larger implications of your study based on the results. It
includes material which does not belong to the results section such as interpretation and discussion;
Below is an example of a conclusion from a published research article. The first method is to present
the results and add a short discussion explaining them at the.
Source: Tells how the paper's results contribute to answering the big
questions posed in the introduction. Source: Research papers are not limited to
a specific field. Source: This is an introduction to writing a discussion section for a
research paper or thesis, suitable for people undertaking a masters and phd, or writing up a. A
manuscript published in a reputed journal also serves as a validation of the work done by you. In
contrast, when the two sections are separated, there is continuity in the discussion and the reader can
view and analyze the complete study in one go as opposed to reading results in between in a
combined section. Shows that demographic and prognostic variables were evenly balanced in the
process of random allocation of subjects to experimental and control groups. The above are just a
few research question examples that you can gain inspiration from. What goes in the discussion
section of a research paper. A good discussion guide is arguably the most important part of your
testing plan. The writer gathers information during the process of in-depth observation of the
primary sources books,, scientific reports, academic journals, etc. Research indicates that teacher
quality directly affects student achievement and identifies the teacher as the for example, the
national education association cites teaching assignment, administrator and mentor support, and
working conditions as reasons why. Discussion is a section of a research paper where scientists
review the information in the introduction part, evaluate gained results, or compare it with past for
example, there two main types of research papers, such as typical and serious works. In the
discussion of your research proposal, you can connect data analysis and possible outcomes to the
theory and questions that you have raised. Scope and limitations the scopes of this research are the
students here in xavier university of any year level. During an orientation meeting at the nursing
home, the rules and regulations were explained, one of which regarded the dining room. Writing a
research results section that do not address the negative results, invalidates the research paper and
does not reflect appropriate academic writing. The discussion, interpretations, and explanations are
not part of the section. Results and discussion 2.1 frequency of recycling 2.2 reasons for not
recycling 2.3 ways to improve recycling. It is used to interpret the results for readers, describe the
virtues and limitations of the study, discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the research
work done. Concluding the discussion do finish the discussion with insightful concluding thoughts.
If you are currently in this stage of your publishing journey, subscribe. Source:
For example the discussion section therefore needs to review your findings in the context of the
literature and the existing knowledge about the subject. For example the discussion section therefore
needs to review your findings in the context of the literature and the existing knowledge about the
subject. These methods involve surveys with different queries that evaluate whether students face
ragging without fear, or they feel insecure or afraid when they face such situations and how it affects
them. This lab report discussion example can be utilised as sample while working on your own
report. In addition to the main sections of the research paper, there may also be other sections such
as a literature review, which presents an overview of previous research on the topic, and an appendix,
which includes additional information or materials that are relevant to the study but not essential to
the main body of the paper. You can use a research proposal example who should use a research
proposal. The results section of a scientific research paper represents the core findings of a study
derived from the methods applied to gather and analyze information. Your statement should be
supported with examples or reference other profound research and academical works. For the
placement of references use of software programs detailed in other sections is a rational approach.
This is where you would report the results of any manipulation checks.
A complete research paper in apa style that is reporting on experimental research will typically
contain a title page, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and references sections.1
many will also. Writing a scientific discussion for a paper can be challenging. This is where you get
your chance to really shine, by introducing new data that may contribute to building up on the
collective understanding of the topics you have researched. Source: Sometimes it is
necessary to provide a preliminary discussion in your for example, if you randomly assigned subjects
into groups, are these two groups comparable? Source: Keep in mind the following points
when you want to separate the results and discussion in your manuscript. You can organize your
discussion around key themes, hypotheses or research questions, following the same structure as
your results section. Some journals may require the results and discussion as one combined section
whereas others may require them as separate sections. This lab report discussion example can be
utilised as sample while working on your own report. Also, discussion provides opportunities to
compare results with research of others. 72 examples of research paper topics in 18 different study
areas. Writing the results and discussion section could be one of the difficulties that you encounter
when writing your first research manuscript. Source: When discussing
limitations in research, explain how they impact your findings because creating their short list or
description isn't enough. Source: Or other times, for example, in an earlier
interview, words from the person being interviewed gained significance after i had then met the
concept in further sandelowski, m. Despite these limitations, the results of this study provide
valuable insight into the potential effectiveness of the reading program. He came right over to the
hospital and began helping me. Source: In reporting and publishing research in the
biomedical sciences (pp. The field experts constitute the target audience of a writer, and they possess
the background information about the chosen problem. We find that their anatomy, at once efficient
and elegant, yet also capable of bursts of incredible violence and brute force, lives up to their
monikers as the tyrant kings and queens, of the dinosaurs.”. During the proposal stage, students
should discuss their research interests with cm. For example, how long it would take for someone to
complete a math problem. Whether you need a dissertation, thesis, research, or. Be keen to check a
research paper results example for a better understanding of how to write the research paper results.
They helped me settle my case so that I didn’t have to worry about finding the money to pay my
bills. Read more Redefining accidental injuries, fatalities and responsibility An important but under-
recognized movement has developed to truly improve ?safety and prevent “accident injuries.” For
way too long designers, manufacturers and society ?leaders have ignored the well-known dangerous
situations and hazardous conditions that exist ?in the modern world. Example b is an example from
a poorly written results section. Answers often include saying who, what, when, where, how, but the
focus is always on why. Writing a scientific discussion for a paper can be challenging. Writing the
results and discussion as separate sections allows you to focus first on what results you obtained and
set out clearly what happened in your if you are unsure whether to include certain results, go back to
your research questions and decide whether the results are relevant to them. The literature review
constitutes an argument for why the current study is worth doing. So I also find sociology research
paper example I have various sources. What goes in the discussion section of a research paper. The
injury victim subsequently died of his wounds ?in the hospital. It includes material which does not
belong to the results section such as interpretation and discussion; Source: Few
possible exceptions are when the result incorporate previous result, or result from different research
that indispensable to own result, or part of he result has if the target journal author guide combine
result and discussion section, put the citations in the discussion for each result. Writing a research
results section that do not address the negative results, invalidates the research paper and does not
reflect appropriate academic writing.
The absence of tipping was a central theme in the orientation lecture, mentioned frequently to
emphasize the quality of care along with the advantages of having paid in advance. Source: For example, whether the researcher has received written permission from
individuals before participating in the interview and the privacy of responses. The researchers expect
that through this study, the xavier university will develop strategic solutions regarding study habits if
we found out that most of the students have poor study habits. But you still have the opportunity to
for example, if you have completed a qualitative research project, you might have identified some
key themes within the software program you used to. You might have extended previous work,
showed how apparently conflicting results are actually harmonious, or exposed a contradiction that
currently has no explanation. An excerpt from the discussion section of a chemistry report footnote.
Readers who are not experts in your field might read your Discussion before your Results in the
hopes that they can learn what your Results mean and why your paper is important without having
to learn how to interpret your experimental results. For example, if your sample size was small or
limited to a specific group of people, note that this limits its generalizability. In reporting and
publishing research in the biomedical sciences (pp. Research papers are not limited to a specific
field. Tells the main conclusion of the paper in one or two sentences. Source:
Writing a research results section that do not address the negative results, invalidates the research
paper and does not reflect appropriate academic writing. The discussion becomes well rounded when
you emphasize not only the impact of the study but also where it may fall short. You should also try
to write the discussion within 6 to 8 paragraphs addressing each of the points listed above. Here we
discuss the structure of research papers according to apa style. Choosing a research question is an
essential element of both quantitative and qualitative research. The results and discussion are
(relatively) cut and dried. It focuses on the figures representing the results, rather than the results
themselves and it does not introduce and refer to the. A full understanding of the limitations of your
research is part of a good discussion section. To help, this guide provides questions to ask yourself, a
basic structure to model your discussion off of and examples from published manuscripts. A full
understanding of the limitations of your research is part of a good discussion section. Scope and
limitations the scopes of this research are the students here in xavier university of any year level.
This period of time is adequate for completion of a manuscript within a few weeks which can be
generally considered as a long time interval. Outline for gay rights research paperOutline for gay
rights research paper real-world problem solving project-based solutions creative writing prompts for
grade 1 define briefly how to read a research paper. Discussion essays consider both sides of an
argument. If you want to have an effective research paper follow these step by step guide in research
paper writing which. But in quantitative research, it’s considered important to separate the objective
results from your interpretation of them. But you still have the opportunity to for example, if you
have completed a qualitative research project, you might have identified some key themes within the
software program you used to. Source: You have to describe all your
research in one sentence. Writing a scientific discussion for a paper can be challenging.

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