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Struggling to Come Up With Research Paper Topics on Overpopulation?

Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to choosing a compelling topic that
will engage readers and contribute meaningfully to the existing body of knowledge. When it comes
to a complex and pressing issue like overpopulation, the challenge can feel even more daunting.
However, with the right guidance and resources, you can tackle this task with confidence.

Overpopulation is a multifaceted issue that touches on various aspects of society, economics, and the
environment. Finding a research paper topic that not only addresses the complexities of
overpopulation but also offers valuable insights and solutions can be a significant challenge.

Here are some factors to consider when selecting a research paper topic on overpopulation:

1. Scope: Overpopulation is a broad topic, so it's essential to narrow down your focus to a
specific aspect or region. Consider exploring issues such as urbanization, resource depletion,
environmental degradation, or socio-economic implications.
2. Relevance: Choose a topic that is relevant to current debates and concerns surrounding
overpopulation. Look for recent studies, data, and trends to ensure that your research
contributes to the ongoing discourse on the subject.
3. Originality: Aim to select a topic that offers a fresh perspective or sheds new light on
existing knowledge. Avoid rehashing well-worn arguments or topics that have been
extensively covered in the literature.
4. Feasibility: Assess the feasibility of your chosen topic in terms of available resources, data
accessibility, and research methodologies. Ensure that you have access to the necessary tools
and information to conduct thorough research and analysis.

If you find yourself struggling to come up with a compelling topic or feeling overwhelmed by the
demands of writing a thesis on overpopulation, don't despair. Help is available.

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Other way to define overpopulation is in terms critical factors. Ordinario U C. (2003, December 3).
High population growth problem or a resource. A lot of these third world countries barely get any
funding on birth control. In Nigeria alone, 351 000 ha of land are being removed every year. 51% of
the fossil fuels on Earth are being used byUSA and China alone, leaving less than half for the
remaining countries, including those inAfrica. India Together. Retrieved on October 26, 2011 from
India and Family Planning: An Overview (2009) Department of Family and Community Health,
World Health Organization. The aggregate demand in a country rises and this depicts that people
want to consume more. And considering how the issue of overpopulation is a major, major concern
even in economically powerful countries, the same can be assumed to be just as applicable in the
case of the many developing countries all over the world, maybe even more so. Name: Nick I am a
very busy person who values time. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as
your own, that is cheating. Also you. The population growth has been experienced since the last 60
years. Today, with our limited natural resources and the rapid growth of human population
worldwide, overpopulation has indeed become a serious problem. Girls in hot climatic areas reach
puberty at the age of 12 or even less. With the population of roughly 6. 8 billion today and 211,000
people added every day, the earth is likely to reach the 9. 2 billion point by 2050 (Johnson, 2007).
Like any other issue, overpopulation has good and bad sides. In this way Pakistan is following
Russia and Brazil in the population growth that is quite disturbing situation. This is not only for
religious but for practical reasons as well, especially when one considers how nearly 57 million
people are dependent on the Yamuna’s waters in particular (Jain et al, 2007). Couples must be most
responsible to gain more ideas what family planning is all about. The effects of the aging population
can be exaggerated but increase in foreign aid for the family planning program especially to countries
who are poor and lack of resources must enhance proper knowledge in population growth.
Overpopulation and climate change in the article overpopulation and climate change arthur h. If truth
be told, there is virtually a general agreement that there is more than sufficient supply of food in the
planet to feed the entire population of the world. High Cost of Living: As difference between
demand and supply continues to expand due to overpopulation, it raises the prices of various
commodities including food, shelter and healthcare. Loss of forests has disturbed the natural
ecosystem balance causing a major upheaval in the oxygen-carbon dioxide ratio in the environment.
A thesis statement presents the paper s topic and communicates the author s position. Each
breadwinner for a family will have to feed more mouths due to the population explosion. You will
never fail a class due to late submissions. 3 100% Plagiarism Free We value our spotless record of
providing original academic papers above all. This is certainly not an exploratory or hypothetical
practice. In this research the cause and effect of overpopulation is discuss and solution that can be
done to solve this kind of problem. Effects of overpopulation of environment thus can be
summarized into. If you told someone they’d be moving from their dream home into an apartment,
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They skillfully combine their artistic abilities in writing texts with a set of individual requirements for
different types of work, including essays. Increase in Resources: It is necessary to increase mineral,
agricultural and. Overpopulation is conventionally seen as a threat as it requires the government to
provide for the increased needs of the people. As rains disappear, agriculture suffers, and much of
the land available for farming would also become unfit for growing crops, due to desertification and
salinization. This is highly important as we can avoid many issues such as the depletion of resources
and avoid scarcity of resources. Already the world’s population has exceeded the earth’s carrying
capacity, and as per the 2006 World Wide Fund for Nature and Global Footprint Network reports we
are already using 40% more than what the Earth can resource back, and if the European consumption
rates are taken as the world’s average, then we are using around three times more than what the Earth
can regenerate (WWF, 2006). Overpopulation. Cherry Lake Pub., 2008. Greene, R.W. Malthusian
Worlds: US Leadership and the Governing of the Population Crisis. The distribution of wealth
within the country is also very uneven, with a bare few getting to enjoy the nation’s riches at the cost
of the many. Nevertheless, the United States pulled out of the agreement Domonoske, essay
overpopulation, which suggests that an even broader, essay overpopulation, stricter mandate designed
to address multiple overpopulation issues would have a hard time winning political favor from
powerful leaders. At the same time, though, even such marked improvements in the water sanitation
systems are not enough to significantly improve the quality of life enjoyed by most Indian citizens,
necessitating even more improvements to be made. The most disturbing feature of the actual
population crises is that extremely few understand them, and majority still believes that the contrary
exists. The poverty line is extremely low, at 100,534 pesos, or 5,329.31 USD. Compared to the US,
with a poverty line of 22,541 USD (with approximately 14.5% of Americans falling below the US
poverty level), this number is alarming. Performers of student work will help solve the problem.
Ordinario U C. (2003, December 3). High population growth problem or a resource. Let us write or
edit the research paper on your topic. This essay will examine the problem of overpopulation and
suggest some ways of solving the problem. Today, with our limited natural resources and the rapid
growth of human population worldwide, overpopulation has indeed become a serious problem. The
concern over the exploding population has become close to alarm. That is why buying a cheap essay
is considered one of the fastest and most effective ways to solve the current situation. A similar
economic justification is widespread starvation, and smaller populations would imply lesser
incidences of starvation. Pet keeping institutions or individuals who are in favor of keeping pets
should fulfill the responsibility with due diligence. Owing to river water pollution often the water is
unfit for consumption and agricultural purposes, and depleting underground water levels due to
overconsumption have become a source of constant worry for the scientists. Overpopulation resulted
risks and challenges to people as well. Particularly, governments should reevaluate its policies where
fault is charged to the failure to realize population shift. Gilland (2008) defines overpopulation as
“relation to a country’s ability to feed its inhabitants” (p. 122). In the global contexts, overpopulation
implies that the planet no longer possesses resources necessary to satisfy even the basic human needs.
Government should go beyond it: they should reject overt and covert forms of stern population
control policies totally. Overpopulation leads to famine pollution unemployment and poverty it is a
real problem not only for underdeveloped countries but also threatening the entire human population.
We take even the tightest deadline as a challenge and strive to produce the best papers in the shortest
amount of time. Functionalism as a word is interesting and useful. The only problem is that no one
would ever conform to this idea- people wouldn’t want to live in places that they aren’t adapted to.
However, it should be reiterated that all these groups are making at least one glaring omission.
However, this would be better shown in a greater respect for the Ganges by combatting water
pollution, rather than carelessly dumping all manner of waste into its holy waters. Indeed, the fact
that more Indian children suffer from malnutrition as compared to their Ethiopian peers should
speak for itself (Page, 2007). Governing an overpopulated country presents problems. The economy
is stretched beyond belief, and civil wars break our left, right, and centre. Those downstream then
use this water for drinking, bathing and washing, blissfully unaware of exactly what they are
ingesting into their bodies (National Geographic Society, 1995). As we collectively strive to find
sustainable solutions to the impacts of overpopulation, there is a tangible hope that our societies will
witness a positive transformation, resolving the intricate problems currently plaguing us. Starvation is
a huge issue facing the world and the mortality rate for children is being fuelled by it. Medical
science made many discoveries thanks to which they were able to defeat a whole range of diseases.
The Earth can only produce a limited amount of water and food, which is falling short of the current
needs. If you have your ideas and suggestions for writing an essay, the author will hear the wishes
and help to state them correctly. However, it will be challenging and much more fulfilling than
struggling to reduce the current and future populations of the world. People living in slum areas are
exposed to all kinds of diseases because of poor hygienic conditions. In this case, both men are in
need of assistance in order to improve their quality of life. This essay overpopulation led to habitat
essay overpopulation for both housing and food production purposes, as well as the depletion of
freshwater resources. The causes of overpopulation in India can be generalized to other Asian
developing countries because they have similar cultures. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and
Conditions. It has been estimated that in the year Pakistan population will going to reach Million
What is overpopulation essay. Effects of overpopulation of environment thus can be summarized
into. This is because the family needed unhired laborers to bring in their crops. Even worse is that
some governments may not be that effective at providing for their far-too-many citizens to begin
with, resulting in widespread suffering all over the country. Under this movement, sterilization and
birth controls were used. These plants could contain cures for diseases that will never be found. You
can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.
Over the century people overcome many obstacles and still, people all over the world facing the same
issues that threatened our beloved mother of earth such as overpopulation and poverty. It would be
appropriate to base overpopulation in regard to the country’s population growth, living standards and
other factors. As such, the reality that there is an absence of accurate documentations of bigger world
populations simply implies that humanity’s experience is deficient in understanding how to survive
with bigger populations (Gilland 2008). It began with introducing a scientist by the name of Paul
Earlier who was a biologist. A victim of terrorism will not be able to realize this while he
decomposes underground, so it is important that the citizens take action now. Poverty, in turn, can
never be completely advocated as long as a large chunk of the population lives on the sidewalk, in
cardboard boxes, in shantytowns or in dank, one-bedroom apartments. This is a direct result of
overpopulation in the Philippines.
However, another theory is that the overpopulation can provide benefits to their society. However,
the issue of overpopulation can be tackled by providing financial incentives to small size families and
diminishing poverty rate as well as achieving equal balance between birth and death rate. Energy,
food, clean water and air, housing, sanitation, medical and other health related supplies,
transportation, clothing, good education, job shortages; competitive economic, religious, social and
political clashes are only a few of the things that would be the points of contention. Proponents of
population reduction claim that the world is doomed and the only solution is population control
(Andreason 1999). Furthermore, this population growth may be twice as huge as the world’s total
population during the Reformation. His main focus was the negative effects over-population has had
on society such as the quickly depleting resources. Currently, there are local, regional, and national
legal mandates that help promote sustainability, but I believe that there needs to be a worldwide
mandate on issues related to essay overpopulation that includes an enforcement mechanisms.
Specifically, I propose that leaders from every country come together to essay overpopulation caps
on carbon emission, pollution creation, water usage, and habitat destruction. The Harmful Effects of
Overpopulation on the Human and Physical Environment: A Myth or Reality. Parents want their
daughters to get married as soon as they reach puberty. Obviously, the time will come when the
growing population will need to fight hard to satisfy the growing feeling of hunger. The ice cap of
the world has reduced significantly due to global warming. Conclusion In light of all that has been
said, the best solution would be for the Indian government to not only focus on stepping up its
campaigns on the environment, especially where water sanitation and treatment are concerned. When
we reach our ultimate carrying capacity our population is guaranteed to decline due to lack of
resources and this would be a bad thing for all of mankind, competing for the same resources
generally causes conflict. Immigration: Many people prefer to move to developed countries like US,
UK, Canada and Australia where best facilities are available in terms of medical, education, security
and employment. The pieces of evidence presented by census findings, instead of theories of
demography, furnish the inevitable core of this idea. Overpopulation has a definite effect on a
country’s economy. This implies that overpopulation occurs when there are more people in relation to
the resources available to them for their survival and livelihoods. Overpopulation and the Current
Sustainability Solutions The growing scarcity of food resources leads governments and social groups
to propose and implement sustainable solutions to the problem of overpopulation. Even worse, India
is also known for having people relieve themselves out in the open, frequently in the water. More and
more visitors use Filipino Doctors to look for physicians, specialists, clinics and hospitals in the
Philippines. The current state of overpopulation and the continuous population growth on the planet
will lead to global crash of the most important supply systems (Cassis, 2004). The author of the work
entitled The Population Explosion, Paul Ehrlich, has remarked, “By assaulting the earth’s ecosystems,
humanity is, in essence, sawing off the limb on which it perches” (Andreason 1999, 770). Poverty is
the biggest hallmark we see when talking about overpopulation. And if there is migration, nations
with optimal populations are also affected and they would have to find ways and means of reducing
the flow of migrants into their countries. Again, it is worst in the underdeveloped countries, where
95% of the sewage, especially from factories, is dumped into the water system untreated, which
ultimately makes its way into the ocean (Stancheva). Increased immigration and birth rates, and a
decline in the rate of mortality, are evident causes of overpopulation. Start with the “Order now”
button, and we'll gently walk you through the motions of placing the order. In their own ways, these
equally important concerns take effect all at the same time, resulting in an even bigger problem. This
overpopulation has caused various problems in the country, such as scarcity of resources,
environmental issues, and economic consequences. This increasing population, in turn, affects many
features which include the negative contribution to the beauty of land, forests, environment and the
entire ecosystem.
At the current rate it is projected that by 2050, there would be around 9 billion people in this world.
However, no dangers are as threatening to humanity as those created by humans themselves. The
Earth can only produce a limited amount of water and food, which is falling short of the current
needs. Advocates of this assumption argue that failure to control population growth will push people
towards the mercy of extremely scarce resources, resulting in a massive reduction of the population
(Greene 1999). The problem with overpopulation is that the government and the higher authorities
find it difficult to supply the required means to everyone. Another solution for overpopulation is to
increase the ecological limit and its efficiencies rather than reducing the population. Human
resourcefulness and creativity has not merely discovered additional sources of nonrenewable
resources, it has other technologies anticipating additional growth when natural gas and oil are
depleted, such as water, wind, solar, etc. (Green 2008) One should not apply the slogan “sustainable
development” (Andreason 1999, 771) for arguing that solely by reducing the population can the
environment be adequately flexible to human utilization. This results in a high level of crime because
the people will need to steal things in order to survive. The problem is that even if these countries
were to develop faster and have a better economy even that wouldn’t solve the problem as the
damage is already done. A lot of the third world countries face a lot of difficulty in growing and this
mainly because of overpopulation. Name: Course: Lecturer: Date: overpopulation World
overpopulation is the source of all ills that afflict the world such as climate change, environmental
destruction, poverty, and water and food scarcity; moreover, overpopulation has cultural and
economic consequences like the financial crisis. Name: Nick I am a very busy person who values
time. A lot of the third world countries face a lot of difficulty in growing and this mainly because of
overpopulation. As a result parents want to have more children because of high infant mortality. This
is because when natural resources are put to a use that is beyond the normal, there would be some
implications for other resources outside the nation or community. This essay will examine the
problem of overpopulation and suggest some ways of solving the problem. Thanks to WayWrite I
managed to kick my professors butt and party all the night.:) Name: Joanna Had some minor typos to
fix but overall the content was great. Gilland (2008) defines overpopulation as “relation to a
country’s ability to feed its inhabitants” (p. 122). In the global contexts, overpopulation implies that
the planet no longer possesses resources necessary to satisfy even the basic human needs. With seven
billion people and counting, at what point will people become concerned with the future and what
their children’s lives will be like? When we reach our ultimate carrying capacity our population is
guaranteed to decline due to lack of resources and this would be a bad thing for all of mankind,
competing for the same resources generally causes conflict. However, none of these have made a
dent on the population. Open dialogue on abortion and voluntary sterilization should be seen when
talking about overpopulation. The final section analyzes some of the arguments put forward by the
critics of overpopulation. Overpopulations requires immediate solutions as it has reached alarming
rates. Degradation of Environment: With the overuse of coal, oil and natural gas, it has started
producing some serious effects on our environment. The paper will draw upon the case of China
since it is considered as one of the countries with a large population. The major consequences of
overpopulation due to globalization can be attributed to shortage of water and natural resources.
Such authors as P. Researchers state that population growth has a great influence on food shortage.
However, apparently, the reality that populations are enduring starvation is not brought about by any
global scarcity of food. World Wide Fund. Humanity's Demands Exceed our Planet's Capacity to
Sustain Us.
The impracticality of accommodating such a vast number of job seekers simultaneously results in a
surplus of qualified individuals unable to secure employment. This is because when China's
population grows, the pressure on Chinese resources would be so high that a section of the Chinese
community would have to leave the country in order to find other resources to survive on. By
continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. In their own ways, these equally important
concerns take effect all at the same time, resulting in an even bigger problem. The author of the paper
states that an individual is considered living under poverty if the monetary income and the social,
cultural, and material resources of the person are not enough to provide the individual with a
standard of living that is considered the norm within the society. Event though, many researches
have been done to solve this problem but still human population is gradually increasing. So, if
someone came and told you you’d be moving from Chicago to Zimbabwe, you’d probably protest-
you’ve grown attached to your home, and the cultural systems of your home. The loss of these
forests leads to extinction of plants and animals. Global warming the ozone holes rainforest
destruction pollution and many more. The pollution levels have increased with our rapidly growing
population causing harm to our wellbeing and the environment. And almost 75% of this came from
the water that they are using. The only way to find balance in this by equalizing the number of deaths
per birth but this hasn’t happened in a long time because of improved healthcare people are living
longer. Each person will not get proper medical attention and the death rates will rise, especially for
children. Families that have been through poverty, natural disasters or are simply in need of more
hands to work are a major factor for overpopulation. According to the Ecological Society of America
(2000), an ecosystem is a community of animals and plants interacting with one another and their
physical environment. You will never fail a class due to late submissions. 3 100% Plagiarism Free We
value our spotless record of providing original academic papers above all. A country might progress
but the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita will fall due to rising consumption levels. In an
essay, the author expresses his point of view on a problem or topic, and in an essay, his attitude
towards the work of a particular author. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers
as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Desalination of sea and brackish water is the only solution
offered for the water crises, and is not really a very viable one. This is especially true in India where
the poorest of the poor are said to live, oblivious or otherwise apathetic to the ways by which they
make their lives worse each day. The biggest and major problem is rapid increase in the number of
people. Proponents of population reduction claim that the world is doomed and the only solution is
population control (Andreason 1999). The standard level of population that a community's resources
can support is known as the optimum population (Nagel and Guinness 111). This solution will
inevitably face political problems, essay overpopulation many countries will probably be reluctant to
give up their sovereignty and submit to a sustainability mandate. Global recognition of
overpopulation as a pressing issue has led to extensive studies assessing the consequences of
population growth. However, just because Manila is extremely dense doesn’t mean the whole country
is overpopulated- but what effects are felt from the overpopulation of cities like Manila, and to the
country as a whole. Instead of having a limited access to natural resources, most resources in the
natural environment transcend natural borders.. This often results in pressure over natural resources,
pollution, congestion, unorganized development amongst others. Another reason is because the more
people a family had, the more likely it was that some of the children would survive and help their
parents when they became old. Medicine and modern knowledge are controlling epidemics and
individuals are able to live longer and fight off infections more easily.
And considering how the issue of overpopulation is a major, major concern even in economically
powerful countries, the same can be assumed to be just as applicable in the case of the many
developing countries all over the world, maybe even more so. The sense of Responsibility: Everyone
must realize his role in national prosperity. Overpopulation resulted risks and challenges to people as
well. The population has to be reduced to fit the ecological limit. However, none of these have made
a dent on the population. World Wide Fund. Humanity's Demands Exceed our Planet's Capacity to
Sustain Us. Forests will be cut down to build housing for the rising population. Rostow, the Great
Population Spike represents the rise and fall of population rates since the mid-eighteenth century and
the relative social and economic waves caused by below-replacement fertility causing newer forms
of political economies to emerging. This is because when natural resources are put to a use that is
beyond the normal, there would be some implications for other resources outside the nation or
community. These factors all serve to aggravate the overarching problem of overpopulation.
Application of Remote Sensing and GIS Technology in Agriculture by SOUMIQUE A. Awesome
Inc. theme. Theme images by molotovcoketail. Countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan require the
most amount of family planning as most of the population are struggling to make ends meet. Air
pollution happens both indoors and outdoors and is enhanced by natural mechanisms and human
activities. This becomes even more applicable considering that India’s citizens really ought to know
better than dump their trash into supposedly sacred and holy waters, not least because these also
double as sources of drinking water. NOW, that the problems abound, the duty of each citizen and
the government is to confiscate abused land with haphazard buildings, give a half to professional
architects and builders, to provide shelters for these nomads who abuse the scanty lands in the cities.
Although apparent solutions to sustaining and restoring the environment are not constantly imminent,
steps forward are being attained. Certainly, protection and conservation of the environment is a
reasonable objective, but not a reasonable argument for population reduction (Chiarelli 1998).
Exactly why India is home to so many of the poor and the marginalized is mind-boggling,
considering how rich it is in terms of natural resources. More to the point, the fact that India is
exceeded by one other country in terms of overpopulation does not make it any less overpopulated.
Couples must be most responsible to gain more ideas what family planning is all about. However, the
root cause of all these evils is overpopulation, which is devastating the entire Earth and its
environment. However, no dangers are as threatening to humanity as those created by humans
themselves. In fact, one-third of the entire Indian population is said to live below the poverty line. In
their own ways, these equally important concerns take effect all at the same time, resulting in an even
bigger problem. Due to overpopulation and hence over exploitation the world s oceans are being
pushed beyond their breaking point. But when there are too many people in one place, the
government’s already limited ability to provide for its citizens becomes even more constrained. The
latter are an essential nonliving component of the growing population. Place An Order One form, a
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